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Other urls found in this thread:


there’s already a thread you’re late, babyman

There's been about 10 threads. Get used to seeing OPs pic because this will be in the catalog non-stop for the next few weeks.

alt-right snowflakes are STEAMING

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>this will be in the catalog non-stop for the next few weeks.
I fucking despise that type of shit, every single fucking time it's a new excuse to be shitposting for weeks, i'm tired.


>Vidya has an ethics department
>Didn‘t say shit about chopping the game into pieces and sell them in episodes

well i wont be buying it then. not interested in paying roasties paychecks for pretending to be "ethics" experts.

>being straight makes you a snowflake now

Yeah, because fuck women with big boobs, right? Fucking idiotic.

black sports bra = worst thing in the entire world.

Good thing I'm going to pirate it and mod it if it ever comes to pc.

not him but I agree with you.
He should have called you a tiddy obsessed manchild. Tits are for children to suckle milk and get strong.
Ass is the area where the tools for procreation reside and where you bury your tool.
KYS shit taste manchild

Seems like they failed

Attached: wallhaven-3957rd.jpg (8892x5002, 2.88M)

just cancelled my preorder
so sick of womyn and trannies ruining my vidya


Your melanine is showing, bro.

PC modders will fix it so I dont give a damn
have fun being an console cucks

>black sports bra = ruined game

everyone come look at this sane person.

>woman with large breasts dont exist
This is somesortof-ist

fuck gaming and fuck gamers

so now we're pretending FF7 is a video game

Get a load of this chestlet.

its not about them not existing
its about them not being the norm, but its the same as the rest of tifa's body, only a small % of world population can get a body like that, but tits are more sexualized so they get hit first

>pa4 exclusive
Yeah sounds about right

pls have sex

Why are we acting like Tifa doesn't still have large breasts?
They're just fit for Tifa's combat style and don't flop around comically like in that one FMV.

>when they have nothing to do so they make stuff up

How's Japan reaction, or at the very least 2ch?

Please tell me it's as amusing as the reveal reactions.

who cares, i'll just mod it- oh wait don't tell me you're one of those ps4 people

It says restrict, that just means they gave her a proper bra so her tits don't flop around like crazy during combat. They didn't shrink her tits.

>I'm a retard who didn't read the article

It is your average sony exclusive

This isnt really an issue, it's like people fuming over pedobait being ''censored'' when we actually just have massively different cultural norms from Japan. Shit just has to change, why is this so hard to understand?

Just got online didn't you, it's from Nomura's own lips, along with them toning down the Honey Bee to not upset "people".


Fuck off tranny

You forgot, fuck games


White people hate sexy women so I'm not surprised that they support this.
Can a white user explain why we shouldn't genocide your race?
What exactly do you contribute besides shit?

no, you're new

I have no words for how I truly feel
This image works best

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when the globalists win and everything is a monoculture you're gonna sing a different tune, what did Cloud and the gang even fight for.

Fuck off.

anyone that thinks cultural norms is a solid argument is genuinely retarded, theyre niche products already enough and thats why people buy it

Square is Japanese.

So what's unethical about large boobies? Can someone explain this?

It wasnt an issue untill you made it one.
Revisionists get shot.
Fucking idealists always ruining everything. Tits were a size stop trying to control reality by retroactively altering it you fucking liberal.

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no wonder namco cant get tifa to tekken

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So's not spending my money on this dogshit.

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thanks americans, you bunch of brain dead pussies.

>he doesn't like what i like therefore he's a manchild

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Take up too much space and give the less endowed self confidence issues

She's not a real person who can take her bra off. It's effectively shrinking them. This wasn't an issue just a few years ago when Dissidia came out. Sports bras also don't completely eliminate movement, which is why webms of Olympic athletes make the rounds. If it's for realism there should still be a small amount of jiggle.

>40 hours of content for 60$ vs 120 hours of content for 180$.
Where is the issue?

You lost, Yea Forums.

It's scary, but also kind of hilarious seeing the same people who started memegate over supposedly "ethics in game journalism" tergiverse the narrative in order to rally the gullible idiots that follow them.

trannys dont like it


If they want to be sold here in the west, changes HAVE to be made. The fact you cant process this is why you're angry over mundane shit. If you dont want to play this version, go learn the language and buy it uncensored.

They changed because they know white people will whine.
So again, explain why you shouldn't be genocided and what you actually contribute.
As far as I can see, the Chinese are vastly superior to whites and I'd much rather see the former nuke and kill the latter.
The world would objectively be better off for it.

they "restricted" all their feet sizes too. OHH NOOO

they're just making it more realistic, fucking cope with it


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>Why are we acting like Tifa doesn't still have large breasts?
Because they got their size reduced?
>They're just fit for Tifa's combat style and don't flop around comically
What are you talking about? Are big breasts funny all of a sudden? They were serious enough of a business to get reduced.

Chinese need to be genocided as well. Thier crimes against humanity over the centuries need to be paid ten times over.

>If they want to be sold here in the west, changes HAVE to be made.
just because you believe this doesn't make it true.

Can Trump do something about this?

retrieve your balls from that trannies purse nomura you fucking insectoid goblin man

But SIE isn't. It's a PS4 exclusive, unfortunately.

>please daddy government invade my life, tell me what to do, feed me my torture animal food
I'm glad most people are sane enough to see the Chinese for what they are, unlike you.

Nah, they nee to get rid of whites.
Which I think they're doing a pretty good job of.
It's painfully obvious that the white race is cancerous and needs to fuck off, and the Chinese are the best candidates to take care of that.

figures a gay thinks you procreate by fucking an asshole

Can you imagine pregnant Tifa (original canon version), what her tits would be like?

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what don't you understand about realistic proportions?

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>So what's unethical about large boobies? Can someone explain this?
Size of boobs aren't even the issue. Jiggling Physics are.
If it was a game series like DOA then I'd be outraged too. But it's not. Honestly, it'd feel rather out of place for FFVIIR anyway. I don't know why, but somehow everytime I see a Japanese fictional character with boobs jiggling around, I automatically feel like that individual is an airhead or meathead or something. It'd ruin my image of Tifa completely.
The thighs though... I hope they'll be removable. via alteranative costumes.

