*Stands unshaken*

*Stands unshaken*

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Other urls found in this thread:


howdy mister.

Here's your Game of That Year, Arthur.

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Was it too kino for it's own good?

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Yea Forums

I fucking miss the rdr2 threads dude. Dutchposting was genuinely the funniest thing

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It's okay boah

Fuck playing as marston give me back Arthur

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Yes, this game is too purely concentrated kino to keep the attention of most people
I actually had to try to not cry when Arthur takes his hat off and puts it on John

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It was fine but the Marston part was a bit too much. They could've released it as a DLC and I think it would get a better reception.

John’s model looks so weird.

THAT NAIL DOES FUCKING NOTHING it triggers me so fucking much they went out to detail everything super realistic and they can't that one shit properly

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Is kino another word for boring?
Yeah yeah whatever nerd totally haven't seen this 1000 times in the countless westerns out there.

>undead nightmare 2 never

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glad you didn't play the game pleb. you don't deserve it.


>The Grip-Rite 3 in. 10D Fluted Masonry Nails (1 lb.-Pack) can be used to attach furring strips and floor plates to uncured concrete. The nails feature a fluted shank to help provide better holding.

Do some actual carpentry once in your life you indoor kid

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What was the point of her character again? The only thing I remember her doing is fucking Dutch and leading the Pinkertons to camp

>and leading the Pinkertons to camp
it wasn't her

>The only thing I remember her doing is fucking Dutch and leading the Pinkertons to camp
how about you finish the story first you fucking subhuman.

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>fooled by micah

I liked Marston better than Arthur.

>y-you didn't play it
I did. I also found it funny how apparently in this world TB can take a apparent brickwall of a man like Arthur and kill him in like two weeks tops.
Even though that's not at all how TB works.


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Same. I actually like playing as John more. He looked cooler in some of the outfits

The game took place over more than a couple of months. Also they moved into a swamp which the humid air makes the tb worse. Also he smoked, and had extreme physical exertion. Why dont you brush up on your tuberculosis facts before spouting off at the mouth.

>The game took place over more than a couple of months.
And? TB even back in its hayday took years if not decades to kill someone.

ive been there

>in like two weeks tops.
lul, get outed fag. watching a streamer isn't the same as playing the game.

TB can kill in a few weeks in vulnerable individuals and under the right conditions, otherwise it often kills within 2-6 months.

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>run towards horse and attempt to hop on in Saint Denis
>Arthur bodyslams some poor old lady instead
>this sets off every cop in the city at once
>they begin firing wildly in my direction taking out terrifed NPCs in the crossfire
>entire city errupts in an orgy of violence and bullets

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when john dug the hat out again from under his bed after all those years, sent fire through my veins

he should have been in a hospital long before that final sequence. makes me upset seeing him get broken down like that, sometimes i feel the same way

>Huh i really showed him this time i have the intellectual high ground

Look at the video 'kiddo' you are not even talking about the same thing and the nails in the video are not even the same its just regular nails and hes just hammering it in all the way into the wood not even long enough to go through it its just in the wooden pillars

>watching a streamer isn't the same as playing the game
i did play the game you fag. and im still pissed i let Yea Forums trick me into buying it.

>Chase after Micah on the mountain
>RDR1 theme starts playing

Pure kino

There was really no point to her other than her become a minor scapegoat for the real rat in the gang later on. Also she wasn't the one who led the pinkertons there

It's a shame that by the time you switch over to him, most of the random events are likely already played out and the world feels much emptier. I really wish they kept the infinite random events from RDR1, it's nice that more of them are unique and all, but you could play RDR1 as long as you wanted and there'd always be something going on out in the world no matter what. The longer you play 2, the less stuff happens out in the world, which is kinda lame desu

Glad to see some fags here are still triggered about this game
I fucking loved it

Mary Beth was better.

>chasing dutch
>nigger ooga booga music from 2018 starts playing
Alpha male.

This fucking this going up the mountain with that kick ass song blaring was so fucking kino

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was dutch really going to shoot her or just slap her around a little

you should be happy that someone put your pleb ass into place and let you experience the game of the decade. Also, Yea Forums didn't shill this game at all, so yeah, you're all over the place boy.

This game would've been 9/10 if wasn't for that strong woman they had to insert to make SJWs happy.

why cant you just admit women are strong

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>tfw NPCs keeps mentioning how fucked up and ragged he looks
>He just keeps carrying on with no response

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dutch knew too, he just never gave a damn. typical commie use and abuse type

Quit using the word pleb you fucking nerd.
And to call this the "game of the decade" is ridiculous. It isn't even the best open world game to come out in the past decade.

only cowboy games count

Lost to GoW lmfao. The state of western video game awards. Laughable nominees

Well I guess they did win then. Honestly fuck faggotstar for scaring everyone away from western games.
Now all we get is GTA with horses and nothing else.

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The problen with RDR2 is that it was too KINO for a videogame.

