Mew2King is very miserable on his stream right now, venting his depression.
What went wrong? Is this common for Smash pros?
Mew2King is very miserable on his stream right now, venting his depression.
What went wrong? Is this common for Smash pros?
well he's a balding faggot that only plays Ultimate for the viewership and money, he is completely lost in his way of life.
>no marketable skills outside of playing one single game
If you don't make enough as a pro player to retire for the rest of your life after your career is done you're gonna struggle. You wasted years where you could have studied, learned a trade, or gathered work experience, so finding a decent job will be hard, especially for a legit autist like m2k.
It's probably very common in autistic people who seek refuge in video games. M2K is pretty extroverted for an autist so the difficulty in social interaction is likely to be pretty depressing for him.
Probably realizes he has to get a real job lol
Because he's asperger, not autist.
Asperger's hasn't been a thing for like seven years now. I guess they thought it wasn't needed when they could just say "Autism light" or some shit.
>M2K is literally everyones guy. Pro level at all Smash games. No one in the Smash community hate him
>no views
>ZeRo is a fat spic who half the community hates, who was only relevant in a trash game.
>averages 5000 viewers
He says his book is going to reveal some very bad things about his life.
Fishing for pity donations
It's because your life is hard enough without having a memey ass name like "ass burgers" for your condition.
I just hope he doesn't become a fat slob like mang0 or a tranny like ppmd.
He looked like such a lost old man at the last smash summit, just staring at the screen with no idea why he's there
Think he might be turning into a sundowner
>What went wrong?
The spic knows his audience and how to shill for himself, he even uses the hate as a way to bait people for attention.
M2K generally looks unapproachable and he doesn't seem that interesting because he's inoffensive.
Jewtube popularity is a cold hard game of garnering attention and shilling yourself, no amount of goodwill is going to make a balding inoffensive smashautist popular.
>gives up on the one thing hes good at and banks on writing a book instead
hes too autistic for this world
M2k's streams are fucking boring if he has nobody there to play with him
Oh god, did he get Catfished again?
>No one in the Smash community hate him
thats the thing, people who watch smash streamers are likely to be bottom of the barrel casual faggotry, and outside of the community people find m2k unconfortable to have around and as such will never get invited to nintendo events because of his looks/personality.
Aslo this, he knows how to shill himself with no shame whatsoever because he wants as much money as posible, m2k can't shill himself to save his own life.
autism is a fate worse than death
you deserve that title. You're literally an inferior specimen and don't deserve to live
this is sad to watch. the world ain't fair lads
I'm not sure it's that simple. He sounds pretty upset and having pretty big cracks at mango, who's popular as fuck.
books are the new kino hobby now that videogames are normall shit though, m2k is into something.
Why does gaming attract so much mental illness?
M2K is the pro-community's pet retard. He gets passes for almost every stupid and malicious thing he ever does.
>thought he would be playing games for a living for the rest of his life
work on your reading comprehension, i just said people outside of the smash community dislike him.
get off your chicken tendies soap box.
false, Aspies are the future of the human race
He picked the wrong game. If you cant earn your living by being literally the best player in the world then youre playing the wrong game. Moreover, if you can become the best then scene might be too small.
I mean I was the best player in Duck game once but who gives a fuck right. The problem is the fact that either you make money by being good or you build a brand/personality.
>tfw he came over to the zero stream the other day to watch zero get like 2k from the same guy who has given him almost 40k at this point
One of the thousands was even for zero to bring m2k to the stream that day, like damn atleast give some to m2k aswell
He looks like that retard from the office
unironically you wouldn't have an internet to post on had it not been for the spergs
>wants to stream overexposed dead game outside of tournaments
it's an activity that introverted people on the outer rims of the social order take part in. This particular group attracts those who were discarded by mainstream society, you know, mentals and bastards.
>pay entertainer (I don't personally find zero entertaining)
>at least pay someone who is not entertainer
Why can't M2K get a real job/career?
>it is all for shilling his book
For those who haven't seen the stream yet:
>banking on a book
He is not gonna make it
and they wouldn't have soap which they don't use if not for normal people.
I bet it's gonna sell less than 500 copies
Literally too autistic to hold a standard job, but not autistic enough to get benefits from it.
people who donate to rich streamers are retarded.
