Graphics have come a long way haven't they?
Graphics have come a long way haven't they?
Other urls found in this thread:
Yes user! They have come a long way.
It’s not the final build. The game is 5 months away and it was taken off of a demo, background graphics and foliage are a low priority mark that will be taken care of later in development. Give them time.
>see this and think "man OoT really had some nasty texture work"
>it's actually from the new pokemon
>It's not the final build
>Graphics have come a long way haven't they?
I have cum a long way haven't I?
It really isn’t the final build. Don’t know what you’re trying to say here.
bro stop acting like you aren't gonna buy this game because nerds like you buy everything new that come from your favorite fandom no matter how many redflags there are
>instead of going forwards you went backwards
guys like this bought fallout 76 and were like bro, my dude, bruh, it's not finished, they're gonna finish it bro, it's gonna be so cool man, eventually
there's a point where it stops being acceptable, bruv
Imagine, IMAGINE defending Gamefreak of all companies
yeah, and it's no where near tree textures.
Didn’t know the Dreamcast was portable hardware. Cool. /s
Hyrule... home...
Why don't you just criticize about the game that are actually bad? Trust me, as a guy who hates pokemon games.. there's lots.
anyone who plays pokemon for good graphics on a nintendo console post-gamecube is a fucking mouth breather
they literally don't give a single fuck about graphics.
Anybody else not like good graphics? I much prefer the way kingdom hearts 2 looks over 3
you need to go back
And gamefreak passed that point back in X/Y yet only now people take note?
We've come a long, long way together.
Through the hard times and the good.
I have to celebrate you baby.
I have to praise you like I shooooooooooooooooooooooould.
BOTW is not indicative of 2017 graphics, more like 2005
I prefer low poly stuff to be completely honest but it has to actually look well done. The new pokemon games just look lazy and devoid of all soul.
Missing the joke entirely
You actually made me snigger.
shut the fuck up retard it's been 20 years, your fucking phone is better than a Dreamcast
Meanwhile in 2011, on the playstation 3.
>Producer says they gutted half the game for graphics
As a hardcore Pokefag, I was perfectly happy with the graphics as its what I expected from Gf until that announcement.
Reminder that you pokefags let this happen.
You enabled gamefreak's laziness for so long and now you are paying the price.
God does it feel good to be a Digimon fan now, sad you backed the wrong horse pokefags.
Why should I pick just one fucking thing to criticize? This game is a god damn fucking nightmare of a mess, all the gameplay cuts, the roster being annihilated, the fucking audacity of you as a fucking consumer of these products to just fucking keep eating whatever unprocessed shit falls out of Gamefreak's ass while saying people shouldn't criticize them. Fuck off.
>using fat e-celeb reaction images
jesus christ why are people so obsessed with this obese tub of lard?
>implying digimon wouldn't do the something if they were in gamefreak position
you seem upset
Woah... so this is the power of the nintendo switch.....
>Hurr let's use the E3 bullshot
At least Game Freak is being honest.
>hardcore pokefag
>expected gamefreak to give you good graphics
2/2 of those statements make you a retard
>Lists a ton of actual game impacting reasons the game is shit
>but chooses to whine because the tree textures aren't good
if you learned how to read you'd see that i think the game is shit.
Digimon isn't the most profitable entertainment franchise on the planet.
The graphics are indeed shit, but the real problem is the art direction is trash too. Shit literally looks like a budget last gen anime game.
stop being a zoomer and making threads like that yes switch is not a powerful console but atleast it has some nice game
sometimes after playing AAAs on ur pc it feels nice to be playing games like these on a handheld
I thought this was being Ironic saying Botw doesnt have good graphics thinking that the left was Oot
This. Remember guys its still in alpha.
>2/2 of those statements make you a retard
Read it again, the graphics shown were legitimately better then I expected from them. I'm fully in favour of mocking them now that they claim they couldn't copy paste the old models over because graphics.
Is Masuda personally coming into these threads to try and damage control? I'm noticing a lot of posts defending Gamefreak are ESL.
>missing the point this hard
>comparing an interactive movie to an actual game
yes SS looks like shit and GF are talentless hacks but this is the equivalent to saying PS1 games have good graphics and then showing prerendered cutsceness as proof
earnestly defending it is a form of shitposting.
Yea Forums is all about shitposting, you know this.
>I am not satisfied until every single piece of the bark are individually modelled and my visual experience is undistinguishable from reality.
Imagine being a graphics whore who can't enjoy anything without MUH REALISTIC GRAPHICS
this is completely fine though considering the entire world is destructible
I thought you were being sarcastic
I think I would actually prefer 2D sprites instead of 3D.
