Villain can be defeated by diplomacy, rather than violence

>Villain can be defeated by diplomacy, rather than violence

Attached: Hippo Dental Care.webm (854x480, 2.71M)

Other urls found in this thread:

That's a big maw

for you

That Hippo has better dental hygiene than the average Britfag

I always go for diplomatic victories

Attached: Diplomatic Victory.webm (720x404, 2.39M)

I know they're violent as fuck but look how cute that big old water cow is.

At least our dental is free amerimutt

Do you think this dude has an escape plan if something goes wrong?

Eyes closed and everything.
lol go and say that on the 'britfags' site. They always rage.

based and cutepilled

I think that might be the reason they're so dangerous, is that people think they're cute and therefore not deadly.

You just know

you get what you pay for, muhamad

>yfw they both died at their work back in 2014

Attached: 1541958811197.jpg (307x278, 29K)

Yeah, looks like you get what you pay for

If ever there were a case AGAINST free healthcare...

Attached: 1478401173487.jpg (428x472, 42K)


no, they are super territorial and will aggressively go after you and kill you

>our dental is free
Since when? It's probably not as expensive as Americans have to pay to get the plastic doll look, but you still have to pay.

>At least our dental is free
It isn't though, I should fucking know.

its well known that americans have worse teeth in actuallity and this is just a meme

its an official statistic that americans have wors e teeth

>it's a typical ''duo-villains who are idiots''

Attached: frog.webm (640x360, 505K)

but user, America discovered Jeremy Kyle
They're obviously indicative of the nation as a whole

>Villain has no motive for his evil deeds

Attached: Orcas.webm (854x480, 2.92M)

Lame. I play games to fight.

Unless you're their dentist and clean their teeth.

Attached: serious, watermelons, depressed, sad.png (749x650, 341K)

>the villain refuses your generosity

Attached: FrogBug.webm (720x720, 2.41M)

>no motive

In fairness blue whales are giant pussys and the only way for them to evolve into something cool to use their giant size well is for the orcas to keep bullying them until they change.

Bullying is needed to kill the absolute degeneracy of living on krill and not fighting other large animals. Blue Whale, the bitch of the ocean. Change is needed!

Attached: eelymouth.png (839x456, 318K)


>At least our dental is free amerimutt

Dental isn't free in the UK. It's not free in Australia either.

I misspoke. What I meant was that far fewer people might die from hippo attacks if their deadliness wasn't so vastly underestimated. More people die from hippo attacks than lion and snake attacks combined, and I'm wondering how much of that has to do with the fact that the average person will instinctively be terrified of snakes and lions, whereas people see hippos and might think "look at the goofy water cow."

Attached: 1978851523.webm (720x404, 841K)

>mfw they hunt and kill Whale babies for fun, not because they're hungry
Why are Orcas such cunts?

Attached: 1555513325555.gif (444x360, 1.28M)


Lot's of animals and fish do this, idk about birds.

>villain eats grotesque thing to show the audience how evil they are

Attached: 1523788069987.webm (640x351, 2.81M)

goddamn it

>not posting the version where they rape the midget

Genuinely made me jump.

Birds are a bunch of shit heads in general.

>the implacable hero defeats the villain

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 197K)

>not just having a crisp sandwitch

Attached: 1338049874419.gif (446x251, 726K)

>french fry sandwich
The fuck?


>getting excited and smiling over a fucking fries sandwich
The fuck?

I think it's more about fishermen and people living near rivers getting killed.

niggers of the sea

>not having the tomato sauce inside the butty

>Dental isn't free in the UK
it shows!

>villain uses status effects like poisoning

Attached: 1523788878729.webm (1280x720, 2.05M)

>Peeling the skin off your chips

god fucking damn, the sheer power

Crisps are potato chips
This are clearly too fat to be french fries.

