This game is very good. Why do you hate it?

This game is very good. Why do you hate it?

Attached: Borderlands 2.jpg (323x433, 54K)

Other urls found in this thread:

its boring

Most guns are garbage and don't feel very satisfying to use.

Quitting at the dashboard over a thousand times just to get a specific gun that you absolutely need is not fun and you can't defend it.

you can only play solo if you are a tryhard

Number scaling past normal mode is bullshit.
UVHM is general is just plain miserable unless you minmax absolutely everything.
Some manufacturer gimmicks are obnoxious and makes you not want to use certain weapons.
Slag is a bad element that isn't fun to use.
Being written by Anthony Burch should go without saying

>This game is very good.
Let me prove you wrong in four words.

>Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode

If you even need an explanation of the horrible problems this game has then you've clearly never actually played it to max level let alone OP8(now 10). It's shit and you can only play in the ways devs let you.

Is playing solo unnecessarily hard? Do you need to play co-op in this game?


This, the game plays like shit so you can feel awesome when you finally get a decent gun

The game doesn't get hard until Ultimate Vault Hunter mode. It's pretty bullshit on Solo but it's doable with a good build


It must suck to find out the game is bad after you beat it 3 times to reach level cap

Ultimate Vault Hunter mode is like new game+?

new game ++
implemented as dlc to deal with the ever increasing level cap

its new game++, True Vault Hunter mode is after normal, and that mode is tame on its own. UVHM is where the bullshit and mandatory slag begins

Interesting. So all the dlc is basically "harder" levels to get better weapons?

Yeah user, it really fucking sucks that the endgame in a loot game, which are always based around the end-game content and the joy of finding the absolute best max level loot, is unplayable, irredeemable autistic garbage with a strict requirement on how you play with only a handful of truly viable endgame weapons out of the huge list of legendaries they bothered to make.
Fuck off, sarcastic cunt. Your game is shit Randy.

I enjoy the game, but it has a few glaring flaws.
>enemy scaling is fucked.
You know it's bad when 2 bullets break your shield and only a few more will down you.
>ultimate mode is shit.
I know people wanted a challenge after True vault mode, but ultimate was a wrong step.
>slag is absolutely required for endgame difficulties
>Salvador is busted
I like and hate this one, but it isn't right that he's the only VH who can solo ultimate mode.
>Gaige's Death Trap is bugged to hell
He's dumb as a bag of rocks and won't melee when it's appropriate.
>Tiny Tina
>Burch's script

Because its a offline MMO that expects you to grind for gear that does not give you any good way to farm said gear(such as dungeons, rare mobs, world boss, etc.) while having insane level scaling to a point where a epic rifle can be outclassed by a green pistol 2-3 levels later.

Also the game is boring. There are two enemy types: Shooters who just mindlessly shoot you and chargers who just mindlessly charge you. Thats it, the game barely even uses elemental variants of these two. Worse yet about 70% of enemies are just straight up ripped from Borderlands 1 with maybe a slight tweak to their texture.

It seriously telling how broke a gear farming game is when the best way to get gear is to exploit quest triggers to farm loot midgets.

Attached: borderlands--trailers.jpg (474x294, 51K)

Loot is fucking garbage, and if it's good it becomes obsolete to a green version of the same gun after a level up thanks to shit scaling
Vendors are garbage
You had to play through the game several times until recently to rack up enough skill points to go anywhere
Cringe writing that aged poorly thanks to constant pop culture and meme references. Only looked back on fondly by tween faggots with nostalgia goggles.
Made by Gearbox
Might pick up 3 if the scaling is like the first game and they tone down on the reddit writing.

I think it's fun, but man. I picked it up on sale like a week ago, and the worst thing is how there's absolutely little to no cover in the game. I play solo so I'm just being mobbed by enemies. You crouch behind a crate and still get shot. Maybe I should just boost HP and Shield? No idea yet. There's enjoyment in seeing all the different kinds of loot and play styles though. Although getting good guns is like extremely rare and it sucks being stuck with crap guns until you're lucky to find one but overlevel above it already. Maybe there's a way to game the RNG? I don't know.


And only character i enjoyed Zero. It is fine in co-op but everything is better in co-op. I hate how game is trying nonstop but only Claptrap have few funny jokes. First game was better. They should work on gameplay. Instead they give guns you don't want. Rage 2 was better even without co-op. At least you have more than one ability.

