Be me

>be me
>talking with girl
>mention video games as my hobby
>she says "Oh yeah cool, I'm a gamer too"
>oh yeah? what do you play?
>Candy Crush mostly ^^
yeah I'm incel for life dood

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stop talking to german chicks

>be me
>talking with g-


Based Candy Crush stacy

She probably also likes playing with Murat's cock, if you know what I mean

she is my new coworker
Murat? Which ethnicity is that?

>Murat? Which ethnicity is that?

oh, those absolute chads

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>go to hipster late night cafe to study calculus with girl i'm trying to hook up with
>hear some chick behind me talking about her PC rig with some dude
>sounds like she knows what she's talking about
>mentions only giving a shit about being able to run Witcher 3 at 4k

I got a look at her when I was about to leave and she looked to be about a 6 or a 7 at best. Not to mention she is most likely batshit insane.

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>be me


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>be 24 KHV
>haven't masturbated in a month
>slowly becoming asexual due to despair

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Oh look he doesn't understand life from someone else's perspective. How can someone go through their life without understanding how people work?

how about you hydrate

OP here, I'm 26y virgin.
ya know, the fact that I was unable to have a relationship with a woman in this long makes me think I have some severe mental problem
And I know I could just pay some hooker, but it ain't the fucking I'm worried about, it's the being unable to connect

what did you mean by this?


What he means is that your concept of a gamer is probably wildly different from hers and that for you to judge her negatively because of this is retarded.

I doubt you're mentally handicapped, but you may want to see a doctor just in case. At the very least they might give you some meds to help you lighten the fuck up and start trying to understand people from a less juvenile perspective.

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my OP post was mostly a joke, I'm not actually judging people for playing candy crush and thinking they're epic gamers
just a bit upset I can't really find a girl that has similar interests to mine

>>mention video games as my hobby
why would you do that

she asked

dodge those topics, steer around them, maybe lie a little. Girls don't give a shit about your hobbies and only ask to weigh your value

this reeks of incel and/or beta-male-in-denial.

Why would a girl give a shit about what you do in your free time?

You haven’t interacted with many women have you?

enough to know they're only interested in the time you can give them and not your own time

please see

Nah, >be me is NPC-tier. Real greentext doesn't have that because unless explicitly stated that the story is about someone else, it's the one telling the story.

>Real greentext doesn't have that
nigga saying >be me like that is greentext staple for more than decade, fuck outta here with this nu-chan shit

because she wants to fuck you
i realize you wouldn't know about this shit but cmon user

A lot of incelbro-science itt

I feel like I have always lacked the drive, I fap and am satisfied. My desire isn't great enough to get over the fear of talking to women

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>fuck outta here with this nu-chan shit
Excuse you? It wasn't until Reddit started doing it that it appeared.

Everyone in this thread is an incel, including me

Excuse yourself crazy fool

It was the mark of a Yea Forumstard and nobody likes those faggots

You fucked up.
I play neckbeard shit like angmar and my favorite games are immersive sims from 20 years ago. My current gf watches me livestream stone soup.
If you talk about your favorite games passionate and with conviction even when she shittests you, you will make a girl interested in you play anything, even watch you play any weird shit you're into.

I am a monster. No female could possible be interested in me

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>white alien bad

I seriously doubt that.
You probably wont pull a 10, but any retard here could pull a 6-7 if they put in the effort. And by effort I don't mean go ham in the gym and change your whole being, just basic hygiene and keeping your sperg spasm levels very low.

>at university library
>playing dwarf fortress in one of those cubicles with an outlet for my laptop
>just finished my minecart tracks
>7/10 says "hey is that dee eff"
>uhh yeah
>"oh cool, what's your fort pop?"
>um let me check..82
>feel bowels fighting to hold in undigested spaghetti
>"so what's your name?"
>not gonna make it
>shit hard and fast
>doodoo spaghetti flowing out of my pants
>she screams
>the screams wake me up
>it was a dream but I really did shit myself
>I don't even go to school
kill me, pete

>when gigachad forgets to shower and wear deodorant

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Fat fingers typed this post

Not him but I'm cursed, I can't get any.
I've simply accepted my fate as eternal wizard

Women are incapable of separating their “hobbies” (see: obsessions) from their personal lives. Less than 1% of female gamers are worth forming a relationship with, or capable of forming a connection with other people as most of them are sociopaths. Your best bet is to find a clingy girl that has a couple of self confidence issues and get her to play games with you to spend time together

The last time I talked to a girl other that for strictly work related reasons was 3 years ago on the last day of Highschool. A girl I liked and got along with asked for my number and said we should hang out over summer and I went full on evasive mode and dodged the topic entirely. It was that day I realized I have severe intimacy problems.