>Villain gets defeated by an even greater villain

Attached: Hippo Rhino.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

no wonder your teeth look terrible

i thought you were saying the dudes got eaten by animals....but its more tragic than that

Attached: 1560916957215.jpg (753x595, 23K)

>Hero reasons with the villain
>Diplomacy fails again

Attached: 1382918502356.png (284x266, 188K)

Chip buttys are actually delicious and the only meme sandwich that us bongs actually do eat

They're the h*mans of the animal kingdom.

The bear was 24, that's a good age for a grizzly

fuck you, user

because they're one of the more intelligent animals, evolved to the point of understanding more advanced concepts

i remember some orca footage from years ago where 2 orca's would flip a fuckin penguin i think it was back and forth between each other like they're playing tennis and then after awhile they just let the penguin go after they had their fun

I love how the Rhino just casually puts it's horn into the Hippo's mouth. Go ahead and bite, faggot.

I used to root for Free Willy as a kid. Fuck those cunts. The Nips can chop them up to sashimi.

what the fuck is wrong with that meat?
is that the legendary ja/ck/?


Chryste... why?

our dental is not even free u mongole

Now that's what I call a perfect medium done burger.

britfags have actually had some of the best dental hygiene in the world for decades now specifically because this meme made them funnel a bunch of money into it to improve national perception.

amerilards, on the other hand...

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-19 Top 10 countries with best dental health – Denmark ranked No 1 .png (627x556, 26K)

>you can let the villain win

Attached: 1546630172507.webm (352x640, 342K)

>hmm yes, quite pungent

You haven't been to a NHS dentist which is basically free.

>find fine hippo ass
>expect fine hippo face

Bet that Hippo was mad as hell.

that's hot

Orcas truly are the niggers of the ocean.

>still in the top 10
whats your point?

>villain isnt really a villain, but just wants to be left alone

Attached: Lion.webm (480x480, 668K)


>hero's party suffers tragic loss before the final dungeon

Attached: 56d8f7c51e0000950070f43a[1].jpg (630x420, 79K)

Fun is probably just training. Look at kids running around, they train their motor skills and strength without thinking about it

>villain has OHKO attack

Attached: Fate sealed.jpg (750x751, 39K)

>Orcas are the niggers of the ocean
>Hippos are the niggers of the land
Who are the niggers of the sky?

That's a jaguar you retard.


Looks more like a puma



>a-a-at least we're still the b-bottom of the barrel of the civilized world REEEEEEE
based fatmerican cope

black airline pilots

need full video

t. never seen a cheetah in his life

Australia isn't even on the list.

Hippos are blind as hell, lack sexual dimorphism (males and females are identical), and they sniff and eat shit/jam their faces in one another's assholes to determine if they like one another. If you've seen it before- this is why Male Hippos wag their tails and spray shit everywhere.

That Hippo was most likely a female and was probably interested in that Rhino fucking the shit out of her with how interested she was in his asshole.

muttistanis are so easy to work into a seething shoot

>Those are the only civilised countries
Based retard

>villain takes over an area and steals all the innocent peoples food

Attached: 1523786075726.webm (1052x592, 2.43M)

Normies on the internet were a fucking mistake, I'm so tired of everything online devolving into something about nationality or politics. Its like I'm actually engaging with the retards at work jerking off around the water cooler, except its everywhere.

Attached: 1533434395279.gif (320x178, 1.15M)

Can we rangeban UK? They no sense of awareness and have the absolute worst comebacks.

Blue Jays, Wasps, Magpies, and nigger bees. Adult Cicadas too because all they do is fuck and die.

>gets btfo
>y-y-you mad!
Brush your teeth kiddo.


>All those replies
I love how americans always chimp out the most.

Attached: 1537609457566.jpg (434x393, 40K)

They look cute. What's wrong with them?

>Sueing for "too much banter"

>villain only shitposts and ruins everyones good time

Attached: 1531261179477.webm (640x360, 1.51M)

Have you considered the fact that America has these things called niggers?

this. it was a trap.

pretty much all birds are stupid, aggressive, territorial assholes who will murder unprotected babies to move in on the females when given the opportunity. some top contenders for birds that go above and beyond in the asshole factor would be pelicans, geese, magpies.

