You fags told me this game was bad

you fags told me this game was bad
that final fight is bullshit tho

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>you fags told me this game was bad
literally nobody said this

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Now play Tooie since it's better than Kazooie by at least a dozen times
Also if you didn't find the Stop N' Swop Eggs + the Ice Key you're gay

The battle with Gruntilda is the best part of the game.

>Now play Tooie since it's better than Kazooie by at least a dozen times

Attached: cast him in.gif (400x280, 1.99M)

Can't handle the truth, gaylord? Literally every concept Kazooie introduces, Tooie improves on. Sorry if the interconnected worlds were to vrilliantly crafted for your stupid primate brain to appreciate.

Attached: 1560728088309.jpg (800x788, 64K)

>each note count as 5
>less collectibles

Attached: 1560230038964.png (234x342, 32K)

>Each collectable requires actual effort to obtain, as opposed to being laid out in the open like in Kazooie
10 less Jiggies and yet it still feels like more because you aren't 100% levels in 20 minutes

>less is good
oh you are a shitposter
sorry then

>Listening to Yea Forums