come on guys take one for the team and go to crystal. it can't be that bad

Attached: 13fuj21ux7531.png (946x410, 22K)

Other urls found in this thread:

f-list.net/c/Likuku Liku
f-list.net/c/Sasaso Saso

>Goblin no longer comfy lowpop world
Damn it bros...

>go to crystal
you first, buddy

>Ada is on its way to congested
Don't know how I feel about this.

Will MCH get cucked by DNC?

Attached: 1558111939678.png (1080x1080, 2.11M)

>Solus will never be your daddy
Why live?

Attached: 1554366455377.jpg (719x1000, 212K)

I think they will need new servers for NA too.

>1.5s GCDs during overheat
It already is.

>take all fun gameplay mechanics from DRK
>give them to GNB
>take all support features from BRD
>give them to DNC
Is this good game design?

MCH would have to be doing at least SAM numbers to even be on board.

>take all fun gameplay mechanics from DRK
>give them to GNB
Such as

DoT and go fast

>only 3 servers have open character creation
this cant be real

What they fucking need is to update their god damn servers instead of just transporting the same old shitty ones to california. Fuckers.

might well happen. omega and louisoix were added in 4.0 early access with no prior announcement iirc

GNB plays similarly like HW DRK desu.

>Aether and Primal are locked

>go fast when No Mercy got buffed to 20%, making it more crucial to line up Gnashing Fang Combo and Sonic Break with it

Balmung used to be Aether.
The fuck happened?

ShB launch is going to be a fucking disaster isn't it

>tfw I moved to Goblina to play with friends

They split DCs to make Crystal. Balmung was one of the big ones to go, and they also took Maetus, so that's nice

Probably will get DDOS's by Blizzard.

Attached: 1538498157787.png (1330x1000, 2.05M)

>leave Minifilia to me when you go kill Hydaelyn or whatever, WoD

Attached: 1552434304937.jpg (825x746, 116K)

They've at least said they've been working on preventing a Raubahn EX from happening again, so hopefully it won't be totally fucked

too highly populated so it was moved to its own DC with a bunch of dead servers

They said that duty queues will have a wait time to kinda drip feed people into dungeons etc. instead of a torrent of trying to get everyone in at once and blasting the servers. So now you might have to wait a little to queue in to solo duties, trust dungeons etc. So Rhauban EX. (Allegedly)

What the fuck? They just made another data center and it's almost full

I am in EU, I hate EU servers and the move of US servers to west coast gave me huge ping, are there any US servers more eastward now?

Is there an upload of the journeys ost yet?

Attached: get in.jpg (1920x1080, 179K)

Balmung got moved to its own DC with a bunch of super low pops.

funny since I was on there during HW and it was empty. Then my friend who got me into the game said he was coming back said he didn't want to transfer out of Balmung so I ended up going back. Only for him to quit on my after 1 week of play!!!!!

Whoops, I meant no Rhauban EX*

FFXIV is growing in popularity. That or they're locking the servers to make it seem like XIV is growing when it isn't.

Something tells me they weren't counting on WoW imploding quite this hard

They'v said that:

>They have already fixed the Raubhan EX type of issue.
>They've upgraded their servers in anticipation of the influx

So unless they didn't add servers again, which would be fucking stupid of them right now, everything should be good to go.

Unless of course Blizzard tries something.

Unofficial lodestone analysis showed over a million of active characters. During the fucking expansion content lull.

It is growing it popularity, based on sub announcement and pre-order counts doubling, but I don't know if it's enough to result in this level of congestion

thanks bro. i'm sure a nubile young girl will be safe with a famous womanizer such as yourself

looking to get into ffxiv too, which would be the best servers for US or Asia?

preferably one with other female players since I'm a bit shy

HW DRK was quite proc based, they removed the procs and a bunch of other skills and replaced them with TBN.
GNB is heavily proc based with additional effects on top.

I just want you to know that was dumb as hell of you and you shouldn't have moved.

no they're all still in california

Look ye where the parse doeth rise, see NIN and DRG, rDPS highs
Look ye where the parse doeth fall, see MNK and SAM, lost amidst the squall

>GNB is heavily proc based

I don't think that's what proc means.


Attached: 1557831960653.jpg (981x1080, 300K)

We're in the end game now Yea Forums. What are your last minute preparations?

Attached: end game.jpg (1280x720, 57K)

Why does she look so nervous?

For fuck's sake. I hate square and their shitty game.
I don't want half of the text I see to be German, French and even more broken English than mine

BRD is closer to DRK in term of being proc-based than fucking GNB.

Get a big MGPp and cap Wolf Marks.

I'm going to be playing Bloodstained for at least the next few days and then sub some time before the 28th


>other female players
Oh hunty....its best to play on your local servers but if you want to play on others use a VPN so you arent screwed over by ping

I'm already capped on all three tomestone types, and mostly on hunt and GC seals, all I need to do is finish capping my crafting and gathering scrips and I'll literally have nothing else to do for the last week.


Fuck yes thanks.

>getting BTN from 68 to 70
>slog through Eureka Pagos at least
>get at least one 50 event tomestone mount
>keep leveling jobs to make space in armory
So much stuff to do, so little time.

PvP Rank 50. Already at 49.

Last minute prep: cap scrips and tomes, clean out my retainers some more
Last minute goals: 2k mahjong rating, catch god damn fucking ruby dragon

Got MCH to 70 and almost got SAM up there too

>tfw sort of want SB2 to be as fucked of a launch as SB because during those days we we were stuck in the fringes/peaks I leveled all my gatherers and made great progress on crafters without any worries that I could be doing combat job progression

GNB literally does not have a single proc-based skill.

What procs does GNB even have?
Are you talking about the "Ready to ___" stuff?

Capping my main for ShB. Got my BLM to 60 yesterday and going to autism it along with my gatherers until ShB.

Furnishing my house and leveling desynth

Attached: 1558442936982.jpg (268x250, 17K)

You're retarded.

Actually going back and doing Alexander

That's him
That's Vauthry

Attached: 1560926201868.png (677x636, 667K)

Finish getting PLD to 70. Already halfway through 69 so I could just be lazy and do beast tribe dailies and I would still hit it before early access.
Also need to clear out as much space in my inventory as possible. I already have another 200 glamour prisms to add a bunch more items to the dresser once the maintenance ends and the space is doubled so some of that clearing will have to wait for day 1.
And need to raise my aetherpool in HoH more for leveling the new jobs in there. Never touched it until a couple of days ago so I'm at like 10/10.