That looks like someone cooked their patties by blasting them on both sides with a big infrared laser for two second total. I bet it's fridge temperature inside.


>Boss buffs himself before the fight

Attached: 1530611343417.webm (1280x720, 1.74M)

You also have toothless hobos and hillbillies.

>mfw the hippos can do the helicopter with their tails
>Shit hits the fan IRL

i wish i was that bear

You call that banter? Fucking hell, you suck.

t. aussie

Attached: 1558487089460.webm (720x866, 2.86M)

Aussies yes but them no.

Since fucking when.

>canned hot dogs
Nah, it's probably British, Australian, or Canadian.

Many of whom happen to be niggers.

>villain slowly tortures his victims until death

Attached: 1526440594763.webm (540x360, 2.91M)

that big fuzzer knows how to party


>you can enrage the boss so it makes mistakes

Attached: 1556659027802.webm (640x640, 492K)

>that black rotten tooth
Somebody pass me a hammer, I need a strength check for this encounter.

If you actually had an IQ above 10 you'd realize thats the German language.

Objective : escape

Attached: 1557452351603.webm (360x640, 1.48M)

>Fucking hell, you suck
Nice, your nan teach you that one? Practically preschool level the way you bite

>villain steals your gf

Attached: youtuber meeting a wolf.webm (1280x720, 2.7M)

Imagine being alive one second and then deep fried the next second.

hate those

Attached: One HIt KO.webm (360x360, 1.64M)

>villain has an elaborate cutscene of them preparing for the heroes

Attached: cake.webm (532x300, 2.87M)

seething amerilard

I feel like I've eaten a years worth of food watching this

>city boy calls a mountin lion a poo-ma

Attached: scratches for eel.webm (480x360, 1.09M)

Oh, it shows.

no THIS is american

Attached: 1547356981242.webm (1280x720, 2.48M)


they get free dental through welfare. it's just americans in general. same things that lead to fatmerica having insanely high obesity rates, extreme laziness and stupidity, are the same things that lead to bad teeth.

You see? This is what I'm talking about.

Hopefully the UK block will remove a large portion of these fags.

>villain subverts society to destroy it so it can claim its land

Attached: 1526270967616.webm (1920x1080, 2.99M)

>the ocean version of cow tipping

>Boss is just a common enemy given higher stats and scaled much larger.

Attached: giphy[1].gif (480x240, 2.93M)


That's a German, but yes, the disease is spreading from muttland.

>or Canadian.
Never seen canned hotdogs like that here my man, also none of the food packaging has french on it, which is legally required here.
Based on the cat of hotdogs saying "10% Mehr" I'm going to assume this is German, especially considering the watermark in the corner is for a show called "Pures Leben - Mitten in Deutschland"

Attached: firefox_2019-06-19_07-40-13.png (489x205, 21K)

That can't be real

Honestly, shes skinny so she can do whatever the fuck she wants. Its fat people that do shit like this that should be shunned.

I would do that, and I'm not even American. And if I didn't dip, I'd likely take a sip right after a bite so they'd mix in my mouth.

>dad shows up
too much of a stretch

>Villain used to have a great empire but is now reduced to almost nothing

Attached: leo.png (629x359, 214K)

Have you seen their color?

what a fucking unit

/an/ please go

but the disease of muttland spread from muttropa, white bastards are all disgusting

But why...? How do the flavors complement eachother...?

birds of prey are so god damn cool

Attached: outfuckingskilled.webm (640x360, 1006K)

thats bm desu

>food hot
>drink cold
>dont really wanna take a sip to cool the food off in my mouth
>dip food in drink

>How does a sweet flavour complement meat
Are you actually asking this?

there's not even anything to know anymore. women don't even make an effort to hide it

>boss is a complete push over

Attached: 1553964190135.webm (358x640, 995K)


>villain was the good guy all along

Attached: 1526347689398.webm (480x266, 2.03M)

im sure theres a few more parallels we can draw but hell

Is there anything cuter?

