Sekiro is one of my favorite games of all time
Sekiro is one of my favorite games of all time
It's a pretty good game but I have to admit once I did all the endings I didn't really want to replay it again as much as the souls series. It's great for the replay value of getting the other endings but other than that it does have that problem compared to the souls series, probably worth coming back to in a year or so to play through the endings again.
Then you must have not played many games.
Seriously i'm not shitting on it but for it to be your favorite game of all time you seriously need to play more video games in general.
dilate and have sex
Nobody asked you
Mine too. I was very surprised given I'm not a fan of samurai shit.
>Klang klang klang BOOM stab.
I love it.
>what's with this game? all you do is press buttons
Asura ending made me feel bad. Isshin was so disappointed in you whereas he's really proud of you when Sekiro BTFOs him in the normal endings.
>I'm so edgy
You enjoy nigger cock
can't think of another game that perfected sword fighting like sekiro
owl and sword saint were some of the most fun bosses from has made
So what
Poor Genichiro. He lived like a punk. He died like a punk. What a punk.
>Ashina press ganging buffaloes and shipwrecked gaijin to fight for them as they get desperate
I'm liking it so far. I also picked up Nioh so I can weab out fully. First impressions; I prefer Sekiro.
But tbf Fromsoftware is going to have an edge on souls like/lite.
Sekiro just gets better and better as it goes on, every single major boss is a step up from the last. I don't think I've enjoyed the feeling of upgrades this much since the first Metroid Prime
I'm being 100% sincere. I love playing Sekiro. I'm on my fifth play through
Love how Genchiro and Owl function as "skill checks" before you progress to mid and end game respectively
Playing it reminds me of Tenchu Stealth assassin.
She Cute
it tells us that you're a normie who started gaming around 2013
This tells "us" that you came here around 2015