All in all, not too much left on my plate. I've written off doing stuff like BA before the expansion so I'm not exactly crunching.

>modern wow

Spamming 24 man to get i400 ranged DPS.

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I was dumb and I spent my 2000 poetics before realizing you will buy SB gear with poetics. So I have to get those back. I am not capped with the rest (about 700 in the rarest and 1100 in the other) and that's alright, I wasn't prepped for SB and I will do fine here. I need to decide on a new name since I don't like my current one.

>glamor space doubled
>will probably fill it up in like 2 hours anyway
I really need to learn to let go.

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You'll just be able to buy the tokens with Poetics after the expansion drops, no need to go that hard if you don't want to

Hang on a fucking second, who is ordering the different worlds? How do you know what order they're in?

The thirteenth became the void, but why is it the thirteenth? Proximity to the mother crystal?

Attached: 1537805216565.gif (310x266, 77K)

Yes. Proximity.

Wouldn't that mean ours (14th) is even closer?

Elidibus did it. He knows everything.

Yes, proximity to the Source is how the worlds are numbered

It was a commentary on FF13 being trash

No. We're on the source. Not the 14th. There is no "14" it's the source and 13 copies.

Ours is the source.

I don't understand how there are so many people with this problem, I've levelled everything to 70 and do a lot of glamouring, but I heavily curate what I keep. There's really not that many good looking items in the game that 200 is a difficult limit to work around. 10 glamour plates? Now that's an issue. Glad that they're finally increasing it but there should be space for one of every DoW/DoM class and at least one for DoL and one for DoH

Ours is not part of that numbered series. 1 is the closest and the 13th is the furthest. We are the Source.

At first I figured that was the point of the shards - each was a final fantasy world with 14 not existing and being the source. I mean that is the easter egg of it but it seems clear with the first that they are all just reflections of the source, which means the same races (different names), apparently something of the same geography too despite their not having the 5th calamity or whichever was the giant flood.

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9 days boys. And girls. And boys who dress like girls.

It's just now hitting me that NIN's damage may be kinda insane in 5.0. Seems weird

>tfw xiv has 25 NA servers and wow has 226 NA servers

Attached: operator.jpg (1387x1078, 320K)

>they all just shard and cross realm together so it doesn't matter

Attached: MysteryNiggas.png (403x402, 63K)

>JPN has more worlds than NA even though we outnumber them
>also let's give EU 2 more worlds to split them up even further.

Attached: 1 mil current subs.png (986x448, 26K)

Is this peak snowflake

what the fuck is this font. kys

So is the source part of the series or what?
I mean it's clearly considered 7th one in this image.

>>also let's give EU 2 more worlds to split them up even further.
Doesn't really matter anymore since there's world visit.

The source is the big crystal on the right. Hydaelyn.

It's Eorzean and I didn't make it retard.

>he still can't read eorzean script
go back to school, doman

Attached: 1539102165257.jpg (500x500, 61K)

what happened with the ones between the void and the source?

Adamantoise is still too small and nobody ever talks about it. We'll never be congested.


Attached: laugh at it.png (389x365, 199K)


Rejoined reflection aka the Ascians won, I guess.

Rejoined with the past calamities.

Unsubscribe from our game.

Attached: 20180316-yn-06.jpg (600x600, 196K)

>We have double the amount of pre orders compared to the last expansion

Early access is going to be fucked

>The source is the big crystal on the right. Hydaelyn.
So why does it say the source under the world in the middle?

O-ok Koji
Just please don't gobbirap at me



They said in an interview there's going to be a queue-like system so unless that goes to shit or we get ddos'd it should be fine.


guess whats missing, Yea Forums?

Attached: 123.jpg (378x377, 48K)

The thing is I'm not sure I take them at their word on stuff like this.

Darkside and two Heavy Thrusts.

>XIV is experiencing unprecedented population growth almost entirely because blizzard shit the bed to levels previously thought impossible
>so many WoW refugees it's like a meta version of the ala mhigo plot
i'm surprised square haven't formally thanked blizz for all the money

Here you go, smoothbrain

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>Diurnal AST

Attached: 1535745352569.png (613x648, 184K)

>which would be the best servers for US or Asia?
Dunno for US, but for Asia it should be Tonberry. But it's always congested. I don't know what the next second server that has a large english-speaking contingent after Tonberry.


And then they're going to lie and say they are getting DDOS'ed by a nefarious hacker group and there is nothing they can do, when in reality the game is just popular and their shit servers can't handle all the people trying to play the game because they're too cheap to upgrade.

>comic sans
Absolutely devilish.


Shit the Ascians have calamitied that many of them?

3 million subscribers lads!

Attached: ffxiv.jpg (596x366, 37K)

I know. I just want to do something while waiting for expansion.

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Capping of extra tomestones.

I only have my character at ilvl 385 since I only came back like 2 weeks ago, but I think I'll be fine. I have too much gil to burn anyway.

Plus the Thirteenth which is a botched rejoining, and The First is an incipient botched rejoining.
The Void is the Ascians did their job too well, The First is the WoLs did their job too well.

I don't think Zodiark is a separate dimension to Hydaelyn. Zodiark is also part of the Source, he dormant as the moon.

Finally, botting to 70 in MIN is done, now all I have to do is Botanist and Fishing.

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I almost want to buy the Lyse outfit just for the jacket, but fortunately it being associated with Lyse is stopping me.

That's characters actually, the expansions never sell anywhere near those amounts which shows a lot are just alts.

Nocturnal Sect is actually so incredibly shitty that it's more cost effective to use Diurnal, even with a White Mage. The only times you should use Nocturnal are when you are absolutely forced to, such as 2AST party compositions or there is a raidwide you can not survive with any other option.

It's been stated several times over in the game that Zodiark and Hydaelyn are two parts of a whole made separate.

>The Void is the Ascians did their job too well, The First is the WoLs did their job too well.
To be fair, was it really them doing their jobs too well, or was it actually an inevitable result due to their proximity to the respective crystals?

Gonna have to hid under a rock next week since I know you faggots won't spoiler the fucking datamines.

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Wait how do you bot this

Attached: stormblood sales.jpg (699x708, 179K)

So I just finished 4.56.

Does Estinien just follow me around? What the fuck.

You can't blame the first's Warriors because how could they know? Ascians have meta knowledge though, and simply gamed the system too hard.

>tfw you run an alliance roulette and keep purposely stealing the main tank position with provokes
cucking the MT out of aggro

Attached: 1547176026204.png (843x718, 470K)

By becoming a soulless automaton.