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I like greasy arthur

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>release an emotional rollercoaster of a game that's so buggy and massive and full of personality and and
>suddenly Online RDR
>it's literally just GTAO reskinned and full of awkward grind bullshit and everything sucks
>just rape the entire experience and memory of your love letter to the west for the sake of some multiplayer microtransaction bullshit

i've never been in more of a hurry to completely forget a game as i have been with RDR 2, the whole thing is fuckin tainted by rockstar's greedy yid practices

Red herring and nothing more. Only thing I remember about her is that she's jealous of Mary Beth because there's a bunch of camp interactions where Dutch is very obviously flirting with her and she either doesn't realise or pretends not to.

>ywn have a freckled irish wife with big tits

That's what you get for going back for money instead of ensuring your bro makes it out.

Being Irish that doesn't appeal to me as much. I want a wife like Mary Beth though.

>& people are scared of AI taking over the world
Us gamers know the truth

Micah did nothing wrong. I was just a survivor and that dumb blacklung was trying to be a moralfag because he started dying.

>What was the point of her character again?
You can say this about most of the camp. This game reeks of cut content, the signs are everywhere.

I saw Karen slap the shit out her at one point. There's a lot of instances where she walks over to where the women sleep and gets in arguments with them. She even starts ranting and talking to herself at Shady Belle. I was pretty impressed by how they handled the camp and how every character, no matter how small of a roll they play, has their own thing going on with several interactions with other characters and all that.

I miss him, lads...

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>Not realizing that Rockstar was able to make the world that detailed by promising investors that everything could also be used in the online game, which would obviously print money
>They only ever gave a shit about the single player
>Give the asshole who sends your hero to his death the same last name as your parent company's CEO

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Plis guys, I want a good farming/glitch method to make big fat cash online.

It's funny just how quickly Online died. Someone mus have gotten fired over that.

Apparently investers are happy since it's making more money than GTA: Online did at the same period in it's lifecycle.

>It isn't even the best open world game to come out in the past decade.
name one game that is better then and I'll show you you're wrong pleb.

Hosea is underrated. He's a fucking skinny badass.
>Guess that's the end of the cribbage game

I thought his death scene was one of the saddest, he tried to act like he was ready to die in the streets with dignity and they just shot him in the fucking back.

It's actually much better now, there are hardly any griefers because all the kiddies have gona back to GTA

They didn't compromise the singleplayer portions for the sake of multi, and I didn't get it for multi in the first place so I'm personally not bothered by that portion being shit

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I would have given it more of a shot if they had free aim lobbies and people couldn't just instantly lock on and blow a hole through your horse's dome, making you wait for it to recover or whatever that dumbass system does.

Yeah, it does help to hang around the camp to hear all the conversations, really helps flesh out some of the characters who get sidelined pretty hard in favour of Lenny/Charles like Javier or Pearson and most of the women save Abigail and Sadie.


It's still bad in some of those multiplayer modes, too.
>One shot kill every single time by the same asshole who is just sitting there with auto-aim

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>No LeMat in singleplayer
Why did they do this?

Online sucks quit playing it

Single player is boring since I play as one body type costume

I get it, you like dutch posters, they're charming fellas. They make sense. But they take things just a little too far. Instead of just loving the vidya and Yea Forums and the harmony between anons and games. He Derails threads for (you)s.
Now I'm not great intellect, but the metaphysical leap from posting a meme to calling a man a KEK because he doesn't LIKE the meme, is a step too far.
I miss dutchposting so much

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cool interactive movie i must say

I liked the two, but them and later on Sadie really take up far too much screentime to the detriment of everyone else.

They did the same with the Evans repeater, it's like they want you to completely forget all about the single player and only care about the shitty online mode.

I was a bit disappointed we didn't get any navy style wheelguns myself

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it sure is when you can't play it pcfag.

I hated that mary beth wasn't even involved in any makor missions except the early on in valentine and side mission with Shaun, she was deserved way more screen time.

That's exactly what they're doing. They're trying to entice you to play their awful online mode and drop mad dosh on gold bars and all that faggy shit if you want any new content.

online got that lemat revolver with the shotgun barrel, which is a real thing. too bad it will never come to single player. and the single player UI is based around online... haha

>rdr2 fanboy trying to start masterrace war
just goes to show how stupid rdr2 fanboys are

Listen folks. I know we've had a tough run. We lost /u/ on the escape out from Yea Forums, but just listen. ONE MORE SCORE and we'll have the money to get out of here. If you have some god damn FAITH we'll be off 4channel, harvesting mangos in no time.

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>to start masterrace war

Not him but you're the one starting shit bro, of course it feels like a movie when you have no option but to watch it on youtube. Just wait a bit longer, it will come to PC.

Am I the only one who liked Pearson?

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Nah I liked him too.

They'll do the same shit they did with GTA. When it re-releases on the new consoles and on PC, they will add all the online weapons to singleplayer.

