Lets do one of these.
Lets do one of these
I don't get it
You lost me here.
A boring cycle?
I still liked it but
>image vomit collage on bottom
pls no
newfag detected. that are the best ones.
>being a double newfag
something something soul of wit
God sec needs to learn when to fuck off.
I mean, that's the one and only time its ever been appropriate
LUL so randum!!! is funny!!
OP, I have Thumper on PSVR, haven’t gotten super far into it, just a couple of levels. Thought it was really cool but haven’t picked it up again. Without spoiling anything, is it worth picking up again and finishing?
whats this mean? you like it?
For fucks sake have we actually gotten to the point where people no longer know about the doom comic?
We're truly in a dark age
I know about the comic, you didn't answer my question
So you got exactly what you expected then
That's a rare example of one it actually works for. You're missing the forest for the trees, user.
If you have to ask that question and apparently know about the comic, then you have never actually read the comic.
What is that abomination on the right? Look like trash.
Am I kawaii?~ ujew~
Is the story any good?
Fucking newfags
have sex
I'm sort of a post-modern art fag so take this with a grain of salt, but the way the game ends feels very "complete", like you really did something without knowing what you actually did and makes it worth the full playthrough.
Nigga you were not playing Skyrim if you were having fun.
I'd normally agree, but it works in this case
Pretty sure he means that the board design just has you go around in circles, like a drier. And yeah I only played the first board in single player, and it really is like that, it's pretty fuckin gay and I have no idea how it's considered better than the 3DS Mario Party games.
You actually have to replay the level, on top of that, if you don't win first place. Which, since we're talking about Mario Party, is basically a flat 75% chance
i dont get it
should've thrown some bear traps in there
>image vommit
this is stupid
you wouldn't know who dagoth ur is
Can you not hear of hype and nostalgia of a thing before you get the chance to experience said thing?
it's the only way to describe E.Y.E.
I was about to play this game too. Disappointing.
I think you mixed up some things user
That chart is wrong on many levels, I wouldn't take it seriously. You should already suspect something in that Xenogears is under the expectations.
based incel nerds need to have sex and stop making autistic image compliations
Man, Nights in the woods is a weird experience because it so much of nothing as a game but I still enjoyed a lot