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Other urls found in this thread:


So, what team are you guys choosing?

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Hope we get a solo song with Metal Pearl


Do you think there is going to be a final game update before the splatfest?


Attached: octo.jpg (886x2048, 149K)

>have to play an entire days worth of shitty turfwar before you can unlock the good VS modes
who thought this was a good idea?


Attached: REJOICE FOR DEATH HAS NO STING.jpg (3556x2000, 690K)

She already has one

An updated and longer version I mean

Chaos, I want 3 to go full mad max

How can you chose chaos if you hate niggers?


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>Oh yes, I am choosing chaos, how did you know?

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Team cunny

Order, because I enjoy knowing what's ahead.

Maybe a balance update

I demand Pearl as a Khornate Berserker.

that's what I hope for, it would be sad to end Splatoon 2 support without buffiing some of the worse weapons

Ask the drawthread

is it just me or are the inklings with dark skin faster aim better and better at stealing the rainmaker


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Chaos would probably be more fun for the lore going forward, but I'm picking order because I like the gear more. And I like Marina more.

The updates will continue until December, but yeah it'd be nice to get some buffs for the final splatfest

when is final splatfest?

July 18 - 21

July 18th through the 21st, and it will be for every region.

>And I like Marina more
Choctopus Squad!!

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A lot of people switched gears after seeing how admittedly based Pearl actually is, but I still prefer this cute and pure geek.

Attached: 63804050_p0.png (600x700, 205K)

great, didn't know that, thank you

I'm voting chaos. Marina is waifu material but Pearl is overall the better character. Also, really digging the punk-rock, Mad Max look the new gear has.

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Order because I will stand with my waifu until the very end. But I hope Chaosfags win because the outcome would be more interesting.

ahhhhhhh pearl said a bad word!

Pearl is flat making her best waifu

Call me boring, but the timid girl archetype always gets me.


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She's timid, reserved, and autistic about technology. I love her.

Attached: 2cb3535ca65241aead786e083a29927c.png (1061x939, 863K)

>timid and autistic
>Yea Forums Splatfags naturally going for the girl they have the most in common with.

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Attached: yv.png (420x420, 55K)

good squid


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The woomy will go boomy when societal collapse begins

Order because I wont to go full chaosfag in a Blade Runneresque setting in the third game

This is my favorite alt to use in smash

I like her and Agent 3 the best.

wonder if they will ever show adult inklings?

>not just using default woomy


Guns that sign breasts

So if chaos wins splatoon 3 will be about bringing order to mad max esk squid world. Order wins and it will be about starting a revolution in a no fun allowed society.

Pearl, you fucking retard. And supposedly the Squid Sisters too.

>not choosing based retard helmet
never gonna make it

Pearl and Marina are both adults, same with Callie and Marie. Pearl is the oldest.

Attached: 258e4190af909f4f2cda55140f61f9ee8028a667_hq.jpg (1024x768, 87K)

there are no adults since when they breed they die very soon after

Love her to pieces.

Attached: day 1.jpg (1267x1585, 154K)


thought Callie n Marie were in the 18 range

Orange-chan a best

You know what they meant.

Attached: hares and tortoises.png (1260x720, 382K)

No, no I fucking don't.

Why does she stand like that?

What do they mean pearl is 21 also captain cuttlefish


maybe it's cause her woomy itches

>Pearl shares her autistic movie idea after winning

From what?

Attached: 1520772123002.jpg (310x310, 21K)

No bones.

You know how some animals have mating calls or like some sort of ritual they do to show the opposite sex they're interested.

so Yea Forums, who is your favorite character on the side you're going to pick, aside from the idols?

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Attached: SMT Splatoon.png (980x1630, 1.12M)

What is this?

Aside from my muffinsquid, Agent 4 ad Iso Padre, easily

Attached: 4trait.jpg (800x770, 75K)

Agent 8 and Captain Cuttflefish

>ad Iso Padre

Attached: thinkingMarie.png (1280x1279, 249K)

>*and iso padre

but yeah, what's wrong with him

Attached: mocking dreams.jpg (1200x675, 106K)

I completely forgot he existed. I thought you had a stroke whilst posting.