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Were all gonna make it

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Actually they didn't.
They waited for him to turn around and he got shot.

>we lost /u/ on the escape out from Yea Forums
So nothing of value was lost? Micah would properly browse /pol/ and /k/ since he loves his revolvers but what would the others browse?


This was definitely one of the saddest moments in the game for me. Things were already fucked up, and i knew that it would only get much worse from here. Seeing everyone happy and together for the last time was much worse than i expected

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>weather gets worse as soon as Dutch opens his mouth

They don't want people testing it in singleplayer. I wish I was joking, but it's why they stopped adding stuff to GTAV SP.

RDR2 is the cinematic zoomer experience for zoomers who can’t play video games like RDR but want to watch them instead and say that they played them

the only actual bad part of the game for me is Guarma. Felt rushed and out of place. And also after it you're just waiting for thing to end, while the game has a lot to offer still.

>tripnigger thinks its opinions matter

Because they want to squeeze every single dollar out of you when you'll play Online.

Guarma felt like Uncharted level

I know this is bait, but zoomers actually hate anything that doesn't require a button input ever 2 seconds.

Imagine seeing kino and getting this upset lol

that's actually spot on. And also a good argument when someone tries to compare uncharted or god of war with rdr2.

Zoomers hate this game which is why they all went back to GTAO

What kind of subhuman goes for the money instead of saving John ?

Bro you are a legit moron

His end credit scene when he looks at the photo of the gang is kino. Seems like he’s the only survivor of the gang who is nostalgic about it.

I did 2nd playthrough

i actually spent a long time in the last chapter finishing challeneges and doing side missions. aside from how fucked up everything was, it was the best part of the game - the map was open, i had a shit ton of money, and i had an odd feeling of calm and peacefulness for most of that segment of the game. it was clearly the end, so i felt no need to rush or act crazy

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>hold x to pick shit up
whats with devs making everyone button need to be held
why cant i just tap it

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Makes no fucking sense story wise too. Why would Arthur give a shit about the money? He knew he was going to die anyway.

I think the morality is pretty misunderstood in rdr2. It's not good or bad, it's more like thinking about yourself vs. thinking about others.

Fucking kek, you needed v to tell you to play the game of the year, you double deserved to not enjoy it then

Arthur browses /an/


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What does your tripcode contribute to the conversation?

Are you fucking retarded?

Zoomers hate this game because it doesn't control like fortnite

Well John just doesn't like to talk about it because it reminds him of Arthur.

she didn't deserve it

also same with Arthur's love

You're deluded and incorrect

did the same thing, wanted to finish as much as I can of the game. And even that kinda made sense since Arthur is also aware his end is getting near, so he spends his time doing the things he likes and for what he wants to be remembered for.
After that I just couldn't go on with John wearing Arthurs clothes. The hat is one thing, but wearing some crafted hunting stuff or a shirt I bought as Arthur felt really creepy.

>Just hammering X instead of timing it with the animation

>everyone: Let us play John again!

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Loved it overall but it dragged in certain points towards the end, the Native American plot thread was predictable and badly done relying on cliches and doing all those missions with Micah when Arthur has already concluded that he and Dutch are setting them up for certain doom was frustrating. It should have picked up the pace sooner especially as Arthur knew he was going to die soon. They also royally screwed the pooch with Dutch because they could not commit to making clear what his real intentions were having him stare down Arthur in his last moments and then AGAIN stare down John in the epilogue where he should have had his moment of "Frankly I don't give a fuck about the lot of you". Dutch was very compelling up to that point.

Wish we got an Undead Nightmare 2 to see how Dutch and the gang would handle the apocalypse, it may still be in a pipeline as I expect it would be Rockstar's most ambitious DLC to date considering the size of the map (I would cut New Austin/West Elizabeth personally but wouldn't know how they'd go about doing that).

>didn't compromise single player for multi
>tons of clothing options for males never available to Arthur and John for no reason
>entire plotlines that could've been used for John and Arthur about being either an assistant to a Marshal or lean into Criminal
>an entire use for New Austin

You what?

>They also royally screwed the pooch with Dutch
lol no they didn't

how is it a monkey paw if I loved it ?

I crafted new clothes for John, but he just never really looked right somehow. Arthur was just a much better looking, more /fa/ character.

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lol cope

John, for some reason, is a skeleton in the epilogue

iirc I think the idea is that you'd be getting the Money for John, plus its more like John or Revenge

Tell me how him stepping out of that cabin after being missing for several years, shooting Micah and strolling away without saying a word for the second time is at all interesting. It was a total cop-out.

Yeah, he starts skinny, but as the epilogue goes on he starts to gather more muscle!

With what Abigail calls grub can you blame him?