>editors circlejerk made up story for clicks
>/ic literally cum gurgling


Will they be restricting Clouds and Sephiroths sword sizes as well to make them more realistic? What about Barrets gunarm? Will the monsters and demons be replaced with more realistic animals?

So are big breasted women as bad as straight white guys in their eyes now?

Guess the color skin of the user

Kek, the Chinese and Indians ARE most people.
And the Chinese are already heavily involved in Africa.
I don't know if you realize this, but white people aren't "most people."
You're just a small proportion of fucking morons fucking up the planet and whining about someone else telling you to go eat a dick.

It sure smells like incel in here.

Those tools are inside the vagina.
The ass is for shitting.

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Real sports bras don't stop all movement, especially during strenuous activity.

Even men can have big asses, asses are for faggots

really but isnt it niggers who are tacitly accepting of tranny culture?
wasn't it stephen a. smith who was constantly preaching to me that i have no right to tell people what they should be offended by?
isnt that dumbass argument the crux of all of this?

its an argument shitskins made originally to avoid criticism and now trannies are using it to destroy all sexuality

>Jiggling Physics
The ONLY problem with jiggle physics is that no one's really gotten it to look good yet.

Not having it entirely is simply lying about breasts. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water.

>completely ignoring context
imagine being this retarded

But thats literally how it is and how it's been forever.

Go eat more urine cooked eggs chang

How come nobody ever posts the Aerith version?

Have a shower then

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How big they should to be?

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take a shower and maybe the smell will go away.

Chubbies are well sexy!


Be on the alert for unethical Tifas.
Report all unethical Tifas to the Department of Ethics.
Thank you for your cooperation.

>But thats literally how it is and how it's been forever.
exactly what id expect an idealist to say

you mean the progenitors of your entire life

I hope china will invade US and kill those feminist and their family

>really but isnt it niggers who are tacitly accepting of tranny culture?
Kek no, it's white people.
How are trannies treated in black countries?
Hint: Not well
Meanwhile in white countries they're fucking government officials.

Japan is based and redpi-

When the globalists win, I’ll be standing right next to them.

Nationhood is a restriction to human advancement. We should have learned this in the last century, user.

No they don't. As always, the people supporting the Tifa changes are never buying the game anyways, like any other game that censors things. Sony went american and is pissing the real audience off.

Nothing to see here goyi... I mean, fellow gamers!

Go suck some more tiny tranny cock,J ohn.

idpol gets you gulagd too liberal
trannys are a symptom of late stage capitalism, black countries haven't even reached the feudal era yet

Based Tabata

China is Feminist, user

but if i tell them to fuck off the minority police show up to shout me down

if trannies and niggers in my own country are banding together to shit on whites i have no choice but to see them as allies

Calm it down

no one is treated well in black countries because they are mentally retarded barbarians

Retard, history was built by flags.

the real kind of materialist feminism and not liberal idealism

>these Square-Enix people are ripping us off, not only are they NOT selling a complete product, they're selling it you IN PIECES, but also reducing the bust size of their main character calling it necessary, can you believe that 'necessary' some "fanboys" more like FANATICS are still saying her boobs are big, they're not big folks, i know big boobs, believe me.

I second this, whites are also the ones who promote and defend niggers, with whites gone we will be able to kill all those animals without anyone stopping us

But they’re modernizing at 300% the rate.

The average IQ in Kenyan Gen Z is 20 points higher than they’re parents

>trannys are a symptom of late stage capitalism
and yet embraced by leftism

it's funny you say white people contribute shit while another race is literally shit-people that poop out more shit-people

I sure as shit never wanted this. We do need a white culling though, far too many bleeding hearts and sois have been allowed to persist.

can you name one game from sony censored due to this? most of the stuff that comes to mind isnt loli, but big titty anime women. Like using sunrays to block massive tits.

Except you're wrong in your retarded generalization, as usual. Self-hating insecure whores and dykes and dyke white knights hate sexy women.

Show source Faggot!!! Also having 20 IQ points more than your parents when your parents had 30 of IQ is nothing

Lmao, this has to be satire


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And almost destroyed by them.

Don’t worry, user, there will be one defining flag for all mankind soon.

>video ethics department
Maximum kek this is where your guys money is going


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They are currently being influenced heavily by china, i dont know how this will turn out we dont have any historical precedent for colonization by materialist nations. China seems willing to force intigration into their culture, so blacks might be able to skip feudalism with out having to develop it themselves. The west ruined africa by leaving and not forcefully integrating the africans into a society structured around capitalism, They had some capitalist industry but still had pre feudal society, the result was catastrophe.

sjw are liberals
trots are cia controlled oposition and convincing ice sculptures.
Neither are the left :^)

don't feed them, its just advanced trolling
calling literally ALL anime shit or anything even vaguely japanese "pedo"
its one of the easiest ways to farm (you)s these days

This. The people bitching are a vocal minority and have infiltrated enough of social media to make anyone who doesnt conform to their standards look bad.

Cow tits are completely disgusting. They can't keep their shape and are like bags of sand. Have you ever seen a girl with big tits lying on her back waiting for your dick? Her tits were literally flowing down on her sides under her armpits. I threw up and left.

i dont like cow tits either but im not giving money to a company that hires a bunch of college gender studies kids to advise them on "ethics" in games. never, ever. and neither should anyone else.

user we're discussing video games here, are you fucking retarded?

I agree, i never even liked tifa, apart from her dangly earring which i always felt was classy, but changing tifa to appease sjw is not allowed

lmao no it isn't

>calling old tifa unethical tifa
I want to die

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Paying 180$ for 120 hours of fetch quests is the problem

Yea, because the Chinese are known for being anti-censorship fucking retard.

>bags of sand
Confirmed never touched a titty

why do I like this?

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Why haven't you joined the winning side yet?
>A Hat in Time raises awareness for trans rights in a thoughtful and respectful way to the mainstream gamer population
>Apex Legends is one of the most successful games of 2019 despite /pol/ screeching
>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
>CDPR Twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes got fired
>Creative Assembly continues raking in cash despite "backlash" over forced woman soldier inclusivity in their games
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli and rape now
>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>Great writers like Brian Mitsoda and Chris Avellone would rather write with progressive developers like us than with shitlords that "want politics out of video games"
>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic
>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more sensible for the new era
>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
>Speedrunners that are too "redpilled" got taken out of the speedrunning charity shtick
>Square Enix's ethical department refuses to increase Tifa's bust size in Final Fantasy VII Remake or add lolis and shotas to Final Fantasy XIV
>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles
>THQ Nordic apologized after hosting an AMA on 8ch
>Ubisoft bans people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)

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Actually, the rest aside, wearing sparkly white panties in the dirty slums sounds kind of dumb.

