June 2019

June 2019....
I am forgotten...

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I still play daily, they've added some hair items finally.

can i ask you a question?
how much did you pay for the game? and how do you justify buying a battlefield game with 1/4th of the base game content compared to past titles?


To be fair, it doesn't matter since both genders are kind of androgynous due to all being boring bald soldiers.

>be 18 in 2008
>all liberals are against war
>be 28 in 2018
>all liberals want women to die in the front line and to bayonet women in the skull in ww2 games because its equal
>inb4 /pol/

it's hilarious, women characters shriek out like banshees when killed

My friend bought origin acess for me and BFV is fucking shit, wish I could play Titanfall 2 at least but you can't even find games.

$40 when DD version went on discount, I just love WW2 games so I'm biased. I barely touched BF1 though and skipped all others but 1942.
Shame there are no mod tools or dedicated servers like 1942 but thats just the nature of the shit sandwiches we've got now.

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>just love WW2 games
Doesn't even feel like a ww2 game. BF1 had great atmosphere though.

OP - the massiv cocksucker - just wanted to know if its worth buying/playing the game. He is just to shy/beta to just ask about it.

People on Yea Forums never ask normally about a game. They either feign disinterest or say something bad about the game.

reminder that only two maps have come out so far

Thank God it's forgotten. Now battlefield can be talked about without discord trannies saying "bfv is the best battlefield; y'all just hate women".

I feel like I'm missing a lot of core gameplay basics having not played any BF since 1942 and jumping into this. I find myself being constantly kicked from squads.

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Battlefield 1 was an absolutely fantastic game with a great atmosphere and a stellar gameplay.
Operations in particular were probably among the most fun i ever had in a multiplayer shooter.
Sure, the game was filled with minor historical inaccuracies, but if you care so much about that shit you can play other games, mainly Verdun and Tannenberg (they both suck ass.)
Prove me wrong.

i think battlefield 5 is a great game
but it needs way too much content, starting from different factions
i think it will be great 2 years from now, like how battlefield 4 was pure ass at the start but got extremely better 2 years later

bf1 wasn't my cup of tea; but I did like the aesthetics and atmosphere

I thought about snagging it for $15 used but remembered how shit the beta was. Still play BF1 on PS4 to this day.

I feel so weak playing as medic in bf5, I really miss bf1 weapons

Play Project Reality

Ah yes, hair items, that is what this game was missing!

I have this on origin access and its fucking garbage. The gun play is fine but the maps and everything else is trash. The game is so broken that even though I've ranked up my classes quite a but in the last week when I started playing it I can't unlock any new weapons because of a shitty bug that's been there for like 6 months and I'm stuck with the starting weapons. The leaderboards are all broken too. Performance fucking sucks as well. This game finally convinced me to upgrade my processor because of how fucking shit it runs on my current processor.

For the low low cost of real life money!

Unironically yes. They promised to make the game super customizable but everyone looked the same no matter how much you tried to change their appearance.

>you can boost your stats by killing NPCs
Well deserved.
Fuck this game and fuck EA.

Can't wait for the Pacific theatre. Hope we get to sink American ships at pearl harbor.

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I know some /pol/acks like to flak on bf1 for having Prussian niggas, but I still think bf1 understood the aesthetic people expect from a battlefield game. I liked seeing the colorful WWI uniforms.

I think battlefield has always had this tacticool aesthetic, and that's part of the reason why bfv was so unappealing even on reveal. Leather jacket-field doesn't follow the battlefield aesthetic. Of course there are more and larger issues as to why bfv sucks, but aesthetic is overlooked.

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>even the weapon skins from BF1 look much more elegant and nicer in general whilst coming complete as well
They really dropped the ball, didn't they?

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bfv has basically done everything wrong

>Carrier Assault - WW2 Edition
May be enough to get me to buy it desu

I wish the store refreshed more often than weekly.

>attrition is amazing because it handicaps the aimbros that constantly rape me while trying to PTFO!!

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You sound like a tranny. I bet you play wow for the transmogs too.

Being kicked from squads really? Like 99% of players dont give a shit unless youre being a useless sniper and even then most people arent paying enough attention to kick you out.

What are you missing? Just do whatever your class is "supposed" to do.

>Assault = Assault the flag/points; kill tanks
>Medic = Ress everybody, throw medical crates, hipfire kill people with your smg, smoke if there are a lot of snipers/tanks
>Support = The same as medic with ammo. Try to control chockepoints with MMGs. Attack with LMGs or Shotguns
>Sniper = Shoot everybody from range. You use beacons at key location and/or behind the enemy line. Use the flare gun to spot everything.

The only other addition that the Squad gets points. You get more points for working with your Squad. (ressing them compard to random teammates, giving them ammo etc.) The Squad leader can use these points to use powerful abilites (such as artillery or ammo).

Theres barely any guns in this game in general. I remember back in bf4 there was like 10+ guns per class and all of them felt unique yet when I started this game I was surprised that theres like 5 guns per class and they all basically feel the same. This game is a colossal downgrade compared to the older games.

I still can't fucking grasp that this image is real.
Only in a fucking clown world would you publically ridicule your paying, loyal customers so you can get feminist good boy points.

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All they had to do was make BF1942: frostbite edition

Instead they tried (or were mandated by EA) to chase every current trend and created a turd with no identify

Nothing wrong with customization bitch boy.

My question is, have they fixed bolt actions yet?
Can i go full enfield like in BF1 or am i forever stuck with retarded pewpew guns?

Who gives a fuck when the gameplay sucks and the game lacks actual content.

>the gameplay sucks
But the gameplay is great?
Explain, please.

I'm just saying they were pushing for that shit and they dropped the ball hard. Of course the gameplay matters most.

it steals resources that should be making the game better

So much wrong with the core gameplay.

Barren of features, drip fed content.

Some of the worst map design in the entire series.

Hoping this was just because this was a rushed B-team game and BC3 or whatever is next is decent.

Being able to make barriers and stuff is really fun but since the maps are so small defending is useless most of the time

>assault rifles rape at most ranges 8/10
>medic/recon guns all feel the same
>gadgets feel nerfed
>stupid new healing mechanic
>shotguns only usable by support
Support is the only one with some decent guns.

Thanks, I guess I need to unlock some of those things. I didnt know that guns/classes had "specs" till just now.

BF1 was a good game but I don't think it was very good in terms of a battlefield game. They were kind of limited by the setting. It was more arcadey and focused less on team play. Still fun though, and good atmosphere.

Alright, i see you're not memeing and you have valid points.
You are right, tho i really like the graphics and the new outpost mode.
Hopefully DICE LA fixes this fucking disaster.