>give option in settings so you don't have to mash X/A as much while on foot
>Dont apply this to your horse, your main method of transportation
What the fuck were they thinking? I liked how the horse controlled more realistically and fluidly compared to rdr1's more arcade like feel qt the cost of being a bit slower overall but fuck is it annoying having to mash to maintain decent speed. Also wish you could turn off the whole automatically slowing you down in towns shit, I get it's to stop some dumb zoomer from blazing through town and trampling someone by accident but If I can control it well enough I shouldn't be forced to do so. Also not a big fan of how the cores are handled since it feels like it was suppose to be something you really needed to maintain but the games usually easy enough you don't need them, and even then foods so easy to get it's a non issue.

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>man who does bad shit and wrongs people that cared about him regrets his past actions

you've never opened a book in your life

You're dumb

R* is actually based for not listening to the fans. Also sneed.

The weight stats get bugged when you move from Arthur to John, they why he looks like an insect.

It's no less interesting than whatever you suggested.

>Wish we got an Undead Nightmare 2
am I the only one who disliked the original Undead Nightmare?

The chapter 3 camp has the best lighting I’ve ever see

that would make it play like some Ubishit aka boring.

I wasn't the biggest fan of it. But I don't know if I really played enough of it to really get into it.

You’re not fooling anyone zoomers

This game is the GOAT and literally nothing except Red Dead Redemption 3 could change my mind


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>Also not a big fan of how the cores are handled since it feels like it was suppose to be something you really needed to maintain but the games usually easy enough you don't need them, and even then foods so easy to get it's a non issue.
Yeah I agree. I get what they were going for, but really it boils down to scarfing down food and downing booze like crazy in the middle of chaotic gunfights to keep dead eye and health from being in the red.

He's even less flamboyant than Arthur. Gotta give him a hobo or vagrant kind of look

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I don’t get it either. The game has a tap assist option so you don’t have to mash during QTEs, clearly they know some people don’t like tapping so much, and yet they don’t even apply the option to the main form of transport you use several minutes at a time? It’s like they are begging you to fast travel as much as possible.

You tell me how, genius. It's even stupider that the very next time he sees John he's quite happy to kill him which makes it seem like the only reason he spared John at all is because they forgot that in RDR1 it was stated repeatedly that he ditched John at the Blackwater job and never saw him again since.

You can't use health items if you want Gold rating...

>the echoes at camps when you play as john


>that one guy meditating on a cliff that you can taunt over and over

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A better compromise is something like MGSV with a tap every few seconds

I never cared about that stuff desu

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Unironically popped a boner when the music started

BASED and tuberculosis-pulled

> mfw Mr. Downes really was /our guy/ all along.

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I made John look like a Seth Bullock character with a thick mustache and conservative clothing. Felt pretty spot on considering him trying to be honest and all.

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Sure, the suggestion of his admission of not giving a shit is basic but it's more than what we got. Even when you bring in his role in RDR1 there's something missing between his silent remorse at the end of 2 and shooting innocents left and right in 1.



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Blacklungs all of you

The clouds were something else I gotta say.

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wow, that's the prettiest John I've ever seen!

>the very next time he sees John he's quite happy to kill him
Yeah because John's trying to kill him, idiot

Don't reply to him, just filter the trip and you'll never see his posts again

>heh, nothin personel kid

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>It sucks because it isn't morally black and white
grow up

>1 perfect cedar waxwing carcass
>1 perfect woodpecker carcass
>1 perfect oriole carcass

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>beaver hollow is comfiest camp
>takes place near the end with less camp features and you are sick and everything sucks
Kind of made me mad.


At night sure. It's peak comfy then.

>Dutch browses /biz/
>John browses /o/
>Lenny browses Yea Forums
>Hosea browses /adv/
>Javier browses /int/
>Uncle is a honk poster

You're too late. The best glitches have already been patched. Better luck next time.

He leaves him alone because he knows they're there for Micah who he obviously doesn't give much of a shit about. When they run into each other again (in rdr1) John is trying to hunt him down? Are you larping someone who has played the games user

Chapter 2's and 3's was peak comfy.

But uncle isn't a zoomer incel

Yeah some arbitrary rating that doesn't affect the game at all, or even matter in the greater open world really makes a huge difference with how the health system works, totally

>Uncle is a honk poster
Absolutely based Uncle. Bill would likely be a /k/fag right?

yeah it's called gitting gud


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I expect to see something like it as event in RDR Online.

Lumbago is a way worse way to go

My head canon for my free roam save in chapter 4; the government allowed the gang to go free if they took out the braithwates and cleared out the gang at shady belle. So the gang ends up at this comfy mansion house and it feels like the post game reward. So you still have Arthur and the camp and almost everything unlocked. And you just leave Sadie sitting there at the front.


>don't care for any GTA or other Rockstar games
>love both Red Dead Redemption games
How did they do it?

nice effey Arthur you got there mister.


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July 12th

by not following the industry trends or listening to the fans.

