It's not fair steambros... we were supposed to win and make gaben happy

it's not fair steambros... we were supposed to win and make gaben happy...

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wtf is dota underlords?

a new mobile game from valve

I didn't think shit posting could get any more low effort but year after year I'm surprised by it.

autochess is for faggots

chess is for chads

games for brainlets

I need a key anons. My autism can't allow me to wait more days.

The redditors are being replaced by resetgender now.

everyone already gave their keys yestarday

did riot just get away from copying the whole game after autochess blew up?

>did riot just get away from copying the whole game after dota blew up?

thats what valve did
riot made something original, valve just copy pasted the original mode and added a mobile ui

Team fight honestly looks better. I'm not going to play either of them, but team fight is more fun to watch.

>just get away with
was what I meant

Stfu sonycuuck.

>dota blew up
dota was never popular
riot made it popular

not much reason to take something original when the original is on your game

>hexes for absolutely no reason
>that carousel
>small af map
>late game combat is a joke
Dont kid yourself. Tft just changed for the sake of changes, and thats coming from a guy who play lol primarily

they wish, thats a cute dream for them im sure. dota has proven time and time again its the one driving the car. the only thing LoL ever got was more streamers because its more accessible for the average streamer

And changed to that shitty cartoon style. The game looks like barely any effort went into it

based retard

>muh streamstreamerstreamer
Nah you are fucking stupid.

>dota was never popular

>tfw a fucking chess game reignites the war between dotards and lolbabs
>even when both fanbases have alr gotten over it for a good while alr

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>new favour of the week game is popular

no fucking way

we will see how its looking when it comes out

Why is this shit even popular?
>Dude you don't even have to play
What the actual fuck?

Why are you so obsessed, OP?

>20-30 minute games perfect to killing time
>casual game that's easy to pick up but takes a bit of strategy to master
>intuitive with a extremely small learning curve

gee I wonder why, what are you fucking retarded?

>what are you fucking retarded?
I don't play this trash so i don't think so

Every online game today baring RTS and fighting has a extremely small learning curve and is as shallow as a puddle. This is, ironically enough, selling exclusively on the Dota brand like Valve originally intended Artifact to.