Playing a lot of gears 4 online. Did the gamepass conversion for a dollar since my shit was expiring. A no brainer. Seems like a few of my gamepass quests arent working. Damn i even switched my aearch engine snd browser to bing. Been giving google free clicks all this time and MS pays me for using their shit. Inb4 shill. Suck a dick
Nicholas Howard
Playing some Forza and Shenmue, the service is fine so far but I'm just waiting for them to release Rare Replay on PC. Never considered using a service like this but for $1 it's too good to pass up and wouldn't mind paying full price if they added some of the games Xbone users get to play.
Mason Foster
Game pass "Quests" are screwy. I did one on accident. It's just a dumb idea all around I say.
Daniel Taylor
Any Xbros wanna play some Black Ops 4?
Jaxson Martinez
>xbone pffffhahahahahahaha
Juan Garcia
Oh huh, PC selection actually looks much better than I expected it to. There are a bunch of games in there that I kinda want to try but don't actually want to pay money for like Recore and Moonlighter. Is there a $1 deal going on now? Is there a way to get that deal without getting subscribed to a difficult to cancel auto renewing $10/month subscription afterwords?
the sub is on W10/Xbox dumbass and OP didnt mention streaming anywhere
Xavier Lee
I'm hoping "Gears" 5 is decent but the ghost faces trailer kinda killed what little care I had.
I'll at least brute force the campaign with a friend I guess.
Nathan Howard
Because it's the same service? How dumb can you be?
Colton Bell
I know the sub is multiplat already. I just said it'll almost guaranteed go to other platforms before 2030.
Lincoln Parker
Game Pass leaves Sony fans extremely confused because they think it's similar to the piece of shit streaming service they have on their consoles.
Colton Bailey
Again, that's exactly my point. Who is retarded enough to buy a SteamMachine when Steam in in their PCs? It's near irrelevant. Thus this is a PC storefront thread.
Mason Harris
Nintendo will never make a console that can compete with PS/Xbox Sony will just do their own version (PSNow)
Why would I buy a Playstation if I can buy an Xbox for cheaper with a game pass ultimate and play some of the games there are avaliable on the PS4 but for free? It's the little things.
Jack Mitchell
>Gears 5 Took me two days to download, wasn't worth it
Nicholas Anderson
I tried a free trial of PSNow. You can download PS2 and PS4 games but not PS3 games. The PS2 and 4 games downloaded work fine but the streaming is still abysmal.
I don't think you can download the games on the PC version, at least I couldn't, feel free to correct me.
Gabriel Brooks
>We will never get Horizon 1/2 on PC >They'll be forever stuck at 30fps with motion blur I love 3 and 4, But 2 is still my favourite and it's a genuine shame it's forever trapped on Xbone, it didn't even get X support so it's not like you can even get 60fps like 4 on console at least.
2 and 3 are next to each other on the keyboard so I'll assume you missed hitting 3.
Jonathan King
That was 4...
Jason Hernandez
uh no
Jaxson Robinson
>tfw abused the fuck out of Xbox rewards to get 3 years of gold >Upgrade for 1 dollar Lmao, basically get half the games I'm looking forward to over the next 3 years for free
Robert Edwards
So how does this Gamepass Ultimate work? I got it but does it work in the same way as Gold? Where new games are put in every month? Or does it work where the whole lot gets added and older ones are taken away and replaced with new games? Also, now that I have the game is there to keep until remove Gamepass or buy it? Or do I have to complete the damn thing before it gets taken out? Just slightly concerned with what said as I got DMC 4 and I'm trying to introduce myself to the series.
Same here now I'm good until 2022 but I'm left wondering how I'll maintain it since they raised the fuck out of the prices of the 3 month XBL reward codes and Game Pass codes.
Zachary Jones
Cooper Morgan
>Made the mistake of sucking it up and buying Metro on the Epic Chinkstore >Runs like shit constantly freezes >Try it out on the Xbone launcher >Actually fucking functions How fucking shit is Epic when even Microsoft has a better launcher than them?
Jaxson Taylor
Games are added usually monthly, and removed monthly. Some times it can be longer though. And yes, any game has to beaten before it's removed. Once it's off gamepass even if you have it downloaded you can't play it unless you then buy it fully. It's just like Netflix. Games produced by MS are permanent, anything third party can be removed.
Christian Scott
Pretty much. Every month some games are taken out and some are put in.
Levi Ramirez
AAAAAAA FUCK I downloaded so many games I've now got to smash through them all
Yeah its basically Netflix without the streaming. If you want to keep a game afterwards you will need to buy it but everything will carry over.