They aren't as irritatingly in your face with truley hilarious and biting satire like in GTA. It's there for sure, but they don't beat you over the head with it as much, thank god. RDR has some heart to it.

By having an interesting setting with decent writing and likable characters.

Can’t you get a Turbo controller? That might help

Good lord what's your damage? Relax. I admit I forgot that Dutch is still tied with Javier and Bill at that point and thought he was doing his own thing away from them. I still think his motivations in 2 are still too vague and we needed just a little bit more, it doesn't feel like a less is more thing, it feels underwhelming and I expected we'd see more of Dutch's extremism as the game went on (kicked off by the woman in Blackwater). This could have been solved if he was the one to shoot Mrs Grimshaw. Micah does all the bad shit and he ends up killing him after a few stern words from John. Why would John even let him go? He left him to die just as much as Micah did and killing Micah doesn't change that.

Never said it has to be black and white, calm down.

No I'm not willing to bicker with strangers about a plot for a game I've never played. Do you know anyone who would?

I'm a "Jesus Mode" kinda guy

Attached: Rdr2 Arthur Jesus.webm (1094x504, 601K)

epic meme

>Never said it has to be black and white,
Yes you did though

> Dutch = /biz/ and Yea Forums
> Hosea = /his/ and /vg/
> Arthur = /an/ and /k/
> Micha = /pol/ and /k/
> Pearson = /ck/ (duh)
> John = /diy/
> Charles = Yea Forums
> Lenny = /gif/ and /hc/
> Uncle = Yea Forums
> Kieren = Yea Forums, /d/ and Yea Forums

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is it also an epic meme to be shit at video games even though they're your hobby?

Post game should have been you playing as Sadie and doing bounties for cash.

Gtfo snoyjew

>can get a Union cavalry hat
>can't store ANY of the grey Lemoyne Raider hats at all

>play online for certain trophies
Fuck it, never platinumed any game so not starting with this
>Inb4 caring about trophies

Pure unadulterated K I N O

I liked Red Dead 2.
It reminded me of home.

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>Amerifatts are so obese they think that being normal size is "skinny"

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No, you're misunderstanding me. I don't think Dutch staring into the camera and shouting "YOU SEE JOHN IT ALL STARTED WHEN..." would have been better. I'm saying we needed more than just the writer's shrugging and saying "we don't know how to get Dutch from A to B, you decide".

Feels like they set themselves up for a standalone expansion there like Undead Nightmare but it'll never happen.

Attached: She knows.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

2019... I am forgotten.

I hope I get to be as cool as you one day user

>all I can do is meme
start lurking pleb.

Yankees aside, Union cavalry uniforms are S+ level aesthetic while Confederate uniforms wee ugly as sin

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I once saw a REALLY handsome pic of John but can’t find it.


What do you find comfy about it? I like mountainous woodlands sure but that cave is filled with creepy shit and you have a lot of bandits (whatever the group that held beaver hollow before you) in the surrounding area.

That and as you've sorta mentioned by the time Micah brings his dickhead friends to camp it's just a tense and negative atmosphere that affected how I saw the place.

Unrelated to the thread but low poly Cloud's face and eyes are unironically adorable
I am absolutely not gay, I am not attracted to men IRL or even in games or 2D, but low poly Cloud is really really cute

I'm a skeleton too

50kg for 1m78

Was this the most Kino moment of all time in RDR2?

Attached: oh god.png (842x575, 626K)

Damn, Confederate uniforms look like stereotypical Chinese illegal worker rags, what the hell?

I bet you think The Hills Have Eyes isn't the comfiest flick ever too, nerd

this meme has to stop. that moment isn't even in the top 10. I hate when someone who was persistent at forcing their meme gets the benefit of you brainless plebs following him along.

*no soundtrack*

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Is Dutch /fa/?

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>arthur bird looking over john
top cute

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dutch is charismatic, he doesn't need to be /fa/ to be liked by everyone.

John's got curves in the Epilogue bruh

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 12K)

>Bill can always be found posting his OC in AR Generals
>Reverand Swanson is an /x/ poster
>Mary-Beth browses Yea Forums
>Arthur does commission on Yea Forums
>Charles obviously browses /h/
>Micah, Joe, and Cleet are discord trannies who regularly spam blacked/sissy threads in /wsg/
>Trelawny browses Yea Forums

I honestly haven’t seen a single pic of John in this game that doesn’t look awkward. Does anyone have pics where he actually looks good?

No, this is

I got you senpaitachi

Attached: qt john.jpg (1920x1080, 141K)

PC port soon

kek he looks like a square enix character here

has got to be the most perfectly built up hype moment of any game ever

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>that recent panel where Benjamin Byron-Davies said he had to do 4 retakes of the "I gave you all I had" scene because he kept breaking down in tears in the middle of the performance shooting, and when he finally got it he just went to another room and cried alone for a bit 'cause the cast had been together for 5 years and he felt heartbroken

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You hear a bit of this theme when you attack Hanging Dog Ranch in the epilogue, hearing it come back in full force for the finale was true kino.

