DOOM Eternal Spoilers/AMA

First off:

>Cyberdemon (Classic)
>"Veteran Baron"
>Titan Demon(Giant Demon, very similar to the Doom 3 Cyberdemon)
>Icon of Sin

Mini bosses:
>Marauder (Is a recurring Boss that stalks Doomslayer, is also used in Player invasions)

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Other urls found in this thread:

What's the deal with the Seraphim? Is he allied with the demons? Why? Has heaven turned against the Slayer or is it just this one angel?

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Angels are hyper evolved Cybrids, beings created by "The Highest" to carry out his tasks while waiting for his revival.

Hell and it's forces are attempting to become more "Angel" like by merging their own demonic bodies with technology of humanity so that they can invade Heaven and complete take over and reshape the universe.

The Seraphim we see and fight against is the betrayer of Heaven and plays the same role as Lucifer. He tries to turn Heaven's armies against Doomslayer but fails thanks to the combine efforts of the Night Sentinels and the unseen Seraphim(Doomslayers guardian angel), resulting in him being killed by Doomslayer and his followers being hurled down to Earth.

Don't leave me hanging.

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Thank you

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Does Icon of Sin still say "To win the game, you must kill me John Romero." backwards?

No, There's an easter egg with a head on a spike with a sign saying "Not this time", it does nothing for the fight.

Are Angels monsters too or are they high and mighty snobs?

Doom slayer is not the Doomguy from Doom's 1&2.

are they going to fix the hud?

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Is the Doom Slayer coming to Smash?


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They are monstrous in appearance but are the good guys, excluding the ones who follow The Betrayer.

He is.

Slight update, but no, the HUD we saw at E3 is the final design.

No clue.

So Cyberdemon is going to have health bar and stuff instead of being an uncommon enemy like in classic Doom?

Yes, Cyberdemon IS a boss, though there are lesser Cyberdemons later in the game.

>He is.
Fucking sweet

How did you play the game this early?

>He is.

>They are monstrous in appearance but are the good guys, excluding the ones who follow The Betrayer.
Like biblical descriptions? Or something else?

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How does Doomguy even stop the Hell invasion of earth?

Does Doomguy speak at any point in the game?

Who actually is the betrayer? Is it the marauder?

How does the crucible sword handle? What happened to the fleshy, hellish looking one from 2016?

Do you think the game will be good? How's the level design throughout?

Literally just go back and fucking look at the mountains of hints and clues from 2016 and the STRAIGHT UP FUCKING CONFIRMATION IN QUAKE CHAMPIONS FOR CHRIST SAKE.

What size is the Icon of Sin. This is very important. Anything smaller than the size of Jupiter means Id fucked up.

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Are you a game tester?

What happens to Hayden? Is he just tossed aside?

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I would like to know how it is told in Eternal.

He's the same guy, but he is not in the same universe.

It's gonna be a dramatic scene involving daisy.

Eh, fair enough.

Is Doom Slayer in Smash?

Do you think 2016 will become a ps plus game sometime before Eternal releases? I know it’s only $20 now but I wouldn’t want to get it only for it to be free

define "slight update"

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Daisy is dead. Billie might still be out there.


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is it gonna be good?

What's the deal with those priest dudes? Also who were the Night Sentinels exactly? Just humans from another dimension?

>angels fought are fallen and betrayers of heaven
Doomguy remains a good Christian boy

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Good post Martin

Why does the angel dude have such a big beef with Doomguy and humanity?

How does he look like? A beefy variation of the Marauder?

Doom 64's ending is technically the prequel of Doomslayer's origin.
He became the Doomslayer after meeting the Night Sentinels, where he was given the name "Doomslayer" and fought along side them until the temple was collapsed on top of him and the beginning of DOOM (2016)

Hell is a separate dimension, but can be accessed through any parallel Earth(s), meaning every Doom game is canon.

>How does Doomguy even stop the Hell invasion of earth?
He doesn't, Earth is left as a lost cause filled with Demons and fallen Angels.