Make her a nice shade of brown, and somehow my cock just springs up

I wish I had a bro like Iso Padre

Attached: 1543685377040.png (822x1100, 642K)

Delicious brown > all

I'd creampie all squidkids, but her especially.

Nah, just horrible muscle memory exacerbated by a new laptop with different proportions.

Attached: miffed muffinsquid.webm (356x458, 1.06M)

A middle aged adult or at least in their 30s. Not a geezer like cuttlefish and not still teenagers or barely distinguishable from the like the squid sisters and OTH.

Pearl - 21
Callie and Marie - 19
Marina - 18
Agents 3 and 8 - 16
Agent 4 - 14

I like all the splatfest art

Attached: 1529728386090.jpg (1500x1036, 153K)

I wish they had more special outfits.

Attached: FrostyMarina.jpg (1920x1080, 226K)

So does anyone know if the last splatfest is 24 or 48 hrs?

it's 72 hours

Attached: 1532255943346.png (512x512, 210K)

Aw, shit. Noice

they're also bringing back every previous shifty station so we'll have plenty of time to play them all

Attached: 1517553056328.png (1024x1280, 357K)

>*plenty of time to get the regular stages 10 times in a row while you plead for a chance to play a shifty station, and when you finally get one it's not one you want to play

Love this precious squid
I just wonder if we'll at least be able to make our own themes [this v that] and what have you when we get splatfests as a PB mode. Yeah, artwork will be impossible from a technical standpoint, but maybe we could at least type in our little themes, right?

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yeah that's probably accurate
I hope they do let us do this, but I have a feeling Nintendo won't allow it because they're afraid people will type inappropriate stuff

The side with Pearl and Callie

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Post more Agent 8

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God damnit Pearl better win. Tired of Marinas smugness and Pearl is her elder too. I don't want to see her humiliated.

Oh how the tables have turned.

Pearl has won majority of splatfest in the US
Heck off


That sounds stupid.

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How come no one makes art of marina in a suit

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I hope orange at least sticks around for next Smash game

Never crossed people's minds? I don't know.

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Too precious.

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why do lower stomach/pelvic tatts look good on 2d but absolutely awful on 3d

Team Order

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I would choose Chaos but my waifu is on team Order. This sucks balls. I just now bought online for Switch and the last Splatfest is already happening. Guess I'll see you fellas in Splatoon 3.

Attached: marina.png (540x694, 193K)

What a fucking womanlet.

The best kind.

Pearl just an itty bitty little squiddy
Just wanna snuggle her up

Attached: pearliecashier.jpg (2363x2363, 1.08M)

Splatoon 3 won't be for quite a while and 2's online presence shows no sign of drying up even after the fest. You'll be with us for some time.

>I would choose Chaos but my waifu is on team Order.
This but the exact opposite
I'm a lawful man but I love my Callie too much

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and toes

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Just pretend that she's Chaotic Lawful

Well, chaotic good is a thing, and she seems best fitted to that. She's spunky and energetic and spazzy, but also sweet.

Attached: fingerguns.jpg (1038x1351, 177K)

>Team Chaos has Best Wife and the Fiveheaded Salt Goblin

It's not even a choice

Attached: callie.png (706x674, 388K)

Exactly. Plus she was kinda chaotic when brainwashed.

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>Orderfags thinking they have a chance

Attached: thenperish.png (1280x1024, 664K)

Funy enough, even while brainwashed, the only thing that switched around was her loyalties - everything else about her, her spunkiness, energy, sweetness, etc, was all the same - hence why you see glitter and decorations everywhere. That was her doing.

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Attached: f19.jpg (1200x1179, 153K)

Very cute.

Attached: SnakeInkling.jpg (1334x1009, 149K)

>decorations everywhere
Is Callie the pervert responsible for these?

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No, that's underground and she had no access to that.

Attached: decorative muffinsquid.jpg (1557x2183, 697K)

It's on the regular one too.

Attached: fanned flops.png (1080x1080, 402K)

>most popular side vote wise always earns the least clout
Yep, I'm thinking us Orderchads already won.

>tfw the figma finally shipped
I'm so fucking hyped, bros.