Attached: 1560876771426.webm (1000x1000, 1.7M)

What happened

>new vegas Old World Blues

It's fucking fried chicken. Red meat and sweet flavors complement eachother nicely. Not fucking fried chicken.

he even encouraged the other bird to take the stuff before killing him.


>villain fights his nature for as long as he can

Attached: 1537989790660.webm (640x800, 2.05M)

>villain is your former friend

Attached: 1431150944041.jpg (2950x2020, 706K)

>Crocodile bro is gone.
>Bear bro is gone.
>Who knows how long hippo bro has left.
This is not okay!

Attached: Cat (308).jpg (1000x963, 86K)

just take a sip afterwards you fucking skitz cunt
dont put that shit together freak

Yeah naw faggot quit that weird ass emotional projecting. That blue whale just wants to chill but them other fuckers just bored fucking cunts entertaining themselves by forming a pussy ass gang and going after shit in groups. aint no evolution at play just a bunch of bored fuckers entertaining themselves by bulling nerds that just want to be left alone

I'm pretty sure only the 56% face gene allows human beings to enjoy sweetness in meat products.

why is chicken and waffles a thing then?

I think the black and white guy are supposed to be the couple, with the woman being a surrogate

look at the lil finnish guy go

A sweet flavour can complement anything. People put sweet sauces on chicken and other fowl all the time.

It might be that bear friend is now dead, friend.

>Villain's plans are foiled at the last minute

Attached: 1560943739554.webm (366x520, 816K)


Why did you have to remind me of BLT :,(

>Enemy can perform stealth attacks

Attached: life is unfair.webm (704x480, 2.11M)

i know i just wanted to make a shit joke

its gonna mix together either way retard.
>put burning hot food into mouth burning mouth until the sip is taken
>dip food in ice cold drink and then bite to avoid burning all together

This has to be a woman recording.
Why the fuck would you turn the camera away at the good part?

>villain is obsessed with the main heroine to the point of madness

Attached: 1537831681553.webm (711x400, 2.71M)

No it's not you spastic, you have to pay for every dental checkup if your over 18.
Which you probably aren't.

Attached: Are_You_Attempting_Deception.png (613x619, 147K)


>Cured meats and sweet meat sauces concepts originated in the US
Based Americans? Amazing that they didn't exist until the Americans invented them in in the 18th century.

That dog saw it coming a mile away and decided to bite the bullet for his fren!


Randomly scream through the air


that really startled me good job


#pussyassgang would eat your ass for breakfast retard.

Evolution CREATED bullying for a reason bro. Orcas are the bullies of the ocean, if they smelled your nerd ass swimming they would bully you too. This is why Orcas go insane at sea world. Too many nerds.

My feels.

Attached: No friends, no family, no love ... only this.png (500x848, 640K)

thats legitimately impressive to a point i cant really explain
they can fly which is impressive in itsself
they can hunt and get prey that massive, impressive
then just to fucking style on the nigga he does thatt
come on man

Dark Messiah

Orcas are total dicks to other wildlife yet seem generally nice towards people.

Strange really.


fucking idiot

Being healthy doesn't justify you from having shit childish taste

Could you repeat the question?



what the fuck I always thought the guy was wearing a hood, not that it was his actual hair

that looks like it feels good, cute hippo

it's actually toxic you hippie.

Attached: tornado.webm (700x510, 2.81M)

Reminds me of the fatass who got fit because his buddy kept making fun of him.

I think most people thought that, and it was compounded by the rain in the scene.

They see us as kindred spirits

>shit childish taste
what are you, sexist? have sex.