RDR1/2, Bloodborne, and Human Revolution have the best narratives of the decade to be quite honest with you familial unit

He looks way better in the cutscenes

Do you have the other one? Where he’s kind of looking up

The shameless RDR1 fanservice with John is so good. That first straight up combat mission as John on the ranch where he does pic related is worth mentioning too, the remastered RDR1 track that plays as you ride back with the Milky Way overhead gives me chills.

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It's strange, he looks great up until the prologue then his face gets all weird and pale and they couldn't be bothered to give him a unique hair/facial hair system.

>Arthur = /out/
>John = /diy/
>Dutch = Yea Forums
>Hosea = /adv/
>Micah = /pol/
>Charles = Yea Forums
>Uncle = /bant/
>Javier = Yea Forums
>Bill = Yea Forums
>Sean = Yea Forums
>Lenny = /gif/
>Trelawny = /fa/
>Jack = /tg/
>Abigail = /wsg/
>Karen = /e/
>Kieran = [r9k]
>Mary-Beth = /hr/
>Strauss = /biz/
>Molly = /s/
>Pearson = /ck/
>Swanson = /x/
>Tilly = /d/
>Susan = /hc/
>Sadie = /k/

I mean epilogue of course. His hair colour doesn't look right either, even bearing in mind that he's greying in the first game. It's like he's going grey from a natural black.

Attached: MAY_I..._STAND_UNSHAKEN.jpg (2048x1143, 78K)

He'd look better if they gave him his actual hair instead of arthurs hair but dyed black.

So Anons, did you get the best ending?

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no cause fuck completing the journal and fuck completing the challenges and fuck hunting all the animals


>when arthur starts to death rattle

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All of Chapter 6 was a depressing mess, that made it worth it beating the game w/ high honor

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This game would look so much better on PC lol

Banjo playing mutant a cute

>I ain't got too much to post no more..

Attached: 350.png (350x398, 200K)

Any game would, but it's already the most impressive technical showcase this generation regardless of platform.

>fags saying this game is forgotten
>casually reaches 270 replies without even memeing

what the hell is this, i've never seen this guy

Butcher Creek is a fucked up place

>slowly reaching page 10
I'm afraid

Attached: I am afraid.gif (540x300, 2.84M)

RE2Make looks pretty good

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Party's over for Rockstar
>Take-Two CEO Expects to Deliver More Frequent, Shorter Games in the Future

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>yfw you put on his hat

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those missions about the fake shaman were like something straight outta rdr1

>So it's just you then?
>Yeah, just me...

Attached: American Venom.jpg (1280x720, 123K)

sure, I'm up for some bully action. The industry has a 10 year catching up to them to do anyways.


>Yeah, just me
Why is that line so fucking heroic? Goddamn


So i won't have to wait 5 fucking years of shitty online filler for a new Rockstar game? Fine by me, last gen were the golden years for that company.
>2008 - GTA IV
>2009 - GTA IV: EFLC
>2010 - RDR
>2011 - LA Noire
>2012 - Max Payne 3
>2013 - GTA V

You don't need to hunt all the animals to get 100%. The journal entries can be tideous but you get to see some weird shit that adds to the world. As for the challenges they're not so bad par the Gambler challenges which is just based on luck.
>mfw doing that one Blackjack challenge
Should this come to PC I'm cheating all the Gambler challenges because fuck doing that again.

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That might not be the worst thing in the world desu. Maybe I'm looking at this the wrong way, but it could posibly mean less monotonous filler R* loves to put in their games so much

I want to see a Rockstar sci fi game bros

>Shorter Games in the Future
>RDR2 was 60-75 hours long

I'm afraid... I gave you all I had, at the end, I did.

You won't get a kino like RDR2 ever again from them though.

>Gambler Challenges
Fuck that shit, It took me six hours to get that blackjack one where you need to get three cards

How can a game sell so many copies and yet be completely forgotten in a matter of months?

I'm still finding new stuff in this game I had no clue there was a secret nite folk stranger mission until I stumbled upon it recently

was RDR2 Dan Houser and the team saying goodbye to the fans, 'cause they knew things were about to change?
They truly gave us all they had.

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but RDR2 is GOTG while GTAV was shit?

It certainly was but i don't wanna wait half a fucking decade to get another similar experience.

but we're not talking about GOW user, pay attention next time okay?

You can see how much time and care they put into a series that is beloved with it's unique storyline and characters. GTA is a series they know will bring big bucks, so they'll milk it. RDR2 was a special game that they knew would be adored by fans, because they cared.
except the multiplayer, RDR1's was better

>GTAV was shit
gtav wasn't shit, I played it through more times than rdr2. It was a masterpiece it's just that R* started doing less wacky over the top shit than before and stupid plebs got mad.

