Come on guys let's have a comfy discussion
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well, i don't like the lack of shown gameplay, but i do like how the Abomination is in. hope other hulk characters make it user
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You'll be lucky to even see Ross.
think Doc Samson will be in?
Same man what characters would you want to see
Not a chance.
this retard leaks the gameplay and surprised the devs dont like him
He certainly didn't leak anything interesting.
I don't think it'll be as good as Spider-Man.
Or, for those of you who thought Spider-Man sucked, I think this game will be even worse.
the game is shit and looks like shit
i can't even tell whats going on he is a fucking failure
Aren't you a degenerate fucking retard?
Holy shit, how stupid can one autistic moron ever be?
"An absolutely disgusting bowl of diarrhea for brains tranny" would be a complementing way to describe such a tremendous failure as yourself.
Have you ever spent a moment of your life contemplating how fucking miserable and pathetic you are?
Just end yourself. There's nothing more left for you to do.
Remove yourself from the gene pool.
Idiotic piece of trash.
Fuck you.
thats right user, you tell that idiot man what for
I find that this guy is just trying to be ' edgey and controversial ' for clicks. I also hate the trendy lingo he uses.
no shrink? it stink
aaaah bueno.
Unless it has the customization options and skill tree that spiderman had in his OWN game but for every character its gonna be shite
it does
It looks like trash and worse than the Spider-Man game released last year but more impressively worse than the Batman game released a half decade ago
fags still mad at spider-man
oooh it's a big one
Ultimate Alliance 3 at least actually looks fun.
>Troy Baker as Bruce Banner/Hulk
Don't know how I feel about this.
Bad wording on my part, I loved Spider-Man
I meant that part of the reason why this looked so bad was that it looked worse than Spider-Man
he won't be slurring his words as much
They all look like they're in phase one. Why does Spider-Man have better looking tech than Iron Man?