So after googloing a bit it seems that this is how wolves greet each other. They put their faces next to each other and lick the teeth of the other wolf and if they consider a human part of their pack they will do the same to that human, as seen in this webm.
However, if you pull back they will grab your face with their mouth, as seen here , they won't bite down though.
Still looks scary as fuck though and you have to live with the shame of looking like a dogfucker to anonymous strangers on the internet who don't know the context of a video.

hey, that's pretty good!

>villain gets one shot by an overleveled hero

Attached: 1539515984455.webm (720x1280, 1.94M)

Attached: 1553508879002.webm (1280x720, 1.18M)

Fat people shouldn't be allowed to exist.

Attached: 1520549249460.png (503x385, 218K)

>Are you sure this will help us sell juice?

That's thge most souless chip butty I've ever seen


>NPC can return lost items.

Attached: 1559402323464.webm (462x720, 1.54M)

>slow motion
>still cant quite see what it did
God damn

You can see the cameraman laughing


Eat a cake for your sweet tooth faggot. Don't ruin the barbecue for everyone else by poisoning it with your vat-full of sugar that has some sauce in it.

Closer relation to pigs, IIRC

>potato skin is toxic

In what fucking shithole do you have to live in to have toxic potato skins

Fucking kek

The audio makes this

rhinos are so fucking cool, look at that big ass horn Maybe it's a personality thing, maybe some of them are bros.

Some parts of potato plants are definitely toxic, but im not sure if the skin is also one of them

>villain unleashes a devastating plague

Attached: viruses.webm (800x450, 2.5M)

Fried chicken with honey drizzled on it is a thing

Seagulls. Fuck those shrieking cocksuckers, they go around and eat trash and constantly screech at each other with that godawful sound in the middle of the night.

Somebody fill me in on what role Seagulls have in the circle of life because I'm halfway convinced if they all vanished nobody would miss these dicks

Attached: AsianPupper.png (685x1024, 854K)

based rhino, fuck hippos

>Objective : escape

Attached: planet earth 2.webm (480x270, 2.58M)

>Slaps a big slop of butter on burger
And y'all wonder why USA has such a big obesity rate

that's one pretentious cake.

Are belugas the bros of the ocean?

Is that supposed to make it better or worse?

Man, Traitor of Mars was such garbage. Here I was hoping Invasion would've finally turned things around for the franchise.

Fuckers didn't even include any nudity.


It absolutely isn't.

Are there any mammals people can't become bros with? Even dumb ones like rhinos can be bros if domesticated properly.

>You can attempt to recruit the boss
>You can extort money from the boss
>Every boss has unique lines for both

light syrup

Villain is a horse

Attached: 1560653413060.jpg (1080x1320, 566K)

There's only the bear left now.

Why are lizards running so funny?

aah rare just like how I like my meat

Attached: Boomer.png (380x349, 70K)

How the fuck does someone get knocked out by a styrofoam take out box...?

Goodness girl, you're huge !

Real life gigachad

Revolver Ocelot

Attached: Revolver Ocelot.png (680x682, 308K)

Aren't they doomed to go extinct or something, based on how hard they're dying off, with about 80 still alive in summatra.

Attached: 1548409938500.png (198x328, 150K)


Attached: 1558172876454.webm (480x480, 1018K)


The moose.

What about crows and ravens? Aren't they supposed to be pretty fucking smart?

Llamas are cunts even when they are domesticated.

Attached: 1536644466987.png (672x434, 143K)

probably, they got poached the fuck out for their horns

Sugar was used as a preservative and dumb americans thought you're supposed to turn your meat into ice cream with it. Chili peppers were used as a preservative and dumb americans thought you're supposed to burn away the taste of food with it. Sugar belongs in meat like ketchup belongs on chocolate.

Eagles and Hawks will sometimes do this mating ritual where they'll fly up as high as possible, hold each others talons together, and fuck as the plummet to the ground. The idea is the male has to finish before they fall to their deaths.

Birds usually mate for life, but I remember hearing if an Eagle/Hawk can't perform the sky fuck correctly the female (who's larger) may abandon him in favor of a different male who can... It's a double edged sword though since some persistent birds will just let themselves die before they admit sexual defeat.

