Are you excited for Ghostwire: Tokyo?

Are you excited for Ghostwire: Tokyo?

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Show me the game then we talk. A fucking CGI trailer and an awkward waifu is not enough to convince me.

im sick of seeing this bitch here
fuck off

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That woman is a manipulative piece of shit no normal person acts like this unless its to manipulate virgin retards video game players.

Like this user says Show me the game and I might get excited for it. Right now it’s just a nicely made cgi trailer that sets tone but the gameplay might be total ass. There’s not enough to judge it on to get excited over.

Yep. Shame it's not TEW3 but Tango's earned my trust.

How do you fucks not understand this was a plan by trannies at bethesda to replace mikami as the 'auteur' of the studio? Because she has a vagina.

I thought it would be one of those creepy jap games about exploring the city, but apparently it will be some shitty, generic action game. After Evil Within i'm not expecting much from Mikami.

She pretty much is just female Kojima, that shit looked like a Death Stranding trailer