>Does Doomguy speak at any point in the game?
No, just grunts.

>Who actually is the betrayer? Is it the marauder?
No, The Betrayer is the Seraphim.

>How does the crucible sword handle? What happened to the fleshy, hellish looking one from 2016?
Samuel lost it during the invasion of Earth and his near death.
Pretty much the same as the Chainsaw and BFG from DOOM 2016.

>Do you think the game will be good? How's the level design throughout?
It's good and fun, a bit slower gameplay though, less focus on glory kills. Level Design matches DOOM 2016, Heaven's a bit bland though.

>they really do just throw away hayden as the villain and instantly delete any and all excitement for where that plot was going to go in 2016

I'm actually really fucking mad.

>and fought along side them until the temple was collapsed on top of him and the beginning of DOOM (2016)
but we already know the demons trapped him and stuck him in the casket to stop him from ruining shit
that doesn't jive with what you're saying

assuming you're not full of shit, is Daisy in the game or referenced at all?

Yeah, what about Hayden? Does he become the angel? Why is he crippled?

by the sounds of it, this game sounds like a pretty good week end romp rather than something to get stupidly hyped about.

Either way looking forward to it, just not terrible hyped

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is daisy gonna make an appearance?

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What will the DLCs be like?
Will there be a multiplayer?

are the platforming sections a pain in the ass?

Game doesn’t really look much slower tho.

wanna know how i know you're full of shit?

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Left a broken mess for most of the game. He's given a cliffhanger ending where he's implied to take over the now dead body of the Seraphim(The Betrayer).

Seraphim sees humanity as useless creatures and wants them gone. He despises Doomslayer because he want's to save humanity.

Daisy is in the game, she's a guiding spirit for Doomslayer after "Heaven" turns it's back on him. It's revealed that she is a familiar, a being connected to the Night Sentinels similar to the green wolf from the trailer.

tell us user
was it the temple collapse?

Supposedly three story based DLCs, each being listed as an episode.

Multiplayer is in talks to be added later.

Post proof you faggot.

Alright here's the most important question of all you most likely fake ass "leaker"

MOD TOOLS?! Do id see them happening at this point or is it a lost cause?

Are we finally going to fight the current lord of hell in the next game?

so are you like a bethesda/id employee or does your dad work there or what
yanno, without "revealing" your "identity"

Not thrown away.

Hayden's not the villain(yet), he knows he fucked up with the invasion of Earth and wants to put things right, Doomslayer is his only sure way of stopping humanities extinction. The Angels appear later on and gives Hayden the idea that there may be another way outside the Doomslayer, as a "Seraphim"(The Player) did in fact make Doomslayer who he is.

The CE has a "classic sound pack". is that shit going to be sold separately?
and the "wearable helmet" is that going to be actually wearable, or is it going to be the master chief helmet all over again?

Its wearable you dumb fuck. They even showed it on a dudes head.

Yeah and that Fallout 76 bag was going to be a canvas bag and they gave out a nylon one didn't they
I don't trust bethesda for a bit and neither should you

No Mods at launch, Mod support will come later including snapmap.

They are Hell Lords, all with a different branch.

One's the Icon of Sin's father
Second is a blood cult.
Third is the one responsible for the Cybrids

Is there at least an option to have classic weapon view on the center of the screen like D'16 had?


And people never lie, wearable shit that comes packaged with games is never cheap and kid-sized.

>MOD TOOLS?! Do id see them happening at this point
Hugo said mod tools were a long-term goal for Eternal.

it's over
why don't bethesda realise that in order to achieve immortality new doom needs to have proper mod support like Doom has? Long after Doom Eternal is dust, people will still be playing Doom/2

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Post proof you dumb faggot.



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>"Seraphim"(The Player) did in fact make Doomslayer who he is.

>mods + snapmap
>wtf no modding?!

Yeah, but that comment kinda struck me as a "we'll try, but no promises" kind of thing.