The people who feel the need to be contrarians or diehard brand defenders are usually retarded kids so their grammar is naturally going to be all fucked up
Mega Man Legends looked 100 times better twenty-fucking-two years ago, fag lord
based fellow legendsfag keep up the good work
the gameplay in pokemon games is scrolling down a menu of animations, clicking it then watching an animation play for a few seconds. It's like a chapter select from a DVD menu.
Pokemon is actually way more of a movie than uncharted, you have to actually do something in uncharted, not just select movies from a menu.
not in nintendo games.
>responds to MUH GRAFIX
You fucking retards. BOTW isn't a graphical powerhouse but has solid artstyle/art direction to make up for it while Pokemon has nothing and ends up looking like shit period.
Stop it.
Was fun at first but now it's sad because I just realized that it will sell 20M copies.
MML had top tier art direction and built the game around the PS1's limitations
SS has James Turner as the art director, literally a westerner in charge of making an anime style game
GF is also incompetent as fuck as devs unlike capcom
We'll see. Japan is twice as angry and they ignored Let's Go.
Yes botw textures are bad but its not one single texture stretched out over an object, it has actual layers and variety of colors that give it life.
Why do fags keep making this type of thread the game is still going to sell millions, it’s Nintendo and fucking Pokémon normies don’t a give a fuck about graphics.
>you fucking retard
If you ever want to wonder what pokemon in 2040 will look like, just look at ps3 graphics. I cant wait!
das rite white boi
>it’s Nintendo and fucking Pokémon normies don’t a give a fuck about graphics.
No but normies do care about the one Pokemon they could be arsed to import that's getting cut like a non Kanto starter.
>This balances online battling!
I'd be inclined to believe this if anybody played pokemon for the online.
I literally thought that was Ocarina of Time on the left.
>>comparing an interactive movie to an actual game
Pokemon is fucking less than an interactive movie, it's choose attack watch cutscene the game, but the cutscenes are fucking dog shit.
There is no fucking excuse where fucking uncharted does it better.
You think normies care? Do you actually live in the real world? Maybe you're too out of touch, but normies dont give a flying fuck about a non kanto starter. Its pokemon. Pokemon is like nike now...its just a brand. You're getting too caught up in your pokefag reality to think your average person that would buy this game was screech in autistic terror at their starter choices for pokemon. You're an idiot.
Nintendo has kept up the shitty-graphics-compared-to-other-consoles thing up for so long, that Nintendo fans think that shitty graphics are normal
You're the retard if you think /vp/'s brand of autism could make up all the shit flinging aimed at TPC about this. I've scoped out the normie sites and the only one that isn't angry is the Pokemon page's Facebook comments.
>The game is 5 months away
So it pretty much is the final build then.
Literally a up-resed 3DS game
>took 20 years from OoT to Breath of the WIld
>only took 10 years from pic related to ocarina of time
>Pokemon Sword/Shield literally has OoT tier graphics.
Was gonna say technology has been stagnating, but it's literally going back.
The point is there's a difference between complaining about not individually rendering Snake's nosehairs and complaining about not meeting the standards from two decades ago.
they're selling this game at $60
>You'll buy it anyways!
I don't understand this argument, and I never will.
Gamefreak has NEVER done this
It's a non argument went they've got nothing else left like how incel is the new buzzword so they'll just call you that when they lose.
It's just weak-willed faggots projecting.
so graphics quality should directly correlate to price? gotcha.
>listen, if a game's graphics look like something an arbitrary period of time from before, then its bad
Stop coping
trolling trolls
trolling trolls
trolling trolls
at least I hope so
COPE the game
Visual design isn't graphics.
It's only a 10 year difference, not really that long in tech time anymore
Hey fag, if you think being 20 years behind the curve is fine, more power to you, but don't think anyone's going to listen to your gwafix schtick on this one.
>It's only a 10 year difference
user... Both of these screenshots are from Switch games. The one on the left is set to release later this year.
People could complain about the mass reuse of handheld animations and assets from sun/moon. They could complain about the Dex only being for the new region.
They could complain about the horrible pop in.
But no, let us focus all our rage on 1 tree that looks like shit.
>It's only a 10 year difference
oh im dumb
im not much of a nintendo fag desu didnt have a nintendo since the ds i played botw on pc and felt id like to play it on a handheld
Haha I don't really know XD!
People are complaining on the shit graphics since they dropped pokemon for quality though YOU FUCKING RETARD!
i guess you don't play any indie games right?