I enjoyed big tiddies getting stuffed in a bra barely being able to contain if

thats not like an anglo sjw department that would censor anything sexual in all of their own games. anglo sjws who are impressed by this are too delusional, almost mentally ill.

It's a mandatory part of any Japanese Corporation though, AFAIK.

Isn't there a fucked up discord you should be hiding from the cops...


>realistic proportions
You're only up for that when it's about virtual breasts. You don't actually care about realism.

You can't domesticate savage animals, the Chinese government realized that already, next step is extermination, we will not get to 2030 without a deadly virus genociding niggers by millions, thank you based china, this should have been done since the starts but whites are passive cucks


Attached: censorship2.png (849x243, 55K)

You mean their past crimes are as bad as being the main source and main exporter of SJW ideology to the entire world, which infect and destroying everything we hold dear in western civilization, be it academia, TV, books, movies and now videogames?

Impressive soft shilling
have a (You)

Stfu pedophile.

Men can have big tits too.
Who's the faggot now?


>idpol gets you gulagd too liberal
Neck yourself LARPing retard, you're a white pussy, you won't do shit.

Because you want to bury your fingers in her meaty sides while she rides you hard, caress her soft, thick thighs, and slap her fat ass and make her entire body jiggle when she leans to kiss you.

They are just humans a couple thousand years behind the times.

At least niggers have no impact if I don't live near them.
White people are so shit that the effects of your shittiness are felt around the world.

neither is a brownshirt that adds "materialist" to fascist ching chong activities for his social media roleplaying

>Paying 180$ for 120 hours of fetch quests is the problem
Why fetch quests and not "grinding"? It seems people had no issues with grinding perma-status enhancement morph-items, or Chocobos?

im not shilling for anything. most japanese gamers in fact arent making a big deal out of this shit. only anglo fuckers are screeching.

Was it Nomura who worked on vs III (later XV), but kept fucking up or was it Tabata? I always mix this shit up.

So any chance Japan is gonna get into enough of an uproar to overturn this? Tifa is their sacred cow.

>tits get big and full of milk, are used to give nurture life
>ass is something people spend much of their life sitting on and is full of shit
Will ass lovers ever stop getting assblasted that tits will always be on top?

>Except you're wrong in your retarded generalization, as usual.
Am I?
White people ALWAYS whine about sexy women in media.
Without fail.
Eventually it stops being a generalization and starts being the truth, much like niggers being criminals.

>most japanese gamers in fact arent making a big deal out of this shit

Im just interested in if they have actually censored anything loli related, I cant find anything on it

yep, this is what i was waiting for.
the 'Ethics department' wouldn't actually stop at just reducing boobs

china is materialist thats why they are doing capitalism better than the west, they simply do it to historical materialist optimums not impeded by western idealist constraints.

nomura kept fucking it up and got kicked off
tabata saved it and gave us titty too

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he's part of the 65%

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Based and commiepilled

>can you put some athleticwear on Tifa so her titties won't be flopping everywhere as with her being a boxer it would be painful?
>sure boss
I don't see the problem.

>I’ll be standing right next to them.
No, you'll be in the labour camp with the rest of us.

Attached: George-Orwell.jpg (800x420, 115K)

>"Shit! I have no counter-argument! What do? Oh right I'll use 'LE COPE MEME', that'll show him!"


>Kek, the Chinese and Indians ARE most people.
I don't consider them people
even the chinese don't think of the rest of the chinese as "people"

Why would any company have a "Video Game ethics department"?

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No, god willing, he'll be dead.
Cross your fingers user.

And the Chinese government does not want to wait a thousand years, stop being a pussy, niggers do not hesitate in genociding other races, if they had the power they would kill the entirity of humanity, but since they are retarded savage animals they still do not have the power to do it, kill them all and end all this bullshit, without niggers the problems of the world will be gone

Okay, based Tabata then. The question is why did SE decide to give Nomura the reins once again, considering his failures with XV?

4channel ethics department here

we would greatly appreciate if you could slightly turn down the sexism and have sex you fucking incels


She looks like a generic pale Colombian girl.

Is the PS4 version of DOA actually censored like that?

Until this year, no one, NO ONE, except tryhard ultraweebs called her Aerith.

>buying anything from the SE

who keeps making this fake "news" articles?

That's quite amazing

>nuTifa is built like a lanky teenager and wears a pleated schoolgirl skirt with thigh-highs
>she's the "ethical" one

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because art is to influence.

This is meant for

Fuck you gaijins fuck you

>Ethics department
That companies need this is fucked up.

You've seen the pic, you know it's censorship, and your dumbass excuses afterwards are laughable.

omega cope
xi rapes 1000 women per day

Canceling my purchase of final fantasy 7 remake. The moral busybodies are ruining my anime titties.

Kitase is the one that keeps propping nomura up because he's the most "star power" name they have at SE

there are more black trannies than white ones, they just live in the west because nigger countries would execute them

Do kids still shop at hot topic?

Western europe and murrica ruined everything

japan is ok tho

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underrated post

B-B-But I thought Japan was based and didn't care for SJWs?

Do you have the other version?

Based and buttpilled fellow ass man.

In other words, the problem is white people.
Since they're the only ones that tolerate tranny shit.

you seem so sheltered from sjw blog journalism. i;m jealous
half those fuckers are fat black/latino lesbians or white trannies/sois who might neck themselves if you "deadname" them

reality is there are far more normal white who just hate niggers than would bible thump over sexualized women. its all female minorities and their virtue signaling orbiters perpetuating this shit

Nomura & Kitase are like the few original staff members from the OG. I think they also see Nomura as the future director of the series despite the fuck-up with XIII Versus and KH turning into trash

Welcome to Yea Forums during the summer

no one ever succeeds long at overextending social management
he will live and die without anything interesting ever happening to him

This is so fucking sad...