Talking robot is obnoxious as fuck.

Shit U.I. that you have to constantly go to because constant stream of guns that are just slight variations on a few base guns ... and nothing ever feels satisfying.

base game is way to fucking grindy. it was a blast with mod tools to create your own items though.

What's the most fun character/build to play in it?

krieg or gaige

It got really old really fast having to constantly pick shit up. I understand that constant loot is half of the formula but god damn it got monotonous.


I got tired of doing side missions where they send you to the same area multiple times to do slightly different objectives.

Hate is a strong word but it has issues.
Story is trash. Balance is all over the place. Loot is meh. Community patch fix some of these issues but still. God bless for Krieg.

i remember when this first came out the warrior would puke half the loot into the lava.

>This game is very good. Why do you hate it?

Absolutely horrific aesthetics.

>And only character i enjoyed Zero

It sounds like you are what's boring.


there's a few modes
normal mode is first and is just normal
true vault hunter mode is basically more of the same, just more levels
ultimate vault hunter mode is where scaling goes a bit crazy and the game expects you to slag everything
and if you want to count it then there's OP1-10 levels after that, where the scaling goes completely off the rails. but it's more like bonus levels than a mode/difficulty

One dlc is, the other dlcs are are content based
And i think the uvhm included gaige (not sure)

Anthony Burch, that's why.

Base game is boring. Too easy, not engaging. The story sucks ass and is predictable, the DLC isn't really that much to write home about, and in general it's a slog

NG+ is where the fun starts. The difficulty finally starts to tick up, which means you have to pay actual attention to your build, develop a playstyle, preferred weapon types, and so on. Loot scaling is pretty harsh [items become obsolete REALLY quickly] but it's still a damn good time if you're playing it properly.

Community patch apparently makes it a lot better. Gonna give that a try and see if it takes the game from 'mediocre' to 'good'

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Community patch broke with the new dlc and the guy maintaining Borderlands 2 reborn stopped modding just as the new dlc dropped so it's never being updated to work ever again.

wait this game is hated?

Ok. Salvador have akimbo. That is old after 5 minutes. Axton turret just shot so gameplay is still same. Maya lift someone in air. Gameplay is still same. Never played as Krieg. Gaige robot is fine. Finished one playtrough as her (no side missions ). Ther should be dungeons like in Borderlands 1. You are forced to eat bullets because you can't hide anywhere.

>Salvador have akimbo. That is old after 5 minutes.
Confirmed for hating fun, he has the most DAKKA

>never played krieg
hardest to play and most fun to master by far, finishing your hellborn/bloodlust tree for maximum pain is one of the few highlights of this game

t. r/borderlands2

nothing is more fun than meleeing bosses in a game where guns normally are everything

Krieg or Sal

Cool, thanks for the info.

>You are forced to eat bullets because you can't hide anywhere.
This, combined with slow movement and shitty fps mechanics (ads zooms in on center mass, scope movement is slow af), makes the game a clunky mess to play. It feels like the game was balanced in a vacuum, with no context for the actual mechanics the player is given.

Community patch fixes that by actually giving out good guns.

Do i have to like same stuff like you? Salvador just shot 2 guns. No skill in that. So no fun.

>tfw farming the scientist boss of the new DLC
I literally cant hold all these pearls and oranges

Extremely long camping expose that. That is why i like Zero. He can move fast and you can vanish from battlefield and find cover. Other characters are stuck in endless loop of getting shot and second win. It could be fixed. But bazzilion same guns and lame jokes are important for Randy. Borderlands 3 have same problems.

the build I suggested contradicts your statement

TVHM still has plenty of bulshit if you play it solo. you have too chase some boss since alot of them can kill you with a few shoots if your gear is crap.

dont even bother with UVHM unless you wanna farm for the best gear and slag Everything.

Why are enemies just a level above me so much stronger? They eat bullets like nothing and I waste crazy ammo on them.

lazy game design

and that would be?

you sound like a hardcore PUBG fag

not slagging?

using shit tier guns?