Nocturnal is not as strong as Diurnal, and that looks like it's MSQ-roulette content anyways

At least the first seems to be salvageable right now. The 13th, not so much.

Who else #tookdaysoffworktocashintheearlydaysofthenewexpansion here?

Attached: 1554113351378.png (1087x1061, 2.3M)

He's got nothing better to do.

Yes. Is that a problem?

By using a bot? I use Rebornbuddy.

Yeah but he is still on the Source dimension. He was originally part of a single planet with Hydaelyn but he got torn out and turned into the moon.

Diurnal = faster malefics.

>Not stealing MT aggro as a DPS

Attached: 21243.jpg (480x270, 33K)

He's got a shiny suit of armour he wants to give you, but he's too bashful to actually do it.

Meanwhile, world of warcraft Azeroth sold 3.5 million copies.

Attached: azeroth sales numbers.jpg (660x600, 152K)

Good point, I need to bail on these threads as soon as it's possible to datamine.

He has nothing else to do so he's literally just posing like an edgelord dweeb on some high summit wherever you are. He's your very own batman except he's actually cool

>mfw Zalera
do i leave or stay

Attached: 1351038190187.png (560x407, 16K)


He's basically your boyfriend. I hope you did the DRG questline


I'm playing Bloodstained this week as well as getting as much IRL bullshit out of the way if I log in it'll be to finish Eureka's story and get my Relic Weapon.

Crystal is unironically the best cluster in the game and always has clowns to laugh at, debate me.

>Not even half of those 3.3 million stuck around for 8.2

>shirking retarded dpscuck before buster

Attached: 1505285218919.jpg (524x454, 153K)

flst check :3
f-list.net/c/Likuku Liku

2 weeks off. I plan to get all crafters and gatherers capped plus a few dow/dom jobs.

Attached: still subbed.png (676x678, 875K)

That made HW feel especially nice, going right from DRG to it since I picked ARR up a month or so before HW. I hope/know that DRK players will get a similar experience here. Judging from being on the cover Fray is liable to show up for everyone but he's bound to have good dialogue unique to DRK players

Good luck, I'm in a whole different alliance and blending in with the pack.

What do Zodiark and Hydaelyn even look like

1 week off. I'm gonna be a fucking disappointment by just playing one game while not taking care of my daily hygiene.

They are quite literally the big ass crystals you saw.

Hydaelyn is a big ol crystal. Zodiark looks kind of like necrophobe from FF5.

The only reason your inner darkside takes the form of Fray is because of the DRK quests, so it wouldn't make sense for Fray show up for people who haven't done DRK quests

Hydaelyn is a giant blue crystal and Zodiark looks like outer space

a-atleast take a shower user

>Uses only in game screenshots because you're too poor to get art

And ignored. Try being better, like this user f-list.net/c/Sasaso Saso

Why do you even play the game if you bot, you fucking faggot? Do you also use cheat engines to get those juice headshots in multiplayer games?

I hadn't played since Stormblood first released. Just started 2 weeks ago. Upgraded my main gear to iLVL 390. Played through all the post-Stormblood story. All the side Stormblood Trials + Dungeons. Went back and finally played through the Alexander raids. Then moved on and finished the Omega raid. Only have a few things left:

>Stormblood's Alliance Raid
>Level Fisher to 70; at 53 right now
>Get Rank 10 on my Chocobo Companion; at 9.5 currently
>Unlock Mentor status so I have an extra daily roulette for leveling EXP once expansion hits; Have all requirements completed except for the 1000 dungeon/trial achievement. Need about 100 more, will probably just farm Ifrit a bit.

If I happen to complete the above I'll probably shift over to level my Bard up to 50 so I have some decent glamour options as I use that job to traverse towns with Peloton.

>turns the cleave

Attached: 1521371886098.png (398x370, 262K)

Wrapping up Garo. 15 levels left on AST, 6k wolf marks and the mount grind in the feast to go and I am 100% done. Considering leaving The Feast grind for when a new season opens up if it's before 5.1 so I can try to get a proper heavy-armor healer glam from the feast at the same time.

Attached: 1508629446425.gif (480x420, 91K)

Huh. I thought it would be something more than that, like the crystal is just how Hydaelyn communicates to you but I guess I'm just the dumb

Crystals. For all we know they're superdense masses of sentient aether.
In promo art Hydaelyn is humanoid and looks like Ultima. They could be ayys.
We just don't know.

>Zodiark looks kind of like necrophobe from FF5
where do you see that?

>Unlock Mentor status so I have an extra daily roulette for leveling EXP
>Gets an EX primal


>Kills everyone but me and you
Nice day we're having user.

Attached: 235234.png (170x170, 42K)


Because fuck gathering. Simple as.

I fucking wished I get EX Primal in mentor roulette sometimes.
But no, it's always under the armor or some boring leveling dungeon.

They won't have him play any kind of important role if he shows up just for a single class. It'd be too much effort for a single class. He's either going to have a role to play for everyone or he doesn't show up in the main quest. They will likely use him as the embodiment of the inner darkside of every WoL for some plot contrivance.

>Not even having weird fetishes
user... Is that your actual f-list?

>f-list.net/c/Sasaso Saso
So that's where those facesitting pictures came from

>yfw they reveal one of the split worlds near the center is our world

>They will likely use him as the embodiment of the inner darkside of every WoL
But that's exactly why he won't show up, because it makes no sense.

I know them. They're into eating ass and facesitting and NTR. Nice guy

inb4 he just gets G-Man appearances throughout the zones

>zodiark looks like outer space
Zodiark's known to look like this though they may change it in xiv. The representation we've seen thus far have been a humanoid (?) looking statue and a slimmer nigger version of Hydaelyn. I think we've seen a humanoid version of Hydaelyn on ARR's cover art.

Attached: cute snek.jpg (863x674, 138K)

>[color=black]â–º[/color] Don't take the internet too seriously.[/collapse][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][color=green][hr][/color][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][color=purple][hr][/color][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent]

What did she mean by this?

Gathering is literally the easiest fucking thing in the game to level

Wasted your money botting, but then again a retard will lose his money anyway

sauce on iamge?

They already did that with FFXIII, so it really wouldn't be that surprising.

I didn't waste shit. Bought a lifetime sub for 50$ back in 2013. Made it up times over by the amount of gil I made. Sorry you're upset over me "ruining" your experience

It'll be our world several thousand years in the future after humanity has already gone extinct

Attached: 1548054831040.jpg (1920x1080, 204K)

I swear I saw someone notice a fray like figure on the cover art or splash art or something but I can't seem to find it again so perhaps it was a figment of my imagination

jesus christ

Some user made it in a /trash/ caption thread. All I know

Crop the image and saucenao it.
The artist has pixiv account.

