Now that we agree GoW4 was terrible, how would you have fixed it?
Now that we agree GoW4 was terrible, how would you have fixed it?
Orc boobs
I'd rather just play a better game.
It would be pretty much the same but Kratos would be pretty much the same as he was from 3.
The gameplay would be the same as the previous games and not one point would it stop and wait you to press a button to continue a cutscene thats taking place instead of gameplay.
I bet most people who liked this game had not played a god of way game in their entire life.
1. Shave Kratos’s fucking beard
2. Keep Kratos’s old voice actor
3. Improve the old combat system instead of scrapping it
4. No motherfucking retcons
5. Have Kratos remain the same character, show his desperate attempt to become a good person
6. No Cinematic movie garbage
7. No level padding, have it be a short point A to B story that ends around the 9 hour mark
For me it was a solid 7.5/10. It really does play better on a hard mode, normal is so easy you're basically falling asleep while playing. Hard mode makes you actually care about loot and shit.
The big problem here is the padding. If you compress the game into a 10 hour GoW1-3 campaign, it will get much better.
>gameplay would be the same as the previous games and not one point would it stop and wait you to press a button
Ummm have YOU played the old games? Because they're famous for abusing QTE. Half of the game is flipping QTE.
Make Kratos bi
Remove the kid for the love of god remove the kid
I unironically liked Alfheim
There hasn't been a single good god of war game.
I'd rather play NG2 for the 10000th time than touch this shit IP again.
popular thing bad
Nah, remove the fucking dwarfs. Game literally has TWO just TWO npcs, I'm tired of those cunts.
>ummmm [best game in the genre] is better, so this is shit
According to this logic DMC5 is shit too.
Contrarian faggot/10
OP needs to have sex/dilate
>there are 9 realms Kratos
>here, count them
>look, 9 gates
>here, 9 places to access through the gate thingy
>oh what's that player, you expected to visit 9 realms, all as good as the first one? Too bad faggot, you only get 1 actual realm and everything else is a corridor
Remove the onions
Who's we?
Balrog watches Children of Men and suddenly he thinks he's a genius implementing that fixed camera BS. No one gives a fuck that it was done to look like one continuous shot, let the camera cut away so we can see more of the environment.
>no jumping or aerial combat
>zero general grabs
>cooldown over meters
>enemy variety incredibly lacking
>far fewer enemies engaged at once
>stat shit instead of skill and knowledge carrying you through the game
>Rage is swap to a small moveset instead of a larger one or augmenting our base moveset
>game literally spells out how to fight bosses
>RPG RNG Luck horseshit
>one main weapon, down from 4 in GoW2 and 3
>DmC style color coded enemies
>AI ally you can't get rid of that deals considerable damage automatically, can block and run away for entire fights as he slaughters things for you
It's shit. Play the real GoW trilogy then fuck off with your dogshit moviegame.
Why would you be mad about that though? That's the most retarded thing to be mad about
>one main weapon
LMAO look at this seething faggot exposing himself
>Kratos kills based Baldur letting that faggot mother Freya live
Literally "can't kill her because she's a woman" soipilled
Same game but the camera is centralized and way back.
GoW 4 is pretty good I just wish the story was twice as long. They have a good foundation to work with in the sequel it should be bigger and better with Thor as the main villain.
Because you get more immersed with the environment if you can cut away and pan out, you brainlet.
What did they retcon?
Aborting you.
Nothing, nintendoshills lying again. I wish this game was multiplatform
More and better bosses. The rest of the game was fine but it really needed better bosses.
>Delimb into OT & UT spam simulator
>best game in the genre