How the fuck is a 90 Billion company comparable to one team faggots from SF or Seattle doing indie shit? Fucking autist.
so the game's graphics have to correlate to the monetary value of the company? To what scale?
The animation excuse Masuda keeps mentioning confuses the fuck out of me. I don't expect fucking pokemon stadium shit for all the pokemon, but they just turn around and do an attack. That's it.
>it’s to cold
masuda's reasoning for pokemon trapped in the Pokemon Home application that aren't in the galar dex to be transfered over
Not him but even ignoring net worth their output as a company is shit. Ninja Theory has less employees than Gamefreak and can still churn out moderately high production games. Hellblade Setsuna's Sacrifice even on switch looks miles and leagues better than Pokemon. And that game was a fucking down port that no one bet money on to move millions of units.
You're still not explaining why the graphcis matter so much
Don't reply to the autist which got his answer 2 posts ago. Don't even give him a (you)
Why don't Nintendo develop the game thenselves, instead of letting it in the hands of gamefreak?
Legal fuckery means they don't fully own the I.P and Gamefreak is an independent studio.
t. can't explain why graphics are so important
Because Game Freak own about 33% of the franchise
Could TPC and Nintendo not just outvote Gamefreak in a shareholders meeting and assign the brand to another studio?
Because if I gotta slog through this game and grind up levels, I at least wanna see the game look pretty or have cool animations
>1997 consoles be like (UGLY MODE ON)
>2017 consoles be like (UGLY MODE ON)
Max Settings Swat 4 still looks better than anything on the PS4
Nope, most power Nintendo has over main line games is giving them a deadline to sell consoles which is why Masuda shat out LGPE last year.
so you never played a pokemon game before, right?
looks like that mysterious slashed tree from ocarina's hylia lake
Jesus christ dude.... you better not be serious. The game is going to look exactly like the trailers, if not worse.
Pokemon looks like shit when monster hunter has surpasses it in every way since the PS2
I stopped after Black 2 and went to Digimon
why don't you answer the question bub?
Because graphics are tied to other technical production values such as animation and framerate. People who put in the time for graphics usually put in time for the others to some degree. And while it's not always balance they usually don't release a game with both sub-par visuals, animation and framerate.
Or do we need to talk about Pokemon 3DS games shitting the bed in frame rate when there's a double or hoard battle?
Why didn't they just ask Monolith to help with Pokemon like they did with BotW
well, it's true user
most of the faggots raging in this thread will end up buying the game anyways
Because they are working on like 4 other projects
I've played a pokemon game
In order of ASS
>Pokemon Trading Card
>Pokemon Rangers
>all smash bros
>all other pokemon games
>pokemon Go
Why are you replying to the autist? He was already told fuckers promise quality over getting new pokemons and didn't go with it. He is just baiting you into more (you)s.
Why are they using so fucking horrible textures? Is there some hardware limitation or optimization problem?
too bad vidya requires $60+ from me in exchange for that effort which isn't present, hm
It's goddamn Gamefreak.
games do take effort
the problem that gamefreak does not put the effort
>You're not the target audience
You aren't.
>Other people don't care and will buy it
They will.
>GSC and RS had a split too
They did.
>GameFreak is only a small developer
They are.
>It's just a video game
It is.
If being an 'apologist' means upholding actual, inarguable facts when it comes to game development, then I am an apologist. Pull your head out of your ass for once, or literally just don't buy it.
>actual, inarguable facts
>Pull your head out of your ass for once
You should follow your own advice
It's true for me.
In 20 years the only pokemon games I've regretted playing are Ultra Moon and Let's Go Pikachu.
Three strikes and they're out, so it all rides on Shield.
How are they small? Why didn't they grow with their millions?
>GSC and RS had a split too
That's right Jay!
Nigga. Get a job. There no such thing as "taken care of later".
Because Gamefreak is unironically retarded. The texture assets look like shit because they didn't properly organize the 3D models UVs and Normal Map it.
Seriously Normal Mapping was made specifically to resolve this kind of shit so low poly models don't look like shit when textured. This is basic bitch shit in CAD development.
You people arent seeing the forrest because of all these trees
Well, for me it actually did.
>Look, mommy, I posted it again!
back to /pol/
Pokemon Company is owned 1/3rd Game Freak, 1/3rd Creatures, 1/3rd Nintedo.
Creatures president is also president of TPC as a whole, so they have more sway than you might think. Creatures and GF also work together closely so there's some probably some handjobs going on under the table.