It actually does justify that, fatass.

Also, ants. They produce nothing and steal everything.

Attached: 1557920682960.jpg (1080x1080, 121K)

This is not cool. Being fried alive is extremely fucking painful. Imagine being a human and being dunked into a pool of boiling oil.

This is satire right? There is no way that this food could taste good in any way.

lmao retarded white bird btfo

Yes. Crows are one of the few animals that have not only adapted to use tools to accomplish their goals, but also to use tools to use tools to accomplish their goals. To my knowledge I think crows have been recorded to go up to four or five steps in puzzles to acquire food.

/ck/ please i dont want to see this

Attached: 1528593369471.png (450x338, 194K)

you can say that about literally anything you consume
you cum guzzling faggot
let it cool down you fucking gimp


>you can make enemies fight each other

Attached: 1558174759546.webm (888x500, 2.52M)

>A fucking french fry sandwich
>Doesn't even season the fries with some rosemary or garlic sauce
Why are britshits like this?

Attached: 343cb4e65dd7e2d7cfe5bc4f39d4acc096600cea_hq.jpg (590x410, 27K)

>Villain makes cool /an/ threads

Attached: 1434806011279.webm (1920x1080, 2.96M)

Aren't magpies basically thieves that steal everything that's shiny?

>enemy has a one hit kill grab attack

Attached: 1234.webm (854x480, 1.98M)

>canned hot dogs
We don't eat hot dogs here

And all this poaching is for satiating the chinks superstitious "traditional medicine" needs

Most whales and dolphins seem pretty friendly. Humbacks and Sperm Whales look based.

Attached: 1135536825.jpg (460x288, 31K)

>Enemy can steal items from the player

Attached: 100 pickpocketing.webm (480x270, 2.81M)

actual spastic, you act like you don't drink while you eat food.

Such a good boy

Red Dead Revolver british dude?

Seagulls. One dive bombed on me while I was eating a roast beef sandwich and took it out of my hands. I punched it before it got away but I still lost out on a 10 dollar sandwich.

I went back the next day and filled a bunch of french fries with laxatives the next day

>dolphins seem pretty friendly

For intelligent species as these there has to be more to this, for example it's some form of play, or if it isn't maybe some irrational fear the orcas developed specific to having much larger individuals hanging around given that they are a territorial species and they may extend that to their mammalian evolutionary cousins as well. I find it odd that there are no sounder theories about this behavior, at least none mentioned in this vid.

that webm of the campsite and the birds stealing everything. i dont have it on hand atm


Attached: 1535659381168.jpg (232x346, 22K)

12 shots

>You don't get them back after defeating the enemy

>enemy can get surprised

Attached: 1559726096279.webm (1280x720, 1.27M)

Either you go get politics or politics comes to get you

>villian tries to charm you

Attached: 142544397639.webm (360x360, 1.33M)


>veiled animal threads on Yea Forums

Attached: 1496084037704.jpg (286x323, 37K)

Belugas are so fucking cute.

>enemy can seduce you

Attached: animal crossing threads.webm (640x480, 1.08M)

It's deliberately cut at that point because the stalk escapes a millisecond afterward.

>he doesn't know

Attached: nervous explosive.gif (200x200, 6K)

its him, the butterlord. lord of butter.

Someone post the webm of the doctor who decided to stop being a doctor and open a resturant where he just feeds fat people until they die.

thanks user
cant wait for this thread's deletion

>somewhere, a hobo is shitting himself to death

>Enemy is SSStylish

Attached: 1536537414870.webm (568x320, 1.66M)

Attached: 1549758122219.gif (600x212, 3.57M)

>villain reflects your attack

Attached: 134788509143.webm (276x548, 1003K)

>you can trick enemys

Attached: 1502862171500.gif (300x273, 2.48M)

they fry themselves

>hero's plans are foiled at the last second

Attached: 1476900295903.gif (500x281, 89K)

strongly fucking agree lad

i dinnae eat a chip butty to get healthy ya cunt

Rape caves are just a myth. We would never do something like that.

