Why does nobody talk about this game?
Void Bastards
its cool but maybe not cool enough
What's not cool enougj about it?
the amount of ships for one
i think it also needed enemies that wouldnt just move in a straight line towards you and do x
that said, gadgets and the works were cool
maybe they could have added objectives you have to do on ships ?
It looks pretty but the game itself is 4/10.
I ran out of ammo and died on the 2nd ship and uninstalled the game. Fuck artificial difficulty.
probably because it's short and shallow
what's there is really fucking solid, EXTREMELY fun and addictive, with outstanding aesthetics, but only for a couple of hours with half of that time being fairly redundant stuff
it feels like a strong basis for a much better expanded version of itself that doesn't exist yet
that's literally everything i have to say about it apart from hi farbz
>ran out of ammo
How is it possible to be this much of a brainlet? Not hard to see that little box on the upper right that tells you what a ship has, therapy hulks and tomb ships carry ammo and zap charges, also you get 21 bushwackers in the beginning so how the fuck do you run out?
It only goes to Depth 5
The gear you unlock if you maxed out the workbench tree is stuff any competent player could get to about Depth 8 on ironman no problem.
This is assuming Normal/Hard difficulty because the game isn't that hard outside of RNG starvation and extreme difficulty just gives you guaranteed damage (enemies shooting immediately and always hitting you including turrets), virtually no loot and reduce oxygen forces you to speedrun everything. It's not a very skill based game to warrant it.
The other problem is you can ONLY play for the objective which means the game ends pretty abruptly especially if you use any spare crafting materials to produce the objective components you need. You basically skip nothing but time wasting and then it just ends.
Also depth 1 is pointless early game because there's no good loot, and depth 2-3 gets you plenty for half the game, before just perma depth 4-5 for hoarding a ton of material to craft with.
There's spooks and scribe enemies that don't just slowly go towards you.