>You've lived long enough to see people be nostalgic for a licensed game of a show you used to watch in between classes while in college
The processes of aging was a mistake
>You've lived long enough to see people be nostalgic for a licensed game of a show you used to watch in between classes while in college
The processes of aging was a mistake
And now you've lived long enough for people to clamor for a remake of that game and for their wishes to become a reality.
Feel old, boomer?
Nigga how fucking old are you? I'm 27 and early Spongebob was my childhood. Shut the fuck up.
Yea Forums has shilled this game for a pretty long time now
>waaah people are nostalgic over a 20 year old game/franchise
Get the fuck off Yea Forums granps I'm 28 and I'm nostalgic
Spongebob as a franchise is older than most of Yea Forums
Fuck me please be a real screenshot and not just promotional art.
I think that pic out of all pics shown so far is the one most likely to be a in-game screenshot
cry about it
"Boomer" licensed games > "zoomer" licensed games
>There are people over 30 still posting on this board
I keep forgetting how most of Yea Forums is now just a bunch of kids and I should've left this shit hole a long time ago
>t. High Schooler
SpongeBob is 20 years old you absolute boomer
>a show you used to watch in college
How old are you?
Ill out grow this place before then right?
I'm guessing you're only LARPing as a 40+ year old since most boomers left this place ages ago and are now on /vr/ or have simply moved on. Either way, it's pathetic. Get a hold of your life, man.
Man I'm in my early 20s and the concept of aging is already scaring the shit out of me. I think I'm going to KMS at around 35. I don't see any point in living past that.
If nearly 30 is a kid to you, you should be planning your retirement and not browsing an anime imageboard. Go take your multivitamins and have a nap gramps.
Friendly reminder that people born in 2001 can post here now gramps.
Which buzzword category would the Riddick games fall into?
>6th gen
It's real, you can see the polygons.
Where the fuck is defjam 4
I'm 26 and paranoid about getting old
I already feel old
If they redub characters that don't have their proper voice actors with the exception to Mermaid Man unfortunately, this'll be perfect.
Mermaid man sounded like he was voiced by a fucking intern so surely they can get a better sound alike.
im 33
are you a virgin?
i'm probably still older than you are
well Im probably older than you and OP
are you already 40+
Why is it so hard to accept that 2000s nostalgia is here
If any spongebob game needed a remake it was this pic related for the soundtrack alone
You are literally close to 40 years old. Holy shit what have you done with your life? You are almost 40 and still posting on Yea Forums. Something went horribly wrong in your life OP. I'm 28 and I said when I turn 30 I'm dropping this shithole for good or kill myself whichever comes first
see you on your thirtieth
We're all here until either Hiroshima runs this into the fucking ground or a better alternative pops up.
don’t forget your here forever dot image