>shitty rap song starts playing
What were they thinking?

uh wrong

So why is the multiplayer so hated? Isnt it just GTAV with cowboys?

No one does the shitty bad ending anyway

Why didn't Arthur just leave? Like damn.

It feels like rockstar doesn’t understand that some people might prefer to just ride to destinations on the roads most of the time.

He was dying anway

>At the end of Arthur's life half of his friends turned on him while the others that were still alive moved on
>At the end of last year all my college friends had completely turned on me and ditched me, while others that I knew moved on with their lives also
>And I'm still here
This game hits closer than anything I've seen/played in recent years.

Attached: I'm afraid.png (1280x720, 794K)

Maybe if you had some GOD DAMN FAITH we could keep the thread alive

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>dying anyway
>saw himself and his dead son in John & Jack

He probably would've ran away with Mary after getting John out and destroying Micah if Strauss didn't ruin his life

>knowing anyone in college
lmaoing @ u


This is bready damn accurate imo

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As funny as it sounds they were decent people at first and for the longest time it looked like we'd all still be good friends decades later.

So, fellas. What's your hopes for Undead Nightmare?

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Red Dead Revenant aka expanded Undead Nightmare as the main story and premise. It's Weird West Horror like Deadlands, Jonah Hex, and Hunt : Showdown where Americana folklore beings and Tall Tales critters roaming around. You play as a man named Reid, a survivor of slaughtered Rangers. The Strange Man from RDR series will appear and play a pivotal role in this game.

This Halloween! Don't tell anyone ;)

Think they will bother with sp dlc? They didnt for gta5.

I want it so bad

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Undead Arthur is the last boss

why is he so fucking handsome?
jesus christ

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Blows my mind how good the game looks while never dropping under 30fps. Yet games like Just Cause 3 is unplayable and looks worse.


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another GOAT ost


No. It was boring and didn't fit well with the gameplay.

For it to happen at all and not be RDRO shit.

stop being gay

I'm being 100% straight

You're bi lad

RDR:O is bombing hard

You missed the train on money glitches, at least for now. The best glitch was the one last month where you could stow a 3 star carcass on your horse and shoot it. Shooting it would glitch the carcass and you could sell it over and over unlimitedly. I made thousands of dollars from that glitch but it was patched after a couple days

Whats wrong with? I thought everyone loved Battle Royale.

I'm not into women

the delusion and perceptive bias on Yea Forums is quite unreal

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I always assumed Dutch was more a nickname, not his actual name.

did they ever fix pretty much microtransactions being needed?

Fuck. Please tell me at least there's still a good glitch.

>shoots half the residents of the whole map by himself, cold blood killer
what did arthur mean by this?

What will RDR3 be about? Dutchs gang story is over.

What is Arthur's iconic theme supposed to be? He has nothing like John's theme that stands out, kind of a shame.

Based TFR poster


There's some now and again but most require a friend to do. That carcass glitch was easily the best and you could do it solo. Check out J Stone on YouTube, he's always finding new glitches and makes really good walk throughs.

Probably either another story, with new characters, or Jack's story.

It will take place in 1884, you play as Mac Callander following the story of him and his brother Davey as they navigate the Wild West and eventually fall in with a young Dutch.

May I Stand Unshaken I guess. I liked RDR2 soundtrack, but I kinda feel like RDR1 had a more distinct and overall more memorable score. 2's was way more understated in comparison.

things have improved since the beta (better cash, gold and xp payouts) but it is still very grind heavy

>another prequel

I always assumed it was more the reasoning Dutch gives.
>Why did you kill her?
>I know some Spanish, she was going to betray us
>not even a minute later
>Alright well what did she day anyway that made you realise she'd betray us
>Oh it was just in her body language, you know, the way she was acting
>Wait you said you knew Spanish and she said she'd betray us

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What do you even do in it? Grind to buy houses and property like in GTAO?

New Red Dead title, Read Dead Revenge, Red Dead Reload, etc. It's time to close the Van Der Line gang tale and open up a new one. I want my peak 1870's Wild West spaghetti goddammit.

Yes basically. I mostly just play to do challenges, seems like the best way to get gold now. Rockstar also had a bunch of promotions giving out free gold. I've hoarded over 100 gold bars right now, just grinding waiting for the summer update which is hopefully soon.

Am I the only one disappointed Micah was the big bad? It felt far too obvious and they make him almost comically evil to really try and make you dislike him. Would have preferred if he had even a few positive qualities and if he wasn't actually the Rat.
Could always do them in their prime or playing as Arthur's dad. Maybe have it end shortly after Micah joins or when a young Arthur falls in with Dutch.

It literally has to be another prequel. It can't take place after RDR1 because then its no longer a Western at all.