Nintendo would have to politically subvert TPC and Creatures if they wanted a chance against Game Freak. Either that or wait until TPC is devalued to the point where they can buy out Game Freak.
The reason why that argument exists is because people don't follow through with what they say, especially rabid fanboys. The image merely proves it. This is regardless of how shit SnS look, I'm not defending their laziness at all.
This is true, I remember a poll about LGPE on /vp/ last year where the majority voted that they were still buying the game even though a Let's Go thread couldn't be made on the board for months due to shitposting (or being completely ignored).
Wait, is it literally one tree copy pasted everywhere?
>third person action adventure game
>interactive movie
Imagine being this mentally challenged.
Then you should easily be able to provide more examples than just a tired, decade-old image, right? Seeing as it happens all the time.
>>I am not satisfied until every single piece of the bark are individually modelled and my visual experience is undistinguishable from reality.
Nobody said that, people just complain about shit graphics. Using strawman won't help you.
See And we'll definitely have the SnS sales to back it too because fans will just lap it up as usual.
>See an anecdote
>even though a Let's Go thread couldn't be made on the board for months due to shitposting (or being completely ignored).
My favourite was when shiny hunt weekend kicked LGPE fags out for having ultra baby shines and their own thread couldn't get anywhere.
>Lets go exist
>we're balancing the game to make competetive more fun
>will still be dominated by the usual types
>bring fucking Charizard back despite him being uselessm worse than Pikachu in comp, and somehow also useless in singleplayer
It's a resource so they probably want it to stand out. But they did it in a really lazy fashion, typical Gamefreak
They also got "banned" from wi-fi general and made a thread on /qa/ about it.
This is a fucking mess from a 2year old kid without eyes
Archive link please, gotta read it.
What's Japan's reaction like?
GameFreak is a team over 150+ with around 150 working on each game, by comparison the Xenoblade games usually are made by around 40 people.
No I mean the normal trees, they look suspiciously similar.
Rule of thumb is that if /vp/ is universally angry about something, Japan's really fucking angry about it.
They're just as pissed, they're twitter was spammed with "Compatibility Cuts" because they started to fear that the reason they are making Pokemon Home instead of porting Bank over is so they can shut down Bank locked any Pokemon from a game made from 2003-2016 to those games.
It becomes a problem when GF is the one part of the brand that is lacking, the movie got people really hype to see Pokemon with better visuals than before, the manga is still okay, the anime is unwatchable, but the two movies outside of Mewtwo were good and people are hoping the new season is like XY, and then they show off the games and they're the weakest of Nintendo's lineup.
Pokemon could have looked like this if a competent developer had made it
id compare it to battlefronts trees
the game may have been shit but it looked fucking good
Honestly it feels unreal when you think about. Animal Crossing New Horizons looks better if you look at it in totality as the Graphic, shading and shadowing is cleanly applied. It probably even runs at 60fps/720p or 30fps/1080p which is more than we can say for Sword and Shield.
>5 months away
So it's wrapping up development, and it looks like THAT?
Maybe Nintendo will intervene like with Gold and Silver.
Dude, Switch is reportedly stronger than ps3...
Dumb nigger
digimon's games are made by someone who actually gives a shit about the franchise. pokemon's games are made by masuda and ohmori.
because they claimed they cut pokemon out of the game entirely in exchange for higher-quality visuals, but the visuals aren't higher quality.
neither does game freak.
No they're not, retard. Digimon is a soulless franchise made by soulless people with no passion in their work, get outta here with that shit.
>soul vs soulless
Hey good news is Town will flop
You're really showed him, dude, gamefreak new abortion really gonna shine
That game looks like a 3DS game too. God I hate this fucking company
This is a photoshop, I can see the pixels.
sure have OP
the big cope.
>they're going to redo all the assets in the game, test it all, and print to fucking cartridges in 5 months
Nintendiots, everybody.
sweet summer blossom...
Nintendo can afford to make games that look like shit because they are incredibly fun. Visuals are not as important if the game is fun.
Laziness is laziness. Stop rewarding it.
$0.35 has been deposited into your account.
Transparent wojacks too hard Zoomie?
It will outsell legopee. Probably BOTW and Smash too.
Pretty sad tbqh.
Why do you care? The graphics don't matter, the message does.
>we will never get to experience this in any game
Laziness is laziness. Stop rewarding it.
aren't sylveon and umbreon the same size
I kept telling Pokemon retards that just because Switch is stronger and HD doesn't mean Pokemon will suddenly get a BotW like upgrade but they didn't believe me
What are the chances that all the negative backlash will force them to go very access to all Pokemon in sword shield? Not buying that shit unless they're all transferable. With how lazy the game looks they can't possibly believe that folks buy their excuses.