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He says, desperately ignoring that the last two in a row have been a 3-0 sweep that proves this false. Time for a hat trick.

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We can meme it into reality bros

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Last European one went the way I described it.


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>Marina is 178cm (5'10")

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>aready spent money on some stuff so I can't buy a woomy
at least I got something cool

I want to kiss her tummy.

Attached: kiss the tum.jpg (2255x3220, 2.13M)

I don't know where people get the idea that woomy are supposed to be super short, they're more or less average female height

Attached: brellawoomy.png (555x640, 396K)

their proportions probably

Attached: 745.jpg (1280x720, 158K)

Ngyes are manlets tho.

Attached: pearlkimono.jpg (850x962, 132K)

They're 14 tho?

>those vagina bones
How the fuck did they get away with this?

Attached: I'M A LEMON.jpg (1720x3000, 858K)

Squids seem more or less fully grown physically by the time we see them, or at the very least 3 hasn't done a bit of growing in the two years between Splat1 and Splat2.

Squids are so beautiful

precious little creatures

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Squids have no bones.

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What weapon class should be abolished in 3 and why is it dualies.

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Doubtful anything will get outright deleted, Dualies do nee d abit of anerf though. Maybe make dodgerolls eat a large amount of your ink.

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If by "weapon class" you mean "map" and by "dualies" you mean "Moray Towers", then I agree.

>lawfag but all the characters I like are on chaos
what's a good law-abiding christian man to do

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You know the japs would never stand for that

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Hope you take lots of nice photos when it arrives

>bought the figmas

I'm too afraid I'll break them to do anything silly.

I got two in mind, I'll share them in a future thread. In the mean time here's one I found on /toy/.

Don't go ape on them and you should be fine.

Attached: 1559229180493.jpg (900x1199, 111K)

com. tartar
inklings are horrible, decadent creatures, somehow managing to be even more so than humans. return the world to ashes and be recreated in purity

>90 percent of squid merchandise not available in the US

Please Nintendo, stop neglecting us

Attached: poutypearl.jpg (850x1145, 138K)

Order, because I want Splatoon 3 to take place in a futuristic dystopia with sweet sweet techno inspired music and Marina as the villain overlord of modern society.

>villain overlord

That would be the most out of character thing I can possibly imagine for her.

Attached: IMG_0595.jpg (558x483, 47K)

90 percent of squid merchandise is not worth having, so it's not so bad.

She's like a muslim, peaceful when her people aren't in power. But as soon as the Octolings start to outnumber the Inklings... shit's gonna go down.

We display their decadence a billionfold. Pearl's concerts were as bad as tings ever got - compare her to GG Allin and you'll see what i mean.
And as hedonistic as they appear to be, it can in no way rival our own wickedness. We murder each other for fun and profit - knowing we have no respawners. We are motivated by greed, sadism and evil. they are only motivated by fun. They haven't raped and murdered entire cities in the name of emperors, nor have they systematically exterminated their own under a totalitarian regime. In fact, the closest thing to genocide they have ever experienced was all at the hands of one of our own creations who planned to bring his murderous plans worldwide, after having already murdered thousands personally.

Inklings and octolings are frivolous and full of levity, but that can hardly be conflated with evil. Not our particularly potent brand of evil, at least.

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Before the game's release I assumed Pearl and Marina were villains. I thought they had infiltrated Inkopolis news and replaced Callie and Marie to spread propaganda.

Attached: beeg.png (913x1177, 660K)

Chargers unironically

I'd say take away the second roll, and downgrade Tetras to a triple roll.
And turn Dual Squelcher back into a shooter, it is not fair to have that kind of range on top of a dodge roll

I can't imagine how it felt to be quite that wrong. Pearl is too dum to engineer any sort of scheme like that.

Attached: pearltrainingwheels.jpg (549x548, 29K)

Would you smooch a squid and or octo, Yea Forums? Because I would.

Attached: Cuteboye.webm (853x480, 1.92M)

I might if I knew I wasn't going to contract some horrible disease and/or poison

Member those custom squid threads? Post em.

Attached: squidfu.png (300x300, 69K)

Nice dude, they're really fun to have.

Same here at first but once you start, you don't want to put them down.