Red Dead God Damn Faith

If Rockstar is cringe they'll do another prequel about the people who died in the job before RDR2;

If they're based it's another Red Dead title, or maybe even Revolver 2

Red Dead Revolver is getting remade

This song obviously. It basically encapsulates Arthur and his journey.

properties aren't a thing in online (yet, no official word on those). Currently there's very little to do in freeroam and pvp is pretty goddamn cancerous (where the fuck are my free aim lobbies, Jew*?) The Roles system sounds like it could be fun though

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>alabama nigger music in the background
How did they get away with it?

>It felt far too obvious and they make him almost comically evil to really try and make you dislike him
Same could be said for every other antagonist in the game desu. I don't think there's a single one of them that isn't a one note mustache twirling asshole.

Is this from season 5 of Better Call Saul?

>yeah, just me

This game really needs to be on PC. Consolefags wouldn't care much for RP shit like this. did they ever fix that Godawful character creator where everyone looked like a meth addict?

Please don't tell me that Online in RDR2 will also kill any chance for single player DLC. I really want undead nightmare type expansion for the game

I loved those cheesy scenes. One of my favorites was Arthur confronting Micah when they were packing up at the end of chapter 6 and everyone draws their gun.

I remember on at least two occasions, having an NPC chase me until i got to a town and have a lawman kill him for me

Character creator has been overhauled, with no current way to use it on your character without losing all progress. People are willing to pay gold bars for character edits but it isn't a thing yet.

yeah it's dead, same happened with GTAV, I don't think Rockstar is ever making single player expansions again.

Will pc modders be able to make it a cowboy wild west sim with rpg elements and more stuff to do in the overworld? Like professions and jobs and stuff. Im not familiar with the gtav modding scene

[Spoiler] Theres a ghost very close to that area [/Spoiler]

Can you make a character that looks like they actually belong?

Am I retarded or the wanted system is bullshit and broken?

RDR2 is better than any GTA except maybe GTAIV


A single player expansion wont make them nearly as much money as multiplayer crap. Much as I loved that kind of DLC and expansions it's just not likely unless it's from a very cool company.

>Dutch saves Sadie and helps you kill Micah at the very end
>walks away in silence
>yfw you realize the title is actually referring to Dutch's redemption after he betrayed all he believed in and let his gang fall apart due to his blindness over Micah (even if it didn't last)

you're possibly retarded
unless you're inside a shop

i mean the wild west doesnt revolve around just dutch and his crew. can always just take the GTA route and introduce someone new with maybe some cameos here and there

It's already happening, none of the new weapons, clothing and horses were added to story mode.

That's fucking stupid. Iirc they gave you a one time chance to customize your GTA Online character when they overhauled it's character creator.

the wanted system is 100% bullshit
surprise the niggas that wanted to make a realistic cowboy game made that shit the most broken unrealistic shit ever

Damn, user, I never realized that before. I'm going through the same thing. That's why it was so impactful, fuck

Most of the characters find redemption in some way. Even the priest, who is the polar opposite of the gang, finds redemption. He starts out completely fucked up as the gang is doing good, and by the time the gang is falling apart the priest has gotten his act together.

>think I am finally done
>lol no have another 40 hours with John

You guys complain but it's far and way the best system ever.

>40 hours
its like
6-10 at best
and they have an amazing payoff

Attached: wanted.jpg (3168x4286, 3.59M)

How can other videogames even compete?

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It can be pretty wonky no doubt, but when it works I think it works pretty well.

Yea Forums would be better if we all moved to tahiti


So what happened to america when it moved to 1900s?

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Admit it Anons... You tried to save Morgan from TB, you tried, at the end, you did. You wanted to save him to save you from heartbreak, but the vaccine was years off from when RDR2 took place.

Attached: Me.png (325x451, 294K)

Yep, he's hammering...

Why would I want to give Morgan autism???

>it's better than all the games except the worst one in the series

Are you saying China Town Wars and Vice City are better than 4? What the fuck man.

what happens if you didnt go for the money? just beat it and went for the money cause i didnt pick in time.


What fucking concrete did you think went into that period Praire woodframe houses?

It defaults to going for the money? That's fucking stupid. You got the shit ending.

Will Bill Willy? Williamson Billiamson Will Billy Will!

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whats the relation between john marston here and from the first game?


This is literally one of the best moments in the game, but I understand you have to actually care about John, Arthur etc.

The whole epilogue is his life right before RDR1 begins

The first game is the sequel to RDR2.

Red Dead Revolver?

i remember nothing from rdr1 i just thought this john was a coincidence or something not the same guy
im stupid

It just seemed very empty with a broken economy. They have added more content since though.

There needs to be free aim servers because autoaim sucks the fun out of everything.

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Red Dead Revolution
Playing as Jack, maybe becoming a lawman trying to set things right. Ends up joining the army and finishes with him dying in WW1

Arthurian Legend

Attached: Red Dead Redemption 2_20181030002806.jpg (1920x1080, 400K)

Did the site just shit the bed?

>no photo mode
How and why?


I liked this scene.

I wonder how many pc players are left who haven't had the story spoilered to them.