Just got kicked from HoH as an Astrologian for arguing that we should be pulling more than one mob at a time. Red Mage got mad we were pulling more than one at a time because he got killed standing in stacked AoEs. Didn't curse, just said "That sounds like a personal problem." Then he votekicked me somehow.

Fuck this game and its tranny playerbase.

Attached: 1516939278072.png (541x566, 74K)


Attached: f15.jpg (680x415, 57K)


Nothing in HoH should be living long enough that it is physically possible to pull more than one at a time.

Why arent you split up shitter

The RDM didn't vote kick you. I did.

>not reporting him for abusing the votekick
fight fire with fire

Crystal is also free top 100, damn it feels good to have something you don't bros

Attached: diOwG3n3eLk1LI-wEEQ9c5s8DE.jpg (410x600, 78K)

I... I want to humiliate and torture a catboy!

what do you mean?

>botting since 2013
>only just now got miners to 70
What took you so long?
what kind of stuff can you do with rebornbuddy? I'd want something that can do my macro crafts for me without me being at the computer.

I hope they don't give sales numbers this time, it's kind of self defeating to say you have 2 million subscribers and then tell the world your expansion sold 100k

Attached: tired.jpg (207x244, 8K)

No, it's really not. The source is in the middle, balanced between light and dark.

*reports you for not accepting my playstyle*

what now fucko?

I imagine every GM is just taking shots of vodka for every harassment ticket they have to read

I... I want you to go back to /vg/!

>This plot point is revealed in the Nier raid

Attached: 1213930838180.jpg (154x193, 17K)

Even worse is if you try to help or argue against a healer as a dps. I main tank so I see less tank spergs I guess but, healers seem the most thinskinned. There are a good few dumbass tanks but healers literally act like women far, far too often. As a tank they don't have as much pull in getting you kicked but if you're a dps? even if you're in the right chances are the vote goes through. Sad. Dpslets getting pissy do annoy me but I feel sorry for dps that have to deal with both sperg tanks and sissy healers much more.

Attached: 1511182215491.gif (500x281, 181K)

>final boss of 7.0 is Zenos controlled by Zodiark or whatever
>his ultimate attack is Final Eclipse
>youtu.be/cVFiqMEW128?t=409 happens
>Zenos pisses on the moon and it explodes
>actual zodiark emerges

oh I'm fine with either jp or eng language. Thanks I'll probably check that one then

I...I'm not gonna go back!

Estinien ex Machina for when they want to create contrived scenes like that but have no good possible resolutions

>zenos being the final boss of two expansions
It's just insane enough to be plausible.

I mean, it's clearly not correct since we know from lodestone statistics that Stormblood had way more players than that. The article is most likely doing something retarded like only counting physical box sales, or it's just shit bait.

Is this game free to play yet? Can you even continue trolling after you level over lvl30

In the first place it's your fault going into HoH as a healer.

Remove LB as it is currently.
Make a new super bar linked to players individually.
It will build up only with that player's actions.
Can be used anywhere even MSQs but the bar will reset if entering an instance to prevent "pre charged" limit breaks.
The LB effect depends on the job. NIN is a buff that grant's no CD to mudra and increased speed. SAM is a massive slash dealing huge damage, SCH Grant's everyone a fairy providing them with regen and shields for a bit etc.

GMs are total bros in my experience, they usually investigate first hand and act with common sense.

>implying more than half will even be retained by patch 5.1
Don't worry user the game will be as lifeless as all non-Balmung servers once the new expansion hype dies off like it did with SB launch.

Good luck, fishers

No, gotta keep the vermin out somehow y'know?

Nope, and never will be. Has the most subs it has ever had

Lodestone is characters, not subscribers.

How could XIV get something like this to work for each job?

Attached: 1560923143501s.jpg (250x152, 7K)

Boring, it's effecitvely no different from just putting an ability on a 300s timer or whatever

FFXI isn't even free to play.

It wouldn't and it shouldn't. Talent trees are a meme.

FF11 isn't f2p yet, what makes you think this one will be anytime soon?

Sounds like shit, I'd rather just keep doing my rotation while the tard monk lb3s. Also the fast gcd meme needs to die, there's a point where you gcds would go so fast you would clip ogcds

By adding more jobs. Talent trees are just more classes that use recycled assets.

You couldn't possibly have even an illusion of balance with talent trees. I'm fine with how the jobs work now.

So if the void can’t be rejoined doesn’t that mean that the ascians lose because they can’t fully recombine all the shards now?

Get ye gone WoWfag

No. "individual LB" has always been a lame fucking idea and I want people to stop asking for it.

You even clip ocgds pretty bad with rapid fire on mch

Pretty sure they don't need to rejoin ALL of them, just enough to wake Zodiark the fuck up.

No, they need only 1 more not all of them.

The census only shows characters meaning we might have a lower active count but might be more unique players than Alts. Didn't matter in the end as they'll never show numbers on top of this post

Wow refugees out of my thread

I prepped around 200 of each grade 6 materia only to learn a few days ago that we're getting grades 7 AND 8 in shb so it was a waste of time

>WAR throws a mountain on fire
>BLM meteor shower, every meteor landing is a mushroom cloud
>DRK would've been Fray but we already got him

Does it work for MGP farming? How do I not get bopped by the popo?

It works good in pvp, but only in pvp

Is pvp going to be dead once ShB hits?

Talent trees are stupid because all they do is offer the illusion of choice. There is no real room for creativity because anything but the intended/meta path will be shit and useless.

It'll probably be alive again in 5.1 when the new PvP update (probably) hits

why are you even in HoH as AST when healer queues for dungeons are instant

Sub or dub for SB and ShB?

I used every single talent in pvp desu

Won't pvp be a good source of exp for dps during 5.0 since the only other option to level up is through dungeons?

It will prob die down, but once 5.1 hits it will be active again

sub for the story, dub for the boss fights

Whichever you used for ARR and HW, I don't understand how people can keep switching voices.

I like the principle of it that would allow you to have a variance in a class (A healer paladin or a tank paladin, a DPS warrior or a tank warrior) but it'd be impossible to balance. I am happy enough with XIV's greater number of classes instead of talent trees in wow. The only thing I really want class wise is something I'll never get - an armored healer. I'd take a melee healer at this rate but while I'd love to see it I don't know what existing FF job that'd be.

