ITT: post fighting games that people pretend to play for clout on the internet

ITT: post fighting games that people pretend to play for clout on the internet.

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i play that though

3s and Darkstalkers are the main meme games.

Every fighting game.

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the day Fighterz came out everyone started larping pretending they pay arc sys games

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Every Tekken game before 6.

What is Tekken 3.

zoomer. you have no idea how popular tekken 2-4 was in the states. no one knew how to play, but I've never met a ps owner without atleast 1 game

Garou and Virtua Fighter for the next tier. Bloody Roar is galaxy brain clout meme.

>He thinks 3S is hard to get into

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more like Dark Resurrection online

nobody said that moron, just that people pretend to play turd strike

Here are the obvious ones:
3S, Samsho, Melty Blood, Vampire Savior, GGXX-AC+R, Heritage for the Future, CvT, CvSNK2, UNIEL/UNIST, Alpha 3, Virtua Fighter (any).
Less obvious ones:
Super Turbo, MvC2.

That's pretty much the complete list I was gonna write damn.

I dont actually know anything about fighting games besides what I read on Yea Forums but its pretty pretty weird watching Yea Forums turn on 3rd strike and praise 4

I play it all the time. Best street fighter ever. Nice try zoomie.

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missing mid-age snk (like kof 98 and garou)

>saying 3s is the best street fighter
>calling other people zoomers

claiming 3s is the best sf ever is legit a zoomer kappa meme

This game seriously needs a re-release on modern consoles/PC.


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5 opened a lot of people's eyes
makes me think of 'if only you knew how bad things really are' reaction images

3s is the best sf
name a better one
2...? you stupid fucker. you hyprocrite, you literal ingrate.

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It's unanimously the most beloved street fighter. Only edgy zoomers hate on it because it's talked about fondly by everyone that played it.

I'm not really familiar with any besides KOF98 and 13, but yeah, I missed those.

>using skullgirls for clout

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Missing the ultimate Bloody Roar faggot joke meme that literally nobody ever played outside of their room but shit posting larpers say it's hot shit.

Virtua Fighter or even a amazing game like DOA II Hardcore would be a tough sell because of the bouncing breast

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The secret is to choose a game that you could never realistically be challenged to a match of.

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No that would be 2. 3 and 3S fucking bombed hard but years later people who weren't even alive in 1997 started namedropping them for street cred

Does CvT have any sorta netplay options?

I'm ignoring the bait OP. I just wanted to say "Fuck Capcom" for releasing SFxTK, SFV, and MVCI. Capcom used to make the best fighters, and now they are a ghost of their former selves.

>I'm ignoring the bait
it's not bait

>I just wanted to say "Fuck Capcom" for releasing SFxTK, SFV, and MVCI
ok you and everyone else

>Capcom used to make the best fighters
that you never played

now back to /r/kappa with the other invalids that pretend to play 3s gg and tekken

MVCI is good though

I played sf3 in the arcades when it came out. It was huge then and is still a staple in arcades in Japan. I was in Japan in September and walked into about a dozen arcades. Every single one of them had 3rd strike cabinets. You know what I didn't see? 2, 4 and 5 cabinets. Some of them had 5 but there was an equal amount of 3rd strike machines.

>It was huge then

your LARP already failed lmao

back to r kappa

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Add Xrd to that and it's a full set

I'm 35. I lived in the arcades in 1997. Bitter you missed the golden age of gaming huh zoomie? That's OK you have loot boxes now that should cheer you up.

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I would strongly disagree with you.

What is the point of gatekeeping a dead genre?

>What is the point of gatekeeping a dead genre?

Nobody's gatekeeping anything besides 80iq /r/kappa and Yea Forumsirgins that pretend to play certain fighting games, insult people, and talk about DA GLORY DAYZ of the arcade like this moron instead of actually playing the games.

I like how some old balding fuck that played turd strike for 5 seconds in the 90s and mashed on his weeb vacation thinks he's suddenly a fighting game expert and throws out ad-homs to anyone questioning his "expertise" from 1997 2 years before turd strike came out when NG and 2I were complete commercial failures lmao

>SF3 was so unpopular they made 3 versions of it

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That's literally why. They spent so much money and time making the sprites and whatever on the expensive hardware they had to keep making new sf3 titles to try and recoup their losses. You don't know how business works retard.

the day UNIST was announced for EVO and then suddenly people cared about it

I'm just telling you how it is kiddo.

