Would you press the button?
Would you press the button?
Tyler Martinez
Austin Anderson
where's the downside
Brayden Campbell
isnt the point of these supposed to be a monkey's paw, not literally a utopia
James Perez
Only if I get to pick the Pokémon
Ayden Miller
I will not.
Daniel Long
Do I get to pick what Pokémon I fuck? If it’s my choice then yes it’s worth it. If I gotta fuck what ever Pokémon I have access too than it sucks becuase i’d Be stuck sticking my dick into a Pidgey or Zubat or something for my first few months in Pokémon land.
Jason Miller
Hide yo mimes, 'cause commin' for 'em.
James Anderson
Well think about it user, if you get transported to hoenn since its once a day you can fuck ralts's cunny
Caleb White
Ethan Kelly
Which pokemon would Yea Forums choose to fuck daily, for me it'd be litwick