Whatever you think sounds better

>Won't pvp be a good source of exp for dps during 5.0
Not when everyone and their mother will be running the dungeons for the MSQ, gear, or just leveling. No.
Dub from 3.0 onward

Talent trees make no sense mechanically in a game where you can be everything.

The game had like 500k active players on Stormblood launch. In a game where you can do everything on 1 character and you can even opt to pay a cheaper subscription if you only have one character I seriously fucking doubt that everyone has 5 alts they regularly play. Alts probably account for like 10% of lodestone numbers at most.

Still can't find anyone to learn Seiryu Extreme. I should have done it when it came out instead...

>pay 5 billions yen for basegame
>pay 300 millions yen per month to be able to play
>get told i cant create a character in this server where all my friends are playing
>ask refund
>get a fried dog leg instead

Rewatching the cutscene with varis and solus in the black rose facility, it sounds like it's going to be used on the first rather than the source

No. 5.0 will probably be the most active PVP in a while because new players will only have a few months to get their Garo gear and will be spamming it on repeat.

Too many people will be using the Trust system in the MSQ dungeons for ShB it will crash all instances.

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I like limit breaks as it is currently because it's a group tool. If you make them individual abilities you're more or less just adding another ability to each job's kit, which isn't as interesting.

They do need to rework some limit breaks though. Healer LB1/LB2 are useless.

You gotta clear EX primals within the first few days if you want to farm them later.

> I don't know what existing FF job that'd be.
IIRC there aren't many existing classic jobs left, so we'll probably see more original jobs or at least classic FF ideas reworked into jobs in the next expansion(s)

with glamour dresser being 400 in the expansion it should be 400 per slot, not total. No excuses.

I'd like if the OG jobs get turned into seperate proper jobs with new roles. Rogue, marauder etc instead of being the cuck version of what they turn into so I guess "dual-spec" for each job in a sense since they'd be branching. Doesn't have to be advanced or have a ton of seperate job quests. Just unlock it, tie it into the normal job quests and boom.

FFags please explain to me what "learn a fight", can't you just watch a youtube video or something?

You can watch all kind of tutorial videos you want.
Means nothing if you never put them into practice.

watching a video and actually doing it are different things

>just watch a youtube video
Yeah, bro. Cuck yourself of the first time experience because I did it too!
How dare you go in blind at all for a learning party. If you don't study videos repeatedly and then clear on your first attempt, you're garbage and should uninstall.

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>400 weapons
>400 hats
>400 body items
>400 gloves
>400 pants
>400 shoes
>400 earrings
>400 necklaces
>400 wrist items
>400 rings

Attached: basset stare.jpg (270x270, 41K)

>that one fucker who keeps dying to the first 2 mechanics because "it's le genuine blind experience"

With the new world visit shit, isn't your DC much more important than your server?

there's still a lot of things you can't do when visiting so it still has some significance.

>take away all proc based gameplay from MCH
>make DNC almost completely proc based

what did they mean by this

You're not entitled to anyone else's time.

AHEM. There's TWO slots for rings

>800 rings

Sub if you can deal with the fact that it's a localization and the text is different. As long as you can put together what they're saying in Nip. If not? Go dub. Some characters will be worse but some are okay. Dubfags and their aggressive autism are worse than the actual voice acting HW forward. If you're german or french go dub since it's not a localization but an actual attempted 1:1 dubbing and you get the best possible outcome outside of knowing japanese and being able to read it.

Then tell him what he's doing wrong, you massive fucking sperg. It's a co-operative game.
Why can slanty eyed Japs foster a team environment with anyone, but you clam up and demand perfection out the gate?
Works both ways, shitcunt

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If you're a fucking hopeless retard case then do the rest of the party a favor, swallow your pride and at the very least read a text guide.

>every mechanic in the game is literally impossible to avoid unless you have someone tell you in advance

Attached: hello i am dodo.png (278x226, 14K)

Absolutely epic. It's that time of day again.
Can we skip ahead to lewdposting?

Thou does not pathe min sub

I'd rather just have a large total number of spaces instead of spaces per-slot. I could conceivably want more than 400 chest pieces but I'd never fill up 400 necklaces in my fucking lifetime.

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>no dancer lala gf

Gunbreaker is kind of an original job isn't it? I'm glad at least they aren't hesitant to do more jobs per expansion even if they won't be doing more races. My naive hope in the past was green mage for this expac given it's a hammer wielding (hence the way too smug 'huh how are we going to get hammers to work' bit during liveletter) melee magic user. My big hope is mystic knight because I love the arabesque look and it'd fit for Thavnair in 6.0 but my skepticism is it'd be another DPS and I don't see them having yet another sword. We already have two 2h sword classes, 2 1h sword classes. Dual wield scimitars maybe, or some unique setup like the scepter-sword of red mage.

It's pretty fucking certain that hammer in some kind will be one of the next job weapons, just because it's a major weapon type that hasn't been rendered yet. A double-sided weapon (which can be split into two for certain attacks) like the FF12 judges would be fucking baller. I used to think of Judges as being the tank class but what if they were DPS sharing dragoon gear? Besides that the likely choices I'd see would be scythes, whips, I'm skeptical about busterswords being a unique sword type as opposed to just a DRK model, 1h axes, doesn't MCH get a crossbow for an ability or something in SHB?

That thought crossed my mind and I like it but the messiness of it makes me skeptical it'd be done. Failing that I'd like to see them resurrect the spirit of some of those original classes - you get assassin or pirate in the spirit of rogue, you get viking or some kind of dual wield battle-axe class in the spirit of marauder.

Ah yes, my favorite part.

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it's free until level 30 right. It's just a silly mmo with made-up bloated player numbers to trick people into thinking that it's teeming with actual players, so who really cares. Also paying for an mmo when there are dozens of free alternatives who do almost the same

Soothe thine humors

You're not female tranny

We literally have that already.

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not him but its unironically faster to just HoH because of how every tank seems to want to respect the content right now

It's not fair

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you need to grow up little billy, women are not mythical creatures

this but unironically

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Where my crafters and gatherers at?

What have you guys readied prior to ShB. Aside from the obvious capping of scrips.

If you're a female and on Yea Forums you're either extremely fat or mentally ill, but 99% chances are youre a tranny.

I don't want a single 123 combo. FUCK THIS.

>grades 7 AND 8

what job are you guys going to do the story with? I will be using BLM



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how can one dog be so cute

Well I hoarded a shitload of gathering and crafting materia but apparently they're introducing not only grade VII but also grade VIII materia. Which I'm fine with. I think it's not fair to be able to prep a bunch of stuff ahead of time to gain an advantage. Hoarding shouldn't be encouraged.