>faggot donated $200
>"Oh wow thank you so much man"
>forgotten 30 seconds later
> I get to live to see the day and M2K crashes and burns
somehow it doesn't feel as good as I thought it would. Maybe this is pity I'm feeling
>Literally too autistic to hold a standard job, but not autistic enough to get benefits from it.
This seems far too unlikely to happen, he needs a medical second opinion
Gaming is a disease. Help us gamers
i mean if you're going to donate to the streamer to call someone over just to sit there and watch the streamer play banjo, atleast throw him a bone or something
people keep posting this on Yea Forums and every time I check it's a normal stream
fuck you
Why would you want to see m2k crash and burn? I'd understand faggots like zero leffen and mango, but m2k?
the WHO classifies it as one, so where are my benefits?
>Zero is a smug hispanic who appeals to twitch millennial, finds success on twitch
>m2k is an autistic retard who appeals to nobody, finds no success on twitch
It's just how the market works
>depression m2k streams have become the normal m2k streams
M2K gets depressed every now and then, give it some time he'll be ok.
He's probably at a loss of what to "do" with himself right now. If you think he's depressed now, wait for his book to bomb.
Worked for daigo
Unironically looking forward to his book.
The thing is, it's literally the same guy over and over again dropping 1k, so far he's dropped like 40k in the span of 1 month and a half.
Its Zero channel, the twitch retard was paying for zero's content, not M2Ks, M2K can just be a novelty item and watch more successful people earn money for doing very little.
>Wahhhhh I'm the best gamer but no one cares!!!
Wew this stream is pathetic
Christ, how would you even be able to sit there and not be bitter as fuck
>Jewtube popularity is a cold hard game of garnering attention and shilling yourself
You gotta play the cynical lowest common denominator card and exploit the shit out of stupid people to go far on YouTube
M2K is too real for that
>looking forward of a book from an illiterate autist who can't communicate
Unless you mean you think it'll be "so bad it's good" tier
legitimately worried for him
hope he actually realises how fucking stupid he is before it happens
>I have low self esteem my whole-lif
>despite my high intellect
Closed stream
You play a fighting game retard
I don't think anyone expects it to be good in the sense that it'll be a serious work of literature. But it's a book written by a quirky sperg who has done nothing but playing competitive Smash since the mid 2000s. I'm really interested to see what he has to say.
he's always been depressed and emo, and he always talks about his life situation on his stream because people keep asking
now people keep posting about it here and saying he's crashing and burning for some reason
dude has more subs than 99% of smash streamers, he'll be fine
>I'm really interested to see what he has to say
The guy has mouth diarrhoea, there will be nothing you haven't already heard.
Hell i got bitter, but most likely m2k just got sad
>tfw too intelligent to be a successful streamer
unless youre getting above 3k subs, in florida youre making less than working at mcdonalds or as a janitor cleaning shit.
Hispanics make wipipo very uncomfortable. Even more so if they have a horrendous accent. Some of them can be endearing sometimes but that's it.
Zero is a the fakest most shameless tierwhore bandwagoner ever,, fuckingic and he looks like you can smell him across the ocean.
Daigo had fame
Literally the hillary clinton of video games
i bet will be something on the lines of
>"and those damn casuals stole my money at school, that inspired me to become a huge edge lord in a children party game"
>very high innuect
me tbqh
>tfw so intelligent I was self blackpilled in middle school
>Hispanics make wipipo very uncomfortable
>someone said "don't give into society and live to work" in his chat
Oh these 22 year old hedonistic pieces of shit are still funny to me
M2K is a great streamer when he has a partner, he's too autistic to solo stream but when he has someone to play off his autism it's great.
Meant to say he's fucking autistic too
literally fucking who
please be my girlfriend
The Marxist revolution is coming, and people like you are the target. Don't be on the wrong side of history.
Daigo had a job as a backup. M2K can't be in the workforce.
Is the dude really expecting his book to be a huge success?
I'm absolutely sure he could qualify for benefits with all the things he's diagnosed with, not even just autism. He's probably too stupid to know though.
>Marxist revolution
That was for workers, not spoilt bourgeois children
He should probably start marketing his book, I've never even heard of him writing one before.
>dude workers rights
Will he kill himself if his book fails? He says it's his one last chance, whatever that means.
he's also sponsored, makes money from youtube, co-owns MVG, and can return to tournaments at any time
there are millions and millions of people in a more precarious position than him, including people with normal jobs
stop being melodramatic fags
Money laundering?
