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Other urls found in this thread:


Is that eScape/Crystal Tower theme still not in the game files yet

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>he bought lorebooks?

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It's for 5.0, of course it isnt.

Did we lose

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Is Titania cute?

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>no one remembers Bismarck's fantastic second phase theme because the Ravana one has lyrics

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>Come and play! For the night is bright and yew can sleep when yur deahd!

>no one remembers Bismarck
Fixed it for you.

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Woe That Is Madness literally gives my wife sexual pleasure so it gets played in my house pretty frequently.

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>I'm listening to this right now
user please

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>no one remembers Bismarck's FANTASTIC ultimate because Ravana yells OHHH REJOICE IN THE GLORY OF COMBAT!!!! CHANDRAHAAS XDDDD

based taste. bismarck's second theme is god tier.

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I 'member.
I also prefer Bismarck's theme to Ravana's.

Which NA server should I play on, assuming I can even choose with all the congestion?

I figured it out. There's no Materia VII in 5.0.

Instead there will be materia VIII for maximum pottery.

clue me in, some nice user told me what this Elbstgate was last thread

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There's grade 7 and 8. With grade 8 existing, it would be very, very difficult to get grade 8 via transmutation, as you'd have to get a 5% chance off of 5 5% chances

anything you can get into on primal or aether, crystal is kinda shit


who is bismarck?

You've done well to struggle thus far, Shadowniggers, but that ends here.

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I'm about to hit Tsokuyomi in the MSQ and I don't have a high enough ilevel to continue. What are the easiest ways to gear up that aren't spending Gil? I'm broke from buying some gear already.

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Tome gears.

yo mama LMFAO

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I remember it because it reminds me of PSO music.


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>Yoshida sings Byakko's theme on the Journey track
What a fucking legend

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I know one of the orchestrion roll tracks in the new album is that escape+syrcus track in the job trailer, but does anyone know what the other roll that comes with it is going to be?

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>giant flying whale belchs an entire ocean worth of water, tornado-tier winds and 5282 billion volts worth of thunderstorm right on your face

That's him. That's Vauthry!


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>Elidibus talking mad shit about killing the WoL in the last story patch
>gets absolutely fucking shitstomped when push comes to shove
>only gets away because that faggot Tia fucked everything up

I'm so sick of dealing with this KEKEKEKE all ccording to keikaku faggot, holy shit.

I want to make Miounne a real mother

Guess I probably won't be shadowbringers ready then by next friday, ah well. I guess i'll work on unlocking the ivalice raids.

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>think it's going to be a joke track they put on there
>it's pretty good, actually
granted i'm kinda tone deaf and don't know japanese but still

It's cool and all but every time someone jizzes over this fight it only signals to me that they didn't do Coil and are casuals.



Anyone else completely in the lost about what to play in Shadowbringer?

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Queue for Weeping City you cowards

Just run dungeons that drop gear that'll boost your ilvl

You're not impressing anyone.

The ivalice raids spam gear at you tardo, you should have unlocked them alongside the main story.

>hits no one

Consider the Mhigger

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Nah, gonna get PLD to cap first. It's a tradition at this point. It looking good in 5.0 is just a bonus.

just do some roulettes and normal mode omega
depending on your item level the dungeons from expert roulette can also be upgrades for you
it really shouldn't be that hard to get the ilvl for tsukuyomi


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just play the class that's the most fun.

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>Alliance of Eorzea... remember the Alamhigo.

>Everyone was in denial about the STxOmega remix being in 5.0 because there was no reason for Omega to be back
>Crystal Tower is an Allagan construct, and most of Allagan's technology was reverse engineered from Omega
>Omega is one of the dimension-jumping "regulars" of the series
>Yoshi is expressing the thought that it's okay for raids to be interweaved into the MSQ due to normal mode being added
>New Omega M/F minions added out of nowhere

He's in.

Nope, MNK/MCH/GNB is gonna be my trio.

not really, i'll just pick whichever tank i like the most and whichever melee dps i like the most and i'm not gonna bother with anything else this time around besides crafting/gathering

Helping Khloe write a story about hypnosis! And practicing it on her!

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I really didn't think that i'd hit an item level block I guess. Oh well, I assume ivalice isn't that hard anymore.

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What's a good overlay for ACT? I tried kagerou but sometimes it doesn't work.

What if it's the new canals/alatars theme?

can you stay in your containment thread in /vg/, most of us want to talk about the game

how the fuck do you NOT play dancer at this point? shit's broken as hell and fun as fuck.

Everything is fun though, I haven't played something yet I don't think is fun and that's the issue.

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After I clean up the 1st im going to choke that cat faggot and curb stomp Elidibus

The only thing I'd consider in regards to her is which lampost she'd look the best hung form

They're all extremely easy but sometimes Cid will give you trouble because one alliance can cause a full raid wipe.

Keep in mind you'll also be able to buy 390 tome gear with poetics in Shadowbringers so if you need a quick boost then there's always that.

Some of the old abilities look so much better than the ones they kept.

>Butcher's block > Storm's path
>Power Slash > Souleater
>Rage of Halone > anything
>no Scourge
>no Misery's End
And that's just to name a few I miss

Attached: 48px-Butcher's_Block_Icon.png (48x48, 7K)

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>Leveling MCH
>Seems alright and kind of fun and the animations are cool, got the class down well
>Hit 70
>Suddenly doesn't make sense anymore and no longer no what the fuck I'm doing

I know I'm retarded but fuck I don't like playing MCH anymore

Can't find the full song, but here is a tweet of Yoshi-P singing amatsu kaze


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Yes. It's over.
WoW has won. XIV will die soon.

I wish you'd get to see the full Divine Veil animation but you're always cycling through shit too fast to ever see it, it's pretty neato

Wide Volley > Quick Nock
Rend Mind > 90% of MCH's animation
Disable was probably one of the coolest PvE debuff

This. Butcher's block looks like it hurt way more than storm's path. I wouldn't say power slash looks better than soulstealer, but it definitely looked more like stealing someone's soul after slashing him open than actual soulstealer animation.


yes, i can't decide at all and it's scaring me as it comes closer

just use this then

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>varis reminds him that elidibus said he would take care of the wol
>elidibus' spaghetti comes tumbling out of his pockets
how many times do i gotta fuck you guys up before you get the message, you robe wearing nerds

the people that don't want to rep grind week after week as an excuse for gated story content will continue to...not play that and just watch the cutscenes like we always did.

