>he wastes his hard earned money on video games
explain yourself. why buy something you can easily get for free on the internet?
He wastes his hard earned money on video games
convenience, fuck off poorfag
thats sounds like something a nigger would say
I’m not a poor nigger like OP
i only play F2P mobile games
i only buy games i like. i want to support game devs i like so they make more games i like.
>pirate shit and miss out on updates
>hard earned
lmao imagine being this stupid
Lol at all the seething buyfags itt rn
You can pirate updates retard
Pirated PC Windows games often contain malware.
There is no reason to trust "reputable" hackers and uploaders.
Also worse experience than on Steam
- No digital library collection
- No cloud saves
- If you delete the game it's gone
- No cheevos (achievements)
- No hours logged
- Have to play pirated game through Steam anyway for better controller support
I got no kids, the fuck am I gonna use my money for?
>you eat poopy
worse than a food analogy desu
Why are you calling the games you play shit? Are you a retarded ESL?
Because i'm super unlucky and will be that one guy who gets sued out the ass for pirating a game when everybody else gets away with it all the time.
I have so much money (shoutout to /biz/) that it's literally nothing to me. I tell myself I like to just support the developer for their hard work but really I used to pirate all the time when I was broke. It's literally just because the purchase button is functionally equivalent to a "download" button to me, I don't think twice and don't notice the difference to my bank account.
>wanting to fuck little girls
what would your father think
Hello my shill friend
>- No digital library collection
I believe you mean no useless launcher that does nothing but take up harddrive space and present one additional step before I start my game.
>- No cloud saves
I don't use this and never will.
>- If you delete the game it's gone
Incorrect, it's still there waiting to be redownloaded just like if you deleted a steam game.
>- No cheevos (achievements)
Do us all a favor and go die
>- No hours logged
>- Have to play pirated game through Steam anyway for better controller support
narcotics, anime figurines, firearms, horse semen, paying prostitutes to pretend to be your girlfriend so your parents will quit worrying about you, honestly limitless possibilities.
So what you are saying here is that you would still eat a bag of shit, you just wouldn't pay $60 for a PREMIUM bag of shit?
>pirate game
>needs a crack
>crack doesn't work
>crypto miner installed
>crack fucks something in the game up and needs a thousand fixes to work properly
>the absolute state of buyfags' IQ
>pirate game
>what the fuck is a .7z file fuck this virus bullshit
>download a different torrent
>what the actual fuck is a .iso file this is some definite virus bullshit what kind of file is 10 gigabits
>download a 20 part repack, make sure it's a trustworthy .rar from a non-torrent site this time
>have to click through about five download links, adblockers are for people who don't appreciate the hard work done by the people who host websites
>after about a week of downloading all 20 parts it takes five months to unpack
>now my computer is slow, even after downloading more ram and installing McAfee
>got some super sick screensavers from one of the download links though
>I don't use this and never will.
Because you can't you favela monkey.
>I believe you mean no useless launcher that does nothing but take up harddrive space and present one additional step before I start my game.
Yes but people like Steam collections, also hard drive space is what you worry about? You really are a favela monkey... You probably can't play modern 3D games on that PC anyway.
I waste my money on cute custom t shirts.
>he wastes his hard earned life and time on videogames
>You probably can't play modern 3D games on that PC anyway.
Hmm, well that will be easy to disprove.
>favela monkey
How much does a 1080 even cost in Brazil? Isn't computer hardware retarded overpriced there?
>autistic 3rd worlders like steam achievements and seeing the big number of games owned
I don't care. That's dumb shit for spastic children.
>actually paying for eletronic toys
this is a white people thing isn't it?
>>he wastes his time trolling a board all day inside his mother's basement jacking off his dog in between samefagging.
>not wasting your hard earned money on cute clothes for your character
>actually paying for eletronic toys
this is a nigger thing isn't it?
>work for hours each day, toiling for weeks and months and years
>get a bit of that money, big chunks go to essentials
>take that little bit and buy 1's and 0's
Time is money too.
Well it requires money, so it's certainly not a black thing.
You don't even know how to use that picture in the correct context you fucking retard incel
>hard earned
Social Disability bitch