Tfw have to wait a couple more years for r* to innovate gaming again

>tfw have to wait a couple more years for r* to innovate gaming again...

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Other urls found in this thread:

Name one thing RDR2 actually innovated.

GTA VI will change gaming forever

>2019...i am...forgotten


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horse balls

>change skins

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A few more years for gta 6 which will inevitably be disappointing and won’t top gta 5 in sales or quality.

Like 8 more years until rdr3 which will no doubt be an actual masterpiece and the new pinnacle of gaming.

How about they innovate the controls and game design that's been outdated since 2008

Detail, immersion, atmosphere, storytelling. Raised the bar considerably for all these things.

Outdated? They've gotten worse. RDR2 is the worst controlling game they've ever made.

Why do people like RDR2? The game is pretty boring to be honest I couldn't force myself to finish the game, You can only ride to a dot on a map so many times before you give up.

They literally FIRE EMPLOYEES for innovating their dated shitty $billion dollar clown fiestas you stupid cunt:
>aping hollywood
>"raised the bar"
low iq

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fucking lol

RDR3 will take place in 1884, you will play as Mac Callander and follow the story of him and his brother as they navigate the wild West and eventually fall in with a young Dutch. Screen cap this.

comfy friend simulator

it felt more obvious that they'd probably choose charles or sadie for a sequel. or maybe both of them along with jack in the future but that's reaching.
a mac callander game sounds cooler though

New gta will be set in 1800s london

Started playing red dead 2 here are some thoughts
>games controls like dogshit
>had to get into the setting to make it control like a game realeased this decade and not a ps1 game
>characters seem all right
>honor system is stupid half the time it fucks up “oh thanks for helping get this horse off me can you take me to town” “no” “wtf asshole” gain and loss the same amount of honor so why did I do anything
>side quest are nice
8/10 so far does it get any better?

Guess what? Normies don’t fucking care or complain about their controls, they either like it for whatever reason or gladly put up with it. I know zoomers who played and love RDR2 and never once mentioned the controls. Only faggots on Yea Forums and resetera complain so why would Rockstar change anything?

The story was cliche and introduced immersion-breaking ludonarrative dissonance. It would have been a great game if they had cut the story entirely and fleshed out the (((open world))) with memorable content

its just damn good

paid rockstar shill faggots, stop sucking Houser cock

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Falls off a cliff after chapter 4

>shilling a game thats already the greatest selling game of the generation

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>fat fuck jim

into the trash it goes.

why would i need to shill one of the greatest selling games out there.

Why would they need shills? Everyone already loves that game and it’s already one of the greatest selling games yet

Notice how 3 of them came up with pretty much the same reply?

keep digging user youll find out the truth youre redpilled and stuff

everyone i know think the controls are pretty shitty. you are just making shit up. these controls are plainly clunky to virtually anyone, even zoomers

based fuck rockshills

Rockstar has never made a good game besides maybe San Andreas.

having anything with post RDR1 would no longer be wild west. that was the whole point of the game. that time had ended by the time RDR1 starts. all the outlaws were on the run and hiding. by the time you take over as Jack it is the last gasp before modern times takes over the west fully.

how far in are you?
yes you have to be a good guy all the way for honor to mater.
also it is a good idea to help people you find out in the world. you get tips on secrets/side quests. sometimes when you drop them off at town and come back a day or so later they will be sitting in front of a shop. they will pay for anything you want from the store behind them. i did not have to pay for a single gun due to that and the ones you are given/find in the world.
Chapter 4 is a nice place to do side stuff.

>Keep antagonizing the same guy
>He literally calls the police on me

The wild west was full of little bitches

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I'm actually pretty greenpilled

Ah yes, literally nothing to do with playing the game. I swear nobody who likes this game has said anything about its gameplay. It's all OH SHIT DEM GRAPHICS AND IMMERSION

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>Keep antagonizing the same old lady
>She literally beats me to death with her bare hands

What are some of your favorite games out of curiosity

>One of my favorite things in RD1 was running into people and getting them to give dopey shouts as they awkwardly ragdolled
>If you do it to the same person twice someone will alert law enforcement

The game is basically unplayable

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Thief TDP, Super Metroid, LA Noire, Demon's Souls, Tactics Ogre, to name a few.

The gun play is old and clunky as fuck. they have not improved since GTASA.
horse controls are fine once you realize how to ride the things properly ..oh wait that is true outside of when you need to do small delicate movements, when you do its a shitshow.

I can't put my finger on what rdr2 innovates but it absolutely destroys every other open world game. I don't even know why though. Maybe it's the fact that games not having floating markers has gotten so rare, so rdr2 actually feels like a world.
Hunting was fucking awesome.
Loved the shooting.
Story was ace.
Arthur is literally the greatest protagonist of all time
Soundtrack was on point.
Just wish they'd iron out the rewards for hunting and honor changes.

horse controls are garbage, slow as fuck despite requiring you to constantly mash

Wow, all those games with great gameplay

i love the shooting in this game its fucking visceral why does r* own euphoria or something? how come nobody have active ragdoll physics like r* games?

