>tfw no drain unclogging videogame
Tfw no drain unclogging videogame
I always give respect to construction and public utility workers. They keep everything from falling into chaos. Rather have them than intellectual liberal arts professors
>tfw no gong farming video game
why not both!
perhaps it's the school system that truly needs to be unclogged
>tfw no Tosher vidya
maybe it's the swamp that needs to be drained
>tfw you will never help construct the Cloaca Maxima and then commit suicide after
>Sifting through a torrent of shit to find something useful or valuable
Perfect analogy for Steam
Groom of the stool Simulator when?
As much of a liberal person that I am, I agree. Who the fuck thinks that being an Art Professor is what anyone needs right now let alone makes money
It rather this guy gets 100k a year instead of every faggot in tech
who else fell for the trade meme here? I wish I would have fucking stayed in school. now I'm stuck working a job that hurts my body and makes me smell like shit. I just don't want to go back to working retail stores again.
anybody can do this job, the current market pay is correct.
>pay minimum wage to jobs that are the most important for a society
You can now hear a jew snickering off in the distance, rubbing his hands for zero productive work.
If you want to praise a true hero, think of the motor mechanic who has to get under a hot 40 tonne garbage compaction truck just driven in, in order to have some mechanical repairs done so it can get back on the road. While he is doing his work in 45C temperature (113F for you dummies.), there are 100s of wriggling maggots dropping off the hot truck onto him. By comparison, this council labourer is just a pussy doing his everyday job.
>hobo shit
>parasites etc.
fuck that job
These guys should at least get free health care.
because OP is a fagget, here's the video
I work HVAC and it's easy as fuck on top of paying really well.
Imagine the smell
Have you played America's Army?
>roomates just scrapes shit into the sink as if we had a garbage disposal unit
At least he took it apart and unclogged it about a year ago, now he'll have to do it again
this is why you go to school kids
don't let this be you
that's ok only the lowest caste does that job
their fault for being born human trash
Why? There's not really anything wrong with this line of work. Someone has to do it.
>sewer hero
lol faggot get a new job loser
I did, but because of different reasons. Dropped out of highschool at 16, because I was lazy and my parents were fighting all the time, so I didn't even attend and shit. Started working in a trade, did that for like 8 years until I quit because I couldn't take the boring ass work anymore. Actually went back to school and my best friend sponsored the college tuition, got my master's in the end. Now I work in accounting, got my own office, can watch youtube videos or play vidya while working occasionally and take breaks whenever I want or even just work from home while getting a salary you can actually live on.
Every time we get an intern or trainee now I send them down to the bottom of the hierachy and help the dudes out at shipping and logistics for a month, so they know the system and how hard and frustrating their work can be.
yep. don't let that someone be you.
Things don't really work like that.
>tfw no half-underwater cave crawling videogame
I swear I would play the FUCK out of a game like this
it's a dirty job, but someone's gotta do it
So it isn't just me then. Why are sewer unclogging videos becoming so popular on youtube all of a sudden?
i kinda want to lick it
I'd like to quote my white collar friend, "I CReAte morE ecoNoMIc VaLUe THan hIM."
because there's an audience that's interested in being grossed out or interested in seeing a different side of life. kinda like those people who are into body gore like in the Saw movies
>the flood
You'll never see women doing this kind of shit.
>it's another "user thinks liberal arts means politically liberal artwork" episode
Getting real sick of this rerun.
Someone has to do it, yes, but between working in an office with an air conditioner/pristine conditions + coffee machine + chair VS working outside in the cold + standing for hours + safety hazards? Hmmm I wonder what's best for your health...
liberal arts is just a fancy name for communist propaganda
maybe 5% of the population has the IQ to work your friend's job
any nigger can poke a drain with a stick
>this guy puts working in an office on a pedestal
I went back to inspecting for the IBEW after having to deal with that office shit you're so in love with. Between the women, hr and forced drama and advisors who've been stuck in the same spot for 27 years with a stick up there ass wondering why they were getting looked over. It makes me wonder if the physical conditions > stress
reminder that people who work in wastewater management actually get pretty high salaries
It's satisfying to see something become unclogged.