>Omega is going to pull an asspull and act as WoL's vessel as they're floating, stranded alone in the place between dimensions
>Burst through the alternate worlds with the WoL on their back as they return to either The Source or The First with that music track blaring in the background
>Final dungeon will be single player only, with Omega M and Omega F acting as trusts

Fan Fest looks fun, but literally what is there to do besides the live letter and the conert?

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The 1.0 WAR animations were fantastic


1.0's animations were fantastic in general, there's so much weight to them. Except the spells. The spells were fucking awful

Listening to podcast is the only way I've been able to tolerate soloing eureka. I'm about to hit level 30 now. Is 31 when I should start exploring the upper portion without dying every 2 seconds?

Fuck fat cosplayers, buy merch, get an autograph

>(((talk about))) a game a week away from release with no new information
get back in the waiting line homeboy

Omega plotline isn't tied to MSQ at all.

Interacting with other like minded autsits [spoiler[because don't lie if you actually go to Fanfest you're just as autistic as anyone else there no matter how hard you want to deny it[/spoiler]

how fat are we talking here

What a fucking legend


I'm going to keep up with The Balance discord and see what they say will be meta.

Did you skip the last part of Heavensward?

I forgot the name of the ability, but the ARR ninja 3rd finisher where he does multiple red slashes.

It's way cooler than shadowfang or aoelean. Even mutilate was somewhat satisfying.

Based, looking forward to drowing in dirty, unwashed pussy as the fat miqote in Eulmore inspire more fat cosplay, bonus points if they actually bring their powdered wigs and enlightentment-era dresses

>WoL fighting against Sin Eaters as more and more of the First is consumed by light
>flood of enemies seems to be overwhelming them
>Eden summoned to fuck our shit up
>suddenly eScape starts playing
Post yfw

They feel like there's a lot of weight behind those hits ,very nice.

Yes Omega is known, but hes not going to be your best pal in the MSQ. It makes zero sense without the context and events of the 8 man happening.

Based piratebro.

Attached: Ilberd.jpg (225x225, 14K)

I mean, I'm sure there are trannies and thin but butt ugly ones, your choice mate!

>killed thousands
>gets away free

>"In that chaotic nomad's land between realms, time warps in... unexpected ways."
Same way G'raha knows you regardless, tard. If something is from the future then it can know you without you knowing it.

only good part of bahamut fight was the transition
turn 9 on the other hand

most of those are still in the game tho, just sped up
also holy shit elezen somehow looked even weirder in 1.0

1.0 had soul.

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>the new Feller Cleave and Chaos Decimate are literally recycled Inner Beast/Steel Cyclone animations

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Get real sick of your shit, Tanaka

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Chaos Cleave and Chaos Decimate in 6.0
Please look forward to it.

Is that confirmed?
Cause I prefer the way Inner Beast looks over Fell Cleave since always.


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Sonichu has soul too.

how do we get them???

Thanks for remind my to get my fix

dead things don't have soul. checkmate 1.0 IQ babs

those are both cool animations that you don't really see all that often now, though

check the skills video after the war does an infuriate, it's ib/sc animations with like chaotic energy around it

It's in the ability preview video. It's the same animations except with a flashier explosion after effect.
It's pretty lame.

1.0 was a shit game but holy fuck does it make me miss the animations.

My only gripe with XIV is as much of a great game it is it legitimately feels like I'm floating half the time.

I wish it looked better and felt less floaty, feels like I'm play and paying for a ps2 game.

i will probably go PLD first but im excited as fuck to lvl gunbreaker, BRD, RDM and DRG too

monk bros, how we holding up?

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>warror's wrath aura still looks like shit in 5.0
unplayable class, please buff

>10 Days

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That'd be kino but they're not gonna do that.

It's still pretty shitty that WAR's new capstone ability(ies) are just barely nicer looking existing animations. Excluding Nascent Flash's "animation", WAR didn't get a single original asset for Shadowbringers which is really disappointing.

Inner Beast and Steel Cyclone are in the game even, you just upgrade them like you do Rage of Halone.

>lost power slash and delirium, kept souleater retarded animation
>lost shadowskin for rampart
>lost dark dance for anticipation (also F)
>lost sneak attack
>lost grenado shot
>lost rend mind
3.0 classic when


It's holding

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One of the first moves the WAR does in the job actions trailer is inner be-... err, Inner Chaos. The very last move he uses is Steel Cy-... err, Chaotic Cyclone.
A lot of people did not even realize this at first and legitimately thought the first move was just IB.

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>listen to eScape
>can always hear the larboard/starboard and mustard bomb sound effects in my head

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The game didn't even have jumping nigga. How you gonna get immersed in a world where niggas can't even jump?



>WAR didn't get a single original asset for Shadowbringers
Is that spinning axe move also an old recycled animation?

Attached: spin-to-win.webm (1920x1080, 234K)

>Dark Side fart effect is still in in 5.0
Just remove it Yoshi, nobody will miss it

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>you hear pantokrator and see Omega leg movements like it's having a seizure

Yep, old PVP move.


>killed thousands
>gets away free

Attached: 1559931437448.png (391x365, 319K)

Better than SAMlets

>Senei nerfed to 900 potency
>Shoha unchanged
>Tsubame Gaeshi 25% buff to iajutsu
>Jinpu and Shifu only 11% buffs.

We're doin just fucking fine honestly.

Can people not like both this and Coils? Quit being a faggot.

>Omega mount doesn't have pantokrator seizure as an ability
Missed opportunity desu

sch aoe is also a pvp move, real fucking nice


no, they have to pick one and only one


Sorry new players, you'll have to play on the roleplay server. Enjoy getting assaulted by futa catgirls.

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fat white mages, gay monks


>those are both cool animations
Agreed that's why they should have just stayed in the game and not become their dps-counterpart at higher levels. Not saying the tank changes/stance dance removals are bad but it's a shame to loose those old moves.

Sounds like an original PSO song, that is to say, it's based as fuck. Best song in the game easily.