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great argument

I wonder what retards like these would think of red orchestra or killing floor

Yes, they are haha


zoom zoom

I thought so too, was about on par with yours.

i like those games too. but ragdolls arent as good

Hey bro, his games at least are fun on replays. Can’t really say the same for your movie.


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More like you have to wait a couple years to feel like replaying this game

>The game is lauded as an absolute masterpiece by nearly everyone

>There is only one enemy type
>In a game about being an outlaw, the wanted system does not work
>The pacing of the story missions destroys replayability

What did I miss

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It was a boring hellscape with archaic combat design built by a bunch of quivering devs who couldn't improve it. Stop shilling.
The niggers who run rockstar think Call of Duty is real gaming. Literally all of those games were more inventive than anything the forced stupidity of Rockstar game development has ever produced.

>tfw game is so good literally every developer takes notes

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It does great as a cowboy RP sim. That’s about it. Oh also shrinking horse ball technology

This but unironically and with about 80 extra iq points

>one enemy type

Wtf do you expect? Dragons and aliens?

>Wtf do you expect?
Cattle rustlers, red men, snipers.

Nah faggot, rdr2 easily has the best horse controls of any game. It's responsive, weighty, looks good, and is just fast enough.

Hell even just doing this in the game is satisfying.

>wahhhhh have to mash button
Grow up you whiny baby.

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Amazing how this game came and went, leaving zero cultural touchstones.

get a better horse. you can get one of the best horses in the game in chapter 2 right after you set up camp. go back to the snow area and by the lake you can find a white arabian. tame him and you will blow past everything...except it is a bitch and gets spooked super easy.

literally all those things are in the game. except you fight with the injuns this time

If you're the kind of person who prefers to eschew fast travel, like me, then riding the horse across the map feels like shit and gets tedious quick

The ideas for better CG horse porn are there

Dropped before I even picked it up. Wew

There should be a difference between engaging an enemy with a shotgun, an enemy with a cattle pistol and an enemy with a sniper beyond damage per bullet

The way you fight Pinkertons should be different than the way you fight lawmen which should be different than the way you fight other outlaws. The only enemy that is different from any of the others at all are the swamp fuckers who come at you with knives


Nice reply user, rile up the twats.

Unpaid shilling

Amazing how this game came and went, leaving zero cultural touchstones

>boring hellscape
wew lad
>archaic combat design
wew lad
What do you even want out of open world games?

fucking zoomer

Please tell us a recent AAA game that you consider left "cultural touchstones" and give specific examples of said "touchstones"

>play entirely in first person
>never experience the supposedly bad controls

For them to be good

You can't actually express whatever point you want to make, instead you'll call everyone that likes a great game a shill like a crying little bitch.

>He thinks anecdotal evidence will win him any points

I want a Space Western from Rockstar lads

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>You can't actually express whatever point you want to make
Just did. RDR2 isn’t a good open world game

As opposed to the definitive proof that is calling people paid shills for a game that came out a year ago.

>They think call of duty is real gaming
Is that why they're trying to emulate it?
Oh wait they aren't, they're doing the complete opposite which leaves adhd spergs like you seething

Thanks for telling me the proof is definitive. Now there’s a reason to believe shills exist

I guarantee I'm older than you newfag

Post birth certificate with time stamp or gtfo

God of War
>has literal fanatics
>you actually know the name Cory Barlog
>won GOTY against RDR2

post redacted driver's license right now

Calling something a boring hellscape with archaic combat design isn't expressing anything but an absolutely awful opinion.
The landscape is breathtaking to see and more fun to experience. Spending time in the world hunting and finding stuff is a lot of fun. There's random events and cool scripted stuff.
The combat design is fine too. Even managed to make you actually have to cycle a gun's action which helps immensely in making it actually feel like you're fighting in the old west. Nothing archaic about that.

A sort of inspired open world, cowboy bebop outlaw game by that would be very cool. Don't think anything of sort has been done

>Dad simulator with fan service

Maybe you're just a buttmad Ubishill who's pissed your games will be compared to Rockstar and fail for the rest of time.

>More personal attacks
How many chromosomes do you have?

>rdr2 181: 172 gow


No one gives a fuck about that game or the soi infused gay director. Stop being jelly of RDR2'S success

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So a walking sim with guns and horse balls. Got it

You can dish it but you can't take it huh?
Seriously try playing it in first person. It feels like a different game.

>you actually know the name Cory barlog
Kek. Is his name even on the opening credits? Because Dan houser, Sam houser, Michael unsworth and Rupert humphries have their names on the opening credits of about 100 million copies of gta5 this gen alone

Unable to express your point yet again. I have defeated you.

increasing visual fidelity is not innovation.


lol, it did nothing in that department at all.

