What game makes you feel like you're in love?

What game makes you feel like you're in love?

Attached: Maison_Ikkoku.png (256x240, 4K)

With Quiet.

Literally any game with an attractive female

Persona 3

Attached: 1545353364159.png (1000x800, 1.05M)

persona 4

Fuck Maison Ikkoku.
Back in a time when anime was new to me and I willingly watched an entire series. And of all series, it had to be one by Rumiko.


Rumiko Takahashi is well-known for having wonderful ideas that get repeated for HUNDREDS of hours/chapters. Famous shows that once you've seen about 12 episodes, you've seen all 1200 of them.

What's a good dating game that can help me forget >tfw no gf?

Because 10cc I'm not in love. So don't forget it.