The reason games dont have that edge anymore is because everything goes through the "ethics department".

Nah, that's a waste of time.
It's easier to go full South Africa and let the niggers kill all the white people, THEN come in and genocide/enslave them.
Two birds with one stone.

>ethics department
Fuck this planet.

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hang yourself you stupid bitch

Based asschad

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why do you retards keep getting baited by fake news articles?

All whites are cucks who promote a shit world, for humans to live in peace and happiness you need to be gone

No. Only irrelevant companies such as Capcom and Squre Enix care. Nothing of value is lost

well as we know this isnt about actual morals or eithics but merely about satisfying arbitrary criteria

so if a girl's body is FULLY developed but shes 17 and 364 days you are a monster pedo that needs to go to jail, but if shes 18 youre the most chad alpha on the planet
they're not banning lolis theyre banning all depictions of "high school" or anything else that could imply a characters age regardless of the character design

you first billy bob

niggers and fags like ass.

As in wear a sports bra or do they mean to shrink?
This is an important distinction.

Only China can save us now

It’s fine. I do t have a ps4 anymore and I’ll just pirate/mod it on pc eventually.

and all niggers are trannies

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>imagine supporting sony

why do we trans or queer gamers keep winning?

>tifa's chest restrained and suppressed
>tifa made to be oriental and not made to look like a white devil colonialist oppressor
>tifa's skirt now covers her ass
>tifa's ass reduced to be more in line with respectfulness and the ideal of women's authority over their own bodies

Can't stop winning. Won't stop winning.

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Loli is legal in most of europe and america. In Japan you can't even show nipples and gore in video games lol.

That's weird. Breasts and thighs aside, what are the chances they'll get this game right? It seems that the team has at least some clear vision on what they want as opposed to vs xiii where nothing was coming together and eventually derailed into devhell.


s o y n y HQ is based in commiefornia

I used to think it was just SJWs, but I'm legit convinced that the problem is honestly white people.
They're too cancerous to let live.

big companies like se, crapcom would care a bit about it when they sell their aaa shit in your shithole. otherwise nobody cares. i mean, se has made a bunch of moeshit gacha games in japan. their "ethics" isnt like sjw ethics in the west.

It's summerfags learn to filter and hide threads.

>there will be one defining flag for all mankind soon.
I have long argued that this is the globalist flag, it's everywhere, protected by globally operated organizations, has parades and if a countries national holiday is in the month of june it will fly besides or even replace said flag on that day, the countries flag will be removed after a week and pic related will keep on flying, sometimes even year round

Attached: pride flag.jpg (1012x619, 20K)

I wonder how much of this we can blame on the 2020 olympics being in Japan


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>ethics department

holy fuck as if the quality of most of SE's games wasn't a good enough reason to avoid buying their products in the first place but now this?

White kikes afraid of samurai nips, so they had to corrupt them to weaken them

their objective: nu beta male and negative birthrates

Of course he means shrunk. The sports in an excuse, don't be so gullible.

Sony is an american company now.

The issue is not Tifa's tits and that there's an ethics department in SE imposing some kind of view point on their devs.

Impossible, try fly that flag in Middle East and you will see yourself getting thrown down into the pit of death

It's fake you fucking retards, god you're all so fucking stupid
fuck this board

And now the remake is dead to me. I don’t mind the design but the reason behind the change in design is full blown SJW trash and I refuse to support it. Guess I’ll be getting CP2077 instead.

Yea, why can't the whole world be like brown crime ridden shitholes and 1984-tier asian dictatorships?

Huge udders are gross

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Sounds like a mess, the ''high school'' ban thing is also applied on steam with them banning ''high school simulator'' a dating game.

>You've seen the pic, you know it's censorship, and your dumbass excuses afterwards are laughable.
I am not even saying that it isn't censorship (though probably based on Japanese issues, and not related to the much worse Sony California, else Aerith' dress would be replaced), but it's not as apocalyptic as everyone says. For now. Once the game is released the result might be not as bad as expected. Of course, the opposite, that it gets EVEN WORSE, is also a possibility, which is why people shouldn't bitch around like a hysterical autist now and instead wait for more factual information on the matter.

Anyone else get the feeling people are misinterpreting this and all they said was they don’t want excessive amounts of titbounce like a soul calibur game, which they didn’t have to worry about on PS1 because everything moved really stiffly?

I'd suck her off

So recently in one of the outrage threads about Tifa's boobies the RESETERA BAY BAY copypasta go shitton of positive supporting replies.
I was really surprised about this. I didn't expect Yea Forums to be so... lefty?
I wanted to shitpost and get a lot of (you)'s so i copypasted the pasta in multiple threads, including this one.

ALL of the replies that i've got were extremely negative. So old Yea Forums is still the same.
Then why was other Resetera pasta getting so much (you)s? I guess it was literal discord raid.

Now that i think about it all of those RESETERA posts are ALWAYS 1st or 2nd reply.
This means that they themselves create the bait threads, post the pasta and give this post shitton of (you)s

it's flown in London all the time.

>ethics department scrubs the articles from the internet
>its fake
Clown world.

>being this impressionable

why are all anglo cunts like this

You should have listened

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You keep using that word, I don't think you know what it means.

No there aren't but blacks are more likely to be trannies

Stop fetishsizing women Yea Forums, its unhealthy and cringy

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Fly it in pretty much any non-white/Eastern European country and you'll probably get the shit kicked out of you.
Only white people tolerate that shit.

you don't accidentally get tit physics in a video game

What's wrong with Sony these days?

Stay dead, Adi.

sir, we're here to shitpost and talk about tits

As long as you take the fucking Jews with us.

the titbounce is really secondary to me to the implication of sucking all the soul out of honey bee inn and don's mansion

>these days

summer isn't real, the sites just bad

Is it unethical for her to have non-Lightning arms and legs?

It was something they used for a tourney. That´s it.

Moslems already protesting about LGBT mandatory lesson in London schools.

more specifically the problem is anglo women. they are incredibly jealous and arrogant.

I haven't been excited for a Final Fantasy game since XII.

Why are you?

Hitler's death was one of if not the biggest loss of humanity as a society

More like I have standards. I’m not buying games from companies that buy into the SJW garbage trends.

Fake or not Tifa's titties are still too small.