There is a lancer NPC in North Gridania that does it

>5.0 monk
now this is denial

No I have my first level 80 already in my heart. I have been a DNC main ever since we thought that Lyse may have been a dancer in the Stormblood trailer, now I will finally be able to play my job.

And yet they didn't gave pvp protect to WHM

>Hydaelyn and Zodiark being primals isn't even the biggest reveal

Literally shaking and quaking, make no mistaking.

>primal congested
What in the fuck

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>old PVP move
No fucking way.
I only knew pld aoe combo was an old pvp move where he jumps in the air and shit. Looks kinda out of place if not outright silly.

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I wonder with shit getting this backed up (and it probably being worse on ShB release) if they'll add more NA servers eventually.

>WHM party mitigation is locked to level 80 skill
Fucking WHY

He did nothing wrong.

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Rage of halone looks ugly compared to royal authority. PLD had some shitty animations but they gained some really cool looking skills in the expansions.

The only impressive move they had was Circle of Scorn.

>new player finishes the intro quest in uldah
>spawns into the world at the quicksand
>futa highlander flops her fat unwashed bbc onto sprout's head
>welcome to ffxiv, sprout.

Attached: ffxiv_05052019_132150_669.png (340x502, 124K)

fuck, was gonna transfer to Adamantoise from Levi once levi went congested.

I'm going to miss my comfy server bros
DRK had it's best tool locked in lvl 70

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Use Mendacity tomes for quick ilvls, they'll generally get you in to the rest of the expansion's content.

If you have it unlocked, Alphascape and Orbonne Monastery are great, and O12 will get you a 390 weapon as well.

Playing in Crystal (Mateus) and so far the RP is pretty tame, sometimes even entertaining to watch while I wait for queues

>dude check this out *flips sword*

Bros...what if SHB isnt good?

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>that feel when no Fordola gf to love tenderly
Why are all the best girls in this game highlanders?

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Post proof or get BTFO in 9 days. Your choice.

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even if it's bad, it's impossible for it to be as bad as stormblood or WoW

There's no getting worse than Stormblood

Here's where it can fall apart: Whether they utilise the First's story well.
If you're just there for 2 dungeons and that's it, it will still be an 8.0/10

My problem right now is that basically everything looks fun, but I'll probably just go with MCH since Pile Bunkers get me hard.

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As someone on balmung who knows roleplayers and is one erp only though if I want storytelling I'll read or write myself, you rarely see the bad stuff in a passing glance. It's actually rather nice to see people doing slice of life roleplay stuff in public. The problem is roleplayers are nutjobs and dramamongers on par with raiders so you wanna steer clear of being deep in the roleplay circuit. The deeper you go the darker it gets.

Man, it's really hard to be hype for any expansion after 1.0.

There's literally no chance it will be like that considering the dungeons we saw in the preview and that Innocence is going to be the level 77 trial fight. We also know that Eden is going to tie into the MSQ extremely heavily which means we're going to be there after 5.0's end as well.

Shut up meowie.

in that case you could play classic

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Is there a download link?

It's all on the first besides the lvl 80 job quests, but GIVEN that the first is being made playable, I think everyone is going to realize sooner or latter that it isn't going to be absorbed at any point in the game, or else that would be the loss of zones and dungeons and hunts and everything else SHB brings

You know, i remember the threads we had when 2.55 came out, and even if it doesn't seem like it that was quite a few years ago wasn't it? How many of you are from back then? I suppose we have a lot more players now. I'm glad that i started playing many years ago and got to see this game grow patch after patch, and i can't wait for the pre-release to play like a madman again.

Yoshi said the only time we'll be returning to the source at all is for the level 80 job quest.

How does anything look fun in gutbringer?

I'm not that fat fuck

Spoiler for 5.0
> Omega-F comes back and becomes the WoL's wife and will appear in your house/apartment providing you with free raid food to keep you strong

Attached: OmegaF.png (918x2252, 2.33M)

your're a different fat fuck lmoa

What's everyone's favorite race in this game? I'm playing the free trial and I made a cute cat-guy, he kind of looks like Link. I noticed a lot of people go for the larger races and set the height slider to max.

it has the potential to be absolute garbo. Time and dimension hopping and light/dark dichtomies are very, very easy to do wrong, and I have little faith in them after the Uldah section of the HW MSQ

Tell me that at least DRK's new aoe combo and 2 skill to refresh Darkside are not re-used animation.

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Because everything looks fun.

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During the Hildibrand questline do you always get the option to talk about how you deflected Susanoo's sword even if you have never done it?


Stalwart Soul and your new "Darkness" abilities are all new, as far as i know.

Checks out, carry on user.

Those are not.

I've been here lorefagging in these threads since back then. Feels weird that the game is getting so big now.

I've been playing XIV since September 2010. I built my first gaming PC just to play it. Played all the way to 1.21, got into the 2.0 alpha back when the legacy movement scheme didn't exist and I was ready to completely drop the game because of it. And I'm still here playing though I've taken a number of breaks since 3.0

girls can't love girls

>stick with main since 2.0 or move with the meta

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I like Elezen

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Do you think it would have been hard to convince Omega that to be strong you need lots of sex with the Warrior of Light?

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it's really weird running through the crystal tower raids in alliance roulette
like oh yeah this shit had mechanics once and the gear was relevant-ish

How do you fags deal with PvP? I want the Commander set but its fucking dead and I'm also grinding away for DRG Garo set but holy fuck its so annoying watching someone run into a pack of niggers and get mowed down trying to kill a healer or Machinist. Every single time I get stuck on the worst team or manage to get 3rd place it's fucking awful. What jobs cheese PVP mode or can get shit done?

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>those pld animations
rage of halone looked LIKE THAT?

They will. Japan has 32 servers while NA only has 24, even though NA has more players.

The new congested statuses doesn't actually mean all those servers are Balmung-tier where they're so full they can't fit anyone else. It's being done purely for the sake of Shadowbringers so that when the huge influx of new players comes in, they are forced onto the lower population worlds to try and even out the imbalance. You could also see it as another futile attempt to get Balmung players to transfer off onto a preferred World, but we all know no one is ever leaving that shithole.