Leo Miller
Not really. They announce pretty far ahead what games are leaving.
Blake Taylor
Playing through San Andreas with my OG Xbox Disc on XB1X.
Jayden King
You have a while. Games are on the gamepass for months before they get removed, and you're usually given a good heads up when games are leaving.
Liam Robinson
Cross saves fucking when. I don't want to instal the same games on the same service just to have to start over again.
Would be cool if I could resume my games on PC and vice versa.
John Evans
>Cross saves fucking when We already have that, and have since launch. Xbone has cloud saves that sync across all platforms.
Adam Hughes
The only games that stay there permanently are pretty much the microsoft games right?
Jace Edwards
There is crossaves already.
Carter Richardson
Any of my fellow /boners/ having issues connecting their bone to wifi?
It's been two days now and my bones refuses to connect to my wifi connection that it's been using forever. The wifi itself is totally fine and working on everything else, but my bone won't even get past the password input.
Ayden Miller
That's a fucking lie. I tried to resume Recore on my Xbox from my PC and had to start over. Tried to resume from my Xbox to my PC and also had to start over.
Am I doing something wrong here?
Carson Ward
Fuck sake.
I want to use it for Hollow Knight but my files on PC say 0%
Matthew Rodriguez
Yeap. MS games are all permanent. You must be. I've played Horizon 3 and Wolfenstein 2 between console and PC and it syncs up.
Camden Taylor
Where are these announcements made? Sorry in advance for being a doofus, but I generally never know where to look for things.
Ayden Richardson
It was automatic when I last had an Xbone IIRC. Maybe it's tied to rest mode though? I don't remember if it's a setting or not to allow your games to upload their saves to the cloud. But I use to switch between Gears 4 no issues.
Camden Howard
Yeah, although some leave and come back pretty goddamned commonly. Most studios MS have good relations with tend to stay there for a long time like Crystal Dynamics, IO, 4A, and some indie studios.
Zachary Johnson
>Maybe it's tied to rest mode though? I believe it is.
Julian Roberts
I beat Super Lucky Tale in hopes of getting an easy 100% cheevo but it wasn't until I beat the game that I realized I didn't have the DLC. So the two extra world's I saw listed as if I had access to them like any other world weren't actually available and they all had achievements attached to them. The game was pretty mediocre, but at least short.
Kayden Reed
Do you have to do something to upload your save to the cloud? I tried playing Metro on my Xbonex but playing with keyboard on it felt off since I was using it on my couch. The save isn't showing up on my PC.
Camden Reed
Did you try doing a full shutdown and leaving it unplugged for awhile? I just basically gave it a break and I was able to reconnect.
Jose Perry
Well the game has 2000gs. That should be a given since no base games have more than 1000gs. Unless it's a collection like RR or the MCC
Wyatt James
You can try Twitter. The xbox account usually makes additional announcements too like sales and other shit.
Andrew Gutierrez
Yeah I should have paid more attention.
Jack Foster
So I'm not the same one with this problem.
Robert Walker
How does Super Lucky Tale stack up to games like Banjo or Conker? I'm in the mood for another platformer and I'm already using my computer for Hat in Time.
I don't know if you can transfer between PC and Xbox versions unless its advertised as a "Play Anywhere" title.
I was able to flip flop back and forth with Gears 4, Recore, and Forza Horizon 3 no problem but those were all advertised as Play Anywhere.
Henry Gray
Playing through DMC4 now that the time is up but goddamn this game is so slow. Hope it gets better as I progress.
Thomas Barnes
I've power cycled it a few times now and I've power cycled my router a few times too. Nothing. It doesn't look like there's any service interruptions on Microsoft's end so I'm at a loss.
Lucas Bennett
Its ok, nothing really special but it's fun enough.
Christian Scott
Turn on turbo mode and buy sprint.
Hunter Reyes
Turn on Turbo mode if you haven't already.
Ian Mitchell
It has neither the humor of conker or the gameplay of Banjo. It's just bland. But if you like bland 3d platformer go for it.
The art they used for the achievements is a lot more interesting than the game itself.
Ethan Wright
Yeah my bad. I checked the faq and Play Anywhere titles and some select titles are supported between PC and Xbone.
Adrian Sanchez
Does ethernet work? If so it's probably the wifi chip that's gone. Esepcially if it's the OG Xbone, that was a common fault.
Anthony Green
>gamerscore faggots lmao
Ryder Hill
Amazing. Thanks for the tip, it made the game better.
