Here's your controller, bro
Here's your controller, bro
You can have it back.
Or do you prefer mousey keyboard?
Its fucking lego
i need this in my life
No, thanks. If I have another dose I might have liver failure.
That's just a regular PS4 controller, user.
Is there a more garbage company than Hyperkin?
Hey bro, let's play a few matches of Melee
What the fuck is this shit Yea Forums?
Is it loose cables?
Wtf Sony, i just bought this controller last month!
[Spoiler] I know what it is, this shit happened a few hours ago but play along fagits [/spoiler]
Here you go bro, after we play some Halo let’s go hang out on my dad’s yacht
Bro, what button do I press to shoot?
i thought that was a piece of shit for a second
Same energy
Thanks, doc
It still is.
That controller looks concerned
>and this is to go further beyond
These are made for fake nerds, aka gamer girl streamers to have in their background
post them
I touch it with my fingers and the fucking thing grabs onto my finger and i pull it halfway out after which it just crawls back inside.
At this point i knew there was evil hiding inside my controller and whatever is hiding inside i dont want it in my flat.
So i take my controller outside take one last picture (pic related)...
Nice spoiler retard, I won't play nothing along now
Oh shit, I thought this would be the PS2 one from the thumbnail.
Will probably have a superior d-pad to the Pro lol
2/10 failed too much and I lost interest
This is actually fucking fantastic for simpler games like JRPGs
/x/ is leaking again
I don't get how the fn keys work, do the slimes physically poke out?
Why do bugs love Playstation systems so much?
>there is a Switch version of that PS2 version
The madman
>ragethrow controller
>comes back and hits you
You can tell right away this is chintzy uncomfortable garbage. Your first hint is the Hyperkin branding.
what is the bloody point?
To play japanese waifu simulators with one hand
I'm assuming it simulates a wheel for racing games or something
For racing, I think. Simulating a wheel.
>for the price of a 3d printer, you can buy a solid racing wheel with pedals and gear shift
Why tho?
Andross got a mouse
Dont even care i still think its an interesting occurence
After playing days gone i audibly kekked
I actually forgot the pic, guess im too drunk after gaymen with a friend and this shocker
Attached is the pic i meant to post with that post and following in a minute i will post the unholy creature i pulled out of my controller
Here's your controller BRO HAHAHA
Is that a fucking earwig
More like retardzplay
Is that the terminator
No, it's a madcatz controller are you fucking blind jesus christ
what function does this serve?
Fuck this thread.
nitrous oxide
I need this but with helium instead of anesthesic
>you douse off while you playing vidya to never wake up
Ah finally, sweet release from these fucking videogames that ruined my life.
Cant use it if its up my ass
well you don't have to be mean
What kind of gullible retard would've fall for this one?
I would legit use this for some games
I believe it administers anesthesia and was only designed for dentist and doctors offices
I'm not about to google it or anything, though
>wake up in the morning
>the spider is gone
I'm so glad madcatz is dead.
Hey young one, was it fucken sick growing up with mouselook?
In the mid-90s, most people played keyboard only, or with a flight-style joystick. Depending on the year, this would not have been a tough sell
Final Solution to the LQ (((loli))) question.
>yfw you have this keyboard then play a game that needs to press f1 f2 f3 at the same time
If dubs you have to let it grab your penor and then pull it out
>young one
Asshole. Also, this shit clearly looks like something made post-quake because of the buzzwords, and by that point, WASD and mouselook would make this look embarassing. So it was too little too late to take money from everyone except drooling retards.
wtf? where are the balls? where the fuck is the shaft?
Equator faggots will laugh at this but insects of this size are unusual in my longtitudes and when i pulled it out of my controller i actually noticed some resistance because it was too juicy for the headset plug hole
Yes i think so
Sadly i can only upload a small fraction of a gif or else you would see how it grabs the scissor when i touch it
It grabbed my finger with a lot more force though so it would would actually hurt a tiny bit
Wow stop posting anytime.
>gullible retard
You're right, "young one" was too far.
Great job parroting the legacy of Quake and proving you weren't there
Unspeakable evil has been posted
hold me bros
My thumbs hurt just looking at that. I'm still morbidly curious enough to try one though.
>bug entered headphone port ass-backwards
Nice try, kid
Let me guess, you're one of those retards who got tricked into buying some bullshit like this and you're just trying to act all cool thinking many people were as stupid as you.
>parroting the legacy of Quake
Kill yourself, Quake has nothing to do with these kinds of worthless controllers and if you think they do, you're the one who was too young to actually be alive to experience mid 90s PC games.
Either way fuck off.
The pincers are its ass, retard.
>why's the D-pad censored bro
>Is this actually a Sony controller?
ay lol
>Wii Classic controllers and Gamecube controllers go for retarded prices everywhere
>Had one of those as a kid
>Little brother had to use it because only his hands were small enough to actually hold it right
>Threw it out the 2nd floor window on to concrete when even he couldn't hold it anymore
>Didn't break
>ESC key is an exit dungeon staircase
>hey bro, I wanna play too
>alright man, just let me plug in the second controller
Is that a deep fried roadkill ferret?
Actually own a mouse like this. Picked up from smithsonian like 10 years ago. Actually still used it up until a few years ago when I lost it in a move