It's a waste to do story on anything but DPS.

Such as?

We meet again... Arseeater Gertrude.

The duality of man

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datamined from the benchmark. there are 2 new tiers of materia instead of 1, presumably for all materia types not just DoH/DoL

WHM because I hate myself and like short queues

Can anyone help label all Middy's kids name in this image?

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I wanna cum on those abs. Arenvald is a lucky bastard for getting to do so.

Pretty much all the community stuff. Retainers, owning a house, free companies, EB, Linkshells etc

For Linkshells at the very least they're giving us 8 cross worlds and eventually plan on dropping world specific LS entirely. It's safe to assume that other restrictions (except a few like housing) will also eventually be patched out, but right now it's more comfortable to be on a world where all your friends play because of how tedious it is to hop worlds.


>lol who cares the rest arent in the game

nidhogg, hraesvelgr or whatever his name is, tiamat, ratatoskr and I can't remember the others

When do I need to leave these threads before dataminers ruin the game?
When is patch notes?
Where is best place to log out?


source is datamines. A reputable dataminer from plebbit confirmed it shortly after the benchmark was released.

28th, probably also the day before since they let you preload the patch by then.

>I wanna cum on those abs

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Sometime when maintenance starts.


Best character in SB by far.

>When do I need to leave these threads before dataminers ruin the game?
Pretty much when the update is available to download.
>When is patch notes?
No idea, but hopefully this Friday for preliminary and full on early access
>Where is best place to log out?
I assume you mean to do the MSQ, in which case the Rising Stones since that is where it left off.

Why does everyone keep asking me to "entertain" Alisaie?

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I want a wolfgirl version of Fordola so bad. I want to play a wolfgirl too. FUCK cats FUCK lizards and FUCK trannies and FUCK my life I want a tomboy or wolfgirl fordola gf.

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If it's main stat materia such as str, vit, then just sell/convert it now.

>Forgetting Bahamut

It's up to you. I intend to use my hoarded materia to overmeld the level 80 crafter gear. I'll then be spending that time gathering my own grade 7/8 materia in preparation for 5.1.

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I didn't even know bahamut was middy's spawn desu

Worth doing this?

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I want to go with her as a Trust in a dungeon, kill off the other 2 companion, lock myself with her in a room and fuck her silly until her minds break and start begging me to let her go while dripping with my seed.

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To be fair, it's technically not 'real' Bahamut. Real one jobbed to Allag long ago.

Probably not since the MSQ is pretty much tuned to get you from 70-80 with no effort.

Looks autistic.

>NA hours are vehemently anti-Fordola
>EU hours are more pro-Fordola
Verily doth the information presented maketh mine noggin get to joggin'

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Real Bahamut is still Midgardsommer's son.

And those lips, too. Wanna stain them white.

I really doubt you'll get stuck in the MSQ because you don't have enough XP to continue unless you level multiple jobs at once.

I could be wrong ofc.

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What the hell am i looking at


Thanks based lore nerd. Whatever happened to the last two that weren't in the game?

>Was gonna get all chars to 70 before ShB
>Stuck on 2 healers and and not started on lancer

Finding it a bit boring chaps

Challenge log yes, hunt marks no.

post the khloe pasta please

>skipping the quest where you meet Tiamat and learn Bahamut's backstory before Midgardsormer lets you ride on his back to fuck up Thordan

Probably still chilling somewhere, tired of their brothers and sisters' shit

autistic prepping to give you an early boost in exp for shadowbringers.

At least you'll have something to do once we run out of things to do in Shad.

Do the races matter much? I picked Roegadyn Hellsguard because they looked cool and I liked the lore, but that was about it.


wasnt all that shit hard reset with the maint before expansion launch anyway?

No? what the fuck just do the msq retard, you have to do it ethier way

Only thing that matters if you like it or not.

You're doing it right. There are no meaningful racial stats.


stat variations are so minimal they don't matter at all

No. The stat differences of 1-3 points matter little when a single piece of gear will give you hundreds.

Gold Saucer grinding, casual shitposting in /xivg/, trying not to die from the anticipation.



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What is the relation between the left and right? If you do a thing on the left you get early access to do a thing on the right from the expansion?

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so does midgard reproduce asexually or does he have a wife

Don't force yourself to do things, that's how you burn out

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Titania is CUTE

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Do left before ShB. Do right on day 1 ShB to finish the challenge.

Sweet thanks anons.

Thought I had done it all in SB and just waiting for Shadowbringers. Suddenly remembers I still got the whole Hildebrand questline to do.

Asexually IIRC.

You better haul ass user, we're down to the single digits now.

He came to Hydaelyn with his eggs. We don't know what he did before that or where he came from. He's an ayylmao.

Was cross world market board a good or a bad thing?

Nothing, because I don't even have SB until ShB hits, and Poetics are so easy to get there's no need to save them, though troublingly there's nothing to spend them on either

You basically one less than the amount required to complete a challenge, so when the expansion releases and levels are unlocked, you can easily get xp from killing only one enemy or completing a single dungeon.

The aetheryte earring should work at 70, right?

You're basically prepping your challenge log for completion on shadowbringers. This is because the expansion launches on a friday but weekly resets are on tuesday. They give exp when completed.

For example, there is a challenge log for completing 10 fates a week. So this guide recommends you complete 9 fates prior to early access, then when it launches go and do one fate for bonus exp towards level 71 or whenever you decide to use it.

Yuropoors have shit taste and worship the boot licking collaborator whore. Makes sense really when their entire culture revolves around submission and appeasing their masters.

There's an in-game "challenge log" that provides gifts depending on what the log is. Playing games in the casino gets you casino money (Manderville Gold Points, or MGP), fighting enemies with your chocobo out gets you chocobo exp, etc. There are battle challenge logs that give you exp and money, but if you're at max level, you get no exp. So the exp preparation is just to get the challenge logs to be one off from what you need for completion so that when the expansion drops and the level cap increases, you can just do one quick thing each and get exp to make the jump from 70 to 71 easier.

All dragons reproduce asexually

Can't wait to find out what weapons we'll be getting from her fight.

It's gonna accessories.
There's no way Innocence won't be the one that drops weapons.

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yeah until 71

Is that a hamplanet presuming to tell anyone about culture?

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No they don't and every dragon in the game says that they don't.

SB had 3 trials though.
Susano, Lakshimi, and Shinryu.
Does ShB only have Titania and Innocence or have they just not revealed a third?

do you even play the game?