It's incredibly easy and really bland but if you just want a decent platformer it's ok.
Bentley Peterson
Welp, time to ramp the fuck up my gamerscore with RR.
Also RE:R is sweet I guess. At least Capcom takes Capcom gives. MS should just buy them, they seem to like each others.
Anthony Gomez
Did you play Revelations before? I thought it was a good game. You can tell its low budget and the 3DS puzzles are stupid (even on the 3DS) but I liked it overall.
Evan Wilson
Gotta try all the resident evil games no matter how shitty they are.
I heard this one's not that bad despite being a 3ds remake.
Thomas Harris
Aiden Parker
Bet you're this poster
Daniel Nelson
Ethernet worked fine. Fugggggg. Guess I need to get a new one. My wifi is on the other end of my house.
Bentley Roberts
Does your router support both 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz? There could be a tiny chance your router isn't sending a 2.4Ghz signal to your Xbone if it's far away like you said. You could try seeing if it connects to your router when close, or going in to your router settings and seeing if you can force it on a channel. Though the last part might be hard if it doesn't conect to the router at all.
Liam Williams
Couldn't hurt to try Xbox tech support they are generally pretty nice.
Brayden Russell
>Playing a lot of gears 4 online How's the population? Game is like 100GB just to find out
Dylan Baker
what's the odds of them adding borderlands 3 to this thing and btfoing epic
Adam Powell
probbaly dead af like the rest of the console lmao
Xavier Clark
It's alive for the same reason every gears multiplayer is still alive, mexicans.
Easton Williams
Not him but still easy to find easy to find matches on most playlists.
Gavin Nguyen
>What games are getting in to compensate? There was a rumor about Dying Light being one of the next games, but who knows.
Thomas Davis
>Sony will just do their own version (PSNow) As well as Xbox Gamepass, just like it has other music services despite Sony having their own.
>Why would I buy a Playstation if I can buy an Xbox for cheaper Why would you assume there'll be a price gap between Xbtwo and PS5? And that Xbtwo will be cheaper on top of that. That's already 2 assumptions.
> with a game pass ultimate and play some of the games there are avaliable on the PS4 but for free? It's the little things. My point is that Gamepass will eventually be fully multiplat, so you can do the same on Sony, etc. Just like Ubisoft or EA want to spread their games on as many platforms as possible. MS is now a third party publisher and nothing more, with their main focus being service revenue from gamepass, the more platforms they have that service available on the better. I know this sounds retarded right now, but it certainly won't in 5-7 years.
I didn't argue about anyone's tastes, the games are exactly the same. I didn't say Halo8 or Gears7 will be shit, just that you can play them on PC and most likely any other platform at that point. Why buy a SteamMachine (Xbox console) when you can just play those exact same games on PC and soonafter on other consoles which also have their own exclusives on top?
Landon Wright
Why is it this way?
Bentley Lopez
I'll download it just to find out there're only tryhards left.
I play mostly ranked tdm all different hours and theres always a quick match. Just finished my first horde to wave 50 a minute ago.
Isaiah Roberts
Will the new xbox have crossplay? If it does what are the chances of them partnering up with steam or someone? I just want to see sony die.
Christian Flores
>Seething, leeching Xtranny
Jeremiah King
Pc is for nerd virgins still. A console is still the go to for normies and casuals so xbox is still viable if your a prefer multiplayer games.
Joshua Gray
>xtranny Forced unfunny meme. Kill yourself. Why are you even in an xbox thread?
Angel Gutierrez
>Making my point for me
Thanks bro
Dominic Lopez
Used my Microsoft Reward points for the first time. No games I'm currently interested in so I used it for $30 worth of Cod Points for Black Ops 4 since that's all I've been playing lately.
Dylan Barnes
>calling an Xbox fan a leech Literally every gaming platform is leeching off Xbox right now, not the other way around.
Luis Bell
>coming into an xbox thread just to call someone a tranny What an empty life you must have. Get destroyed. Can’t believe you thought you were on my level.
Logan Turner
I havent played a cod since mw3. Wtf are cod points?
Isaiah Wilson
>I used it for $30 worth of Cod Points for Black Ops 4 I won't judge you user but I will look at you with a disappointing look
Hudson Gutierrez
What's an "EcksBox"? Some american grill?
Robert Stewart
The mandatory microtransaction currency. The "gems".
Sony fans love to play victim but shit up heads on any given opportunity.
Landon Green
It's not like I used any money I worked for. With enough time I'll get enough points to buy more dumb shit I wouldn't have otherwise.