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gigachad is not even a real guy
it's some average dude photoshopped, and the irony is that that guy got very famous on insta and he gets hit on probably by more chicks today than whatever many people know about this meme

there's no such things as curses
if you believe you won't be able to do it then you don't
if "you've accepted your fate" what do you have to lose? time? literally nothing, as if your time is worth anything if " you've given up". Nothing bad will happen to you if you make steps towards basic hygiene, towards controlling your emotions and involuntary autism when speaking to other people. Most people use therapy and pills, I've been off pills for years and the only thing that I use today is simple mindfulness meditation, not the guru bullshit but practicing to stay calm and at ease in any environment. I would explain further and offer genuine advice but I don't want to keep going if it's not needed. You have to really want to succeed, to stop being lonely and in pain and not even know why, or why do you suffer, because you don't deserve this kind of life, noone does, even those who have given up.

Could also be that you were afraid of what might happen if you were to succeed. It's probably more likely that you valued your lifestyle too much and were afraid of compromising it for the responsibility of dealing with a committed relationship. This is normal more or less but you shouldn't beat yourself too much even if it was 3 years ago the important thing is that you're probably dissatisfied with your lifestyle right now so you won't have this severe fear as much if you put in the effort to meet someone else.

>wanting to be with a girl that likes Witcher 3
doubt she's insane, she's just casual normie trash

no, people who consume media casually aren't associated with anything other than normie pieces of trash, she's not s gamer, if she's a gamer for playing candy crush then I'm albert fucking Einstein for understanding Newtons theory of gravity.

>So about 2, maybe 3 years go, I started up infinity the wargame.
>New and don't know the rules that well, so I decided visit a hobby shop were others play it.
>It's still a new product in AUS so not many there.
>Over about a year I learn and played a few tournaments, even won few.
>Over the year new people join, new regulars show up and the Infinity fandom is growing quite well.
>A 7/10 chinese girl (maybe bias since I have yellow fever) comes in and sets up her Yu Jing army, few mates and I kinda laugh at the chinese girl plays the mostly chinese faction. However we expect she's waiting for a friend.
>She stands there for about 10min looking around, nothing happens and so she starts to pack up.
>I walk over and ask her if she waiting for someone and she replies that she was hoping someone would play with her.
>Felt sorry for her so I gave her a 300 point game and boy did I get my ass kicked.
>I expected a newbie but everything she did was well thought out and the dice gods were on her side.
>Asked her does she play often, she said she played with her brother for about a year, but since he moved to china she had no one to play with.
>We welcomed her to the Infinity group and she became a reguler. Over time we found out she was diagnosed with slight form of aspergers, so it took her awhile for her to open up to us.
>3 months ago, I asked her out and found out she has a crush on me for a while, apparently it was obvious to our friends, guess I was just blind.

Anyways, I found my real life short asian waifu, how about you Yea Forums?

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ausfag here. I never went to college and never met a girl at high school, so now I’m a 21 yr old KHV and have no clue how to meet women, but at least I have a job I guess.

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if you have a hobby or some sort of social circle online that isn't Yea Forums, you might be one of the lucky few to meet someone.

Unfortunately my social circle only consists of my 3 high school friends who also never went to college and are KHV’s like me still.

The guy.
I haven't had a job for about two years and 29, however I did go to TAFE for few years.
Just get out mate.
Don't be a social retard.
Do some exercise (walk for an hour a day).
Eat healthy.

My advice to you.

I get out everyday for my job, but I have autism and social anxiety so I’ve never been to bars and shit before, it just makes it very hard to talk and to meet people.

>be talking with female coworkers and friends about weekend plans
>mention that I GM tabletop roleplaying games
>talk casually about it like you would any regular topic
>conversation naturally continues and everyone has a good time
>life goes on
The key is to not regard what you're doing as some dark occult secret that you wish you didn't partake in

Asked my gf for some advice to help with ya autism. This is what she said.
Take babysteps, go do something that you enjoy but make sure that it requires other people.
This is what my chinese waifu gf did to try and overcome her anxiety.
People IRL are very kind, understanding and even welcome to people to their group.
That's why people go to hobby shops, to meet like minded people and have fun with new friends.