With how shit bfv is; I fear for the rumored BFBC3 that is supposedly coming.

That's literally a myth, if they're working on it then it's not coming until 2022.

I agree BFV could be decent in 2 years but there is some core stuff they changed that is just bad and I don't think they will go back on it. More content would be great. BF4 was bad at launch but it was already good 8 months after launch unlike V, it was even better 2 years after.

When you hire activists instead of people that are actually passionate about the job, that's what you get.

>OP bombers
>CoD level kill times
>only 6 maps
Like any modern fps the only time you're having fun is when you're fighting shitters. It might as well be Call of Duty: WW2 with the added possibility of getting farmed by bombers.

They will fuck it up somehow, like having boats you can't drive that automatically ferry players. And Carrier Assault will end up just being a limited time game mode for a month before they remove it again. I hated paying for premium pass but holy fuck is the live service shit for this worse.

All the jokes you hear about Swedes being the most cucked people on the planet, are completely 100% true

>I just love WW2 games so I'm biased
I love WW2 games as well, but BF5 loses a lot of the flare for the sake of adapting every possible gun. I'm not sure what the obsession of having everyone with non-bolts and scopes.

The franchise's gameplay feels no different since BF3. It's just a different skin.

>a ww2 game without russians or americans
it was doomed from the start.

They are weak AF, they got rid of the sweet spot system that BF1 had. Recon got the biggest nerf in V.

Wouldn't be surprised if EA pulls a Ghostbuster 2016 and makes BFBC3 with an all female squad with epic girl humour.

is that game Hell Let Loose any good?

>we will never get a battlefield with cute anthro girls
>we will never get a battlefield with cute girls

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Thank you user, i'm never playing this shit.
Looks like i'll keep playing BF1.
The sweet spot system is bullshit.

totally bullshit rework of the suppression system, in previous Battlefield if you got the drop on someone and were putting bullets into them their aim would be way more fucked. now if you're playing medic you can put a few bullets into an assault and they have plenty of time to turn around and blast you away with their higher rate of fire and no aim penalty.

also fucking laser beam tracers for every single bullet ruins them getting rid of 3d spotting. snipers are terrible to play now because you fire a single round and everyone knows your position. Go back to BF4 and look at how much more subtle the tracers are, and how much more realistic it feels.

delete this

>adds all this divirsity shit
>includes white, black, and even Asians
>no option for brown people

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I can't wait for the next game where they pull the same shit again and double dip.

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I enjoy it. It makes you keep moving and also gives you feedback that you're within 1HK range when you see the enemy scope glimmer.

The rumor is that it was what was in development before BF1 launched, and then they were asked if they wanted it to be a launch title for next gen. That's when they decided to switch gears to BFV. It's very unusual that BFV's development started several months after BF1 had already released and that it only got an 18 month dev cycle. I believe the rumors that BC3 was in development before BFV was.

DICE have moved to a two year dev cycle for Battlefield games.

They are relasing a game next year for the launch of next gen

Why the fuck did they even do this?

my inner schizo wants to think they where trying to "kick back" on Trump's America and Putin's Russia

Yeah, you can easily change them in the menue by clicking here. Every class got 2 speccs. Some are more useful than others depending on the map or if you are defender/attacker.

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Apparently they wanted to make the players experience WW2 chronologically. Hence why you start with the English vs the Germans first. I dunno what they were thinking though since people just want to shoot people. Also I'm guessing adding more factions would mean more time needed to make the cosmetics work.

Got it on sale. I played battlefield 1 but none others from the series. I like V, can't wait for the new maps.

>When hipsters try so hard to be unique they all turn out looking the same.

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Ah yes the multibillion company needs so much time to add a few skins.

wtf is wrong with this game's playerbase? in every game im in, my team always walks around in circles and constantly does dumb shit like shooting bullets at tanks as assaults

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Are you sure about that?
The last game they released when a bigger, sister game was still getting content was Hardline, and we all know what happened with that game.
That only makes it worse desu, BC3 is going to be Hardline-tier then.

Just a reminder that at this point in BF4's life cycle it had already recieved 12 new maps, and would receive another 4 a few weeks from now.

BFV has what? 2 new maps since launch?

bf1 was trash you zoomer, the player count plummeted after a month

Speaking of maps, how shit are they in V? BF1 tier or did they get their shit together?

And yet it still has like 2 times the playerbase of BF4.

Hardline was outsourced to Visceral. Actual dice was busy working on the tech for Battlefront (and essentially BF1)

We got a Battle Royale!

>bf1 was trash

bfv is trash. bf1 was great.

>BF1 maps are bad

Worse, there are a couple good maps but some of them are literally the worst BF maps I've ever seen, and i've played every game.

I want new maps too, dude, but your argument is really "unfair"/cherry picking. You previously had to pay for all of these new maps in form of DLCs. Now you get "everything" for free.
And 4 new maps in Southern Europe/Africa and later 2019 another 4 in the pacific region are coming.

Also reminder that BF4 had a season pass for the price of a game.

>Lying on the internet
TRIGGER WARMING: reddit.com/r/battlefield_one/comments/8efr5t/betafield_1_has_less_peak_players_than_bf4_same/

so did BF3 and BF1

I agree maybe they aren't comparable but it seems like their focus content wise is producing cosmetics they can sell on their store, not new maps. It's nice they are finally getting some done by the end of the year, but 1 a month would have been a better pace.

I hated premium when it was a thing although I still bought it because I wanted the content. When they announced no DLC and no Premium I was really happy, now that I see how it's played out it just makes me wish we had Premium again.

I uninstalled the game a couple months ago and at the rate they are releasing new content I might reinstall in December or January.

>everyone just goes back to conquest
face it battlefield players just cant grasp the concept of titan mode without ruining their KD

>your country will never colonize an anthro inhabited continent
>you will never fight alongside loyalist anthros against rebel and tribal groups
>you will never find love on the battlefield
>you will never comfort your wife as you both evacuate her homeland
>you will never tell your children how lucky they are to be born here instead of there

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>one year ago
Were you actually playing Battlefield 4, you'd know that the BF4 player count stats are compromised since at least 2017, as server admins are using an illegal plugin to spoof the playercount of their own servers.
For fucks sake, people have made browser extensions to fix that shit.
The actual game has barely 2k players on peak hours, at least on PC.

>now that I see how it's played out it just makes me wish we had Premium again.
They got ya, mang.

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The thing that was nice about the DLC's for previous games was that you got at least 4 new maps all at once, so if one or two were shit at least you have a couple others that are enjoyable.

With BFV you get Panzerstorm which is one of the worst maps ever and you just have to sit with it for 4 or 5 months until they release another medicore map.