I liked Borderlands but for some reason I found Borderlands 2 a slog. I've gotten to Opportunity and haven't picked it back up yet since. The writing was pretty uninteresting, the side quests were mostly a chore which bothered me since I'm a completionist, and levelling felt slow (particularly when you're overlevelled most of the time because of the side quests). I've been using the same gun for about 8 levels now and it's not a particularly fun gun to use (a semi-automatic Jacobs rifle) but it's the best one I've got and still doing well. I want to use fast-firing automatic weapons but those burn through ammo quickly so the game sort of puts those kinds of weapons at a disadvantage until you fully upgrade your ammo capacity

only quest reward items are like that, and the only one you NEED to do that for is the sandhawk in captain scarletts DLC

>Goes from being written by a meme spouting redditor to a fucking Chapofag redditor
>Scaling is fucked and designed to force you to either grind or play co-op
>Classes have retarded skill trees that require guides to use effectively
>Psycho is either having shit melee damage output or having half your deaths come from your own fucking melee attacks
>The entire game is built on fucking fetch quests
The entire loot shooter genre is shit, stat shit is only for trash games where you click to attack

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It wasn't that bad in Borderlands 1. I joined Mordechain on level 36 with Lilith o level 0. We finished second playtrough this way. That is not possible in Borderlands 2. Shooting feels better in Borderlands 1. No way i would try Borderlands 3.

This is your brain on gearbox apologism

the only good characters have slag in their kit

i hate how you spend time on a area in the main mission only to have too go back there after finishing the quest to do sidequest since the enemies respawn. the respawn time fucking sucks.

I couldn't get into the game. I wasn't engaged with the characters or the world around me. It's better with friends but I don't really play it much outside of that.
I also just fucking hate Randy Pitchford and the idea of playing his games and supporting him sickens me

It's just a normal playthrough. I don't use slag and only have the best guns that I found.

kreig hellfire.

Yes, which is why the game is bad. Slag was a mistake.

Warframe is only looter shoter that works. Maybe because are forrced to fix it every second month.

we you found shit guns then, dont blame the game for that

heavy shock trooper axton with a bitch smg, storm front grenade and a bee sheild

there is a way to fix that.

watch this in oder. if that dosent work, he has made new videos.

This is annoying. Especially of they pop at the end of a mission when you're just trying to leave and turn in the mission.

Game RNG gave him guns. You don't find good shield. Game give good shield.

I guess I'll try it, but unless this fixes UVHM killing me in a literal second I'll probably just keep playing BL1 through again for the 5th time.

Don't blame the game for dropping shit weapons? That seems like it would be the games fault.

>not using your infinite gold keys to get a new purple shield whenever you need to upgrade
It's almost like you played on a console or something.

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Wait, what does a gold key do? I found a chest in Sanctuary that needs a key that I also somehow have. I assume it opens for something, but is it weapons? Where did I get the key anyways? Where do I get more?

Revolvers aren't a weapon type and the only revolvers you can get are Jakobs pistols, but while they come with revolver mechanics like slower fire rate and slower reload speed, don't come with beefy damage to back those up.
There's less diversity in gun generation because all the manufacturers are more gimmick-focused, they each make less types of guns than before and elemental effects are usually only on Maliwan stuff.

Hell you don't even need to do that with the UCP. All quest rewards become farmable from enemies.

i remember when the game first came out and did the trick that gave infinite gold keys. gave myself like a million and never looked back.

sad it was on my old computer and lost it all but thank god for the Community patch.

The keys unlock the chest in Sanctuary that gives you purple non-cosmetic loot that's at your level. You get keys by entering codes on submenu of the main menu. Most working codes are listed here:

Some of these codes are also for cosmetics and weapons.

There's also a golden chest in the Pre-Sequel and they added multiple chests to Borderlands Enhanced. Both of these games require different codes to get keys, which are also listed on that website.

Are smg better to use then hand guns? They don't seem as powerful, but I'm guessing the ones with shock/fire/corrosion would be more effective with faster fire rates.

Constantly having to scavenge for ammo is fucking annoying.

SMGs and shotguns seem the best way to go most times.

It suffers from bullet sponge syndrome

enemies just don't feel fun to shoot after a while

There's tons of skill and knowledge in Sal. If you just load up two high damage guns you're in for a bad time.

>he doesn't play as Krieg and uses the rapier to bloodsplode literally everything

Absolutely pathetic.

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Why would i want to play anything on Pc except Dawn of War? Pc is for work.

>Absolutely pathetic.
Says the frog.

Just finished playing normal and the dlcs for the first time with Maya. Did I imagine it or was there a way to auto-level from 0 to 30 for the new DLC?