The Lion King would have been a lot shorter if Mufasa just did this.

women sicken me.

Attached: 197982615142.jpg (600x600, 45K)

Poor turtle

Kek holy shit.

>Aren't they doomed to go extinct or something, based on how hard they're dying off, with about 80 still alive in summatra.

Some of them are, some of them aren't.
Pic related is Sudan, he 'was' the last male White Rhino: he spent his life living in a zoo- mostly by himself.
In his final years he was 'released' under the caveat that he be followed by an entourage of armed guards 24/7. He died last year.

Attached: 150416123738-white-rhino-1-full-169[1].jpg (1600x900, 359K)

Crabs can't feel pain. They literally do not have that part of the brain.
They don't have emotions either, just by the way.

what retard would give a turtle a chili pepper

that's fucked up, yo

>game has a dodge timer

Attached: brick.webm (1274x712, 2.79M)


Attached: 1557648403751.jpg (500x500, 54K)

an obsession over teeth whitening isn't the same thing as good dental hygiene sweaty :)

No part of the tuber is toxic you clown. The only thing that's toxic about the potato is the fruit. Friedeich the great had such a hard time convincing his dumb peasents of this fact and here you are undoing his work by spewing your lies!

i want to get dicked by a dolphin


Attached: 1547494427780.jpg (500x509, 22K)

Shit his talons look fucking cool

in 2040, this will be normal. having a normal juice ad with the juice and how tasty it is will be seen as weird/cringe.

Attached: 1554381692753.jpg (1280x720, 281K)

>enemies can open doors

Attached: 1555226649044.webm (720x404, 1.02M)

Potato skin can get solanine which is a chemical close to belladonna. It exists in all potato and tomato plants. Fortunately high temperature can break down the poison for the most part. The skin is probably devoid of the poison, but if your potato has green parts from exposure to sunlight, those parts will still have high amounts of solanine. That's what the name comes form. Sol -anine. Sun Poison.

>dolphins seem pretty friendly

>npcs follow a strange religion

Attached: 1493564693558.jpg (1200x899, 264K)

>people shit talking orcas
I don't think you get it, when you are at the top of the food chain in your ecosystem you can do whatever you want. It is your right as apex predator, just as it is your right to eat tons of cheesy burgers in murika

Attached: 1559672464056.webm (600x336, 2.89M)

Rent free

This reminds me of the time me and some friends found a tortoise. We thought it was lost and chucked it in a pond.

Chads of the ocean, just look at that lad

Jesus it keeps going on and on.
>Chocolate on hotdogs with marinara and cheese
What in the fuck

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When extreme satirical comics actually just reflects current society.

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user stop reminding me....

Attached: 1559916397915.jpg (750x792, 70K)

And it shows.

the fuck is he carrying?

>No panicked movements
>Casually drinks his beer as he gets attacked
>Slams attacking thot in the face
>Strolls away like nothing happened
>Not a single drop spilled

Big dick energy

>cutscene is suspenseful

Attached: edgy.webm (960x720, 2.94M)

>villain makes a shitty, thinly-veiled /wsg/ thread.

Attached: 1550370185609.gif (350x350, 266K)

southern comfort food is the epitome of apex behavior.


>Objective : escape life

Attached: I'll miss you bros.webm (678x616, 1.67M)


Attached: 1560880614092.webm (450x360, 1.62M)

Fuck I could go for a chip butty

>Villain can sneak attack you in your sleep

Attached: 1533753437243.webm (202x360, 1.06M)

How could I forget /ourbird/?