I'm still in mid HW Hildi and haven't done the Scholastic thing either. So many side quests from 65-70 unfinished. FUCK.

We are getting fey weapons and there's nothing you can do to convince me otherwise.

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Do I have to pay for subscription or is like one month included with ShB preorder?

shinryu savage wasn't released until a later patch

But then why do they take broodmates?

They have never reveal the third one.
They didn't reveal Thordan for HW.
They didn't reveal Shinryuu for SB (people even thought it's going to be related to Omega somehow)

Americans worship their jewish overlords though, that's worse.

Shinryu was a MSQ and didn't give weapons until the extreme which was added later.
I'm still annoyed we never got Lakshmi weapons even if it was for just glamour purposes. Fuck SE.

Oh shit, so you game the challenge log to catapult you when the exp ceiling is suddenly lifted from 70 to 80

But its just one level's worth of exp

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Of course they're keeping the last trial a secret.

Yes but my point is if Innocence is the Shinryu of ShB wont there not be an Innocence EX right away? There's only 1 trial for leveling this time?

No one knows who the final boss is yet dumbass.

Innocence isn't the Shinryu of SB retard

SBR doesn't include gametime.


Read the lorebook

Shinryu was 4.1
We only had Susano and Lakshmi, Susano dropped weapons and Lakshmi i320 accessories

i only recently came back and am taking a while to relearn everything

What a vacant, retard-like stare.

Some of these remixes are pretty weak, but Amatsu Kaze is an important

how do you know innocence is the shinryu of SHB?

Innocence is the Lakshmi of ShB. We don't know who the Shinryu is.

Right. It's autistic levels of prepping and is absolutely not necessary to progress in the MSQ.
But at the same time, there's not really anything to do before the game launches so if you have the opportunity to do so it wouldn't hurt to get them set up.

>he thinks Innocence is the final boss
How fucking retarded do you have to be to believe that?

>But its just one level's worth of exp
If even that.

For some people, that's worth it. Because apparently the MSQ, side quests, and dungeons aren't enough.

If you have nothing to do and time to spare then it's going to keep you a bit ahead, I could see how streamers and such could benefit from doing it, but most people are just going to get the levels from MSQ anyway.

Rent free.

>Goblin is preferred
>can't make new characters

??? This is just like how I'm on a low pop server but half the time I log in there is a queue. What the fuck is with there servers it never makes sense

Stop squatting

Europeans have great taste while mutts and bongs generally don't. Imagine preferring bitchy generic women and trannies over a fertile tomboy gf that would help you kill primals.

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Fordola is the literal example of bitchy generic.

Fordola isn't going to get a single frame of screentime in ShB. Thank fucking god

Only one person needs to agree in a 4man party to kick someone. It's why you never try to start shit with people who are obviously duo queuing. Either vote kick them yourself or just leave.

I'm European and I hate Ford, also I want to fuck Khloe's brains out

Joke's on you, the biggest Fordolaposter is an eternal anglo

pedoshit begone

jesus christ muhdik

UK here and I picked the dialogue to have her put to death

>raidtranny unironically be gotten casual filters

Fordola gets raped by the mage who handles her collar every night, has to do everything he says or else she will die a painful death.

Yeah, it would be pretty dumb if she somehow got away from the Brass Blades and made it to the First

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Just hit 330, am I correct in assuming it's going to be pretty fucking easy to to hit 360 from here so I can clear the msq before early access? It seems the easiest way is to spam anything that gives mendacity, then upgrade that to 370 with the 24 man coins (which you seem to get every time now? It's been a LONG time). Worst case scenario I can just buy gear that will be useless a day into the expansion.

Loyalist, tomboy, /fit/ yet feminine. In what world is that generic? Generic women are vacant sticks that only grow some heart if they've children and even then exclusively for them.

Fordola is a dumb retard but those pits are impressive.

Kinda based not gonna lie.

Attached: shuffle.png (580x354, 500K)

>people in the threads hate Ala Mhigans
>get presented with a character that inflicted constant pain and suffering on them
>they hate her
Ich verstehe nicht. Je ne comprends pas. I don't understand.

Where do I get limited edition lala fordola?

She was literally built for sex

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Please be in london

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>am I correct in assuming it's going to be pretty fucking easy to to hit 360 from here
Define easy. Its time consuming and you're going to need to get a ton of tomestones. The dungeons aren't hard but you should have more than enough time to get the gear in 9 days.

stop, she makes my _dick throb

It’ll presumably be nice if you want to get GNB or DNC leveled quicker

If its Angel themed like the Sin Eaters, then make it crazy and have a XIV representation of Safer Sephiroth as the Shadowbringers Shinryu fight.

Post the Khloe story. It's very cute.

Good thing nobody praises her intellect

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Whatever happened to Fordola, give me a summary of her character. All I know is she was raped and hates the people who hated her and was a test subject for implanted echo?

they implemented this already. had a mini queue for solo scenarios a couple of times ffs

Oh, that's actually a good point. I keep forgetting that some people want to pick them up immediately.

Most normalfags are dumb and they've invaded this board more and more. The only thing that surprises me is that Yea Forums anons don't consider the mary sue cat their waifu. Fordola, Raubahn and even ilberd for his autism are among very few Mhiggers that can act as humans. Killing mhiggers with Fordola with some wild tomboy sex in-between sounds pretty damn great to me.

Someone must have a site with a collection of these. Sadpanda, Rule34 and Paheal all come up empty.

her parents were garlean informants so mihggers aped out, killed her parents and treated her like a pariah
she decides to join the garleans too because fuck mhiggers and raises up to be zenos' pet dog

I don't know user but, please tell me if you find out. Her personality while being a lala would be pretty fucking cute.

Her father worked with the Garleans to provide for his family.
Mhiggers started throwing big rocks at Fordola in the street, her father shields her and Grug McBeefslab throws a biggerer rock and it kills her father instantly.
Fordola grows up, signs on with the military, is given her own unit made up of other Mhiggers.
Kills Mhiggers, beats Mhiggers, collects absurd taxes from Mhiggers.
Gets her shit stomped, implanted with a prototype version of the Resonant which barely works and has the drawback of involuntary past-seeing in the presence of strong emotions.
Spared execution for helping with the Ananta problem at Lyse's dumb floor meeting, gets sent to the Brass Blades with Arenvald.
They fit her with a magic collar which will crush her neck if she disobeys, has to help the summoner squads put down Ifrit every week.