Kind of want to try other characters and their skills without having to play for hours with each of them.

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Too bad it got borked in latest DLC.

>require guides to use effectively
i think you might just be a brainlet, they arent even complicated

I just completed a 100% playthrough on normal last night and every complaint people have had in this thread is literally true. I play Commando solo (no friends) so the turret helps take some fire off me which somewhat negates the huge number of enemies that spawn.
Scaling is fucked beyond belief. An orange infinity pistol I got at level 7 (by sheer luck on my first go) was the best weapon I had until level 15, because despite doing fuck all damage, firing non-stop and running was easier than aiming and pissing about finding ammo.
Despite playing a commando which is suppose to master assault rifles, every rifle sucks and its easily the worse class in the game. Despite having perks that aid in rifle usage, the best gun I found and used for ages was called "fast law" which I got from a quest. Guess looting everything was a waste of time. To make it worse, once the gun became obsolete, it was replaced by AN IDENTICAL GUN but with higher stats, again from a quest. So now by assault rifle commando has been using a fucking six-shooter for almost 20 levels..

Finally got to the Warrior boss and was massively overleveled. What piece of ultimate loot did I get? Fucking handsome Jack's face for my character, which nobody sees because I play solo. I ended up fighting it a couple more times and fortunately got the legendary shotgun that it drops, Conference Call. Wooooaaaah, coooool. A trip back to sanctuary and I decide to open up that gold chest and I immediately get a shotgun far superior to my legendary, so I pissed away my time fighting the boss to get it.
That's nothing to say about how boring every dlc is and how fucking unbearable every character is. Claptrap I could tolerate because I knew what I was getting, but even my commando rails off memes when getting headshots (like "you get a car"? That's an 8 year old reference at the game's release.). The moment I heard that fucking Captain Scarlett and her "ello guv, help us find sum buried treasua?" I knew that I not only pissed away 55 hours of time, but also the handful of money it

How long did a 100% playthrough take you?

Best build for Axton is not rifle anyway but Grenade/Explosives since a ton of legendaries have special projectiles that count as grenades

>tfw try to headshot and do crits with explosives but it doesn’t work like that

Do the dlcs user, tinas or the fight for sanctuary. FFS supplies you with a new weapon type and a very strong assault rifle end game gives you a relic that boosts all assault rifle dmg

Should habe saved the dlc for TVHM. You only fucked yourself for playing the dlcs on normal. The scaling in TVHM stops at 50.

Do Tina DLC and farm the trees for The bee shield. Thank me later

About 55 hours for just normal. I was overleveled for a fair bit of it so that made it go quicker. Didn't to the tyrannus the invincible boss, so everything but that.

I use plenty of grenades. The version I bought came with "contraband fireworks" which is valued at like $70 but its damage scales with your level.

Yeah I got them but was done playing at that point.

So I've heard. From the sounds of it I'm almost 10 levels above the first enemies in TVHM, so I'd have to restart with a new level 30 character if I ever felt like it.

For first playthrough it's really good. But if you do the New game+ and ++, you'll want the Fastball grenade

I can't stand characters. They think yelling=fun.

Anarchy gaige
>level up ricochet skill to max
>level up anarchy stacks to max
>don't even have to aim to do 250% extra damage on enemies you can't even see

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>mfw i had a mod that made UVHM a bit easier but only by a little and made it worth playing

Attached: 1558506679245.gif (246x205, 565K)

That was reddit 2012 humor in a nutshell


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There is a link in the thread that fixes that

Is there any way to hide damage numbers?
How about disable status effects on your screen?

I came back to the game on my lvl 60 sniper Zero in UVHM and just finished the new DLC. I refuse to play anymore until I can fucking see. I don't know how I even got this far to begin with. I've thrown away all of my elemental snipers too, just because I cannot stand it when my enemy is a monochrome blob on top of being a twitchy retard.

I've been having lots of fun with it lately. Just running through normal mode with axton. Gonna try the DLC now.

I'm playing Krieg on level 38 using the Mania tree and now putting stats on the Hellborn tree. I'm now going through TVHM which is pretty much easier than normal because I can actually do as much damage to my enemies now. It's pretty fun chucking away bosses' life pretty easily which I expect to be my crutch until Bunker. I have a KerBlaster and SWORDSPLOSION at the moment. Any tips?