>June 2019....
>I am forgotten...

but not Forgotten Hope 2
never played this game before, but tried it out few weeks back and since then I've been playing it daily

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Regardless of the spoofing shit I can always find a full server when I want to play, and I pretty much exclusively play Hardcore. The game's not dead to me until I stop being able to find populated servers, which hasn't been a problem even this late into BF1 and BFV

I really miss being a modern warfare 2 / battlefield 3 kiddy fanboy it's been 10 fucking years since mw2 released

how's the population?

nice meme i remember playing this a decade ago, if even PR is dead there no way this still lives

The spoofing thing isn't always accurate. Clicking the server stats page and looking at the player list is accurate 9/10 times.

Lol you were forgotten two weeks after release.

Thank god. Gas all useless reekons.

I know and I hate it but BF4 is still good today after 800 hours, so I don't feel like I wasted my money at least.

How any game with history only as window dressing, treating itself seriously, can have any "good atmosphere"?
You either go full camp and go Wild Wild West style or read your fucking history book.
CoD MW on big maps with biplanes is not good atmosphere.

I never said it's dead.
Nobody has ever said that.
Infact, it's actually nice that it's still alive in 2019.
But the game is not really as alive as it once was, it's really hard to find a match on DLC maps, while thanks to the rotation system BF1 has plenty of servers on those.
There are definitely more people playing BF1 than BF4, regardless if you like BF1 or not.
t. plays both bf4 and bf1 every day
From what kind of fucking region do you haul from?
Every single server in yurop or muttistan is spoofed to hell and back.
64p servers filled with 64 fake players literally fucking everywhere.

>tfw enjoy their gadgets but hate the slow and inefficient play style that it attracts
I mainly go with an iron sight semi auto rifle, but it feels so lackluster compared to the 20+ mag semi autos that assault gets.

2142... Home...
The worst part is that I can no longer trust Dice to not fuck 2143 up assuming it ever happens.

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West Coast US, there is a server in my region right now that is 45/64 for all DLC maps. It's spoofed as 60/64 but 45 is still enough for me to have a good time at midnight my time.

BF3/4 were dogshit. I can't get how anyone could enjoy such a shit half fucked game (trying to be a bf that copied cod).


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They're Bad Company Babbies.

>Recon got the biggest nerf in V.


lol you're in the wrong thread codfag

>only one server
Yeah, fair enough.
Until you piss off the admin and he kicks you because you killed his girlfriend\killed him too many times in a row.

THIS is why I will never buy any BF game from the start if they do not change this.
Conquest fucking SUCKS since BC2 but since its the "main" mode it is always filled.
I fucking loved Obliteration in BF4 but playercount was always low for this one.

Medics got the 2nd biggest.

minimal, but enough to have some fun
mostly 60 players in server during workday evenings and on weekends more

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>tfw still have my preorder deluxe edition battlecoins

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So why don't they let you equip shotguns on every class? I just want to be a recon that rushes in to shit whilst placing flares in enemy territory.

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you could still play it year ago or so (had to install a modified game or some shit), not sure about right now

if you wanna have a good time in bf4 join GMH #1 Gunmaster Hardcore during peak hours.

Oh yeah, still no hardcore in BFV what the fuck.

>The entire last DLC from 4 was a giant tease for 2143
>"Lol nope how about WW1 instead?"
Tbh its all for the best.

>to be fair

That is the only way to go. The ZH-29 is my most favorite for kinda close combat. But I did only play recon for the Nazi uniform unlock.

>50 guns (all the same)
>massive customization (half is for women)
>5 maps
>static titan
>vehicle progress progress treadmill on APC to unlock pod launcher

Got the game for 30$ and I have over 500 hours on it. Fuck me sideways, but I do like playing, especially the arcady as fuck planes.

Based. The only good skins are unlocks. Fuck Firestorm and fuck BR-shit.

I still have no idea how to drive planes in bf5, it feels like I can't turn properly even when slowing down

Lmao the planes are the worst in the series

>1942's, BF2's, BFVietnam's, BF2142's and BFBC1's servers got shut down, EA issuing DMCAs like it's christmas on any attempt of revival
>BFBC2 is dead and the few servers still populated are emulated hacked/modded ones with 15x exp gains and russian cheaters
>BF3 is full of cheaters and script kiddos killing entire lobbies with one button
>BF4 is overrun by spoofed servers and "clancore" servers that have retarded rules or have been monopolized by power tripping admin fucks that used to be 14 when the game was out
>BFH was never alive to begin with, lasted 2 months before burning out like a match
>BF1 is slowly dying because the entire game is still frozen in time when Road to Battlefield V was a thing, a quarter of the game is not even available anymore as they removed challenges and some assignments
>BFV is an abomination ridden with microtransactions, questionable gameplay mechanics and absolutely no content 8 fucking months since release, a laughable campaign, how-do-you-do-fellow-kids BR mode nobody plays or asked for and one of the biggest PR and marketing fiascos of the 10s

EA was a mistake.

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>quit HAVING FUN!!!!

I really miss being a gunner in BF1, it was fun being useful to your team in a plane

They are quite bad though.

that's literally a good thing, customization kills visual communication and bf1 got it right with class silhouettes

>EA issuing DMCAs like it's christmas on any attempt of revival
bullshit, BF2 revival was shut down because the guy who ran it wanted out, all EA/DICE did was ask them to remove the EA logo from the site and remove the free game download link and he freaked the fuck out and shut it all down

The design ideas between 1 and 5 feels so different, it's like they have different team making them

Vehicle turn sensitivity and other such settings are your friend. Also, turn up the vehicle FOV for increased visibility.
Practice for a bit in the practice range and you'll be pulling off proper dogfighting moves.

They were in a pretty bad state, but they actually improved them a lot a few weeks ago with the updated agility and improved visuals so you can see your bullets hitting other planes.

BF4 was bad about the stinger and mobile AA spawn camp spam, whereas you can defend yourself better without all the fancy technology.
BF5 is right up to the point where BF1 is now, in terms of fun flying, not incredibly vulnerable, and not insanely overpowered. That is: a neat little display of air maneuvering.

>BF4 was bad about the stinger and mobile AA spawn camp spam
yeah but planes in BF3\BF4 were fucking op
they caved in for the shitters and gave them a fucking AA arsenal to deal with people having fun in the skies


They still shut down the 2142 revival

t. planefag
You guys ruined BF2. Get out and stay out.

what's the matter, cunt
can't deal with the big boys watching the skies?
you fucking faggots got AA mines

>medics who don't throw pouches or use smokes in choke points

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Why did the battlefield general die exactly?

It's Squad-Lite with even worse optimization.

also you can't lean.

Yeah, the loadouts that planes had were a little absurd.
It takes a bit more skill to use planes in BF5 due to the lack of lock-on features.