Dylan Ortiz
We have Sony fans shilling for Microsoft over here >My point is that Gamepass will eventually be fully multiplat, so you can do the same on Sony, etc This guy is literally begging for the GamePass to be on the PS4/5.
I wouldn't mind at all, fund my fucking games Sonybros.
Robert Ramirez
literally the worst trailer when the series had god-tier trailers starting with mad world I'm gonna buy gears because I'm hispanic and a fanatic, but I'm 90% sure I'm not gonna be proud of myself.
John Martin
based and abusingtechnicalitypilled
Ethan Lewis
They may as well do, cos Based Phil sure as fuck isn't
Leo Myers
Not him, but FH2 is great I feel like a millionaire driving down southern France/Italy in my yellow Ferraris. The "worst" one is FH1 imo
Microsoft has incentive to fix as much as they can to get the audience back, Epic is run by chink overlords that could give a rat's ass about quality control
Jason Walker
FH1 is peak Burgerpunk.
Aiden Robinson
which forza? i got the forza horizon 4 demo and forza 6 apex on PC for free. horizon seems a little too arcadey, but the demo apparently isnt even online, so idk if playing against people online would make it worth a purchase, plus the demo had an equal fucking amount of cutscenes as it did gameplay. forza 6 apex also had a shitload of cutscenes before races giving backgrounds on cars and shit I'd only care about in certain conditions, and not when im just trying to play the game. plus you cant modify parts or paint cars in that game so fuck that. are all forzas fucked with cutscenes now? idk which one to get, but forza 4 is pretty much the only racing game ive enjoyed
Dominic Diaz
Cliff B. Was a faggot but at least he knew his stuff. I don't even know what type of music the new trailers had, rap?
Juan Gonzalez
xbox branding, strong latino influences, gore and violence. it used to be sony turf, but I see more xbox 360s when I go down for a visit. I have no idea why it still continues though now that there's no hispanic character (no, Kait doesn't count)
Benjamin Wright
god damn i want rare reply on pc so bad user
Robert Collins
Forza Apex is a free 2 play game. You can ignore that one.
The Horizon games come loaded with cutscenes at the start for their cast of cringe but they lessen after awhile. They are arcadey games but they are 10/10 quality.
Thomas Sanchez
I've been playing some Wizards of Legend thanks to Game Pass and it's quite addicting. I've also been messing around on some of the Rare games that have recently been enhanced such as both Perfect Dark games and Viva Tip, which looks so much better now.
John White
Surviving Mars is quite addictive
Nathaniel Gomez
>not calling it "the bone zone"
Easton Powell
serious question, why do people care about gamerscore and achievements so much?
i just saw horizon 4 is included with gamepass. if im on PC, can i pay $1 to get a gamepass, cancel it immediately after the transaction goes through, download all the games it comes with, then continue playing them after the month ends? or does access to the games cease once the subscription is over?
Joshua Rogers
You lose access after the month. They are all installed in a Windows Store Apps folder that is pretty locked down.
Jaxson Campbell
Because it's fun and you feel like you got the most out of a game.
Adrian Nelson
I dont like them at all personally. Not a fan of "not really finishing the game" because I refuse to harass my friends list with challenges. Achievements are getting mobile game tier.
Justin Carter
Just got into pic related and I'm loving the atmosphere and art direction so far.
These shill replies are so hilarious. You can literally tell it was written by the same person and then handed out via a standarized script.
Easton Martin
What did you do in this?
Joseph White
How much are they paying you to counter shill?
Parker Smith
wow, misogynist much?
Landon Barnes
I haven't got to that one yet. Probably will once I finish Lucky Tales
Aiden Scott
Tell your manager that he forgot to include a way to deal when getting called out on your script if that's the best you can come up with, microsoft evangelist.
>m-muh gamerscore
lmao, this reads like the worst case of fellow kids I've seen
Anthony Carter
Why get paid when you can do it for free?
Nathan Price
Christopher Ramirez
I'm primarly a Sony/PC guy but I hope you Xbros get a better deal next gen.
Connor Young
Better question is: how much they paying you to defend these shills?
Jaxon Morales
I'm only about a half hour in and to be honest, I don't really know. It doesn't give you a lot in the way of story or directions, really. I've died once and it seems like you start over and you can retrieve the items off of the previous corpse. I guess you just keep going lower and lower into this mountain, killing things and crafting items to help you succeed. The music is pretty eerie and fits well with the atmosphere. It kind of feels like a charming horror game if that makes any sense.
Lincoln Scott
So many games so little time
Tyler Jackson
I wish I could.