>Lyse's dumb floor meeting
god I completely forgot about that

fucking lyse

Personally I'm just disappointed that after the echo flashback we can't find and drag out the guy who threw the stone that killed her father or the guy's descendant if he's dead, drag him out in front of Fordola, drop a sword in front of her and let her decide the guy's fate.

you're the warrior of light, not the warrior of edge

The absolute lowest form of life is a traitor. She's a mhigger that turned on her own kind. Absolutely pathetic.

Mr. Hammon Holyfist, I don't feel so good...

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I miss Papalymo and Yda (Lyse)

I miss Heavensward Alphinaud. Stormblood Alphinaud is such a big pussy boy.


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You ever play DRK?
Also that one scene with Emmanellain had you almost punch the shit out of him for being so weak before Thancreds stops you and does it himself. That was pretty edgy.

she's been on the empire's side since birth, that's hardly treachery
no, being born in ala mhigo doesn't make you a mhigger or loyal to king retard

SB Alphinaud decides ON A WHIM he wants to go to Garlemald. He's still based.

Would you fuck the Holyfist?

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>ywn make redeemed half mhigger puppies with Fordola
Why even life. What is even the point, bros?

>Be innocent child
>Angry crowd starts pelting you with big stones for reasons you don't understand
>Your father dies shielding you from their stones
Do you forgive them or put them in their place for as long as you live?

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the PGL quests were so good, why did we have to follow around this dumb autist prince who would rather punch rocks instead of having a threesome with his miqo'te students?

All these people will go back to WoW when the next expansion uncucks itself.

punching someone for being a coward bitch (and not even going through with it) and hunting down some dude who did a bad thing literal decades ago because he hurt your waifu are a bit different, one of those is just spite

Yeah, punching a kid for his lack of courage is pretty spiteful.
Bringing a murderer to justice is to be expected.

>dad starts getting pelted with stones
>3 or 4 garlean officers standing around laughing at this "haha look at the savages"
Fordola: Are Garleans evil? NO, IT IS THE MHIGGERS WHO ARE WRONG.

>Because of it, he got to hang out with Punished Gaius and go on adventures with him
>Ends up saving everyone offscreen by delaying the gas attack
>Gets princess carried back to Doma by Gaius once G'raha soulcalls him as well
Alphi is the true winner of this expansion.

I love it when rootless cosmopolitan mutts open their mouths on the concepts of nationalism, always good for a laugh. No, she's an Ala Mhigan, she was born one and always will be one, she betrayed her blood and her nation when she sold herself cheap to the Garlean occupiers.
>muh shitty childhood
Nice of you to post the other stupid whore, I can't wait to see your excuses why she was justified too.

>26 year old man

>3 or 4 garlean officers standing around laughing at this "haha look at the savages"
hella fucking based

>Father works for the most based garlean to ever exist and just wants to provide for you and keep you safe
>bunch of mhiggers start chimping out and yelling and throwing stones at you
>your father fucking dies trying to protect you
Murdering mhiggers betrayed Fordola first.

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>I love it when rootless cosmopolitan mutts open their mouths on the concepts of nationalism
Pot, does the kettle know you're talking shit?

if we're going by that the mhiggers betrayed her first by killing her father before she had any real choice in the matter

God damn Gaius is handsome.

I'm not a fan of the hairdo but he is a gigachad


>"The Black Wolf"
>is a black dude

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Gaius wouldn't have suffered this injustice.
But why is he so fucking dark in-game compared to the promo art

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Based and garlemaldpilled.

>criminals breaks into your house and kills your family
>dude it's the parents fault not the criminals!!

>The Black Wolf
>he's actually black

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He's been in the burn for while? Lots of sun.

it's okay, he's fantasy black with no black features and smooth silky hair

He stood in the sun too long and embraced ZA BURN

I hate how those pearl slits Garleans have look like vaginas

>criminals break into your house and kill your family
>4 policemen are gathered around you going "haha look at the subhumans killing each other, lmao, let them get it out of their system" WHILE the murderers are REPEATEDLY SLAMMING THEIR WEAPONS against your father's skull

I still can't figure out is Gaius suppose to be black nigger or sandnigger black or yellownigger black?

Sun and lighting

It was literally two guardsmen. There were like 30 people in the crowd.
Fordola's father would have been dead before they could have even called the garrison either way.

What's the best way to read up on the story before ShB?
t. skipped everything gang

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Current WoW is a list cause.
WoW Classic will be where all the money will be.

Dude the commanding officer is straight up telling his little pussy boy "don't interrupt them, this'll be good for a laugh" because Garlemald is comically evil.

japanese person in summer black

you don't deserve to be spoonfed.

Why are you pretending to care about the story?

>4 bad garleans vs ALL OF THE MHIGGERS


No, he says they'll tire themselves out eventually. Two guardsmen don't want to get in a fight with an actual mob, much less so for non-purebloods.

Do new game plus when it comes out :)

He became a Shad OwNigger.

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If they didn't then all the dragons would be inbred since they're all from midgardsormr and inter "Marrying"

Which goes to show that there were some good garleans such as Gaius. While there wasn't a single good Mhigger there they didn't even have the common sense to stop themselves until they were told to.

I've done nothing wrong and I'm a sweetheart

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there is honestly so much lore and worldbuilding throughout the msq that a summary won't do justice. Just do the MSQ when NG+ is available.

Watch your unending journey in the inn or play New Game Plus faggot.

It really leaves me wondering what they meant by presenting more sympathetic Garleans throughout Stormblood than they did Ala Mhigans.

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Just do NG+ bro. If you really don't wanna wait, just make a new character and play the whole story again.

Gaius, Regula, Varis (also implied further through other dialogue to be a good guy not to mention what we get to see.) some of Gaius's underlings were pretty solid such as the Roegadyn and a lot of other people in Garlemald are implied or confirmed to be good or at worst "grey" and human. Not to mention the rise of the populares until the Shadowniggers got in the way.

If you actually think he's black you're a fucking retard

Here's to hoping we do more in conversations than nods and smiles.

Garleans made a civilization
Mhiggers made what exactly? A war with their neighbors because they're violent and insane. Their refugees are worthless parasites who rape kill and steal from people they want help from. Garlemald brings law and order.

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they straight up tell you the warmongering violent side of garlemald is just one political spectrum, there's a lot of tempered opposition who doesn't want needless conflict
there's no doubt in my mind we're overthrowing the government when we inevitably go to garlemald eventually

>redditors tell everyone to go to Aether because everyone is going to Aether
>everyone goes to Aether
Enjoy your 5000 person queues, idiots