You need a good monitor, good eyesight, and a steady aim to kill almost anyone... Unless you're a bomber.
Fighters have flares that can help the whole team.
Planes are at a good point right now in BF5.

My only complain is that it's impossible to defend against those AA tanks that stay in their spawn all damn game. You can't kill them on foot and you can't kill them with planes due to the bomb nerf. There needs to be some type of counter towards those fuckers.

>black "German" cavalry
>minor historical inaccuracy

Oh no some models have different colors. Call the fucking police.

only weeb generals can exist while the game is dead

>So my wifes son is different color. Call the fucking police.

We're talking about historical inaccuracy. In simply calling him out on his damage control. Nobody cares about your sexual fettish for black men.

Probably for the same reason there's that gross little display above me: /pol/-tier anti-SJW sperging.

Other Battlefield communities in other parts of the internet are alive and well (yes, that includes Reddit).

Battlefield V tried to do everything and consequently failed at most of it. I'm even more worried about how fucked up the 2020/ PS5 launch title is going to be.

That said, it's probably going to be a decent budget pickup in November when the Pacific theater comes out.

No, you're getting hung up on unimportant shit. It's one thing to note it and move on, but you just don't know how.

speaking of squad, did they ever add helis yet?

>liberals are pro free speech
>liberals are against free speech
>inb4 /pol/ boogymam

A whole bunch of veteran DICE devs quit in between BF1 and BF5

>be 8 in 2008
>too stupid to know what Yea Forums is
>be 18 in 2018
>be a faggot that needs to bring politics into every thread

The person I responded to used the words "minor historical inaccuracies". I used an example of why they aren't minor at all. Whites like you are pathetic and worse than any non white criminal or terrorist.

Yeah its a joke. Luckily though they announced a couple weeks ago a number of new maps and American/Jap factions.

>unimportant shit
who are you to decide that for others, it's retarded bullshit and it breaks any illusion of historicity and ruins immersion

I'm pretty sure DICE is dying and on the chopping block considering there's apparently next to nobody working on BFV and Battlefront 2

The latest medic weapons added were bolt-action carbines, one with a built in suppressor and another with a grenade launcher. The latter one is objectively one of the best weapons in the game.

DICE LA is working on BFV, user
the same guys that made BF4 great
also battlefront 2 is getting new content every month
a game released in 2017

Leftist fag

It's hardly a failure when the game wasn't even ready for launch. This entire time has basically been an early-access game.

DICE Stockholm fucked up the development time, much like how Bioware's Anthem crashed and burned.

That disgusting trailer we saw (youtube.com/watch?v=fb1MR85XFOc) is a shining example of trying to get promotional material from a dev team that had no idea what the vision was for the game. That's why it was so janky, chaotic, and nonsensical, tried to hit off a bunch of culturally progressive points, and why they included a bunch of canned features. The game wasn't even close to complete and EA pushed them to finish it for release. Consider that, they did pretty well.

Compare that to DICE LA's Chapter 4 trailer (youtube.com/watch?v=zVy9_DyIosQ), and you have a dev team that has a much better idea what the hell they were actually doing, who the people playing their game actually were, and what vision they wanted for the game.

Making games isn't easy and advertising them is even harder when you don't know what your game will look like in the end. I agree the Pacific theatre will make this a much more worthwhile game to play, so they haven't failed utterly quite just yet.

There was one decent map every expansion, the rest were trash, and they've been trash since BF3.

Because of all the things wrong in the game, you're hung up on black guys and bring it up every single time the game is mentioned.

I don't hear you guys complaining about the historical inaccuracy of poking a headshot victim with a syringe so he can rejoin the firefight at full combat effectiveness, or how everyone in your same combat job is a clone of you, or how one man can operate an A7V, or how biplanes can fire limitless bullets and repair massive damage midflight, or how you can teleport directly onto your friends in the middle of a battle. You see those things and think, "Well, that's not really accurate of WW1, but it's a video game so whatever."

But then you see a black German cavalryman and STOP THE FUCKING PRESSES LOOK AT THIS.

You're not insightful. You're just a cowardly, shaking bigot.

the whole shindig with this game was over its political shitstorm that it caused before/after release, so it's not exactly him bringing politics into every thread, now is it faggot

ch 4 is literally reused assets from sp / br maps lel

>Because of all the things wrong in the game, you're hung up on black guys and bring it up every single time the game is mentioned.
uuuh no? there's tons of other shit wrong with that game aside from the politics

A single map probably takes more resources/effort as 1000 skins. Of course Dice/EA is going to pull random peasants off the content line to do a few hours of 3d modeling so they can have a fairly constant revenue stream of zoomers needing to customize everything.

>You're not insightful. You're just a cowardly, shaking bigot.
wew lad actually go back to r*ddit, the difference between those is one concession is made for politics and the others is made so you can have a fun fucking videogames holy shit

Agreed, it was retardedly fun. Also, BF1 simply had a lot more love to it. It's like DICE genuinely enjoyed making that game and the passion shows. Unlike BFV which seems to be hastily put together. BFV literally has less detail than BF1 did.

The only thing I've spent my CC on are spec unlocks. I'm sitting on ~60k now and I haven't looked at the store once yet.

>i don't consider health and ammo management valuable skills, i shouldn't be punished for taking damage

Except for the gunplay. The gunplay is far better although I still think the sweet spot mechanic of BF1's rifles was the best thing to happen to FPS games in a while.

If they had offered it as a customization option then I wouldn't have a problem, but DICE proved the their motive is historical revisionist bullshit with BFV and people were right to shit on BF1 for it as well. It's straight up lying and taking the undeserved moral highground, you have to be a retard to be okay with that.

The gunplay is just OK, I don't like that they locked the camera to the recoil like in CoD

sweet spot was bullshit because I could actually perform with and I'm a shit a sniper

Notice how most of the posts in this thread are actually discussing gameplay and not the drama you keep trying to force, faggot.

That's not what I play Battlefield games for.

Sweet spot was fun but also kind of bullshit. Although personally I think if you're taking a round to the chest from a gun like that it should kill you, but I also prefer hardcore specifically because the bullet damage feels more realistic.

the gunplay is fucking shit and has none of the weight of bf1


Panzerstorm is actually pretty decent, but the Mercury map fucking sucks. Neither of the maps is good for Operations though.

The art direction (bar the more gamey bits) really did the war justice.