Do I get 3 years worth of Gamepass for just 1 buck if I extend my Xbox Gold after already having subscribed to Game Pass Ultra?
I hope Sony figures out how to store your data for free too user. Also backwards compat with more than one generation. That's a must on the Sony to do list.
Brayden Butler
FH4 is easily the best racing game this gen.
Andrew Jenkins
I-Itachi? Is that you?
Isaiah Jenkins
if I buy ultimate after already owning game pass PC does the time add up? or do I have to wait for my sub to run out before I buy
Noah Howard
This tier list is officially trash
Tyler Torres
I would prefer a game pass tier list desu. Would be more helpful.
But Bellow is going to be my next download for sure.
Camden Myers
I got the joke.
Benjamin Russell
Jeremiah Ross
PC pass is a meme. I bought 3 months for 2 bucks and honestly it isn't really what I would call worth it. Saves are not stored locally in a format you can back up, keeps disconnecting (which, in order for me not to lose further progress, means I have to restart the game), can't add those games to graphics settings panel profiles because they're encrypted, can't do shit honestly. The selection isn't even that good either. It's only good for a few multiplayer microsoft titles, like Crackdown 3.
James Bailey
>Halo 5 in Mid tier
Christopher Rivera
dont have a xbone but i bought the gamepass for 1$ why the hell does nobody talk about this game? i remember hearing it being shit at launch but i just tried it out and its pretty good
>why the hell does nobody talk about this game? You just said it, it was shit at launch. Most people don't care about games eventually getting good.
Nathan Young
I am ashamed that I bought this shitty console. Big mistake. I'd love to have PS4 Pro but I can't afford it now. Fuck XBOX.
Alexander Reed
Lucas White
What is it even about? I've seen some dude stream it and literally do nothing but play with a banana
Kayden Myers
the latest one did, at least 4 had that disturbed cover of sound of silence, this one was just some stupid ALLL MEEE cgi with an ugly model and some forgettable song about independence or something, this gears presentation was pretty crap all around and I don't believe they made any reference to that x-com lite strategy game they revealed last year
Christopher White
I believe you.
Isaiah Kelly
Yea Forums is the epicenter of TORtanic bullshit, if they catch the slightest hint of a flop that's the narrative they throw. Game got inappropriately steamrolled.
It's hardly different than it was at launch.
Chase Rivera
it's about a sea, filled with thieves
Ryder Nguyen
CONS >no leveling >boring fetch quests >lackluster combat >low rewards, retarded high cost of cosmetics
PROS >sailing your ship is comfy >meeting others out at sea
Christian Peterson
You have to buy Xbox Gold for multiple months, then update to the Pass Ultra.
Technically, this shit should work even at the regular price for the pass, so even if you lose the $1 deal you can still do it for 14, I think...
Jeremiah Cook
Like Crackdown pretty much, only 3 wasn't even that bad. The issue with Crackdown 3 is that it's... Crackdown. That shit got old years ago. People wanted a proper sequel back then, not now. It's also too multiplayer focused to give a shite.
Jason Perez
Is there any way to install some games on different drives? I just realized one of em runs like absolute shit on anything but an SSD
Gavin Gutierrez
Can you at least upgrade something? Weapons, your shit or gear to have better stats?
Im fine with games with no leveling as long you can upgrade other stuff, that's how I mostly just play Dark Souls.
Nicholas Wright
SoT is really good, but not something your typical Yea Forumsirgin is going to rave about. The Tall Tales update is awesome.
Oliver Phillips
I've been playing Borderlands 2 trying to get every achievement and holy shit, I forgot how cancer UVHM was. Fuck this trash game.
any cliche pirate activity you can think of >getting maps and finding treasure >sailing and fighting other boats >drinking >fighting skeletons >fighting ghost ships, big sharks, kraken and skeleton forts >diving to search crashed ship >side story quests where you solve puzzles to reach the "shores of gold'
Gabriel Flores
got this on gamepass and played with a couple of friends online. this is the game we’ve been dreaming of. im so blown away by how fun it is. it really gives you the tabletop rpg experience online.
For being the cover art car of the game they sure did fuck up the Senna's handling.
Jack Walker
>shit My fucking autocorrector lol
Meant to say "ship"
Asher Harris
No. SoT is skill based. Leveling just unlocks better paying quests. The game is about getting good, and looking good while doing it.
John Jenkins
>CONS >no leveling That would throw off the whole sandbox element of the game. Not to mention the fact that it's already hard enough facing more experienced players without power differences. >low rewards, retarded high cost of cosmetics Git gud at devil's roar.