>TFW you poes law and bait so hard you get Boobfags to respond seething
LMAO. This is based.

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These days Yea Forums is more tolerable during summer. Some of the worst events I can remember have taken place in autumn-winter.

until we get to the Gay cloud hooker rape scene, we don't know, if THAT is "it was necessary'd" then we know for sure.

Why are people acting like the fact a company has a standards and practices department is some unbelievable revelation?

you do realize he would have agreed with SE on this, along with trying to ban FF7 all together, right?
(He's super conservative, anything sexual, non conforming to family norms, etc, were bad)

That is an obvious smokescreen. What they actually meant is breast reduction.

Good. Real women don't have big breasts, I'm glad Square Enix realizes this and has acted accordingly for the safety of their customers.

Can't wait to have constant threads about this all month.

more like next few months+

>Anyone else get the feeling people are misinterpreting this and all they said was they don’t want excessive amounts of titbounce like a soul calibur game, which they didn’t have to worry about on PS1 because everything moved really stiffly?
Well, is it now?
>No one got RAWs of the actual interview
>"Translation" is actually just a summary, and not an actual translation
>Everyone uses this unverfied text without proper context and builds their opinion on it
What could possibly go wrong?

It's a cis girl

Whats the "moral" issue involved with jiggle physics?

Why are they getting censored then?

>standards and practices
hello cbs

yeah sounds about right actually

well ideally i wouldn't need that kind of escapism because i wouldn't have been turned into a degenerate by the school system and wouldn't be surrounded by independent women who dont need no man

>A character from a Nintendo game for children is allowed to show more midriff and cleavage than nu-squeenix
Bruh... look at this company...

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>Whats the "moral" issue involved with jiggle physics?
Ask the "translator" on whose "translation", which is actually just a summary of the interview without any context, this discussion is based on.

>"It was necessary to restrict her chest," Nomura says in the interview. For the developers, modernising Tifa's design meant creating an athletic look, complete with abs, while retaining her iconic white tanktop and black mini skirt outfit. But, as the ethics department pointed out, Tifa shouldn't look "unnatural" during action scenes, so her chest was "restricted". This resulted in black underwear and a fitted tank top for the remake.
It's intentionally ambiguous, time to create a shitstorm until SE take notice.

Pretty sure Tifa's white dude.

you sound like you have a firm grasp of history

>Being called manchildren
>Respond like manchildren.
If this proves anything it's that Boobfags are perhaps the most childish people on the planet reeing everywhere with tism fits. While Ass Chad's are the most grown up and mature.

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California and its endless parade of deadweight corporate consultancy positions are running the show now.

If her panties are black, how am i supposed to see the little yellow stain from her pee?

Tit jiggling is Tifa's whole deal. Why even have a martial artist girl if the tits aren't gonna bounce? At this point just make the game a text based rpg.

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those shouldn't be considered human

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Boob preference is also strongly correlated to being poor and low iq. Like actually sociologically. Look it up lmao

and what else has this ethics department judged about the game, what have they done about Cloud as a hooker scene, among other things.

this doesn't bode well, why would they just stop with chest reduction, they need a paycheck to don't they?

Can we actually trust Eurogamers not to make things up? 8 years ago Nomura supposedly told them that their questions are "rubbish" or something to that extent.

lel are the lefties trying to claim hitler too now?

then support games made by small/medium companies. japanese aaa games will be more and more subtle about sexual contents to expand their market in the west, since western companies only make shitty games, sell them like shit, and normies are starting to buy pure weeb games like nier.

His ass

Because it'd be covered in Slum mud residues anyway.

>endless parade of deadweight corporate consultancy positions
I've heard of this. Its fucking ridiculous. Especially with the now publicized massive homeless population.

You should see the pornhub ass vs boobs map. You're basically saying that the Africans are an epoch above the first world.

>He can't use google

They didn’t jiggle in the original though. And they’ll probably jiggle a little more now than they ever did.

>using google

I can believe it look at these "men" acting like strong adults. They probably still wear diapers.

I'm scared bros...

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they jiggled in our hearts and minds, and the remake was making a promise come true, and now they reduced that dream

That toe thumb made me soft instantly.

Go to bed.

All FF7 has to do is have an age option when you boot it up, and bring back the bouncybouncy when you say you're 99 years old.

Sony wants to maintain its strangle hold on the American market and it knows Americans are either gay nymphos or sexually repressed.

That means no tits.

Tits didn't jiggle in a low poly 1997 game?
Imagine my shock.
Tits were big and Tifa moved a lot, so people imagined it. Now the remake comes and changes this crucial part.
This is exactly what the soul/ soulless meme is about.

>moves goal post.
Is the OP wrong about "Ethics" or not?
If they are, then answer the question w/o moving the goal post, as this requires you knowing the answer 1st.
If you dont know the answer, your argument is flawed.
(And yes, there's room for ambiguity, if we dont have a direct link to the original interview. But thats unrelated, since you already established you knew the answer.)

Moot confirmed the site doesn't get some huge pickup in traffic during the Summer ages ago, if anything the decline in quality is just because of how much more popular the site has gotten and continues to get. First it was
>muh anonymoose
bringing it reddit retards, but that wasn't that large of a spike in users so it wasn't too bad, back then you could just tell people to lurk more and they'd listen and eventually respect and integrate into the sites culture. I came during this part of the sites history myself, I'm no oldfag but I don't think I turned out too bad. Then it was
This brought in even more people acting like retards, it still wasn't nearly as bad as it is now but it was the beginning of the end. People started acting retarded for laughs and as we all know, communities that get their laughs by acting stupid only end up attracting actual stupid people that feel they're in good company. Telling people to lurk and learn the culture was starting to lose it's effect, and all of the endless pepe and wojak spam started around here too. Then the 2016 elections came and the site really went to shit, a huge number of people from reddit and beyond started flocking to /pol/ and shitting up every single board. No more
>lurk moar
No more old memes, at this point the site is a former shell of itself and started the gradual decline to where we are today, where we're getting people regularly admitting they're from reddit or resetera or fucking neogaf or some obscure discord furry community regardles of the fact that less than a decade ago Yea Forums's culture was diametrically opposed to those sites and those people wouldn't even think of coming here. Now look at us, every single thread on Yea Forums is nothing but
>have sex
I really fucking hate it yet I can't stop coming back, and this isn't even touching on how other boards have declined, I remember the mods sperging out and banning threads on /d/ they didn't like way back when

This was made by a true tifa fan. Hopefully this news doesn't make them seppuku

>labor camps when robots will make the concept of labor irrelevant


>Sony likes ass instead of tits
Pretty based.

pretty much this. the sexual repression means no one will stand up for it outside anonymous forums
not quite UK snooper charter level yet but getting there


>Other points of note from the Famitsu piece include the revelation the infamous Honey Bee Inn cross-dressing event from the original game is in the remake, or at least, in one of the games in the remake project, but it's more "modern".

he meant death camps. where the surplus humans are sent when mechanical slaves displace them.

