Dance, wagie, dance!

Dance, wagie, dance!

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Stop it Demyx, he's just trying to earn a buck where you have none.


cope more wagie

me on the right

back to the cage!

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>scam my way into getting job after 4 years of being a neet

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I am currently wagieposting and this post makes me feel offended because I could be home now blaying games


where do neets get their money?

you didn't scam anyone, they pity you

oh no no no no

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You don't need money to survive

Legit question, how the fuck do you frogposters even have money if you don't work?

how do we end the kikes?

Why dosn't the government just give me money for shitposting???

Do you have a job?

In-between jobs for a month now.


it's different for everyone. but if they are posting here they are pretty comfy.

i didn't expect i got a job this quick
i just submitted my cv online and suddenly i signed my contract
i'm scared

>mom if you don't let me neet it up in your house i'm killing myself
easy money

I have no comforting words for you, working life is hell

>you don't need money to survive

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I shouldn't be surprised so many people here still live with their mom. I understand now how so many people here have money despite doing nothing.

being a server at texas roadhouse in my area pays well over $50k with tips. they also quit letting you throw peanut shells on the ground ;ile like 5+ years ago.

who the fuck is this supposed to entail

the irony of this, there are no good games to sit home and play...everything video game related has become fast food equivalent and half ass made. basically polished turds.

"wagies" are learning real lessons, creating contrast to further progress their future. all they have to do is think about how to further progress and in which fashion.

this is coming from someone who quit their job over a year and a half ago and running low on money. i was looking forward to it, but all vidya is shit.

"Have money" is strong wording. They probably get a pittance, other than the fact all their necessary expenses are covered by mommy.
Don't forget the average Yea Forums poster is underaged.

Pure autism

>tfw third world neet
>tfw having a minimum wage job is almost the same as having no job

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youll live
everythings worse in your head


what the hell is that image trying to convey

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Drawing furry porn

nani the fuck?! what kind of job did you land?

I don’t live with my mom, she lives with me.

Do wagies actually do this?

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i may not know that feel, but i feel your pain bro

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thanks user
i'm nervous af
code monkey

>tfw fall for CE/CS meme
>tfw earn $4/hour with a master's

It's called being an Internet Defense Force shill

Wrong board wannabe rich fag

>can't tell what denomination of bill he put in
>the visible bills are 1s

itt: wageoid cope

>code monkey
enjoy your suicidal tendencies in 2-3 months

I know, home ownership really suuuuuucks.... Remember OP rent is due on the 1st, it's late by the 5th.

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>wages adjusted by monetary inflation
>productivity not adjusted by technological inflation

What's so bad about it?

You tell me

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I have an ALJ hearing in a month to upgrade my autismbux. Wish me luck, NEETbros.

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based, good luck increasing your welfare

What am i looking at here

the stress

I wish Yea Forums had a random board that was usable

i fucking wish i could draw in general for even 1/3 of the $$$ some porn artist patreons pull in every month
i'd gladly draw distilled degeneracy for that kind of money

>own a house you barely live in because you work for shekelstein for 12 hours a day
I mean.....good for you bro.....I guess............

Godspeed brother

He's saved, boys. It's over.

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>tfw been a neet for 8 months
It feels scummy as fuck desu. I apply for jobs everywhere but get no responses or get told their full