>Mod support will come later including snapmap
They already said they dropped snapmap for Eternal to make story dlc instead you DOLT.

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Post proof or gtfo you larping chimp. Post some shit other than paragraphs of hollow words.

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>"Seraphim"(The Player) did in fact make Doomslayer who he is.
So basically, The Doom Slayer is literally the result of the Doom community autism? Yikes.

>"I'm going to remove a word from what you said to make what you said look stupid" - you
>"new doom needs to have proper mod support"

>do you support optional map packs?
>lol get snapmap lol

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is there fun easter eggs?

I mean, that's probably the best you're going to get right now. There's no way the devs would give you a concrete answer on that until after release, since they likely don't know themselves.

shit larp, 0/10, kys op

>No Mods at launch, Mod support will come later including snapmap.
So internally id does actually plan on bringing mod support to eternal eventually? They're not just blowing smoke? Also, give it to me. This is important to me because my brother lives in a different state and we stay in touch by playing vidya together. Is co-op in or out?

Oh come on, that sounds wholesome and I love meta shit like that.

nu DOOM will never achieve the same modding capabilities because one of reason: The new engine won't be open source like ID did age ago for the first id Tech. Also a reminder, the creation club still is a thing and Jewthesda will try to cash in.

Any connections to Quake? Some of the stuff we (the public) have seen so far has reminded me a lot of it in various ways, so I'm just curious.

OP proven once again he is a fag.

Who is the Marauder?

Mod support in some form, no clue on details.
No Co-Op as the campaign is meant to be a Single Player experience only.

Marauder is implied to be the/a Quake Ranger, similar background to the Doomslayer(A life of continuous warfare with an otherworldly presence) with the exception that overtime it became less human and more demon.

fuck off already

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The fuck is a "Cybrid"?

Post proof you dumb faggot.

Cyborg Hybrid.

I hate it
Ranger deserves better than this


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>implied to be THE Ranger
I don't believe you

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Because OP is lying. The retard hasn't posted any proof that he is a insider.

Oh good, I was worried they were going the SMT route of saying God and angels are just as bad as the devil and demons.

Do you meet god? Hugo said we'd meet A god in an interview.

Was Mick Gordon's heavy metal choir used for the game?

"The Highest"(God) is alseep and waiting to return.

Heaven is under the control of the Angels while "The Highest" is sleeping. Heaven is much smaller than Hell but it vastly more advanced and powerful.

>Samuel Hayden = Satan
>Seraphim = Lucifer
>Satan takes over Lucifer's body

Does the "wretch" that forged the Praetor suit make an appearance or just mentioned in background lore?

The idea is that Quake is going to become part of the New DOOM universe in a reformatted way, since they don't see a Quake remake doing as well compared to the revitalized Doom franchise(Public eye, not fan).

How often does gameplay just "stop" for narrative shit?

>just know questioning OP
Why does Yea Forums always seem to believe anybody who claims to be an insider or a leaker so long as they post a paragraph or two

>Doom 2016
>too little enemies
>too easy even on high difficulty

>doom eternal
>HUD is complete and fucking glowing trash

It's like they like to suck dicks

how the fuck could you possibly be investing in that boring shitstain of a plot lmao

I can see some of what OP is saying but then again it's probably not a hard plot to predict

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>Doom 2016
>Doom eternal

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iD's already said that all their games have a shared universe. There's some pretty standard proof of this in various games.

A) Doomguy is a Blascowicz. Hitler summoned a demon at one point in one of the Wolfenstein games, and Blascowicz proceeded to rip his arm off and send him back to Hell (while the demon cursed his descendents). This same demon ended up being the cyberdemon.

B) Quake 3 literally takes people from different dimensions and mashes them together, so they have some level of multiverse thing going. Includes doomguy.

C) Doom 64's story is the same guy from doom 1 & 2. He's an advisor going back to mars years after the incident, with marines tasked with taking back the abandoned base. Kills the "mother of all demons" and decides to stay in Hell and guard the door.