Well, genius. If it's still there, but more modern, do enlighten us whatever you think that means.


This. Ethics is just a codename for "virtue signaling department"

Who honestly gives a shit? You all are so fucking pathetic

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Sony likes money and Americans dont want sex in their video games. Only violence. Sex is bad. Dying for ZOG is glorious. Have you thanked the troops today?

how many hours have you spent watching fat men making sarcastic comments about star trek

It will be spun as an LGBTBBQ celebration instead of a joke segment where we laugh at Cloud.

we'll just have to wait and see, but if breast reduction was done to be more PC and a NECESSARY change, i can just assume the same about that scene, and other scenes etc.

>have sex
Its so weird user its like watching a population degenerate. They say that to get a rise out of someone with little to no effort. Its the new s o y.

In particular >have sex, is the worst one. There's no way to confirm to the accuser if you've done it as its a command, not a trigger word.

Imagine the "people" who works there... imagine their CV..

Or maybe it's done to be more appealing to female players?

Used to fuck one of those.

They have zero personality but great ass.

I don't watch RLM
I'm just hip with the memes

>Sex is bad
>stop sexualizing women in games and cartoon and movies
It's only a matter of times before the number of rape crimes in real life dramatically increased

this is the future you chose

>feminist "ethics" hates women and the female form
what a revelation

i think it will be cut entirely actually, even the hooker/prostitute aspect is a little too much

>Sex is bad
>stop sexualizing women in games and cartoon and movies
>It's only a matter of times before the number of rape crimes in real life dramatically increased
>this is the future you chose
..no? Did you forget that Abe wants the Japanese citizen to procreate MORE?

very cool

sure thing buddy
you have at least 9 hours clock watching fat men confirm that police dog training videos are indeed not entertaining cinema

>2017: big breasts are inhuman
>2019: big breasts are unethical

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The only thing I hate more is these dumbass "OH NO NO NO HAHAHA" threads, its so lazy and low effort and the meme it references is several years old at this point. If it was contained to just Yea Forums like seethe or dilate that would be one thing but it's infected other boards too, I hate it

>who gives a shit about censoring?
That's not what you fags were saying when we were censoring men kissing each other on media.

in anglosphere.
only yanks and other anglos are obsessed with it. hope they ban anime and hentai.

Nomura already said that it's going to be included. Though Eurogamers "translation" seems confusing considering the "crossdressing" and "Honey Bee Inn" were treated like it's the same even, when infact they are mostly seperate events.

You mean sex worker. Such brave women.

>real life dramatically increased
Doesn't make too much sense. Who are the rapists in this theory?

Her tits are still really big, though.

Anyone who plays vidya should care. I couldn't care less about tifa or her breast for all I care they can turn her into a man, IF it makes sense in the lore / gameplay.

What I do care about however is this ethic department bs, literally bunch of nobodies who have nothing to do with gaming or game dev, getting fat salaries for actively LIMITING the actual designers and devs, destroy artistic freedom, and push their political agenda into everything.

Companies basically started paying literal leeches to come and ruin their games. And that's kinda annoying maybe.

Wakanda confirmed for real kek

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>board becomes popular
>newfags flood in
>board becomes shit due to newfags drowning out high IQ oldfags that actually care about the board and its topic.
>old fags leave for a less populated board where meaningful discussion can be had alongside the creation of new, high brow memes.

Where have I seen this before? Oh right the United states and its immigration policy. People who arnt retarded are leaving California because its overflowing with stupidity now.


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I still can't believe it will be included even if he says it will.

Boob preference is correlated with being white. Knee grow.


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I'm sure the ethics team is japanese but white people are to blame for this.
Thanks a lot dicks


>reduce Tifa's breasts
>but they'll make female Cloud's presence larger, to the point of future DLC where you can use female Cloud for the entirety of Act 2

It's not because of censorship though it's because of African/ Muslim invasion (and in this case illegal Mexican as well since its USA).

>when they really mean morals
does this bother anyone else but me?

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This just proved his point

I realize but that's also a monkey's paw. You know, the upcoming GOP apocalypse where the socialist migrants have outnumbered actual americans in voting power and will usher in an era of democrat rule. You have to balance the population or else it might turn into UK number 2 one day.

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california sucks in educated people from all over (and effectively sterilizes them) and exports midwits that can't afford to live in their poorly-governed state. it also keeps the retards to be manual laborers


Why are people so upset? The designs in the original were more stylized and cartoonish. That's why they had big heads and exaggerated features.
The remake is going for a more realistic look.

> always: fictional big breasts are pandering

lol this is fucking pathetic.

user... did you forget how to look up the definition of ethic?

It's also completely unrelated to Japan.

I think the existence of the ethics department settles a lot of questions:
- Cid's characterisation will basically not exist because a lot of it hinges on him being abusive
- Nothing bad can ever happen to Aeris before she dies, and her death will be more ambiguous with the impalement censored somehow
- Corneo won't even be allowed to say or do anything before he gets defeated, making his defeat pointless
- There aren't any prostitutes in the Honey Bee Inn, it's just a wacky hotel
And so on.

>Why are people so upset at censorship?
I don't know.

>Department of Defense
also, rape REPORTING had gone up. not necessarily the incidence of crime
there have been rapefugees from africa and mexico since before 2007, electionfriend

>its about them not being the norm,

The "norm" in america is 34DD tits

also Japanese women’s breasts continue to grow, reach historic tipping point in lingerie maker’s study


yanks have been using/arguing japan as their ideological proxy war. thats all.