>Now battlefield can be talked about without discord trannies saying "bfv is the best battlefield; y'all just hate women"

this has never, ever happened. Yea Forums barely talked or talks about battlefield beyond /pol/yps crying about dice being SJW, holy fuck, please leave to whatever website you learned about Yea Forums from, and yes, i'm seething

This is a joke right? Panzerstorm is probably one of the worst maps in BFV. It would have been better if there were more vehicles but if you aren't in a vehicle that map is cancer. Even in a vehicle it's mostly cancer. It's so boring.

Al Sudan is turning into a MP map because people asked for it.

Panzerstorm is shit since you're at severe disadvantage without a vehicle as it's just an open field.

>bought it for $20
>pretty ok for $20
Can't imagine paying full price for it tho. I enjoy the tank gameplay, but the lack of content really puts me off. Also the immersion is laughable, there's nothing WW2 about this game when everyone wears different outfits and looks goofy as fuck.

absolutely fucking based im watching that right now
might actually download it again, fuck

That's the point though. I'm a shit sniper too but I really enjoyed using the rifles without a scope (like you know... you should in WW1 and WW2) and it made them remotely usable that way. Now using rifles without scopes is a suicide.

It wasn't bullshit though. It was directly tied to the round you were using in the rifle so in a way it was actually realistic. Besides, people keep complaining about it, yet nobody complains about the fact that shotguns are ohk and essentially use the exact same mechanic.

The way the recoil works is far better. Also the TTK is pretty good. A really good balance of arcade/realism.

>he thinks running up to a box and hitting a button prompt is skill
the absolute state of aimlets

>The way the recoil works is far better. Also the TTK is pretty good. A really good balance of arcade/realism.
idk man i played it briefly and the ttk is way too short for me i think bf1 feels just right for me but to each their own i guess

>tfw grab the trench raider kit
>go to houses/tunnels whilst throwing smokes and clubbing everyone
>at least 20 minimum kills

Attached: maxresdefault (5).jpg (1280x720, 92K)

The dirt and grit was amazing in that game. Goddamn the snow maps felt great, the Passchendaele looked deadly too. Cool shit

and you call it a day re-releasing the same map that should be in the game already

It used to suck ass but they changed it slightly and now it's ok for infantry too. And yeah, I mostly meant using vehicles.

Being able to spawn on squaddies helps a lot. Though this game desperately needs more means of transport.

It's bullshit from a realism standpoint, instead of there being a sweet spot, it should be a 1 hit kill from 0 meters to the end of the sweet spot and then drop off. With the sweetspot it's like the round accelerates between 60-80 meters and then slows down again to the original muzzle velocity.

I fucking LOVE 2% of server having more kills than entire rest just by virtue of flying, and 15% constantly fighting each other for right to join that 2%.

Some of the OST tracks were pretty damn good too. This one is my favorite, its just so melancholic, fits WW1 perfectly.

Attached: child soldiers ww1.webm (704x396, 1.95M)

You can get used to it. Once you do, the guns start to feel really natural. They did go back to BF1's TTK briefly and boy was it bad.

Basically BF1's TTK worked for that game because you missed a lot more. Now the guns are a lot more accurate, and there is no 3d spotting so lower TTK fits a lot better.

Bitch I've been here since 2010 and since the reveal trailer every battlefield thread was either "best in the series; fuck /pol/" or "fuck niggers; fuck women"

>BFBC2 is dead and the few servers still populated are emulated hacked/modded ones with 15x exp gains and russian cheaters
>BF3 is full of cheaters and script kiddos killing entire lobbies with one button
>BF4 is overrun by spoofed servers and "clancore" servers that have retarded rules or have been monopolized by power tripping admin fucks that used to be 14 when the game was out
>BFH was never alive to begin with, lasted 2 months before burning out like a match
>BF1 is slowly dying because the entire game is still frozen in time when Road to Battlefield V was a thing, a quarter of the game is not even available anymore as they removed challenges and some assignments
That's not EA's fault, the same happens to most multiplayer games. Also what are you talking about with removing challenges from BF1?

Because that was the same thing, if you're not retarded enough to put the full game up for download they'll leave you alone.

I'm of the opposite opinion, TTK in BFV is too slow, but I also prefer hardcore.

No user. At short ranges the round goes straight through IRL and doesn't devastate the internals. At longer range it stays in and bounces around your body fucking it all up. Then at even longer range it loses power.

It's really simple and realistic.

This is fucking terrible.

How old are you?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>generic poorly textured grounds
>stale mix of tanks and debris everywhere
>formulated, linear pathway to travel along and watch scripted bombs land and clip through the terrain around you
>cartooney bolt cycle
>not more than 10 people on the screen at once
>the mortar shells are just fireballs that barely damage you
>everyone has a machinery
>zepplins just flying over a battlefield
How the fuck can anyone like this?

I've never in my life actually legitimately thought someone was a shill up until this post.

I got it free with a gpu

>hearing it for the first time back in 2016

take my you, at least you tried

>new content
>a bunch of skins taken from BF15, clone skins, and rehashed GA maps

Fun game but wrecks my poor i5 4690k
Buddy and I are waiting for the new zens to release and make a big upgrade, then we'll play it a bunch

>>not more than 10 people on the screen at once
this is my gripe with nearly every modern FPS on the market for the last 10-15 years

I think they were trying to alleviate the useless recons you get on your team. It didn't work necessarily but I enjoyed it since it made feel more efficient and not >>formulated, linear pathway to travel along and watch scripted bombs land and clip through the terrain around you
>scripted moments in a multi-player match

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I blame Call of Duty for shitting it's way into the future setting for creating some kind of setting fatigue. The level of technology in 2142 has so many design options while still remaining the basic modern army foundations. It's gonna take at least 10 more years before the series has gone through the timeline again. And who knows what Dice is at that point.

lol fuck off trying to tell me a .303 round is less lethal at point blank range vs 60 meters. Both would fucking drop a man retard.

Fucking hell i had no idea.
Is this game still alive?
Please say yes, i want to play it now.

>totally bullshit rework of the suppression system, in previous Battlefield if you got the drop on someone and were putting bullets into them their aim would be way more fucked. now if you're playing medic you can put a few bullets into an assault and they have plenty of time to turn around and blast you away with their higher rate of fire and no aim penalty.
Emphasis on aim over positioning, fuck off with garbage 'whew bullets are on a battlefield, sorry buddy your aim is now RNG" garbage

yes i still play it daily it's fucking great unironically the best bf since bc2

They took two popular game modes that launched with the game out claiming nobody played them. They had 73 full servers a night.

I don't give a fuck what Yea Forums thinks, but spearing fools, especially recon shitters, is some of the most satisfying ways of taking people out.

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I don't have a problem nerfing suppression in the sense that you only get visual suppression when bullets are passing close by you. But if bullets are literally penetrating an enemy they should get an aim penalty.

The skill is in managing ammo used and damage taken so you don't have to run back to a resupply point.