Jason Rodriguez
How would I even get started? Dont you need a 4 player crew?
Kevin Morales
lots of customization for your pirate and ship you can also unlock new skins for weapons and equipment but it doesn't do anything different theres 3 ships sloop is for 1-2 players brigantine is for 2-3 galleon is 3-4 i recommend playing with a friend or 2 but i play by myself all the time
Nah, I almost never play with a 4-player crew. Usually 2 or 3. If you want to try one though, just play with randoms.
Brayden Ortiz
Wont you just get anal annhilated if you stumble upon a 4 person tank ship with just you and your bro?
Luis Bennett
Steam is pure Aids for me theres gonna be a new store for pc or some upgrade? id like to have my xbox account linked to pc too
Nicholas Turner
probably but you could win with some tricks but the smallest ship moves faster than the biggest ship when going against the wind so you could use that unless theres a storm or heavy fog youll definitely see a ship from far away and could just avoid it
Kayden Torres
>Go to view Quantum Break screenshots which I just made a couple days ago. >Only like 15 remain even though they were "On this Xbox" and I had a hundred or so. >Super Lucky's Tale screenshots are nearly all gone too. I am so mad that this is even a thing, apparently once you hit 300 screenshots/clips it starts auto-deleting even local stuff? This is idiotic. The only solution I found was to default it to an external, does anyone know if it will still auto-delete at 300? I found conflicting reports about the files being there on the external but not being there on the actual Capture screen. I just can't believe this even a thing.
You're going to get annihilated regardless by anyone who's been playing for a while. But sloops are balanced well with speed and maneuvering, they turn and sail upwind faster than any other boat. Also not every other crew is experienced and you have to get good somehow, so don't be afraid to fight.
Connor Bennett
There are only like 20-24 players on a server shard at a time. It's not hard to avoid other ships, as you can see them on the horizon from fairly far away. You've got to remember, a lot of players just want to do their quests or are just completing tall tales and don't want to fight. This is especially true since the addition of the Arena mode.
Benjamin Morgan
Galleons are kindof shit unless all 4 people are constantly working which is never the case. Solo sloop is honestly better IMO. Just hope you don't run in to a galleon where all 4 people are pros.
If you need people to play with, meet people in in-game chat. The matchmaking pool is garbage. Literal retards and infants.
Justin Sullivan
Cool. You guys convinced me to try it.
Julian Allen
>bought the pass for pc last week >been through 10-15 games so far Mostly indie games, not sure about downloading gears of 80 GB war.
I don't know if it's available for PC, but Onrush is a hidden gem that flopped pretty bad. It's made by the Motorstorm guys and the online is an absolute riot (once you get decent and know the track layouts)
I just hope steam doesn't decide to cave in now after all this time being a free platform.
Oliver Bennett
The only good thing PC has on the Xbox is Valkyria Chronicles 1
A few other indies and FM19 but those are better played with keyboard and mouse.
Levi Bell
There's Ori as well. Most shit plenty of people bought on Steam though or pirated with more benefits than the Microsoft versions. I wanted to use an old save I have for some game and nah, can't do it on this.
William Flores
>The PS2 and 4 games downloaded work fine but the streaming is still abysmal.
How is this still even a thing right now, streaming is a complete failure and even with 1 gig speeds of internet still wouldn't work aswell as being played from your own console, ps now is a glorified rental service and an agenda to push non ownership subscription gaming for the gullible idiots
I think i'll just continue to buy physical and watch sony, microsoft and google collapse along with the new world order agenda they are apart of
There's literally a list on what games are about to leave.
Wyatt Hall
It's the soul version of displaying high scores in the arcade.
Juan Miller
I hope none of the shantae games leave so soon. I still haven't completed the second game.
Bentley Butler
Those physical games need patches.
Asher Gray
Pirate's Curse left at the start of the month.
Zachary Martin
Decided to get all *real* consoles ever since stada was announced.
But is there a good collection of offline single player games for X1?
Josiah Ward
Replayed Uncharted 4 the other day version 1.00 with no problems
Why do you continue to spread lies?
Christian Davis
They'll try to force it enough that they will make it the only viable way to purchase new games. If it's really beneficial for them they will play this game where they will force the consumer to act the way they want by jamming their shit forcefully inside. They have done this before both ways, sudden and more subtle, and succeeded in enough cases to be actually a bit fucking afraid that this will be the standard for a while.