I dunno maybe ask Carol with diabetes as she eats her fifth cupcake that mandy brought in for her birthday
It literally means "sewer" in Latin, you uncultured swine
He's clicking an "OK" button every 15 minutes to authorize clients in the company network or reset a password once in a while. He doesn't do anything else or sets things up. It's literally all he does and he said that even a child could do his job to a point where he occasionally stays at home after starting an autoclicker. Our jobs require less IQ than you might think. It's all about barrier of entry.
I don't see where that's even remotely implied, are you high?
Play INFRA bitch niggas.
>do you hereby consent to have niggers tongue your anus
>too busy playing your nintendo switch at home to read the text
>autoclicker selects OK for you
Name a better game that takes place in the sewer.
they're tubiflex worms.
Please disable the markov chains function on your bot posts.
I went to college got my bachelors in marketing and now im unemployed and applying for 10/hr jobs.
>refers to himself being liberal, which is irrelevant unless that's what's being implied
>refers to art professors
That is exactly what's being implied.
That's just Mario.
el goblino..........
Your friend sounds like a champ mate.
Fuck off with this normalfag shit faggot.
fuck me. has this shit been getting popular or something? I saw some of these videos on youtube about a month ago and now i've fallen into the rabbit hole.
But there is a game about that, it's called Pipe Dreams 3D
your fault for being white, lol
I already did, shit's great.
Almost on par with a social science.
>rabbit hole
Don't you mean a man hole?
literally one of these guys
he's referring to himself as liberal because Art Professors are more often than not liberal, dumb piece of shit. he's saying they're pointless in general. nobody said "oh I hate rob rogers" or whatever lib political artist.
But user......im not white.
>bachelors in marketing
What did you expect? It dooms you to work with a lot of other gen z and millenial assholes. It's like getting a bachelor in english and then being surprised that you need to write clickbait articles for some racist blog like kotaku.
/welder/ here.
Your a fucking retard and you hate the job because you suck at it and don't want to get better. Your the type of faggot who'd rather make 80k starting and never make anything more, then start at 50k and be able to make 150k.
>he hasn’t heard The Hull Technician’s Tale
I hate unclogging the drain outside my house
Fuck that shit must be tough as hell during that season
So what degrees are people supposed to get. Cause realistically most people are not smart enough to get a CS degree, and even if they were then CS wages would go down cause of too much worker supply.
there is everything wrong with that line of work, its why you only see dark continent nbutu niggers as garbage men.
>the fuckers who just drive in the water splashing the man who's helping them
what the fuck
The part of this article that really surprises me the most about this article is that there is a septic system in India.
Sewer and drain technicians can make anywhere from 50 to 100k and get medical dental and 401k's depending on where they work. its really not a bad line of work.
Bullshit. The fact that these jobs are undesirable make them objectively worth more. Literally nothing would happen if bankers went on strike for a month. If trash collectors went on strike for a week, all hell would break lose.
>Sole guy treads through filth and stays in place to unclog obstruction in others path
>Others drive onward without so much as a wave of thanks possibly beeping but I can't hear so who knows
>Cause realistically most people are not smart enough to get a CS degree
CS isn't hard, nor difficult. It's entry level programming at best. Something that even middle school students are already learning today. Do not get a bachelors in computer science if you only want a bachelor. Only get a bachelor in CS if your goal is a masters, at which point you can take something like robotics and automation. There are too many people with bachelors in CS.
> then CS wages would go down cause of too much worker supply.
They are. You're not getting a lot from just a CS degree. Ideally you should have built a portfolio of projects, which are worth more than a CS degree. Another factor is knowing different programming languages. They're more likely to hire you if you know rarer programming languages and frameworks, versus knowing python or C#.
Psychology and Business is what I'd call bachelor degrees you can reliably find work with. If marketing is something you love, then a bachelor in psychology is very valueable to have and you can expand on that with a masters or even possibly a doctorate later. Business is very easy to attain and at least gets you an okay job until you can finance a masters.
There was a PS2 Looney Tunes game with a level where you unclog a bunch of drains to save a flooded Hollywood
Good game but got kinda lame at the end, once you get back to the city.
>blows own brain out at 28
Great life.
Would've been better off leaving that shit flooded, and I say that as somebody who lives there.
As vital as those jobs are, they don't pay much because almost anyone can do them.
I'm not saying the labour market is perfect and there are plenty of overpaid and underpaid jobs out there, but if trash men were paid 100k a year everyone would apply and everyone else would be reamed up the ass in taxes.
someone post that article about how bunch of indians die trying to unclogged septic tank