Once things have died down in a few months, expect to see the congested statuses get lifted and then some new servers added to each datacenter.

I'm not fat fuck you see me in the wolves den not online and see what happens

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My dudes i just checked and i've been subbed for more than 1300 days, what the fuck

3.1 faggot here. Honestly worried how much more this game can keep being good.

>Tying her hair and initiating cooking mode

Attached: 1546818280386.jpg (587x740, 66K)

drk or war are both pretty good since you have cc and are fairly hard to kill
just unmend/holmgang some dope who got too far out and try to kick a healer in the dick when the blobs crash into each other

>An actual WoLxAlisaie fanart that doesn't use their OC Donut
Am I dreaming?

SMN is high skill high reward, all healers can carry, DRK is the carry tank. DRG is extremely good at bursting down people caught unawares. MCH if you want to go ranged.

I don't. Doing stuff just for glamour has never made sense to me. It's why I hate XIV's gear and progression so much

>Just hit golden on UCOB
Will I make it?

I didnt start playing until SB but I ocassionaly browsed the HEAVENSHILL threads out of curiosity but also the hildibrand webms that would be posted.

You can afford to have slow, weighty animations when your combat system is so slow that you can only use one real ability every 10 seconds.

It can't be any worse than WoD.

for those that pre-ordered, at which date can they start playing SBr?


ya you're basically already there it's the easiest part for sure, what happened in golden?

early access starts on the 28th

Switch to Mael
Play a healer or tank

We didn't make the dps check before octet

I do RDM/SAM/DRG, the SAM level 80 sounds like crap but the rest is okayish. I'm thinking SAM or DRG. I might go with DRG since I was since 2.0 and it'd be nice to have it be the one I see the MSQ through with.

If Paladin becomes fun I'll start playing it more and I might do dancer since it sounds fun even if I'm going to be a niglander dancer which seems stupid.

You used actions more often than that, and could use some in quick succession. If I remember correctly, depending on how quickly the game would just quietly execute the second action while continuing to play the first's animation out, is how it handled it

Anybody else get annoyed by shit like this?

It's weird to know that people you play with are potentially neglecting their children to play ffxiv.

Attached: ffxivparents.png (367x36, 28K)

Isghard remembers, Warrior of Light!

Attached: 1560574823292.png (484x416, 329K)

>brb, the wife aggro xD

Attached: 1545567470674.png (514x352, 32K)

This templar was fucking baller. Ala Mhigo was a GREAT dungeon compared to some of the dreck in SB (what the fuck was Castrum Abania even? Sirensong Sea?).

how does that sentence sound like potentially neglecting a kid?

I mean if the kid's asleep how is that neglect? Not that I enjoy parents constantly whining/talking dealing with their kids to play but that's going a bit far with assumptions.

No idea I guess the 13 other FF games were flops for not allowing you to jump.

Never have children.

Joined in 3.1 only because the base game came as a part of that mystery bundle they were selling in the SE shop for like $20. I also found the PS4 version of the base game on a clearance rack for $10, so I registered that for another 30 days.

I almost quit during the long stretch between Ifrit and Titan because of how much nothing was happening, but I had a couple friends keeping me entertained enough through dungeons until I hit the end of ARR MSQ. They then brought a whole squad from their FC to do Castrum and Prae, to let me watch the cut scenes in peace. We also later did all of Coils so I could get the full ARR story before HW.

Managed to get caught up with everything by the end of 3.2, just in time to enjoy the hype from Final Steps with everyone on patch day.

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Well at least you did the adds though that's probably the toughest part

i wasn't going to, but now i will to spite you

>Estinien and Gaius in your trust

Make it so.

>wowfugees have quit the game
>sworn off island expeditions and heart of azeroth levels
>made accounts
>bought expansions
>played through heaps of story already
>possibly even bought boosts, story skips, mog station items if they really enjoyed themselves
>preordered the expansion
>and blizzard expects to change their mind with a content patch 2 days before early access

people will not upend their plans just to dick around in reused aszuna models blizzard

I'm not going to because kids are a money sucking hole and I'm a shit person so there's no fucking way a kid should ever be raised by me but please do tell how playing a video game while your child sleeps is neglect.

This is my only (You), make it count.

You can do a lot worse at parenting than playing vidya while ur kid is asleep

Who will be the healer?

What would the Viera and Hrothgar version of this look like?

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The Trust system is a license to fucking steal
>sell "Ishgard Knights pack: Estinien, Aymeric and Haurchefant join your Trust!" for $19,99 on the mogstation
>do the same with Doma's Hien, Yugiri and a Namazu Gunbreaker
>do the same with the three Alliance leaders, even
>fuck it, just give them a couple of lines here and there, and use the squadron pathfinding and AI instead of making 'personality pathing'

Fuck you Hydaelyn.

>Comparing an MMO
>To a single player game???

I don't want WoW players, or any of the other Dota/LoL players either.
They bring this weird overly competitive thing to the game. XIV is more about cooperation. It's why no one plays PvP.


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we already knew what viera were, so they don't really count for this
hrothgar are at least sort of different i guess

Shillblood DRG AF set looks really good... Too bad Shadowniggers DRG AF looks like shit again desu.

Viera would be the sameface with bunny ears. Hrothgar would look 100% authentic and be an actual catman. But still make that face.

point me to the touhou race please

>Oops! All Haurchefants Trust Pack
>A Haurchefant for every Job

>m-muh chillun are precious little angels and must be hovered around 24/7 or else something bad might happen!
that's precisely how you end up with so many people like you have on Yea Forums. Kid will be fine a little while, you fucking anxious helicopter parent retard.


>customer expects male bunnies
>gets bara cats instead

>Pray tell, for what use is a healer to one who does not intend to be struck? Mayhap you would do well with two healers considering our previous frollicks on the battefield Warrior of Light

Which classes won the AF contest this time around?

I've been here screeching about dumb tanks for years now, even back when CT was new

I like the arms and the braid the helmet has, but I think DRG AF3's helmet is the best of all their AF armor

Can't pick an ear length for my rabbit.

I wanna say GNB but I'm biased

Fuck you, Sirensong was dope


SAM and that's it really. Every other job's AF either looks like shit, is ruined by the designers' asscape obsession, and/or looks like a carbon copy of earlier AFs.


