I never got around to playing the newer Deus ex games...

I never got around to playing the newer Deus ex games. What does Yea Forums think of them and how do they compare to the original?

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Both are great games, leave it at that and go play them.

Just as mediocre as the original.

Just wait for Cyberpunk 2077, modern dude sex is garbage

Just recently played through Human Revolution and it’s pretty kino. Most areas felt nearly impossible to run and gun through so you really have to pick people off one at a time or stealth past them.

>Just wait for Cyberpunk 2077
What on earth makes you think Cyberpunk 2077 will be a worthy successor to the original Deus Ex?

Rest in Peace, Big Rizzle.

hr was pretty good
md was deplorable sequel bait saved only sidequests

Being prequels cripples the interest of the setting, and the overall themes of the stories are kind of hackneyed anyway. The first game's Fox Mulder's Greatest Hits approach to storytelling wasn't necessarily a fresh plot, but uncovering conspiracies as you progress through the story made for a great complement to uncovering secrets as you explore the levels. Human Revolution still has this, but it's altogether less cohesive and less satisfying. The gameplay emphasis itself is different too; HR puts a lot more emphasis on stealth and is content to revert to third-person views to accomplish what it wants. RPG elements aren't as central either. I haven't played MD, but HR is really more like a stealth-action spin-off.

yah rip