>translation from another language
>complaining about choice of synonyms

The White "Christian" president raped his wife and bragged about sexual assault.

Because it wasn't an artistic decision it was bs political agenda pushing. I honestly wouldn't mind at all if the artist just decide she looks better this way, even if I didnt agree with it, as long as the motives behind it were to improve the game and nothing else.

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How is this censorship?

>needs the dictionary to tell him what to think
ethics is a discourse on the common good. the whole idea of an ethics "committee" that tells you what you can and can't do is a perversion of this.

You forget about all the Hispanic "whites" who are staunchly catholic. The GOP will court them. BLM is just to get blacks out to vote. Funny how BLM vanished with Hillary. Completely gone from the news. It was a psy op.

>real breasts are static and don't move

they think its so ethical to sell per episode ?

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I liked it better when these threads were thinly veiled excuses to post lewds.

What's unethical about big boobs?

Is nothing sacred anymore?

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The UK won't exist after no-deal.

they're not synonyms, retard. the fact that the difference is lost on you speaks to your idiocy

"ethics" departments literally ruining all the games

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>fit for combat
>body too skinny
>remove abs
>all for athletic look
tifa is skeleton with chest fat ?

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>You forget about all the Hispanic "whites" who are staunchly catholic. The GOP will court them.

Court them with what? Catholics are far less republican than protestants or evangelicals and they don't really obsess over LGBT people.

They make smaller-chested women jealous and anything that causes negative emotions in them is unethical

>There aren't any prostitutes in the Honey Bee Inn, it's just a wacky hotel
You other points may be completely rubbish, but yea, I do think there is a chance that they might change the Honey Bee Inn into a Host Club.

Have you stopped to consider that the decision was to improve the game?
It's not like they made her flat. Her breasts are still much larger than average. She just doesn't have giant balloon titties anymore.
To continue on that, exactly what political agenda would they even be pushing by making her breasts slightly smaller?

>Syria civil war started at 2011
>peak of illegal immigrants posing as refugees
>Africans learn the trick too
>2012 there's a drastic raise in rapes
Wew almost like there's a correlation

Suicide rates have skyrocketed in the last few weeks.

Though they won't report any correlation in the news.

All we can do is hope that actual Americans support one another and not let foreigners influence the direction of their nation's politics in the future.
They might start another middle eastern war and expend the earnings and good will of the current administration. Places like China will be laughing all the way to the bank.

Yeah, user, it wasn't censorship. It didn't come a government organ created to suppress all potential political adversaries so it wasn't censorship.

Oh Goodie. A game I can NOT buy until it's released in full and not doled out in parts, for under $20, used.

any day now those latinos are going to start voting republican
any day now

34DD doesnt make a girl look like a titty monster unless the angles in the picture are perfect. If Tifa were given DD's Yea Forums would rage to no end about her tiny nonexistent tits

As it should you fucking mongoloid.


They don't care that much about FFVIIR i guess, but nessa/rurina is big in japan, she probably get hundreds if not thousands fanart or fancontent everyday

Yeah, that is literally what censorship is. Glad we're in agreement.

Welcome to utilitariarism "ethics": profit over anything.


Would you not want the game to have boob physics at all, even if it was realistic? How about on normal-sized boobs? Do you think this has to do with ethics?

>>Have you stopped to consider that the decision was to improve the game?
>enix: "our ETHICS department that has nothing to do with design or game dev decided we can't have big breasts because that's a no no on 2019"
>m.. maybe it was an artistic decision?
Have you considered that maybe you're a delusional faggot that refuse to accept reality when the company itself tell you in your face it had nothing to do with making the game better and was 100% virtue signaling? Do you want a personal letter signed by enix's CEO to accept that fact or what?

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so you see refugees and a rise in reporting for a crime that has historically been underreported and have determined that these 2 are 100% linked togethor because it fits with your worldview. go take a statistics class you fucking retard

>moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity
to be fair, your definition is also one of the definitions as well.

The committee already discussed it, and considered the common good, and informed those who werent in the discussion. Whats hard to understand?

Good, you leave this thread now.

>How's Japan reaction, or at the very least 2ch?
they arent screeching like Yea Forums or sjws at least. they know its probably because of snoy or amerimutt sjws but most find that its a ses business decision, are on "it cant be helped" mode. Yea Forumstards will never understand but the sjw ethics cant be a norm in japan, so jp gamers arent being upset over it.

>The "norm" in america is 34DD tits

Nigresses over the age of 18 always weigh 500 pounds and have tits the size of volley balls, making any averages in a study like that pretty moot.

So gay people kissing being removed in media wasn't censorship before?

Indifference or disappointment is what I've seen. Many artists have taken to using her new outfit and making her tits humongous anyways. None seem to really be embracing it though.

>34DD doesnt make a girl look like a titty monster
This is Simona Halep, a female tennis player who got breast reduction surgery. Pic related are her tits before the surgery. She was a 34DD

Go be a homosexual or jealous woman somewhere else

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She's so fucking gross looking

Fat belongs in the tits and thighs not your stomach dumb cunt

Its actually white women who are responsible. Black women are 6% of the population anyway.

LMAO snoy is a fucking joke.

i hate everyone on this planet and wish for death

user, they made the change because they thought it would improve the game. They wouldn't change something unless they felt it improves the product overall.

>Funny how BLM vanished with Hillary. Completely gone from the news. It was a psy op.
BLM was pretty heavily involved with the whole NFL kneeling thing and that happened during the trumnp administration. Holy fucking shit it blows my mind how you fucks casually re-rwite recent history to suite your whims and most of the time no one notices

>there's a perfect correlation between African and muslim migration and rapes
>it happens in literally every country in the world
>more muslims = more rapes
>governments suddenly started hiding the assailants ethnic group, despite this data being available in the past before the mass migration
>hundreds of reports about Muslim rape gangs
>cop losing his job for saying most of rapists are muslim but government hides it
>muslims come for a society that treat women like property
What more do you need?

They just didn't want to animate the jiggles

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>Censorship may be performed by governments, corporations, and private institutions.
Prove Me Wrong.

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What is she, 4 feet tall?