Attached: saitama.png (520x347, 192K)

Reminder she made a song about it

Are you sure it's not potato waffles

>No part of the tuber is toxic you clown

Green parts on tubers and tubers that are already producing large amounts of sprouts contain solanin, the same substance that make the fruits toxic.
So yes, tubers can be toxic, at least in parts and if you're dumb enough to store them in a sunny and warm place. You clown.

srsly lmao nigga probably takes up 5 pop cap

>villain appears to be unbeatable

Attached: 1512519749881.webm (640x360, 794K)

How do dogs get that fat?

>Bird of prey flies towards duck's neck with full force claws forward
>breaks neck
>Duck is paralyzed and confused

>boss is immune to melee attacks

Attached: dog stab.webm (480x480, 633K)

When's Butterlord

what part of the brain are you referring to?

>The rhino's face
He looks like he knows.

Attached: 12365729172456.gif (498x280, 2M)

>wwe cats

>video quality
>his moves
>not immediately knowing that's Revolver from MGS3

>Remember the basics of CQC

>britbong cuisine

Sniper wolf?

Was that hippo trying to fuck the rhino?
Sure as hell looks like he was checking her out.

Not gonna lie, I do like cats

>at least i still have a big dick

Ultra instinct

>Breaks neck
Look closely user, it ripped the whole head off


>An ancient evil awakens

Attached: (You).webm (720x720, 1.54M)

>Villain shows you a part of your body after slicing it off of you

Attached: Very fresh meat.webm (512x616, 677K)

oh yeh I love Metal Gar SurVive, fave game

>a drawer full of flour
I'm irrationally angry

What's the girl who played her even doing these days, she married or something?

More mutts than there are niggers

>villain taunts the hero

Attached: 1512516878885.webm (1280x720, 1.19M)

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in many places potatoes only became popular because they were once considered trash to feed to animals and prisoners, but the prisoners kept coming out of their sentences healthier than before they went in. In France a nutritional scientist named Parmentier popularized them by hiring armed guards to stand watch over his potato crop to make it appear valuable, and instructed them to take bribes from anyone who came along wanting to steal some of them. And of course the origin of the potato is in the Andes mountains of south america, where they still grow literally thousands of different varieties today.

potato history is pretty neat.

>enemies can recycle

Attached: gorilla.webm (640x360, 1.6M)

what the fuck is that

what the fuck

>Villain can parry your attacks

Attached: rob.webm (320x180, 1.44M)

God, I wish that was me

I'm more angry at them blowing it all over the place.

>villain is a heartless monster

Attached: 1559672819639.webm (360x360, 2.53M)

Hesitation is defeat!

>V gets Enemy Step

Hey man, have some respect. You evolved from that dude!

That one didn't fly so good.

>Appreciating the food you have.
Actually ... based.

I've heard its meat from a recently killed animal reacting to salt

i have heard biologists mention that many arthropods (like crabs and lobsters) actually lack the neurology for sensing pain like mammals do - they have ganglia clusters instead of brains, and don't have opioid receptors, etc.

there's a big ass wikipedia article on the subject here if you're interested

Let me guess, the cutscene from whatever Metal Gear game that is from really is that long, and the player character is just standing there doing nothing because the cutscene tells him to, and also the player character gets detected in that cutscene by that boss character because of the deafening roar of kojimafags yelling that it's a stealth game?

Attached: out-fucking-skilled-28366121.png (500x300, 17K)

who wants to try next

>Orcas are total dicks to other wildlife yet seem generally nice towards people.

Probably because they kill all they don't want to be 'nice' to.

Attached: 1549233333675.gif (444x250, 597K)

yeah sure since whaling aint a fucking thing right. ya dumb ass queer projecting faggot.

>Villain has a big fat ass swinging in the breeze

Attached: ass hammock.webm (640x360, 2.07M)

Thanks, boss!

fuck you

Attached: 1485624620506.jpg (471x471, 67K)

Good this look comfy, such a simple life, and yet so comfy.
i want to be an elephant in a park like this if i somehow reincarnate.

Attached: 1559505996019.gif (1372x1024, 800K)

thats quite a stretchy shit