It's true though. It'll neutralize a man but it won't outright fuck him up to the point of not letting him heal.

here (you) go (you) did a good job user

Yep, it's still alive. Not as much as it used to be but then again, it was kinda dead already a month in...

Still, the Operations are just worth it. I don't think I played CQ even once in BF1...

I don't think I've even once ran out of ammo in that game.

>cartooney bolt cycle
What the hell's cartoony about it? Looks perfectly realistic to me, except maybe a bit fast.

Nah it's right, especially with the way they rebalanced the guns. Most of the medic guns take 6-7 rounds to kill while most assault guns only take 4-5 and most of them shoot faster. Suppression added balance, you could still shoot through it and get lucky, but it discouraged bullshitty arcade gameplay.

>reload the m95
>whole clip flies out of the top of the gun like a garand
I understand that no one would use the gun if you couldn't reload until it was empty, but this is still hilarious to me since I own that gun

I installed BC2 again yesterday
It's still fun, but the few servers that are left are populated with 300 ping russians in yurop
feels bad man

SMG 08 is stupidly op and i refuse to drop my automatico because she's too cute of a brapper

At least you don't use the H*llreigel

yeah, and most servers are modded with bullshit stuff

That prologue in BF1... It was god tier. Best prologue of any game I've played really.

Attached: thumb239867561-640x360.jpg (640x360, 8K)

Assaults are also the class geared for murdering fools, medic has the much stronger toolkit
BF gameplay is and has always been very arcadey. At least with visual surpression you're having fun shooting the guns, aim punch turns even that into a slog

fucking hate the hellriegel can't get used to that piece of shit

Was there any news that the truly popular game modes get to stay and not just exist during chapters?

The castle siege and 32v32 frontlines were retarded fun and when I saw they dont stay I uninstalled the game

Would've been cool if the whole game had you switching in between different soldiers as you died.

Is there a way to force the opposite teams player models to all be female?

Wait, you can pop it off though. Doesn't it work like Carcano?

He means it's too fast. The player had too much dexterity in BF1...

I used to sit 24/7 on harvest day servers, particularly oldmengaming. It has 1k tick and faster respawn rates, but apart from that it's native. But yeah, rus all the way now
There's still one africa harbor server with decent ping rates, as well as strategos

BFV just compounded the arcadey problem though. Suppression in previous games encouraged you to take cover and reposition and find a new angle. Now you just stand face to face and trade bullets.

Multiplayer does this. Also BF2:MC did it in SP.

It only means you did not play many games.

I think you might actually be able to slide it out the top if you pushed your finger up into the magazine, but that would be awkward as fuck.

>He means it's too fast.
The Steyr M/95 is a straight pull action
He should complain about how soldiers are sprinting around while lugging a goddamn Browning machine gun
I was referring to the SP, obviously.
The war stories were a neat concept, but they were just way too short for me to care about any of the characters. They should've just stuck to one theatre and split the perspectives between infantrymen, pilots, and tank crew.

>battlefield 5
>ww2 game

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He still gets visual recoil and you have the advantage in health.
Only BF3 and BF1 have extreme suppression. BF4 and BC2 have visual, and it wasn't a thing before BF3. It's not exactly some series staple

I agree it was the most fun ive had this decade playing a multiplayer shooter. incredible music and atmosphere, so many intense as fuck moments

holy shit games have fallen so far so quickly it makes me so fucking sad

BF4 still had scope and sight sway, just not as strong as BF3. It's also more dependent on the types of rounds coming at you, with MG's and DMR's causing more suppression than other guns. I think BF4 has the best suppression, not too much, not just pointless visual change.

Has DICE given any reasoning as to why medics can't use shotguns? They're already a close quarters class and I'd really like to roll with M30 Drilling and just blast dudes with it.

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Nah I liked it

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am i shoving it down your bitch throat? no, i'm not. i don't recall doing anything other than explaining why the other user was talking about the politics.

Balance probably
Especially medics are prone to being broken and just forming deathballs if their weapons are too good

BF 1 had better everything, including graphics and sound
too bad both BF1 and BFV are dead

dilate, both of you

>I just love WW2 games
then you must hate BFV

you have to go back
you also need to study some basic logic before you make such retarded arguments

You're a gay

>The Steyr M/95 is a straight pull action
But it's like two frames long though. The cycling action.

>The war stories were a neat concept, but they were just way too short for me to care about any of the characters. They should've just stuck to one theatre and split the perspectives between infantrymen, pilots, and tank crew.
I also think it's a good concept but they fucked it up thoroughly. And god was it bad in BFV.


It was boring and didn’t feel like a battlefield at all. All the guns sucked except the DLC pay 2 win garbage guns, and the hellriegel which you unlocked at level 10 assault which I didn’t even bother trying to get to. Maps were just abunch of chokepoints with no good flanking or they were just wide open rocky maps with no rhyme or reason. Shooting mechanics on console were fucked beyond belief. Insane lock on aim assist when you begin aiming down sights, but once you’re ADS it gets really wonky.

Bottom line the game was boring. No good maps. No good gun attachments. No good guns. Game felt bad in general compared to other battlefields.

Lets also talk about the lack of AA carried by soldiers. This makes planes basically invulnerable since no one even bothers gettin on AA guns because they’ll just be raped. Most of this stuff applies to BFV as well. Only difference is the shooting mechanics are a lot better and they upped the sensitivity settings where you can fine tune it. Along with FOV and video.

BFV has plain retarded weapon distribution thoughout classess. I mean why the fact some self-loaders are Sniper class and some go for Assault? It makes zero sense.

>Lets also talk about the lack of AA carried by soldiers. This makes planes basically invulnerable since no one even bothers gettin on AA guns because they’ll just be raped.
Soldiers carry K-Bullets, LMGs and MMGs and there's even an AA AT Rocket gun.

what the fucking fuck are you talking about
a support can take down a plane by himself, by just SHOOTING IT

BFV has no rentable servers. Everyone can instantly heal. Only 2 classes are remotely good (assault and medic). Complete change to how classes work. Not all classes have explosives capable of destroying a tank (c4 or dynamite). The formula they had with BF4 was awesome. They changed it for whatever reason

I really can't believe people are praising BF1 let alone the hamfisted hollow as fuck intro

>WORLD war 2 game
>only 2 factions since launch

Attached: 1560012607316.png (650x650, 43K)

Sten is one of the best guns in the game mid to close range. Medic has good guns. Support and recon dont

Shitposters, playing videogames?

The depressing part is that Battlefield 1 and Battlefield V have almost the same amount of players.
A game released barely 8 months ago vs a game released in 2016.