>ethics department


that reflects reporting among service members in the military services
what are you on

>most 1st world high iq people perfer boobs
>n-n-no ass people are high iq

Kill yourself nigger/

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Why do you assume there aren't boob physics?

dilate you retarded tranny

We've known this ever since they neutered Lara Croft and paraded her broken body through the streets.

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>it was necessary
I bet women like pic related would highly disagree

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when you cant came up with a decent response because your post was absolutely retarded just call people trannys. Master race right here alright

Just like how they murdered all the long heads in south america they will murder all the white people, and years later pray to the blood gods for bountifulness when the crops don't grow anymore.
Then we wait for Cortez 2.0 to visit and bring the plagues to clean the mess up.

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I think we should lynch all the big titted women. they are too problematic.

Theyre blaming westerners for ruining the game.

Sometimes people try to make things better but make them worse.

Yes? The media literally wouldn't be able to get released back then if it had that in it.

>b-but big tits are unrealistic!

shit taste. Sports bras are so great that I find myself eyeballing the Fitness Boxing cover art for a few seconds more than I probably should.

>They wouldn't change something unless they felt it improves the product overall.
And you say that based on........? Or maybe you think cutting and selling the game in million pieces somehow improve it as well?

>tiny titties equals better product
not to the consumer (which is who matters)

>ecchi is unethical
>ecoterrorist bombing runs that directly result in massive civilian casualties and wrecks vital civilian infrastructure isn't
If SE want to be ethics cucks so bad, FF7R better open with a peaceful protest outside Shinra HQ!

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Absolutely disgusting.

Fuck off with your double standard SJW faggot

Holy shit, Africans love butts. What gives?

Whether it actually improves it or not is subjective and up for debate.
My point was just that they did it because they felt it would make the game better overall.

168cm tall or 5'5", the same as Tifa depending on if you use her 5'4 or 5'5 number.

Make it better for whom exactly? The people not buying the game? Because it certainly wasn't for fans that liked Tifa just the way she was.

blm is a figment of your imagination

nigresses have ugly tits but they got the booty.

>a big corp would NEVER do anything that will reduce the product quality just for profit!
Mouth breather.

>>there's a perfect correlation between African and muslim migration and rapes
>it happens in literally every country in the world
[citation needed]

>What more do you need?
a peer reviewed statistically significant enough correlation that it could resonably be called causitive. Unfortunately for you that doesnt exist because it cant possibly pass actual academic muster


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do you even know what statistical significance is you pseud

Do you know how to communicate without buzzwords?

BLM was long before Trump or Hillary. Shit started after Trayvon martin in 2012 and picked up tons of steam during the Ferguson nigger apocalypse in 2014 over Michael Brown.

nice fake screensh-
>its real
oh.... oh

Welp you're right

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Actual shill?

>a peer reviewed statistically significant enough correlation that it could resonably be called causitive

Governments literally won't allow studies that go against their SJW agenda. They'll threaten legal action, suppress information and ruin careers.

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This is some yellow-as-fuck journalism.

I prefer neither. Where do I fall?

>they did it because they felt it would make the game better overall
You actually typed that.

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I love OH NO NO NO NO posting. Get a life. Have sex.

is mr
>A is happening and so is B so A must be causing B
going to lecture me on statistics now? go for it buddy

I think new Tifa looks better

Don't @ me you fucking pedophiles.

Strap in, user, the shitstorm has just begun.

What other reason would a company change a product if not to improve it or make it more likely to sell more?

>liking big tits
>you like her smaller tits
>you call people pedophiles

>What other reason


I'm sure they think they're improving it. I don't think it's improved.

Post image of your version of a healthy female.

then why havent private institutions studied it and published results? Sure lots of research is government funded, but plenty is private as well. If there were a clear causative link that was apparent in every single country in the world it really seems like someone somewhere would have some decent data. But we dont have that data, instead we have retards on the internet taking data/statements/graphs from completely disparate sources and trying to haphazardly put them togethor and claim they have the truth.

>new Tifa looks okay, but the changes were probably due to censorship but we'll never be sure unless they confirm
>they confirm
Was anyone actually surprised? I know the snoy defense force has to run damage control, but were you honestly surprised?

>we actually just have massively different cultural norms from Japan. Shit just has to change

It's pretty arrogant to just want to erase part of someone elses culture just because you don't agree with it. But if someone tried to do it to you I don't think you'd take it so well.

The fact that it's happening at all is ridiculous.

>calling niggers like they are is now for "manchild"
Whatever, tranny.

I said pedophile in the sense that most people whining about this are 25yo+ boomer that are so fucking perverted they want porn in their game and everywhere too. In that sense, they may as well be pedophiles, and are at least on the same level as them.

ok, so why would a company put "politics" into their game?

You're missing the point. It's not just being altered over HERE, it's being altered everywhere to fit solely OUR sensibilities, INCLUDING Japan. There is no uncensored version.

We have different cultural norms from Japan, as you said. And now they're being forced to conform to ours because this change is universal. You're saying their cultural norms have to change to fit our sensibilities. What makes ours so fucking superior? Because we feel like we have the moral high ground?

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No, no one should be. Video games have always been like this more or less. Look where these companies are located. Look at the kinds of people actually involved with making tech/videogames. How many of them have a liberal ideology? How about the gamers themselves?

>being tired of stale shitposting is being new

No, it's called having taste and standards, summerfag.

Virtue signalling.

Please tell me how making Tifa's tits smaller will make the game sell MORE copies?

There is nobody who was on the fence about the game, whose ultimate decision to buy the game was informed by the news that Tifa went down a cup size. Nobody went "Oh thank GOD they brought her down a peg, now I can buy the game without being self conscious." Anyone who wasn't going to buy the game before isn't going to buy it now. The only potential complaints about Tifa would have been coming from the usual list of suspects, and god knows they don't buy video games.

But there ARE people who might not buy the game now, who would have before. This was literally a self destructive decision, losing potential sales in favor of virtue signaling to a group of people worth nothing in the long run.

There's literally nothing wrong with a bit of chub.
More to grab onto while you pound her.

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>big boobs are unethical
I wish these faggots would just admit who the real incels are already.

This combined with phone posting ruined the whole fucking internet

Didnt trump get a significant Hispanic and female vote? There were people crying about that.

>Old Tifa = porn
are you fucking serious?

>((people)) actually believe Final Fantasy VII isn't a video game