So is talking about video games to women. Not all gamers are incels but all incels are gamers.

you will reach a point where you just dont care anymore and just focus on enjoying your life or simply will become a bitter incel that drowns in self pity and blames women

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>actual boomer coworker starts talking about Doom, Wolf3D and GTA
>female coworkers start talking about the first two Sims games
>join in on a casual level
>everyone enjoys the conversation
You don't have to talk about your Dwarf Fortress playthrough just because the topic is video games

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shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up
get out of my head
i dropped my middle school love for this, i even had the balls to confess and she said yes
she even liked civ, even though that was like 8 years ago it still hurts to play civ because i eventually remember her

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Why does everyone find this fantasy of a woman that plays video games so enticing?

I had a gf in college who played vidya. They were a sociopath. Most women that play video games are, or have some other personality disorder and I can tell you getting a knifed pulled on you is SOOO much fun a bunch of other shit I paid a therapist to hear so not make a blog of it

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>lvl 21 kissless virgin
>lost faith years ago after school being filled with loneliness
>join community theatre in my hometown, work there and slowly open to people
>theatre takes part in EVS project and youth exchanges
>three years later I become different person, yet still pretty distant and silent
>a girl from Greece comes for EVS, I met her earlier on the youth exchange in Amsterdam, but DUDE WEED LMAO
>7/10, actress background, short but not a dwarf
>being a failure as a human being decide to not do anything
>months pass
>we make up with our theater group acoustic cover concert, play in our hometown on some town festival
>later was going to play one of my favourite bands, so I go for a joint with my brother and to their gig
>later go to the theatre, see her in the corridor crying and other girls trying to help her
>decide I'm not getting into this, fucking dramatic people
>few days later other girl from the group said she was crying over me
>start planning some situation, feel like shit for few days
>after rehearsal for our next concert I ask who goes for a beer, she's the only one
>tfw got my first girlfriend and didn't do anything at all
tl;dr "just b urself dude" worked for me and I am happy now.

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Stop looking for a girlfriend with the same hobby as you. You'll end up hating it. My girlfriend literally only played dragon quest, Pokémon, legend of the river king and that weird cartoony baseball series that is crazy popular in japan, and she thinks gaming is retarded. I wouldn't have it any other way.

>not just playing off of it, keeping it light, and continuing the conversation
never gonna make it

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Maybe, I mean I identify as a gamer but the only thing I do is going out on Friday nights and beat women and minority

>not imtroducing her to best games
>not introducing her to sex
>not being her senpai
Neck yourself

>get fucked
It's really that easy

you lost me there

Her being batshit insane is the best part though

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>be somebody else that's not me
>talking with girl
>mention computer stuff as my hobby to hide my power level
>she says "I like to travel"

Not an incel but women are trash.

t. newfag

What even is Candy Crush? From the commercials it looks like standard match 3 shit but you cant play for very long otherwise you spend money?

>be me
>talking with (now) bf
>mention video games as my hobby
>"he says "Oh yeah cool, I'm not into games myself but it's a nice hobby to have"
Was that so hard

t. tranny


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Be me isn't a reddit thing though.
Its a staple of Yea Forums stories.
Fucking zoomer.

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Congrats on your 2nd worst type of asian wife

>People IRL are very kind, understanding and even welcome to people to their group.
Where? Certainly not the US.

Nobody asked you, faggot.


>Congrats on your 2nd worst type of asian wife
I disagree, she's an amazing cook, very loyal, hard worker and quite lady like (unlike your american women:^))

>Where? Certainly not the US.
Sorry to hear that, but I should have said in australia. Again sorry to hear about where you live.

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chinks are ruining australia and canada

>nice hobby to have
*crack* During my time the hobby was shunned by absolutely everyone and the phrase "there are no girls on the internet" was still true. *ssssiiiip*


why i got one as a gf, ganna get in while i can and make the big dosh.

>girl plays casual games

>enough to know they're only interested in the time you can give them and not your own time
doing your own thing despite girls wanting to be with you all the time is what makes you hot to them though

>enjoy compelling games
>everyone around me plays entry-level normie trash and competitive team-based normie trash
I don't even want a gf, why is this so hard

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I fucking hate you, dude.

Women are never interesting or funny or intelligent you're just supposed to trick them into letting you fuck their wet hole


>be me
>talking with girl
>mention video games
>she starts talking about tranny representation and how she loves a hat in time
>x out, set invisible
>later delete
>skate away on my heelys

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fuck yeah throw a tinnie back for me cunt