>soloing eureka
nigga why

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anyone that was expecting male viera was a retard

Did he deserve to be a joke?

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Since the theme this time around is re imagination of each job's AF1 I'd say Dancer.

most of them are pretty good, the only ones i actually dislike are mch, drg, and blm


He was always a joke, nostalgiabro.

Hydaelyn is still good. Acians are still assclowns.

Greg's legit

He was a joke in his original appearance, so yeah.

He's never not been a joke. But it's been a good joke the whole way through so it's okay.

Dancer's AFs are literally just slightly modified Thavanarian slutglams, both male and female version.

In no particular order

>design 10/10 BLM outfit
>put it on the catslut NPC so you can sell it on the Mog Station later

Fucking Yoshi I swear

did they make MCH braindead now?

Dancer, Samurai and Gunbreaker.
DRK has the benefit of looking like batman. Everything else is shit.


Jesus Christ, what DC?

a full-time FSH of course


Was thinking about MCH but on the topic of Pile Bunkers, I am more of a fan of shells in fists than spikes.

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>Just rewatched the WoD cutscenes
>Urianger literally says, "...We offer a bounty of light!"
>When other Primals needed offerings of their respective element to manifest
>My face when the Ascians are actually fucking right for once

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No one told me Yoshi could sing. youtube.com/watch?v=YwM2CVBORL4

They said they might do a third ultimate this expansion, after Alexander and Thordan, who else better than Greg himself?

to be fair i don't actually dislike the design, it just looks too much like generic leveling gear rather than a special job-only set

Shadowniggers bard AF looks like a literal downgrade compared to Stormblood bard AF lol

>Battle on the Ultimate Bridge

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How long after release can I expect the new potd/hoh to come out?

Even if Hydaelyn is a Primal that doesn't make the Ascians any more good or right in what they do, they'll cackle towards the heavens while literally millions die all around them all the same.


holy shit dope

About a year, since 5.3 should be releasing next summer

Shadowniggers bard AF looks like Gyro Zeppeli cosplay though, so it's dope.

I need a download for this album stat!

Oh man, Battle on the Ultimate Bridge is a great name and now I'm sad it's never gonna be real.

Anyone can sing when they autotune the vocals so much. Soken is the one doing the female voice in Locus.

>Actual difficult Gilgamesh fight after a quest where you help him gather legendary weapons or have them forged for him
>He uses Omni-Slash

Wait so when is 5.0 actually happening? Is it early access? This information is surprisingly difficult to find

28th june is early access

WHM is pretty much AF1 but now you can finally use the fucking hood, so it's clearly a winner

people wanted ronso though

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July 2nd is release, June 28th is early access for those who pre-order

Anywhere where I can look at the population ranks of each server? I wanna know what the 2nd or 3rd lowest pop server on Primal is so I can log out there instead of on the lowest pop since everyone will head there first.

>Intel HD Graphics

>Someone links a video in raid roulette.
>Poke fun at them, they get really huffy.
>Entire raid gangs up on them and starts teasing them.
>Instantly feel bad.
I'm so sorry Biggie, please forgive me.

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>1 but now you can finally use the fucking hood

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I'm a shitter attempting to get over unironic "tankxiety" should I start with PLD, WAR, or DRK?

Presumably it uses the hood that's on it.

WAR. Easiest rotation.

It looks more similar to AF2 to me. That being said, finally getting hood that doesn't make you bald is a godsent.

So 5.0 = early access?

I just want to know when the moogle event thing will end

>Guy has edgelord macro
>Starts teasing him
>He leaves right away when the fight ends

Doesnt matter, really. DRK looks like it will be the simplest going forward in SHB. Just remember to face stuff away from your party and rotate cooldowns instead of stacking them


>VRAM 128 MB
>he still scored 7.1k points

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Well, it's Ranier or bust in this universe. All the nip artists who do it to give peoples boners are drawing generic catgirls and alphinaud

Seems so

Tankxiety is a meme. Just start tanking shit and realize it's all in your head. You have all the tools you need. Provoke. Flash, Overpower or Unleash. Tomahawk, Shield Lob or Unmend. You can literally tank the game up to level 50 using those abilities. It's so easy, and most people are fucking retarded. You want to do well, which is why you're nervous about it, but it's all in your head, you've built up the idea that tanking is some super hard job. Literal retards can do this, user. Are you a retard? No, I didn't think so. You can do it. Now get out there, grab yourself a drink, a pack of crayons to munch on, and be the tank you need to be.

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PLD. No one expects anything from you as a PLD running a dungeon. WAR, everyone expects to be a madman and go ham, and DRK's kit is a lot of micromanaging if you're still new to tanking.

Just camp tank stance until you feel comfortable enough with your job's kit, to stance dance (don't do this wile pulling large packs though). Pull with ranged (Shield Lob), spam aoe on mobs (Flash) a few times, and keep your CDs on rotations; don't burn them all at once. They made keeping aggro braindead as long as the rest of party does their job at maintaining their own threat gen.

Why are they so determined to make WHM into a nun

WAR for ease of play


Started playing in 2.1, but I never bothered with Yea Forums threads til Heavensward launched

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If you play GNB right when ShB drops, people will know that you won't play the class perfectly.

Anybody got the GNB sim?

Where is the Journeys rip?

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Stop spamming Holy if you see TBN up, you fucking idiot

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Seconding this, I want to listen to more of Yoshi-P's singing

cute shoes/boots

warrior fairly easy, always in a good spot, and does good damage

whm is a fetish job

>see TBN
>immediately use Excog

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Nostalgiafags are the worst. XIV nearly bankrupted Square Enix and literally nobody liked it.


Note that Answers and Dragonsong are mislabeled, so just switch the names on both of them.

Just finished 3.0 and GOD DAMN the fight against King Thordan was fucking HYPE.
Are boss fights later on that good or was that peak?

All I care about is the new eScape.


Gonna spend the early access like Cristopher Walken.

Still so broken even leddit don't care anymore.
Might as well wait for release at this point.

Wait for them to stop spamming Holy, you fucking idiot.

based, thanks friend.

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Niddhogg is better. The SB primals are also pretty good when mixing story into the fights. Gosetsu jumping out to save Yotsuyu for example.

