How do we fix Digimon?

How do we fix Digimon?

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tamagochi style phone game

Make them real.

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Mating press

More incest

Less oldhags and more lolis and loli nipples in anime. Aging up characters for videogames was a mistake. Also more sexy digimons like angewoman. Also more hikari naked.

I've always played pokemon instead of digimon, but I'm done with fucking gamefreak and their incompetence. What are some good digimon games? no matter the console.

I play both. Digimon World is most hardcore and unique one. You have card battle game also Digimon World 3, Digimon Redigtize Decode and Digimon Next Order. Avoid Cyber Sleuth they're garbage and not digimon.

Her thing looks so firm...

If you're fed up with Game Freak's incompetence, just imagine Bandai Namco's.