This. There even was this one LMG which used incendiary rounds which could easily rape planes so hard they had to nerf it lol

Yeah the formula of dorito shooting and explosive/gadget spam was so great my dude

The distinction makes sense though - recon gets slow-firing guns with small magazines, assault gets fast-firing guns with larger magazines.

It was immersive. I bet you're one of those players that doesn't even try to immerse himself in the game

that's why you play hardcore user

but sounding will hurt :(

>BFV has no rentable servers
It will.

It still doesn't make much sense because this means massive differences between those classess in terms of damage and how fast you can fire them. It seems very arbitrary to be honest.

And then there's medic with Carbines... which are essentially the very same rifles as sniper except they can be fired extremely quickly.

No thanks I'd rather play Classic, to bad my fellow americans have fucking awful taste and US classic servers died within the month it came out

Maybe on PC's dead fucking servers, PS4 and Xbox still have a ton of players and have a shitload of full servers.

Flying the trench hunter at release was the most fun I've had in a long while

Attached: crash successful.webm (960x540, 2.86M)

>minor historical inaccuracies

My brother bought it for me so we could play it together 3 months ago and we stil havent to this day :(

>closest a Frostbite engine BF games as ever come to playing like the Refractor engine BF games
Damn its no wonder why all the BC2, BF3/4, and BF1 babies hate it

>people upset about historical inaccuracies in an arcade-ish FPS game meant to cater to a wide audience who just enjoy FPS in general
sorry, didnt realize the game was stated by the devs to be 100% historically accurate or a milsim title. its fucking Battlefield, ya know, the game that had jetpacks in BF1942? when are you retards gonna realize the games use time periods like WWI and WWII as a central theme instead of depicting them as 100% accurate?
>muh women
>muh niggers
i don't see anyone complaining that shitters can use the STG-44 on maps that take place in 1940, or the fact we can use Tiger Is before 1942. its a fucking video game, not a fucking simulation of D-Day.

Attached: fuwa14.jpg (1024x576, 36K)

black people were in world war to you tard
now women on the other hand


im aware of this faggot, but all this board ever whines about is niggers and women.

nice argument, faglord.

So this is just a one time purchase - no season pass type shit?

good bait

yeah but you have like 5 maps and 3 weapons

>this kills the tank tard

Attached: BF1_Tank_Hunter_Official.jpg (1920x1080, 590K)

Because they, like you, are socially inept virgins

>>an arcade-ish FPS game meant to cater to a wide audience who just enjoy FPS in general
You mean the fortnite audience?

10 maps currently, with 8 coming this year (4 in Chapter 4, 4 in the Pacific if i reemember right), fair amount of guns (nothing crazy, missing a lot of WWII classics like the M1 Garand but thats coming with the Pacific) and apparently this will all be free with no pass ever. Game is fun, but you can feel the need for more content every time you play. Still, I've put around 100 hours into it and its fun, but it can get boring pretty fast after a few games due to lack of maps. Operation Metro comes back in October, if that's your kinda thing.

speak for yourself, faggot.

>punches the smoke button and falls back

swatting bomberfags out of the sky was also extremely satisfying

>Operation Metro
are we actually sure it's metro
'cause from the trailer it doesn't really look like that, more like a generic 40-50s metro station

the vehicle balance in bf1 is so good, the vehicle speeds are just right and most classes at least have some ways to hinder and damage tanks, you can straight up deny repairs or kill an airplane with support it's great

It looks close enough, but I think its more of a "reimagining" of Metro in WWII.


Air/ground balance is the best it's been so far
Actually being able to severely shit on planes as an infantryman is great

if it's just a remastered metro with ww2 looks, then they'll have my money once it's released
if it's just metro inspired, then i dont give a fuck

Dumbass. Fortnite is a third-person BR game. If anything, they want to capture the CoD audience.

>most classes at least have some ways to hinder and damage tanks
How exactly do the Recon and Medic deal with them? Don't tell me you use regular frags on them?

Attached: 1559105008947.png (378x379, 220K)

It most definitely is. They just moved it to German metro since it wouldn't make much sense for it to be in France.

>WW2 game
>no Normandy invasion map
how is it possible to fuck up this bad?

you seem awfully hurt for someone who supposedly isnt a virgin

k bolts and at grenades for sniper, medic has HE rifle grenades if need be

recon has k-rounds

Average age on 4chins right now is around 17-20. They never played a good game in their life.

Most likely its 95-97% like the original Metro, with the additional 3-5% being tweaks or additions. With all the backlash DICE has gotten, I think they fear if they fuck with a classic map too much, older fans would riot, especially given how autistic Locker/Metro fags can be.

Rifle grenades could deal some damage
K-bullets for recon

Oh shit my bad. I thought he was referring to BFV.

Metro already got tweaks in BF4. This is likely just going to be a port of the BF4 version.

>We want to focus on the lesser known battles of WW2

It's just code for we are lazy fucking devs and making a cool WW2 game would be too time consuming.

I want to start a military shooters general on /vg/. Games like CoD, BF, Insurgency, Rising Storm/Red Orchestra etc. Any interest?

>Sure, the game was filled with minor historical inaccuracies
The problem is not only they were major. Its that they treated themselves seriously while doing all this bullshit.

Considering /bfg/ has been dead for months and I'm forced to discuss Battlefield with the faggots and mouthbreathers that populate this shitty board, please, fucking please make it.

Unfortunately it won't keep up with the likes of weeb shit/katawa shoujo.

I think a WW2 game centred around theatres that aren't the usual gay fucking french countryside bullshit we've seen a trillion times would be great, DICE just isn't talented/dedicated enough to make it work well.

God I hope not, if there's no way to go to the surface street to break up the shitty boring as fuck chokepoint then fuck that shit

Think that will include that support beams you can shoot down then? I remember getting a few kills with rubble in the tunnels.

metro in bf4 was hardly tweaked
woooo 3 more chokepoints
how delightful

>keeping CoD/BF with RO/Insurgency

German vs Niger
So brave, never forgetti.
>destroying more biplanes then ever flew over WWI battlefield with one plane
>space marine destroys some Austrians

It's apparently got a lot more flanking routes than the original, it seems to be less a port and more a total reimaging using the same basic layout. Original Metro would reach new levels of cancer with MMGs and AT rifles.

Let's be honest. People liked sitting in that one chokepoint and just spamming rounds into the unknown.

Joining a 24/7 Locker or Metro server on BF4 was a nice break when I got tired of regular, classic-style maps. Play support, impact grenades, XM-25 (or whatever the fuck it was called), and MG4 and just sit in a hallway and rack up kills for hours bc the admin would set the ticket count to 3000.

if you played conquest, sure
rush was absolute garbage on metro
and also locker

>STRAYA CUNT up gallipoli
>muh wahmaaan in da deseeert *arabian flutes*

>proceeds to put on full suit of bulletproof armor and storm into battle using the WWI equivalent of a minigun
mission was fun as fuck though not gonna lie, fuck the plane part though.

