Why are these threads dying so fast?
Just like the franchise.
Because the franchise itself is dying,
Asuka for Smash. We need more big tiddy representation.
>dad walks in
Post Katsuragi.
Where do these animated scenes come from. Sooo jiggly.
Have sex
... with men!
Is that supposed to be mean UmU?
After you break the conditioning
God why is this so hot? The blonde, the jiggle. What?
>are ya winnin son?
Sony murdered it well and good.
>Thinking any of these hot Japanese supermodel ninjas would even look at you
This makes me sad.
just rape them
She's already in Smash.
She's just disguised as your favorite character.
Yeah that's a video game character that gives me a boner
it's a shame the artist for this game can't draw decent looking nipples to save their life
If they were allowed too it would help, but Jap law forbids nipples or its automatic AO.
Don't think sexual thoughts about Asuka.
which one of the games is this one?
estival versus
>Tfw they removed the Boob Slider
It was the best thing about the 3ds SK
Mirai should become the face of the franchise
Estival never had it, Awwww,
Lolis are a poison.
True. Cunny is slowly killing me
it's always the same handful of OPs that just post pictures with no intent of starting any kind of discussion
Mirai is too good for Senran Kagura.
what's with the creepy goofy hands
They assume their audience aren't 11/10 Japanese men, so these goof hands represent all the uglies, and gaijins of course.