The extreme modes are an extra level of hype
Some really nice ones going forward, like around content from 3.3

>Release it right on the day EA comes out
Oh Blizzard ain't ya smart fucks

I don't think Excog affects the ability to break TBN.

I popped it first

Wait til 3.3, it will blow your mind.

Hit and miss. The next major story trial you have to do isn't as mechanically spectacular, but thematically it and the cut scenes leading up to it are absolutely kino. I'm biased, but I'm of the opinion that Thordan was the peak of fight design, from which all other fights have drawn inspiration from, but have yet to match in intensity or theme. As far as MSQ fights are concerned, at least.

Some of the savage raid fights absolutely blow Thordan out of the water.


If the shield bar scales according to max hp then what happens if you cast shield skill on some random level 1?

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>not posting the one with transition at 2:50

There are boss fights more hype than that one.
Make sure to just continue the HW post-story,
give the Warring Triad of HW a shot too. Those three are really good fights.
Then do SB, all the way to the end. MSQ has some weak parts, but that final boss might've surpassed Thordan. Not gonna spoil any of these because they are related to story, just brace yourself.
Then there is this shit from O4S. It's savage so it might be unlikely for you to see it anytime soon unless you unsynch it in 5.0

I started on 2.0's release and quit after doing the Labyrinth of the Ancients a few times, deciding I didn't want to keep coming back multiple times a week to get gear. I came back in 3.3 and decided I enjoyed raiding enough that the gear grind didn't bother me anymore and have played ever since.

I wasn't paying attention during 2.55's release, but I was there for 3.55, it was some great threads.

The part that fucks me up is when she goes THIS I FEAR I'LL NEVER KNOOOOOOOW...never know.

Sounds like a personal problem to me. What does a WHM do every time there's a group of mobs? They spam Holy.

Keep getting mixed answers, but what are the odds SE will ban me for cancelling my Amazon order after getting and using my code? I already did this and I am worried. Am i just being autistic

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Say goodbye to your account, nerd

I've been going solo all the way to level 31 so far. I see no reason to stop now. I just attuned one of the aetherytes in the north part of the map with my butt clenching the entire time. This place is like my own personal hell.

Ask the 8 ball.

You're already banned kid fucking 0.00% chance

wtf is a TBN

Thanks for the advice guys looks like WAR it is. Although I really wanted to attempt DRK I can do that at a later time.

>being so poor you're scrambling to Jew $20

The Blackest Night you fake fan.

you deserve to get fucked, play a real tank

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The kino'est part of Heavensward was that I'm also a giraffe. Giraffe adventures are the best.

>tfw got expansion for $10 due to an amazon glitch that someone posted here months ago

Mostly about what to play first. I know what jobs I want to play but no idea what I want to do first.

theyre all shit, but nin is always my favorite for biased reasons

Give me Sadu.

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some you want to take a break from the msq but what neat fight presentations, try the various raid series

>start game
>dont know SHIT about XIV lore
>pick elezen because lol elves
>pick halone as guardian because she sounds cool
>mfw starting HW

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Your "little sun" couldn't handle her.

>Someone does the same thing in leveling roulette.
>Actually open the link, it's to a family guy skit.
>Start laughing about how terrible and lame it is, saying it's the height of parody.
>Other guy, who's obviously 12, is struggling to defend it, tells me to go kill myself.
>Start impersonating him, saying " ITS FUNNY GUYS ITS FUNNY P-P-PLEASE J-JUST WATCH IT "
>He continues to keep hurling insults each more pathetic than the last.
>Feel like a complete and utter monster that I'm shitting on someone so hard that can't defend themselves while his friends from his group are laughing at him too, but can't stop.
>Ends with a huge fucking rant and a votekick that fails because one of them wouldn't vote yes.

The best part is with all the shit he's said, he probably has bigger grounds to be reported than me.

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She can't cum unless you beat her to within an inch of her life and she's trying to kill you the whole time.

will we get a new hairstyle at 5.0?

Fury be with you, brother.

Patrician taste

Sounds like a based mate to me

more male hairstyles, yay

We should be getting 2 new ones.

Holy shit, based!

Hope someone uploads Journeys soon. I don't feel like buying it when I've already bought a bunch of their shit and then had to pay their ridiculous shipping costs.

based on what

Is there a point to learning how to play Summoner optimally right now? I used to main Summoner back in 3.0 but I havn't really touched it in about 2 years, but thanks to the changes in ShB I plan on maining it again.

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So where's a good place to read up on the lore of the twelve? After having Azyema since 2.0 as my guardian, the only think I know about her is that she's worshiped primarily by suncats and Sil'dah.

Punished WoL hair was in the benchmark

Nothing new.
>Blizzard timegated the fuck out of 7.2 to release Tomb of Sargeras around stormblood EA.
>Released 6.2 when Heavensward released.
>Even Siege of Orgrimmar was released around the time ARR came out.

No. The rotation is going to change pretty significantly as soon as ShB hits so just make sure you're pushing buttons and not doing nothing and you'll be fine for now.

Lorebooks, wiki (which mostly just copied from lorebooks anyway).

there's a lot changing so just wait for ShB

Started playing when Stormblood was announced, I only finished ARR and started HW on Stormblood launch day. Felt weird while everyone was hype for playing Stormblood for the first time, I was hype for HW.

Is Culinarian desynth worth it? Trying to decide which 3 I finally want to get around to grinding out since there's still some time to kill before ShB.
It'd give me a use for all the shitty worthless fish but I dunno if extra crystals and clusters are super worth it.

Is there anything more fucking foul that picking an Au Ra and not having glowy limbal rings? Like actually what the fuck is wrong with you?

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How much worse will AST AF gear get in 6.0?

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>limbal rings at all

Stormblood AST is the best one though.

It's not that it's getting worse, it's just that it's hard to make it better when it's already good.

What's wrong with the fortune tellers having a fortune teller look? There's plenty of pointy hats available for glamour if that's your sticking point here.

AF2 is the best.

I like SHB more than SB, but HW will always remain the most patrician

I think all three sets look nice and ShB AST has the best Astrolabe.

Play a midlander than you vanilla ass bitch.