Best way to farm kills and assignments tho

i liked the pastas in bf1

Austro-Hungarian Empire vs Italian Empire maps were some of my favorites.

They had pretty fun Operations desu.

God damn winning that fucking first map before the tweaks was truly a good feel.

The br mode is the only fun part really

>monte grappa rush
>attacking team
>last telegraphs
>a sentry kit is available near your location
>it's the flamethrower
>end the match with 85 kills, 10 deaths
Battlefield 1 is underrated as fuck.

Attached: he.jpg (1200x1793, 280K)

can't wait to dab on battlefield cucks

Attached: 1559246463932.png (800x586, 147K)

cod, insurgency and rising storm 2 all have their own generals
what you want is a battlefield general
that one died months ago

Pickup kits were a good idea. I wish they didn't remove them. Now you have generic no fun weapons.

>CoD has it's own general
maybe here and there or right when a new one releases. /codg/ has been dead for some time now. everyone hates BO4.

Yep playing on console is pretty comfy. I just wish I could play BFBC2 on Xbox One but the fucking game has no server browser on console so I always end up in empty servers. Shit sucks.

Enjoy your lootboxes and microtransaction weapons.

Nobody cares about SJWfield.

I can't believe Call of Duty managed to pull off a 100% refresh on their brand perception just by going back to the current day setting and promising free expansion packs, are people really that easily swayed? I admit I'm actually sort of excited if what they promise actually turns out to be true, it sounds really cool

Agreed. I miss BFBC2, tried playing the other day on Xbone and it was hit or miss with the lobbies. I recently uninstalled BF1 because I just don't play it anymore. Put like 400 hours into it, played every DLC, got burnt out. Now I just play BFV and (sometimes) have fun.

>promising free expansion packs
gee haven't i seen that already

If the game is going to really be how they say it is and they uphold the promises of what they talked about it, it'll be the first truly good CoD game in a long time. However, this is Activision we are talking about, so don't hold your breath. I feel sorry that Infinity Ward has to be underneath such a trash publisher. Fuck Treyarch though, they should have stopped after BO2.

I can only imagine people excited about MW as brats that CoD4 was the first game experience.

Blops 3 had a good campaign though. A story that really fucked with my head to understand it right.

why are ARs so shit in Blops4 CoD bros

My first CoD was Big Red One.

Attached: (╹ᴗ╹ ).jpg (405x358, 30K)

I can't because you are right. Operations spoiled me and I had no interest in conventional battlefield after that. I really hate normal conquest mode - it's 90% running 10% fighting. It's why I and everyone else hated the BF style mode in Rising storm 2. That shit is awful unless it's super close quarters. Defense/Offense always leads to far better battle lines and firefights because you don't have tedious backcapping and forcing people to sit around with their thumbs up their ass defending a point in the rear to prevent it.

>I feel sorry that Infinity Ward has to be underneath such a trash publisher.
Current Infinity Ward is Activation. All the real IW employees moved to make Titanfall years ago.

Besides the campaign, it sucked. I put a lot of hours into MP and mained Spectre, but the whole bullshit of guns in lootboxes made me sell the fucking game.

Damn, that hurts to hear. Wasn't aware of that.

And the visual style was just a clusterfuck, with everyone running around in neon pink cheeta stripes and glowing purple guns.

Yeah, thats why I quit playing CoD games for a while. I liked WWII though.

Happened right after MW2. IW heads didn't get paid.

Only played SP though so can't speak about MP or even Zombies. SP was god tier for real though.

>console exclusive FPS
>literally right before MW
That also explains a lot

Have they added USSR yet?

I play every beta(demo) hoping this is the one, this time they are going to see how good destruction could be, how the mapping could be balanced for infantry and vehicle combat, how they could add more types of classes back in, how we don't need more gimmicky modes that splits the community. Every time I'm disappointed. I miss what battlefield used to be.

Attached: myboy.jpg (680x383, 17K)

That's right, it's the reason why MW3 was such a mess.

>8 months
>no new factions

let it die

Most likely coming in middle to late winter or early to mid spring 2020 after Pacific is done being added in, but that's not concrete or really even a rumor right now, just a personal thought.

Well, no point to play until then.

I'd say that at this rate they either won't do it at all or will do it summer 2020.

tried this with the free week of origin access - plays like messy shit quite frankly

Summer seems realistic too. I'm just going by how they are chronologically releasing maps starting with 1940 and 1941. With the Pacific releasing we'll be moving into late 1941 and early 1942, so I assume that means the USSR is coming right after they are finished with the Pacific, or at least stop working on the Pacific temporarily add more to the war's timeline before making more maps in later years.

Too deadly guns ruined the battlefield feel
You are punished now too much for taking risks

Yes. They're going chronologically. It's just that their pace is absolutely terrible.

I always played hardcore from bc2 on, but from what I recall ttk in bf2 and 2142 was rather quick wasn't it?

Not true. Your gun is also deadly and now you can down more people with a single mag, so I'd say it actually encourages taking risks.

It's kinda chronologically but not really at this point, Iwo Jima is a Pacific launch map.

I agree, we should have had the Pacific already by now and the USSR should have arrived in winter.

Not when obviously first person to shoot wins and taking risks means actually charging the objective
Staying still in a firing position is always the advantage

BF2 guns were very inaccurate

user you just have to be more careful, even when charging.

Anyone else hate the gameplay and progression of BF games?

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Which means taking less risks
Nothing like glorious charge in BF1 by first littering the flag in gas and then charging in with gas mask on

It was forgotten few days after it's release.

I hate having to unlock weapons, now I have to unlock weapons and upgrades.

You can still go head on with a bayonet.

It is far too much a death wish now
They wanted more "tacticool" BF and they got at the expense of the spectacle of a battlefield game

>(((American))) made game
>implying it won't be ASIAN MAN BAD

It looks like it's still chugging along, the EA/BF YouTubers still make regular videos about it.

bf3 had it all figured after years of accumulating ideas and shit from previous games

then bf4 was like a hazy schizophrenic daydream of bf3

after that the devs suffered extreme cases of amnesia and cucked themselves into what we have now.

>you will never experience tehran highway-tier chaos again
>you will never feel the excitement of jumping from damavand peak

Germany invaded USSR in June 1941, so not really chronologically.

All progression treadmills are bad.
There is literally 0 reason to like having near nothing at start, unless you are a dopamine addicted zoomer, that needs constant reinforcement for shooting people.