D) ends up in hell all the way up to Doom 2016. They start to absorb an alternate universe Earth that didn't have the Doomguy in it, but he was just sleeping hell so was able to get out into that earth.

[sub]there was also the larp that said bethesda wanted to link all their purchased IP's in a gigantic clusterfuck, via the Zetan's from Fallout. IE- elder scrolls is on a different planet with different physics, the zetans abduct and study them, the FO universe people are abducted and brought to the Elder scrolls universe, that kind of shit. With the introduction of Starfield, insisting upon using the same engine and physics as all their games (to possibly unify the elements) I stopped laughing at it as being complete bullshit.[/spoiler]

>mods would fix it
they wouldn't because unlike the original the the game does not have rock solid foundation of game systems to build on, snapmap actually proved this but you just want to ignore

>iD's already said
it's id and that was only tom hall and romero alluding to it
the shit we get with these new games is mongoloid fanfiction

If they gave us an editor as versatile as Doombuilder for Doom Eternal it would go a long way. That's just maps. Custom enemies and weapons would be a whole 'nother beast, but you can already do so much with just what's in the base of Doom1/2 without mods, and I think Doom Eternal would go a fair distance on vanilla alone.

>three story based DLCs
>when they clearly are advertising only 2 DLCs
>Multiplayer is in the talks to be added later
>when they've already talked about Battle mode extensively and have at no point hinted that it would be added later
You aren't even trying. What do you gain out of lying for no reason? Do you get off on this shit or something?

How the hell(pun intended) did OP get spoilers when the game is supposed to come out in November? I'm calling shenanigans. Y'all are being played.

Bethesda do have a leaking problem. Someone within Bethesda leaked the entire plot of Prey months before release because they hated Prey.

>Bethseda fucks up yet again

God fucking dammit Todd!

>because they hated Prey.
What a fucking cuck. Hope he got found out and fired.

Can you turn off the "oof" sound effects on taking damage?

So is the Icon of Sin as big as the titan demon and do you fight the full body? Or do you only fight his head like in the original doom 2?

>Pretty much the same as the Chainsaw and BFG from DOOM 2016
God I hope you're full of shit.


Technically smaller than Titan Demon, since the Titan Demon is a revived/new Titan Demon that Doomslayer killed before.

It's pretty much the same fight as the original from Doom 2, exceptions being that you have to blast a hole in it's skull plating to damage it.

It has a certain amount of charges and acts as an instant glory kill. Once you use all the charges up it becomes a simple handle again.

Between the damage sound effects and the HUD this is no longer a week 1 buy

What is the music like?
Did Mick Gordon's Heavy Metal Choir turn out great?

>a slightly tacky but easy to read HUD and more feedback when taking damage is enough to put you off from buying a game


Very similar to DOOM 2016, though it's hard to name the new sounds, Dark Holy I would call it.(I'm not a music expert).

It fits the game like how DOOM 2016's soundtrack fit it, though this time it has more "importance" placed in it for a more epic scale sounding tracks.

Not him but this is the best direct feed commentary-free footage I've found, which gives you a taste of the soundtrack.

>Literally backing off of Doomguy killing angels so as to not offend the christian crowd.

>"nonono, these weren't real angels, they were followers of Lucifer, yasee? Please don't boycott"

Does your ass ever get jealous of the shit that comes out of your mouth?

>Literally backing off of Doomguy killing angels so as to not offend the christian crowd.
They're angels though, and he does kill them.

>"nonono, these weren't real angels, they were followers of Lucifer, yasee? Please don't boycott"
In the Bible the Angels that followed Lucifer were angels as much as the angels that remained after.

This isn't the 90's.

they didn´t because that would be cringe

>how do I let everyone in this thread know I'm 14

Does Crash appear or is referenced at all?

I kinda miss her ):

having read the book of enoch really helps

my simple questions

Is our protagonist still silent? (please)

Do we get the bitchin energy sword for a segment?

Does the super shotgun feel like sex?

