Worse protagonist names

>worse protagonist names
I'll go first
Rush Sykes, The Last Remnant

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Solid Snake

Edge Maverick

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Tidus (TEE-DUSS)

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Ace Trumpman, Final Fnatasy Crystal Chronicles.

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fei fong wong

L'Ark Bright Lagoon

Attached: L'Arc22.jpg (650x1020, 86K)

More like Donald Trumpman


Came here to post this.
I don't think I could come up with a worse name if I tried.

God I hated the characters in this game, they had no soul. Literally WRPG tier robots


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Fayt Leingod is just as bad. His Japanese name is even worse, FATE Leingod. Just name your protagonist Jesus Godstomper, yeah very subtle good job japan.


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Does Noctis Lucis Caelum count

Came here to post this.

The Chinese girl that barely spook English in the dub trying to pronounce his name was pretty funny

Name one WRPG robot that is a bad character

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Djeeta is way worse

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Edge fucking Maverick.

Haff Secks

>Jesus Godstomper
Im using that. I don't know in what. But Im using it

JRPGs have a lot of goofy names but American shooters are just as bad. You cannot find a name more bland than Grayson Hunt or Deacon St Jon.


how dare you



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it's time

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EDI was great before they put her in the stripper body


First Butz I thought of, I thought his name was Bartz which isn't that much better desu

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Sissel. When you find out how it's actually supposed to be pronounced.

You better be fucking with me. It's pronounced like Missile with an S. Don't be telling me it's pronounced Sih-sell or some shit like that

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Have you ever heard a woman with a name like Sissel? Cecil.

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Cess al

are you enjoying the game though?


some of the shit you can pick for sidequest accept or refuse prompts are fucking hilarious, if only they were voiced...

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Sion Barzahd
Jet Brody
Jean-Luc Cougar
Murphy Pendleton
Leonhardt Victorion
Marcus Fenix
Oswald Mandus
Miles Upshur