It ended up becoming giant, but here it is: The Official /dqg/ Dragon Quest Beginner's Guide. Hope it encourages a lot of you guys to give the series a shot!
[Spoiler] Thank you user who made this, it's amazing. [/Spoiler]
It ended up becoming giant, but here it is: The Official /dqg/ Dragon Quest Beginner's Guide. Hope it encourages a lot of you guys to give the series a shot!
[Spoiler] Thank you user who made this, it's amazing. [/Spoiler]
I always fuck up the spoilers.
Just press control and s and it'll auto make spoilers for you
God damn, how many times are you going to spam this? This is like the fourth time today and you were spamming it all yesterday as well. And you're spamming it all over Reddit.
We get it, you made a chart. And you copied one that had already existed for years. At least the other guy who made his chart didn't spam it over four different boards demanding attention. He only posted it when people asked for Dragon Quest recs.
First time I see it faggot.
Thanks OP.
The worst guide I’ve ever seen holy shit
>It ended up becoming giant
The creator posting it everywhere himself doesn't make something "giant."
You should have posted the other guys chart. It's good evidence how this guy just ripped it off. Neither chart is perfect. But taking someone elses chart and throwing walls of text on it doesn't make it better. Especially when it's aimed at beginners.
He meant the size of it.
Originally it was meant to be smaller I guess.
I was in the threads while it was being made, the new chart was made based on the recommendations of /dqg/ anons. All the recc'd games are from the general consensus and anons told him what to do with the last square.
Imagine getting this angry over literally nothing.
Kindly fuck off to /vg/. I saw this shit multiple times already and it's unpleasing to fucking read it.
Why is it unpleasing?
>being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian
Dragon Quest is shit, go back to Plebbit
Even at 3376x1440, the font is too small to read.
The random gap at the left side is annoying.
A fucking Twitter ping-in.
That fake positive informal attitude makes it feel tacky as hell. (Enough Talk! SPINOFF! We made it!)
>disliking something means you're a contrarian
>this chart was literally made by a group of people who disliked every aspect of the old chart
So, you're saying this chart is contrarian?
Literal non-issues.
>the font is too small to read.
You might want to book an appointment with your local optometrist.
>>this chart was literally made by a group of people who disliked every aspect of the old chart
Things that didn't happen.
I see. Well you can't please everyone.
>this chart was literally made by a group of people who disliked every aspect of the old chart
I helped with the pic and I didn't dislike every aspect of the old chart. I just felt a new one should be made. I would've went for the less wordy approach, but I wasn't the user who had job as a graphic designer so they ended up making this. It's informative and eye catching, which is what really matters so it's ok in my book.
You seem very autistic.
You're right. They literally copied the old chart, then added walls of text to each individual game. Which is why it's not helpful for a beginner. This chart is good for people who have some experience with the series already. But for a beginner, they just see walls of text and lots of rules. They're more likely to just ignore the chart and pick one game themselves or not even get into the series because it seems like too much work.
This is what I was afraid of. It looks so wordy that people will just ignore it, even if it has useful info.
Someone looking to get into a series is going to want as much info as they can get, which is where this guide shines. It provides a brief description of the things each game brings to the series and a brief description of the various versions, which is far better than the other chart's "You play this version. No other versions exist. Here's absolutely zero information about any of these games."
The old chart was trash. An user saw an opportunity to make something better, and he seized it. I don't know why you keep throwing around that he copied it, because it's the farthest thing from a mere copy.