Then you stop rewarding Game Freak's shitshow.
>Gamefreak is the owner of the most financially successful media franchise in history, yet they somehow can't afford a few extra members for their dev team
>Genius Sonority was dissolved into Gamefreak, a company that made Colosseum, GoD, and Battle Revolution, all games that gave a plethora of unique animations to hundreds of pokemon, and in the former two games, a majority of pokemon you would never typically see in games, and the latter game having beautiful graphics on the fucking wii, yet they can't consistantly render trees, some looking worse than N64 games, and apparently pokemon are getting harder to animate?
>X and Y, despite being on lesser hardware, somehow squeezed over half of the pokedex into Kalos, and you could still bring them over without bullshit, but you can't do that in a newer game.
>They have all these directors on standby yet use the same fucking guy who has obviously lost the touch he used to have
>The dev team has been ousted as being horribly incompetent coders, possibly making their work considerably harder than need be
>And the game is $20 more than any other pokemon game to exist
Newer hardware should be able to expand their limits, not degrade or stagnate them. We don't expect better, we just want the same quality the previous games had, but for some reason that's too much work now?
Yeah why would the owners of the best-selling media franchise in the world actually put in any effort? Who cares if it's bad, just buy it anyway because it's Pokemon :^)
Cool movie, but we're talking about games bud.
>so accustomed to shit graphics he thinks a decent-looking video game is a live-action movie
It just fits so well
I don't even get this. Is the pokemon fan supposed to also be the guy in the bottom one? Why'd he suddenly grow a beard and get glasses? And what is that, Endgame? Are you saying it's bad despite looking good? Whereas the pokemon fan in the top panel claims that pokemon will be good despite looking bad? You don't seem to understand juxtaposition.
I like how Uncharted still makes Yea Forums angry 12 years later
poor boy's thinking in reciprocals
>so lazy that this supposed edit isn't even new either
that's real staying power
reminds me of this
>Uncharted was 12 years ago
Where the fuck did the time go?
people use way more egregious images on this site
why is jontron the one to trigger you?
>turn based combat rpgs are now movies
I bet since they merged that competent company into theirs, every member responsible for the competence has left
>Here's my funny strawman argument that I can just place down when I don't have an actual point to bring up, all I have to do is say that other people have made your argument before.
But where is the HEART?
B- bu- but you are joking, right OP..?
Even my normie coworker who's autistic about pokemon knows about the game's controversy. This is gonna flop. which means sell millions but probably sell worse than gen 3
pick one.
Jons a sweetheart you leave him alone.
Maeku vidru gameu vary hardru!
Couldn't care less about graphics. It is lazy as fuck on GFs part but all I care about when it comes to pokemon games is are they fun or not? I enjoyed LGPE for how easy it was despite all the contrarian niggers on here. So I'll go with my judgment once again.
it's a $60 game now bro.
They've got less pokemon, shit tier graphics and no animations.
I expect to get more when i pay more, but i guess that just shows how much of an entitled gamergater i am.
Problem is if they had just gone with a similar style to the older gens but transitioned it into 3D things wouldn't look so shit.
The characters and buildings look fine, but the environment is a total fucking disaster.
>we can't include everything
>literally reused animations and models for 90% of the pokémon with no excuse to not include them
It's mostly because the pokémon need to move around and so they have to make ONE walking animation for them to have them interact with this sterile world.
Why does this thread exist? Nintendies will buy whatever Nintendo shits out into their mouth, who cares? They seem to like it
At least buy it second hand, the only people buying it seem to be the type that drops the game after beating the league and who gives a shit about spoilers in Pokemon, they've rehashed the same story since Emerald.
>Graphics have come a long way haven't they?
Fuck graphics.
Haha... I don't really know.
This. It's just a clever fake taken from oot's hylia tree
Why do redditors do this?
So much soul though
Is it though? I can't tell
This is just the tip of the iceberg. The artstyle just looks inconsistent and bad, Gamefreak has been lazy for years.
The series has been going downhill since BW2
oh no no no
Can someone just add RDR2 to the right too?
>Battle Frontier
Gen III and IV Battle Frontiers and the World Tournament were peak soul for GF
So it's just a easter egg?
God the Russo avengers fights are such a shitfest, I laugh my ass off whenever I see those shots of the actors running like retards with an angry face to crash into the army of obligatory fodder.
>Drones actually think Game Freak will give a graphical overhaul on top of struggling to put together the rest of the game and sloppily translating the game within 5 months