I do what I waaaant, at least I have limbal rings

Alrighty sounds good!

glowing limbal rings are dumb. They look nicer when it's darker anyway

It's not hard to level if you're doing it besides fishing, it's just a toss up if it gets you anything useful. In the past, it yielded some rare things like the south seas talisman which sold for a lot, but it on the whole doesn't seem to give anything more valuable than the rest now.

I went with blacksmith, armorer, and alchemist, BSM and ARM don't get a lot of use because the company seals are more valuable than desynthing the equipment I get, but alch produces some nice stuff every now and then.

>limbal rings
why do fuck do only au ra get those and why can they change it but not their actual eye color?

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>better than the HW one
Are you goddamn insane?

I was really hoping they would make better designs in shb but its more of the same trash as sb

>play the boring human if you don't want disgusting looking glowy shit around your eyes

Nah I'm good thanks

This is so much better than the in-game version, there the music kind of garbles together like the quality is massively off

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the shb ast weapon is so much better

If you think that's different you should try listening to the Oblivion on the Primals album.

>the god-tier song that kicks in at the 3 minute mark in the launch trailer
>most likely going to be the final fight's theme in the same way that SB's trailer used Shinryu's theme around the same point
It's going to be kino, right?

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Yeah I've got Alch specialization so I was thinking of going with that, then trying to decide which 2 I want out of Weaver/Leatherworker/Culinarian
What can Alc desynth besides the weapons they can make?

he's at like 636p

Soken, no. I don't wanna jizz myself in the middle of a fucking duty.

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Can't wait for that kino Hydaelyn fight

>WoW started stealing XIV trailer style
>but they don't have a whole lot of cutscenes anyway so the trailer is like 2 minutes long
Desperate. Your turn.

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>still no Calloway track

Are we just not getting one this time?

Calloway already said she didn't do vocals for 5.0

Calloway is Hydaelyn, wouldnt make sense for a song from her this expac.

please queue for Striking Tree (hard) I want to continue the story

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I just want to hear the whole Titania boss fight theme.

>GNB - Fine except for the weird monocle headpiece because they couldn't think of a proper helm for GNB.
>WAR - Just looks like previous AFs blended together but it's okay. The axe is nice.
>PLD - Carbon copy of AF3 just with a shit asscape instead of a full cape
>DRK - Cloth tank armour + asscape = shit
>SCH - Looks decent actually but the mortarboard + glasses head piece is getting boring
>WHM - Carbon copy of AF2 just with a towel for the headpiece
>AST - Carbon copy of AF2
>DRG - Looks like shit, bad colour scheme, gaps in the armour look terrible, weird ass tail helmet, more asscape shit
>MNK - Looks like AF1, pointless asscape
>NIN - Looks more like a circus performer than a ninja
>SAM - Actually looks good and unique, but the mask is kind of crappy
>BRD - Boring as fuck, same formula as every Bard set
>MCH - Ruined by totally unnecessary asscape that looks fucking awful
>DNC - Thavnairian slutglam rehash
>BLM - Fancy upper-class look doesn't suit BLM and set is just kind of boring, looks like dogshit on males
>SMN - Rehash of AF1
>RDM - Rehash of AF1

Proofs and comparisons for someone who hasn't spared WoW a glance
I want a giggle


This desu

SHould've given GNB some shades, I know it's what I'm planning to glam

No, because GUB exists

Asscapes are a blessing for tail havers. Why is clipping still an issue god damn.

They’ve been trying to copy xiv since WoD/Legion.
That part in Legion where they straight up ripped off Hydaelyn talking to the player in a void of space made me laugh so hard.

I'm so sick of asscapes goddamn

Sell me on GNB.

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SMN because they finally got robes that don't show skin. I don't care about the rest of the set because now I have robes I actually want to use on my SMN

>black chocobo description
who knew koji was so based


>that one time Yoshi sperged out live on stream because some intern put him on wrong server during server visit event

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It'd probably help if you declared your server
Maybe if they actually went for a prototype Garlean tech angle instead of some fucked "ackshually hrothgar are highly advanced" bit, GNB could have some kind of battle visor thing going on

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>1920x1080 High(Desktop)

Same, AF2 and 3 were straight up stripper gear it was sad.
Also AF3 had such a tiny head dong hat, that was pathetic.

I was hesitant to say they really are so petty as to try and snipe-target XIV but suddenly springing 8.2 on a few days before shadowniggers is kinda fucking pathetic.

Plays like HW DRK. Aka, kino.

I don't know what's sadder, them trying to hype up an overdue patch or the whole thing being invalidated because most people are excited for Classic anyway

>Cinematic swoops of the zone
>Cuts to random gameplay B roll with narraration
It's like you played Madlibs and just filled the blanks in with WoW. It really is true.

What the FUCK do you call this thing

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People who say Shb one is good need to hang themselves. This is coming from me who also hate SB

>but suddenly springing 8.2 on a few days before shadowniggers is kinda fucking pathetic.
It's not even the first time they did this.
They did the same during HW and SB launch.

I can totally see it being an avatar based on her or something. Honestly that theme gets me pumped already and yet it's a total mystery what the fight will be.

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>that not sephirot

SHB has the best weapon though. Pleiades was fucking pathetic.


>Could have had Nero as the class trainer
>"Here WoL I invented this new type of weapon, I want you to field test it for me"
>Sick ass bro adventures with Nero
>Get shit Hrothgar class lore that doesn't suit the Hrothgar aesthetic at all because they had to cram Hrothgar lore in the game somewhere due to failing to foreshadow them.

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As someone who didn't bother taking AST past 50, I like the Astrometer. The robes are a bit bland though.
But I don't play AST, so whatever.

i mean putting aside the pettiness of it, do they really think this is going to sway any significant numbers of people who have left to check out ShB to come crawling back?

You forgot to include context, where the DQX and the PSO2 already had their turn with a lively crowd, and yoshilala was stuck in the ass end of nowhere with no players in sight

>if they die they can't res

>that thing
nah I think it look way to simplistic, it's average looking nothing wow worthy.

I hope Elezen Zenos gets a lot of screentime again. His english VA was fucking stellar in Stormblood

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This isn't SMT you putz

Oh right, it was somewhere around new year too wasn't it?