>You can dish it but you can't take it huh?
Take what? Being told to play a game that’s more style than substance by a bunch of niggers?

>generic sand box no 999
Wow Op you surelly are retarded.

But I just did express my point. And you calling it quits now means I’m the one who beat you. Fagbag

Remember when they pumped games out early from 2009-2013 I think.

Now they’re on their hibernating hiatus and we won’t see their next project for maybe 4-5 years now

>sold less than half of what RDR2 did
>didn't break any records
>wasn't featured in South Park episodes
>but it won some meaningless awards because Snoy shit wins everything

That game is becoming more forgotten by the day. Thats like saying TLOU is more culturally relevant than GTA V cause TLOU won more GOTY awards and is more popular on internet forums populated by Snoyfaggots.

Oh hey now I know why this game is being shilled so hard. It’s getting a Steam release “soon”

immersion is inherently tied to gameplay though

What? No responses after you got found out you fucking viral marketers?

Must've hit a nerve

Not unless we get Euphoria back or something better.

Immersion and atmosphere only counts when it's in favor of eurojank like gothic and elex or stalker.

For real.

Epic Game Store exclusive, like Borderlands 3.

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Social Club Exclusive


There is literally nothing weighty about the horses. No matter how fast you are going you can yank back, stop on a dime and turn in any direction

>that recent panel where dutch va said he broke into tears 4 times during the "I gave you all I had" scene, and on the last shot after he filmed it he just went to a side room and cried

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I would unironically like a new LA noir game. The concept was great but the execution could’ve been way better.

Or remake Bully.

But the horse literally drifts if you do that.

>>shilling a game thats already the greatest selling game of the generation
Shit's full force tonight

2 cents added to your account
(You're welcome)

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Rockstar is amazing at making a world feel alive, but their gameplay isn’t that great


Making a microtransaction riddled garbage online mode takes time OP.

Lets be real, RedDead2 as a game it was okay, as long ass movie/show it was great. If games are going too keep trying too be story heavy I want them too be like RedDead and not like LastOfUs, when you at lest have a choice of doing side shit and not being pushed into the story.

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RDR2 feels like an LA Noire wannabe.

It doesn't for me. Even if I'm mashing X I can yank back on the analog and turn easily in any direction. It makes it feel like the horse never has any momentum at all.


Nice to see my Arthur edit is still around.

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I saw that too. Those lads really brought their A game.

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>Wow people are talking about the best selling game of 2018 they must be shills


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>won’t top gta 5 in sales or quality
bullshit, it will sell twice as much. All they need to do is make a bigger map and they're set

>Detail, immersion, atmosphere, storytelling. Raised the bar considerably for all these things.


not an argument

Surely rockstar knows everyone wants a single player dlc right? Online is awful

they do and they do not give a shit about the community. Retards who buy Shark Cards and Gold Bars are to be blamed

Bully 2 will be their next game. I hope the mission design is better than GTAV and RDR2, but I won't hold my breath

BotW is about to do this for the second time, not this soulless clone

Alright that made me chuckle, so thanks user

RDR2 barely innovated anything but it did revolutionise things, but it did make use of many obscure high-effort elements and effects that the video games industry has long shunned either due to costs, risk or lack of creativeness
>dynamic weather (and your character reacts to it)
>terraformable soft surfaces with high fidelity physics engine
>extremely long drawing distances that are often not covered in fog
>simulator-ish elements despite being a triple A market title (long horse rides, slow animations when interacting with many items, etc)
>deep gameplay outside of main story/game focus (hunting, fishing, riding wagons, ability to drive trains, etc)
>the richest flora and fauna of any video game to date, over 500 species of life around the world to discover
>immersive little details that most studios and companies jsut never bother with (horse balls clenching and loosening, deer bucks and wild boars acting territorial if you approach too close and threaten you before ramming you, wagons that break apart into little bits which some of can be assembled back on, gorillions different types of consumables, even if they largely have the same effect instead of generic health replenishment item, and many others that skip my memory)
>movie/literature elements heavily sewn into an action adventure open world, another high-risk move with the zoomer ADHD fortnite base that is modern gamers
>et cetera

These are all things most companies and developers have avoided or ignored for the past 10 years of video games for a combination of them requiring high budget and in addition to the risk of doing these things instead of appealing to the lowest common denominator (such as (You)) and making a straight-to-business video game with story set to the side. RDR2 revolutionised the market because of it's approach with gameplay and cinematic experience, most studios acknowledged this and are making this game their new standard.

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I guess but who cares if the game is bad
imagine believing this
i can name games from decades ago with more atmosphere on the box art alone
how is movie storytelling in videogames innovative? if anything it's regressive

>i can name games from decades ago with more atmosphere
go on

>from decades ago
nostalgia cucks are hilarious.
go ahead, name those n64 games that you believe had more atmosphere.

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