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You never saw a World Warrior cabinet? Are you for real?

So by that logic, SF2 must've sold like 3 copies

Yup businesses keep throwing money at failed products. Not twice but 3 times and also keep porting it to new consoles continually for years after the release. Thanks for the business lesson Elon.

Maybe in a couple arcades. The most prominent cabinets were third strike. People still play it over there.

Fucking retard

3 had a weak reception by time it came around. The new entire new cast caused the game to get shunned so badly that they had to re-release with Ryu, Ken, and Chuners.

Its a solid game but you're full of shit if you think it wasn't considered a failure compared to the previous games.

I've literally never seen a SF3 cab and seen several SF2 cabs in my life. I worked at an arcade for a few years too... And we had some oddball cabs, like Vampire and the pre-PS2 version of TTT. I guess we'll have to stick to our anecdotes.

In Japan?


I was talking about Japan. I spent a few weeks there in the fall. 3rd strike machines are everywhere.

Yeah, I guess it's probably different there then here. Literally nobody gave a shit about it in the west when it was current.

If you compare it to the success of sf2 then yeah I guess that was the narrative at the time. But that was mainly due to the fact that they couldn't port it to console until years after the release. Sf3 was by no means a failure. A lot of people played it at the time. Yeah I'm sure a lot of people discovered it recently but there's a lot of boomers that remember the good old days.

The art style and music of new generation and 2nd impact are better than Third Strike. Though the sound effects are a lot worse eg. the sound that plays when you get a meter of super.

Also, what's the best Darkstalkers game? Never spent enough time with them.

Sf3 sort of came along at the time when arcades were starting to die. I had two arcades down the street from me at the time and it was a staple. The arcades however shut down around the year 2001. I think not being able to port the game to console hurt it more than anything.

sprinkle in some st and mvc2 and you got a full blown 09er

What's your fightcade?

>he doesn't lugg around a 23 inch TV along with every fighter for the system for local tourneys

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Vampire Savior aka Darkstalkers 3, it has a solid community on fightcade and is still run at anime/boomer events.

Nowadays it's more popular to shit on it though

go back to /fgg/ and stay there.

I've been playing 3s recently.

It's pretty fun but really weird, air game is completely fucked and there's no zoning but it feels awesome. It just needs a proper balancing.

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Yeah. Luckily, Yea Forums's opinion on fighting games is as useless as tits on a nun.

Third Strike killed Street Fighter. 4 revived it. 5 has got it back on life-support. Street Fighter V is only still alive because E-sports and fighting games in general being in a better place than they were a decade ago.

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The death of arcades in the west killed street fighter, 3rd strike was the victim not the killer

Why are there hardly any games like 3S though? Garou and I guess Akatsuki Blitzkampt though they're not quite the same, and that's it right?

Exactly this.

The entire fighting genre is something people pretend to play for clout on the internet

>this post

Yea Forums's opinions on fighting games are always funny to me because they remind me of articles you might read on some gaming journalism site staffed with no one who knows fighters intimately but nonetheless publishers articles where they echo vague, but well-traveled generalities.

No one plays Xrd, period. Only reason people will tall about it or BB is for porn

I play this

I play this too

>haven't beaten a single person on fightcade
>find out somebody who I met elsewhere plays 3s too
>have a game
>he beats me 10 rounds in a row too

Looking forward to being good enough to actually play this game.

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Litterally anything that isnt the current iteration of SF and they are a lying faggot who subs and donates to max daily.

Stop pressing buttons reflexively when you're being pressured.

>pick VF5 after all these years
>look at the movelist of Wolf, Shun Di and Kage
I completely forgot how huge those movelists were, just Kage is "what the fuck" it seems like 3 different characters because of the stances.

Actually the opinions of vappa posters are closer to reality than yours, shitter.
Back to your contaiment general.

3rd strike was not a big success on release. It took years for the game to find it's audience. There's a reason they didn't make a sequel for almost a decade

Except they made multiple street fighter games between 3S and SF4.

Also the gap between SF4 and SF5 was 10 years and SF4 sold very well