I just want to know if they put E1M1 somewhere in the game this time.

Pretty sure it's obvious but do we use the BFG 10000 to blow a hole into Mars?

What is the BFG firing at in space, like in the E3 demo

What do you mean, it's always been the opposite. Yea Forums is quick to denounce shit and telling people to suck cocks on reddit, even if the OP in question wasn't even a theory or a leak.

>Is our protagonist still silent? (please)
If you don't count the grunts and pain sounds, Yes.

>Do we get the bitchin energy sword for a segment?
It's like the Chainsaw and BFG from DOOM 2016.

>Does the super shotgun feel like sex?
As someone whom used the Super Shotgun mostly in DOOM 2016, a big yes.

Having a certain group of angels be bad instead of just "LOL ANGELS JUST AS BAD AS DEMONS" is actually really fucking refreshing for once. Shove your fedora up your ass.

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Mars become the Demon Hub in our reality, that massive crater was a counterattack effort using the BFG 10K.

Larger parts and chunks of the planet were being used as projectiles against the Phobos base.

wall humping was a thing, grunting and pain is customary.

So it has a # of charges. Does the strike go right through for a gib? Do you take damage during the animation? And on that, do glory kills make you invincible again?

How's the OST? I hope toned down the wub wub style and add more metal.

>an overcluttered HUD and roblox sound effect is enough to take you out of an FPS

The BFG isn't firing at Mars at first, what is it shooting at nigg

>It's like the Chainsaw and BFG from DOOM 2016.
do you pick up ammo or do you fill it by slaying (like the soul cube in Doom 3)

>The Seraphim we see and fight against is the betrayer of Heaven
Oh, that's disappointing.

There's no clutter beyond the compass and demonic semen meter, both of which you can and should disable

The Doom Slayer not actually the guy who betrayed the night sentinels.

does RELOADING the super shotgun look like sex?

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you missed the point

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the bright neon and fruity colors are pretty gay tho

The crater was made before Doomslayer arrived at Phobos, it's firing at the chunks of Mars.

The chunks are similar to the "Organic rock" that we saw in DOOM 2016 near Olivia's office.

Not really, as this is only of the only times you feel like the Doomslayer is in actual trouble.

What is Doom Slayer's ingame canonical penis size, Mr. Leaker?

After killing special demons.

>Doomslayer is in actual trouble.
I'm not sure how i feel about this. If Doomguy=Doomslayer then he better not act panicked ever.
only in the novels does Fly become truly fucked.

>Not really
Yeah, it really is. "The Highest" would make a nice end boss for the next game.

He cuts Doomslayer off from the "Seraphim's Blessing" temporarily, aka takes control away from the Player to show his mortality without his gift/protection.

>Marauder (Is a recurring Boss that stalks Doomslayer, is also used in Player invasions)
Now I know you're lying because my predictions never come true. Also if players invade others and their character shows up as the marauder in the other player's game, how exactly do the animations of an energy axe synchronize with the animations of a chainsaw?

Is the player the Seraphim?

>Hayden's not the villian (yet)
So you're saying there's gonna be a third DOOM?

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The Betrayer lies and says that he is the one that gave Doomslayer is gift, but in reality that gift was given by another Seraphim, aka the Player.

In game Marauder is story related.
Invasion Marauder is like playing the Monsters in DOOM 2016 MP.

So if you play like Doomguy you feel like Doomguy. Words are demons.

>Doom Slayer isn't naturally a god at killing unless he has the player's help
Oh no no no no

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If anything this game builds up multiple games.

Like I said earlier, the plan is to merge Doom and Quake into a single narrative.

they did my nigga Ranger dirty...

So invasion will be a turd feature because you'll suddenly be playing a demon trying to kill doomguy even though it would be trivial to implement a system where the player is always the doomguy and always facing off with demons. When you get invaded, you see a demon as your assailant and you're the doomguy. When you invade, you see a demon as your target and you're the doomguy. This way there is no instance where the player kills the doomguy because that would not make sense in the story. And whenever you die defending against an invasion or when invading, that just another normal game over that never happened because you can just load a save.