And don't get me wrong, I want it to flop real hard. But they will make sure it's something like "we're going to release exclusive big titles on streaming only mode". People can't dodge a fucking Gaylo, Last of Us or whatever the fuck. They see this thing, complain and then still get buttfucked.
Jeremiah Watson
I got my xbox360 save and re-arranged some perks in my skill tree and UVHM isn't as bad as I remembered, even with Axton.
William Nelson
You need patches for the complete game. Games go to print BEFORE they are done. Just because one works ok doesnt mean anything.
Aaron Sanchez
Companies have the capacity to release games that are stable enough not to require a single patch. That's how shit always was and should have been. This releasing a buggy piece of shit and patching later thing has not been beneficial and has been responsible for crusty yearly or biyearly rushed releases. I'm convinced the industry would have better quality if the testing was done by professionals instead of people who just want to play the fucking game.
Nathaniel Bell
Been playing Void Bastards and Sunset Overdrive, I used gamepass before to play Sea of Thieves i think it was free for the first 2 weeks and it was a buck at one point before too. All around it's alright, wouldn't leave the subscription running full price but if you're interested in the games there and have friends who play on xbone it might be worth it.
Jeremiah Nelson
I agree with this. It's really unfortunate. PS2 even had online multiplayer and that shit didn't get patched.
Luke Hall
>Void Bastards Am I the only one who gets vision problems from playing this game? I loved the art style but my eyes had trouble focusing on real life after playing for an hour or two.
Nolan Murphy
Then buy it if you liked it so much.
Logan Garcia
>streaming is garbage >physical games need patches Que?
They were getting away with shit for a while but thats all coming to a stop now, shareholders for all the big companies pushing this crap are fleeing like rats from a sinking ship
We are the market, we decide what happens and what will flop, when "they" become more corrupt and try to force their agenda people will just go a different direction
Everyone remembers the xbox1 launch and how microshit had to come back and their hands and knee's like a cowering bitch begging the public to buy their console which never has or will recover from
Noah King
Yeah. Don't get me wrong, there were broken games before this whole thing started, buggy ones as well. But take 2004's AAA titles and tell me how many of those have game breaking bugs that can be easily found or physics that keep making things unplayable. It's really sad.
Blake Fisher
Juan Torres
I'm sure it'll be added. I didnt see Unreal Championship 2 either.
Ryder Baker
Is this even a thing? I still have my oldest clip made 4 years ago and I thought you get a warning when you're 90% full.
Hudson Rodriguez
How many AAA games really have game breaking bugs now? The only awful bugs I've seen is AA slav shit like KCD where you straight up can't open a gate and it fucks you early on. Before that the last AAA game was Mercs 2 teleporting me to the ending and mass unlocking achievements.
I guess Bethesda stuff but other than that?
Gavin Peterson
>You need patches for the complete game
As i said, Uncharted 4 works and all my other physical games work even if i deleted the disc data and reinstalled back to day one
Why the continued blatant lies?
Jaxon Gray
What about Momodora, is it any good? They shod put all anime games on game pass either way since they don't sell very good on Xbox.
Sebastian James
Nobody plays unpatched games to find out.
Thanks to a friend if mine that "doesnt believe in the internet" I can confirm Fallout New Vegas and Black Ops 1 on PS3 dont work at all.
Julian Taylor
I said the complete game, not a working game.
Cameron Allen
Yeah fallout NV on 360 unpatched had a bug where the dog lady was dead for me but that's Bethesda shit
Jonathan Bailey
Like I said, I was playing Sunset Overdrive and decided to check my screenshots. I saw SLT and QB still on the list so I thought nothing of it, but when I checked their tabs individually QB has like 15 or so screenshots (Basically from my second playthrough only despite me viewing many older screenshots which would have counted as 1 "view" to keep it alive according to people online) and SLT I had at least 60 screenshots before but now I have like 8. Sunset Overdrive makes a clip after every single challenge or par time you complete so I hit the 300 limit incredibly fast and lost a bunch of my stuff. This just happened two days ago and I still have roughly 180 GB of storage left. There's constant complaints about this if you Google around as well, and this was LOCAL on top of it, not on XBL, I never uploaded a single one of them until I encountered this and panic uploaded everything so I wouldn't lose my 160ish SO pictures.
You couldn't play ubishit without patches. I don't recall a single assassin's creed game that didn't need patching enough to at least get the same fucking "fall through the floor" bug out of the way. Have you tried Anthem? That's some shit too.
Samuel Jenkins
Too Human isn't on the euro store either
Carter Phillips
Momodora is aight. An indievania with soul.
