So do you faggots wanna discuss the greatest jrpg ever made (pic related) or nah?

So do you faggots wanna discuss the greatest jrpg ever made (pic related) or nah?

>That combat system
>Color fields
>Building up to high level spells using basic attacks
>That watercolor world
>You're literally dead kiddo, deal with it
>no random encounters
>metric fuckton of characters
>almost all of which have unique accents when they speak

Attached: idyllic.png (320x240, 96K)

It's very, very good, and is the jrpg pleb filter. Lots of people wanted more Trigger, and they didn't really get it because you can't go home again, time marches on, bad things happen to good people, but Cross isn't all bad news: even with pain and loss and trauma, you can head towards an uncharted future and build something new and meaningful. It's a beautiful game.

Sadly neo/v/ doesn't even know what it is despite such an iconic screenshot.

Grandia looks a bit different than I remember

Degenerate. Grandia is the most saccharine weeaboo trash that's ever been published.

>Crono loses to fucking DALTON
fuck this shit, i'm never touching it

I don't think it's the greatest jrpg ever made but it is pretty good. I am always happy to discuss VIDEO GAME.

Attached: 1425505172558.jpg (210x175, 22K)

You kiss yo mamma wit dat mouth?



Attached: 1453163163265.jpg (203x294, 23K)

You're only angry because it's true. Anyone that can stomach Grandia that's over the age of 12 literally has autism.

>forgets to mention GOD TIER OST
user my dude get your shit together... If only they didn't fuck up the battle theme.

Chrono Cross has the best atmosphere and soundtrack in any game ever made, and I played Trigger first.

Nice to know some anons here have functioning taste buds.

Barkley is the greatest jrpg and it isn't even close

>If only they didn't fuck up the battle theme.

Why do people keep saying this? Battle theme was fine.

It's good but it's not as good as CT. CT has a godlike soundtrack that will never be matched as long as video games exist.

I love Cross but really wish they cut things off with the Dragon God.

>god tier final boss music
>huge involved long multi phase battle
>amazing dungeon with tons of unique tracks culminating in finally getting the god damn frozen flame
>ties in to loads of the games themes

>the game keeps going
>exposition ghosts just tell you the rest like they literally ran out of money/time and had to ship right the fuck now
>weird unpleasant chore of a boss battle that doesn't even have the courtesy to have music

>He can't appreciate the ominous silence at the end of time.

Oh, sweetie.

>weird unpleasant chore of a boss battle that doesn't even have the courtesy to have music

you fucking moron
the whole theme of the game is music, using the chrono cross is a song, and it's how you get the true ending to free schala

it was absent of music wholesale intentionally, you brought the music to that fight

The lack of music was crucial to that fight though.
You did get the good ending right?