Konosuba - Game



You are going to buy her game, Yea Forums, arent you?

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i want to impregnate wiz.

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back off, shes mine.

The only good Kinosuba game was the megaman ripoff

I know nothing of the source material, but im always open to play a new dungeon crawler

aqua is best waifu

konosuba is trash prove me wrong

I fucking hate Sony so damn much for both delaying and censoring this game.

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God this blue haired girl reminds me of the time I fucked some gayboy who was cosplaying her. He sat on my face.

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Guess I'm not gonna buy it.

someone post the yakuza 2 kiwami one please

is the animeg ood

I want to impregnate this dumb witch.

If you have to ask that then you probably won't like it,

Konosuba is a garbage "comedy" with one and a half waifus worth a damn. Why is it so popular? Name one classic joke from this show, it's just so fucking bland and uninspired. No, I refuse to believe that's on purpose and they're making fun of isekais. Literally every single isekai does that, it's not smart.

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I'm sorry you aren't deep enough into the culture to understand the humor, but don't let that get you down, it's just not made for you.

Reminder to ignore Aqua posters

fuck off stupid kid


Aqua > Megumin > Darkness
It's that easy fellas, c'mon