Does it reference modern Quake Champions lore in any way? How about any Quake eastereggs?

Just do a direct sequel to Quake (1) REEEEEEEE

I see what you're saying, that's pretty good. Question is, what would the demon look like? They have to have all of the same weapons and abilities. Demonic doomguy?

nah he will be dope as fuck. He is entering DOOM universe for Christ sake. a WORTHY opponent

>Daisy is in the game, she's a guiding spirit for Doomslayer after "Heaven" turns it's back on him. It's revealed that she is a familiar, a being connected to the Night Sentinels similar to the green wolf from the trailer.
that would be so fucking kino holy shit

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I bet you would dislike Ranger's HUH too

>When you invade, you see a demon as your target and you're the doomguy.
Wait, what? Where the fuck did you get that idea? When you invade, you play as a demon and attempt to kill a doomslayer with the help of another person, also playing as a demon.

>it would be trivial to implement a system where
>describes alternative to doomguy vs demon

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6 feet in length, 4 feet in girth when flaccid in freezing conditions.

Is the upgrade system significantly different from doom 2016?
If not, is it still full of grindy 'Do thing 20 times' challenges?

Unifying the Bethesda Universe for Creation engine games is pretty simple. They are just different Amaranths or Kalpas. Harold in Fallout is the origin of the Sentient Trees known as the Hist in Elder Scrolls. Its that simple if you want to connect them.

nigga how are the OOFs bad

Shut up faggot

Holy fucking shit this crap is terrible. Who cares about the story or your references to Daisy the rabbit..
Much better question is, did they remove the constant lockdowns?
Can I possibly go through a level without getting a terrible story exposited at me?
Does the arcade mode remove the shitty lockdowns?

The singular is SERAPH, guys

>It's pretty much the same fight as the original from Doom 2,
y tho

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The demon could look like anything that can be animated according to standard player movement. The problem is the axe that doesn't share the functionality of the chainsaw so it can't be synchronized.
Invasions are not the same thing as the versus mode.

There's no arcade mode at launch allegedly

Why so mad?

do we see dooms version of jesus?

>not having un-seraphimed doomslayer play like doomguy with no mouselook,no crouch and no jump
missed opportunity

>Cyberdemon is just a scripted boss and not a reoccurring enemy
>A G A I N

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I said this exact shit about the Seraphim being an allegory for the player years ago and nobody believed me

it wouldn't

>did they remove the constant lockdowns?
>Can I possibly go through a level without getting a terrible story exposited at me?
>Does the arcade mode remove the shitty lockdowns?

>believing a possible LARP

idk user we have to wait and see if any news articles or youtubers say about this if true

>the build-up to the confrontation against Hayden won't be resolved in this game
this shit better not be true

>fanfiction spoilers

there are, according to OP, non-boss cyberdemons throughout the game I think

>heavens abit bland

People who wanted Doom slayer to fight angels we're obnoxious fags in every thread making retarded theories. He is just pointing it out.

I still can't wrap my head around the idea of merging Doom and Quake lore, the settings are so different! One is just about demons and the other is about multidimensional Lovecraftian creatures.
And making the Ranger turn into a demon? Doesn't really fit the lore he has in Quake Champions

Hayden is obviously the Seraphim.

demons and lovecraftian abominations would make a good teamup plus dooms hell is multiversal so it maybe a possibility and is unique instead of rebooting the quake series singleplayer but still idk either

>both of them use an axe

That's bullshit but I believe it anyway

I make no theories. It just would be cool to kill whoever rules the heaven in Doom universe.

How upset is Doomslayer in this game?

How many levels there are in game?

Do they explain how Doomslayer got his armor and how the Wretch played a part?

Just think that too much background lore exposition would be gay and I was thinking about doing a porn comic about it.

Also, make the HUD a bit less of an eye-sore, id.