>The inevitable MSQ padding could have been the GNB unlock where you and Thancred test out Nero's two prototype models
>This would never happen because zoomers would screech over not having it unlocked with their purchase

He's always been one and I love him for it.
XV making him some super serious end boss for a Gladio and also giving him the dullest color palette is one of the things that continues to baffle me. He doesn't even get a quip in

>they all get a little speech bubble that says "A smile better suits a hero..." when they die

At least the WoW patch comes out 3 days before EA so people have 3 days to get bored of rep grinding before they go back to FFXIV.

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felt sorry for yoship, of all things to happen live on stream
i guess ffxiv and technical difficulties are a sort of meme by themselves

>My enemy. My friend. Had I been but a step faster...

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Zenos is a shit villain, stop liking shitty SB writing.

Elezenos is dead. He corpsejumped into a Garlean grunt as a disguise.

have you played other FF games? He is the running gag

this, I don't get what's so interesting about that edgelord, Yea Forums meme too much. Thordan was actually more enjoyable and reasonable with his motive.

As fas as I know she is the bad guy of the alliance storyline and gets some good ol' CORRUPTION and becomes a raid boss.

>He's not a Machiavellian, smarmy schmuck with grand plans for the world stage
>This means he's bad
Sometimes the best thing to do is keep it simple. A simple villain works.
XIV already has enough schemers in the antagonist slots.

shit i forgot.

It's actually kind of sad that Blizz's art team put in the work and it's wasted every time. Outside of the raid the patch seems to be a dungeon and two open world zones, one for catchup gear and one for mounts and shit? No wonder classicfags are excited.

He was written as someone whose face you want to kick in, that's leagues above old guy with a god complex

How is this bitch not dead yet? I played BFA on release and I swear it was like scooby-doo or something with her escaping from the alliance's clutches every time

I hope they don't fuck him up from this point on. He's now a simple villain with insane plot power and is flying under the radar with it. There's a lot of potential.

Zenos is just shitty trope that get thrown around in shonen all the time, there's nothing novel about that. That trick is pretty old.

>join discord chat for o9s prog
>can hear some dude's wife and kid yelling at him in the background
>he keeps laughing it off and insisting that it's not a problem

>WoW free trial around the time of the EU fanfest
>Hey, I might make a Zandalari druid
>Only revered with the Zandalari empire, I would need to grind for two weeks for the privilege of starting a new character from zero.
I didn't even care to set up my addons.
Why I bought BfA in the first place is beyond me.

You just want garlean gunblades for your larp and your idea is hamfisted and ill-fitted to how this shit works or how the NPCs act

>guy who is just evil for the sake of it
>no grand scheme, just wants to duke it out with the bros
I'd rather have him than another "evil mastermind"

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The interesting thing is that he can be literally anyone now, I imagine his ultimate goal is to somehow reclaim his original body, but who knows where that Sharingan motherfucker could pop up.

Becomes a raid boss.

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It's good to have variety. Gaius was my favorite Garlean but I don't want Gaius, Gaius again, Gaius, more gaius. We've got:

Godlike delusional apocalyptic anti-christ (Nael)
Benevolent but still antagonistic Warlord, a Caesar or Cao Cao (Gaius)
Honor bound and valiant, will work with the savages against a greater evil (Regula Van Hydrus)
Bored edgelord who wants a challenge and the thrill of the hunt (Zenos)
Ends-justify-the-means single minded emperor (Varis)
Bored mad scientist with daddy/"little brother" issues (Nero)

What trope would you like to see in its stead?

tfw disliked everything about SB
raid was sucks
Ivalice is boring
main story is a snorefest
does SB has anything worth redeeming?

He was exactly what he needed to be for the plot, you've already got Gaius, Varis, and Solus doing their own shit, on top of all the different Ascians.
What people should be whinging about is Asahi. Literally the epitome of wasted potential.

Zenos is just a fun and edgy guy that wants to fight, and I really don't need much more than that sometimes

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No care about stormblood, fuck stormblood and stormblood lovers

Nero inventing a weapon then using someone as his guinea pig is totally in character for Nero you faggot

Yeah my bad I forgot we could only have "grand scheme" villains who get a cutscene right before they die to make you feel sad for killing them.

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Teaming up with Alisaie to put the Ruby in The Ruby Sea.

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wrong, his Ego is so big he'd probably test it himself

>to put the Ruby in The Ruby Sea.
What did he mean by this?

>Nero attaching explosives to melee weapons is out of character
>Somehow giant lion men creating an intricate mechanical device when they're not busy getting pegged by their queen makes more sense

BfA looked cool and the hype was real, but they did a bait and switch. IT was all LIES.

>was once the king of the genre with an ridiculously impressive ten million subs
>now forced to release content patches trying to compete with a understaffed and underfunded weeb game
WoW is the biggest fall from grace ive ever seen.

Kojin slaughter best day of my life

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Also Solus already covers the master schemer who seems interested in chaos above all else. Zenos wasn't the weak spot of Stormblood, had he Gaius or Regula it would have been as weak as it already was.

I like Samurai a lot, RDM was fun at first but has gotten to feel very shallow. Far-East stuff was decent, Alisaie got to shine, Zenos was fun. I agree that since I didn't do FFTA Ivalice gave me nothing (and the gear was pretty ugly). I liked Omega's gear and boss mechanics but it didnt' compare to coils of course. In shadowbringers I will hate Nomura's gear but like his monsters and love Yoko Taro's story and monsters but not be huge on the gear.

Unless there's Drakengard 3 sets for one of the raids then bring on the thots dressed like zero


>Drakengard 3 raid
>Final boss is a 24 man rhythm game
One person fucks up and you have to do the whole raid again

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If Hydaelyn and Zodiark originally being one entity and having one singular race worshipping them is real, than Solus wanting a rejoining and Varis' wanting s reunification into one race isn't really chaos.

Isn't it interesting that Byakko already had the "Dodge the balls" danmaku attack and Suzaku already had a rhythm game.

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>linking that fat fuck
Tell me does he still wheeze into the microphone and make unfunny innuendos way too often? The fact he still writes his thumbnails on a whiteboard tell me that he probably hasn't changed

shill your channel somewhere else

>she can't afford jet black so she uses soot black

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