>an aspie was the only one that saw the market crashing in 2008
>they don't deserve to live because they are bad at small talk
you don't deserve to live
rich and lonely probably
When your life is about playing a game with no official support with what are essentially schoolyard rules for a really low amount of money and 95% of your life is being in front of a TV seeing the same 5 things day in and day out, it's not at all surprising.
>watching streams
I wonder if he has any savings or if he constantly had to burn tournament winnings in order to stay a pro.
When all you have going on in your life is competitive videogaming, it is bound to lead to depressive tendencies.
Do you have any idea how much dedication and time you need to sacrifice to be on top of this mountain?
You can kiss an active and exciting social life goodbye.
You can kiss future projects goodbye.
You're gonna play that game until it makes you want to vomit.
He's been taking about it for 2 years
Memee players make jackshit
this, but literally every job
who gives a fuck, e-celebs always pull the muh depression card for views and money
This is from his entire career. I remember him saying he wasn't making much if any profit until a few years ago, so I doubt he has much saved up.
Literally anyone could make $200k over the course of 14 years.
>Memee players make jackshit
As in his book sold really fukin well
Has he ever actually done anything good for anyone else? Like that he didn't benefit from?
I can only recall incidents where he acted like a retard.
But Daigo never banked on his book, because even if his book was a massive blunder, he would have been fine due to job and sponsorships.
M2K only has MVG and the good graces of the people around him. Books are costly to make and he'll have a hard time if his book bombs.
What about sponsorships? People always make a big deal about players getting sponsored, I always thought they must get a decent amount of money from that. And isn't M2K still sponsored?
He literally just admitted he gets depressed because of reddit.
>M2K still sponsored
That's based on viewers, even shilling on Yea Forums he can't make 1k viewers
COG was pretty small and before that I'm pretty sure all of his sponsors were bullshit. He probably makes an ok amount now but 3/4 of his time playing smash he probably didn't manage to save anything. I'd guess 10-20k from echofox and maybe 15-20k from twitch. Hopefully his book does well.
But doesn't that do anything for him financially? Does it literally mean nothing?
I mean, anyone with a brain would find reddit depressing, for one reason or another.
>But doesn't that do anything for him financially
He couldn't live off it.
Sponsorships are not necessarily based on viewers.
well if you follow your dreams then they may become reality but that doesn't mean fortune or even security or a future.
t. sold out from the beginning sitting comfortably in a 500$ chair with a new contract for 70K next week.
>Only 193 people
>Everything is quiet
>That depressing voice
>Those ads
bros... I think mew2king sucks wtf
Doesn't matter how much money someone makes, if they're spending the majority of their day 5 days a week working for someone else they've failed at life.
his streams have always been shit
he just doesnt have the personality for it, his only pull is being good at smash
He is autistic
All of those characteristics wouldn't be important if he wasn't actually autistic which means he has brain impediments that stop him from overcoming his issues
Unironically why does depression exist? Not joking in the slightest but doesn't "lmao just don't be sad" work? If something makes you sad then probably find something that makes you happy? Or are they that much into their faggotry that they've just given up on finding their happiness?
>he has brain impediments that stop him from overcoming his issues
Same for you?
A chemical imbalance in the brain. You can't just "not be sad" your way out of a physical defect in your gray matter.
he said without the liquid assets to fly anywhere at the drop of a hat whenever.
he said without a Roth IRA making compounding interest whenever he isn't working.
he said without the security and resources to only accept work that deemed acceptable.
fufufu go flight a kite kid. you don't yet understand that beggars can't be choosers. I'm never begging ever again.
You end up in a cycle of "I should do this to get better and help myself" and "why should I help myself I'll never be happy anyway" and you end doing nothing. The answer kind of is "just don't be sad" but it's really fucking hard to get to that point.
Brains aren't made for modern lifestyles which often throw off the chemical balance your brain would have as an oga booga
What the fuck at they doing now? Literally spent an hour shilling some app.
>has to pause his gameplay entirely whenever he wants to interact with chat at all
That's a momentum-killer right there, his stream is doomed if he doesn't change that
Oh so there's a scientific explanation to depression. I never knew. All this time I thought that their medication are in some ways just placebo.
This the same guy with that penile disorder? Can't get hard or something forever impotent?
He realized he's not a top level at ult.
this guy has more than aspergers if he can't even figure out how to be moderately entertaining. it's one thing not being able to talk forever about anything without people asking you questions but i'm sure he gets a lot of interaction he could use to start talking about shit.