What game makes you feel like you're in love?

What game makes you feel like you're in love?

Attached: Maison_Ikkoku.png (256x240, 4K)

With Quiet.

Literally any game with an attractive female

Persona 3

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persona 4

Fuck Maison Ikkoku.
Back in a time when anime was new to me and I willingly watched an entire series. And of all series, it had to be one by Rumiko.


Rumiko Takahashi is well-known for having wonderful ideas that get repeated for HUNDREDS of hours/chapters. Famous shows that once you've seen about 12 episodes, you've seen all 1200 of them.

What's a good dating game that can help me forget >tfw no gf?

Because 10cc I'm not in love. So don't forget it.


>Watch slice of life
>Wow why do they keep misunderstanding each other?
You dummy.

Maison Ikkoku is consistently good for the first thirty or so episodes and has its moments afterwards but yeah the last half I'd say is overwhelmingly tiresome especially the tail end of the show
it ended pretty weak too as I guess almost all of the energy had been expended long before then

Whats the probelm? It set your standards so high you can't enjoy other anime any more?

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is there any slice of life type stuff that is that cosy especially with the attention to the passing of the seasons?

game is not worth purchasing, but yeah

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Should've read the manga ;)
Or at least not power through it. It's a slice of life anime after all.

I actually read the manga last year
watched the anime years ago
the anime is better
Godai comes off as a piece of shit in the manga for some reason

>Want to watch Lum
>Over fucking 200+ episodes and movies and specials.
Maybe I'll just wait for a 24-episode remake.

He's the everyday anime 80s romance shounen male. I don't know what makes you think he's a piece of shit.

I'd have to go through both of them again to specifically point out things but I recall there's several times where the situation is treated differently or his rationale for doing something is different between the anime and manga and that in the manga he is sleazier and acting like a pervert extends for longer whereas in the anime the character seems to mature in behavior more consistently

It set the idea that these two were going to grow closer together.

But I was a fucking moron. They never grew closer. And the neighbor tenants were set tropes that literally never acted any differently under any situation ever. No one in the series did, actually.
He simply fell in love with a widow (married her teacher straight outta high school) and then she used the two men she knew wanted her, but always rejecting them if they felt they "progressed" enough to even ask for dates.

After enjoying the first season or so, naively thinking, "this will improve, anime is more mature than the cartoons I knew" it fell into complete repeat and stagnation. After this, I knew was Rumiko's series were like. So
>set your standards
Yeah, it did. And I started measuring things to Maison Ikkoku.

Rumiko writes him, in the manga, to be more sexually charged, more like he just wants to see if he can conquer this widow and replace her love he knew nothing about. She also writes him to be just as much an abusive manipulator as Kyoko.

In the anime, at least, Godai is hardworking and trying to succeed at everything from every angle.

Whats the point? Its not a story focused show. It's like saying spongebob needs a remake.

the story definitely could've gone in more interesting directions but it suffers in the need to maintain a status quo and by the time the two of them actually have sex it just feels weird in the narrative and there isn't really any appeal left
the anime, I feel, develops Godai more as a character over time than the manga but I may be looking too much into it

Aria is actually pretty season oriented, very nice sense of passing time. And of course its also one of, if not the best slice of life anime ever.

The anime lets Godai be explored from all points of life of
>he might be a little dumb
>and definitely a daydreamer
>but he's thoughtful and tries
The problem is, Kyoko receives zero development. She has 3 modes:
1. Be distant and doting, like a good landlady.
2. Be completely depressed and void, because @ 22-years-old, her teacher she married is dead.
3. Be drunk and WILDLY violent and belligerent.
She's never anything else. But, Rumiko wants her to be as much a main character as Godai, so we get stuck seeing just that.

And you're right; as soon as they admit their feelings (FINALLY) to each other, and have sex...the series can't keep the initial tension it dragged out. Doesn't stop them from trying, though!

And she's so far beyond her "youth." What an old hag, what an old bitch, who would ever want that? Gross.

also that their relationship really begins with their sexual encounter in a hotel specifically designed for prostitution
it just didn't feel like what the manga or the show more specifically had been leading to and was just a bit disappointing

I never saw the anime, but I read the manga a couple times, I don't know how you can say he's not hardworking and trying to succeed in it.

Love hotels arent really for prosititution.

Godai was always hardworking, I'm just saying that in the manga, that wonderful "diligent and honest" side he shows so much of in the anime was more plotting and conveniently drunkenly open about his desires.