Im talking about Shoneshit games. Never played Hero Academia or SAO
Carson Harris
I wouldn't oppose Rare Replay and Master Chief Collection on PS4, Sony needs to make it happen, Microsoft is willing
Kevin Anderson
I kind of dont include online games in my AAA list because they are online and thus if you are playing them you can get patches. Mostly thinking of SP games.
Moving the goal posts now, you were trying to imply that a game wont work without a patch, im well aware that patches fix glitches and add shit but every physical game i have (and i have a few) can be played from start to finish without a single patch
Don't start shit you know you'll get caught out on, mis-information doesn't work on here
I didnt move the goal posts? I said complete games. Bugs are fixed, as uncommon as you personally may encounter them. And stuff is added post release. Even Mario Odyssey had post launch content.
I didn't say "a game that works" I said the complete game.
Liam Myers
Out of all the games on the MCC which is the one being played most on xbone right now? And does Halo 5 also have people?
He struck me as one of those "I only buy physical so I really own the game" idiots
Logan Miller
Yes! I was surprised as I had never used a two disc game before. Putting disc 2 in does nothing, says it isnt supported. So you just need disc 1. Its like an 11GB or so DL
Neat. I love this game but never got around to beat the secret boss (or was she the last boss?) . I'm probably going to give it a try and see if I can reach that bitch
Hudson Morales
Im only 2 or so hours in but I love the style and combat
Currently playing Splinter Cell. So good even considering how old it is, apparently chaos theory is extremely good so i'm excited to get to it eventually.
anyone have a bone S? can you comment on the performance of Fable 2 on it? was thinking about playing that game, but I remembered how sick it made me due to the horrendous performance on the original 360
Jose Taylor
CT is very good. Also pick up the OG Xbox version of double agent. It is more like CT than the 360 version but I also like the 360 version. The two versions are quite different
Jonathan Thomas
Oh shit, i entered in /vg/ by accident?
Brandon Brooks
SC is still one of the best stealth games out there. Too bad I never got around completing it because my save file autosaved on an alarm going off and made me keep losing the mission. Made me quit the game when I was a kid.
Jaxon Campbell
Yeah i actually bought the og xbox versions of the first 4 games like a year ago hoping they would eventually be compatible with xbone. It's truly a miracle that all 4 of them were literally the last BC games added.
>have to pay a subscription to buy things from their store >MCC isn't a pack, but just every Halo game released separately for $$$ >probably won't even release any heavy hitters on PC like JSRF or Ninja Gaiden
Jayden Thompson
>MCC isn't a pack, but just every Halo game released separately for $$$ If it isn't play anywhere i won't be playing it, ever since GTAV i refuse to buy the same game twice.
Liam Cruz
>have to pay a subscription to buy things from their store
Owen Nguyen
Why isn't VC1 on the Xbox? It's retarded that It's on the Xbox pass for PC but not on the Xbox.
Oliver Powell
Those are cheaper to keep
Charles Cook
He's making shit up, of course it doesn't make sense.
Carson Moore
no because /vg/ is a containment board and xbox is based and needs no containing.
David Jenkins
It's illegal to sell Too Human since the Epic lawsuit. You can get it for free on the store though.
Hudson Morgan
I care about indie garbage. Had more fun with Shantae and Hollo Knight than with DMC4. That game is truly worse than NGB.
Explain, your saying a full game isn't on a disc from the retailer its sold from? Maybe only 3 Quarters of the game is there with the last Quarter being released in a patch???
>yfw microsoft now owns both inxile (wasteland guys) AND obsidian >yfw Wasteland: Neo Paradise
William Roberts
The Microsoft Store is so fucking BAD. Got the Ultimate pass and downloaded Exodus but the download refuses to complete. Later I bought Forza 7 and downloading was incredibly unreliable. It would stop on an error and refuse to resume for hours on end. Then it lost the progress I made entirely when I rebooted my PC.
Can get a new S from gamestop for around $170. Should I go for it?
Easton Thompson
When I try purchasing the gamepass it always defaults to the US and for some reason it won't accept my PayPal
Chase Lee
Yeah I got the 1903 update (the game wouldn't download at all otherwise) (also that updates caused a bunch of issues but I sorted them out). Do I need to delete the download I've done on the Store and re-download the game on the Xbox app?
Logan Johnson
Where do you live?
Cameron Morris
I remember Phil talking about mod support on consoles and realistically speaking, what other games have big enough mod communities on PC (other than Bethesda games) that could potentially make their way into consoles? I guess is up to the developer. Halo having mods on console would be neat now that the game it's coming to PC.