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I wonder if they'll end up playing Octo Expansion music during the splatfest.

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I hope they do something really unique for the final splatfest, it would suck to go out without a bang. I barely played the most recent splatfest, I need a gimmick to keep me invested for the whole 3 days

I appreciate this genuine reply to my shitpost. I guess their ignorance gives them some leave for lack of ambition, as opposed to being motivated by malice or desire
but know this, son of squid. this defeat does naught but delay the inevitable and prolong your meaningless suffering

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Sup bitches

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Attached: Bisketwoom.png (300x300, 72K)

>I need a gimmick to keep me invested for the whole 3 days
Every Shifty Station will show up, including a new one.


Attached: Marie Order.png (232x312, 160K)

She just looked like such an evil little race traitor. And I figured Marina would be a somewhat more reluctant octarian put in that spot thanks to her charisma.

Why are they already closing up with the splatfests if Splatoon 3 is no where on the Horizon? It's not like these things should be that hard to initiate.

She might be a race mixer but certainly no traitor

Attached: theyreinlesbians3.jpg (1080x1920, 314K)

It's hard to make these things stand up without their little stands; also Pink's leg fell off as soon as I opened the box, but I'm still glad they're here.

Attached: 20190614_221246.jpg (4032x2268, 2.78M)

Because they'll be announcing Splat3 (or some kind of spinoff) within the next few months, bank on it

happy girls

Attached: happy rina.jpg (1474x1087, 1.53M)

lewd girls

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Pink should be a bit darker IMO. Just a bit.

Pink should be the same tone as the Splatoon 2 amiibo and the boxart

Attached: 81UKXOLAGGL._SY445_[1].jpg (320x445, 34K)

>chaosfag but all the characters I like are order
I know the feel

Honestly kind of odd they changed it

Attached: woomypillow.jpg (1900x2050, 1.06M)

Lewd and happy girls

Attached: very happy rina.jpg (1920x1080, 221K)

Let's not get too crazy now

Attached: casualsnuggles.jpg (828x879, 112K)

okay, okay

Attached: 1532735697566.jpg (1200x1071, 307K)

I always found all the squid/octo shaped things in their world amusing, that would be like us having human shaped phones

Attached: agentselfie.png (1300x1190, 925K)

I think it was done only for the figmas just so it would be easier to swap out the parts between both figurines.
I own the other set of dressable girls and they come in darker shades.

Attached: DSCF1239.jpg (4596x1878, 1.17M)

How much would this cost

I would love to have a little gingerbread man looking phone.

Callie, Urchin, Iso Padre, Octavio and my favorite enemy unit. My one regret isMarina isn't on that team

Attached: I want to Crash myself.gif (300x300, 2.13M)

A lot.
I don't exactly remember how much I spent but easily close to $300 or more.

Attached: Dress-them-up.jpg (2222x5046, 1.56M)

Whoops, meant for (you)

I wish I had the extra cash to spend on woomy but I don't, I need more squid merch though.

Attached: gotcha.png (2024x1012, 1.24M)

Attached: barefoot bunga.jpg (1448x2048, 294K)

Woomy simultaneously melts my heart and terrifies me

Attached: IMG_0434.png (600x600, 122K)

It's a dangerous path I suggest not going down.
I have a serious problem.

Attached: The gangs all here.jpg (4608x3456, 3.59M)

Fearsome or not, they're far too lovable for me to be afraid.

Attached: DmkVvQ_UwAA7UF4.jpg (1536x2048, 220K)

blood for the blood god

Yeah the only thing I have is one of those pillows, sountrack CDs and all the Splat1 amiibos (not counting the recolors). I want some plushies to take silly photos with however.

Why is the squid so angery

Attached: 1528247669036.png (868x634, 237K)

This. And frankly absence makes the heart grow fonder. I missed Splatoon 1 and Splatoon 2 was truely epic on major levels because of it. But fuck if I am gonna miss Marina and Pearl.

the plushies are adorable little bastards aren't they? Have mine on my shelf

>tfw no adorable woom to raise as a daughter

It hurts my soul

Attached: woomybuckets.jpg (2480x3338, 550K)

She's not getting as many pets as this octo.

Attached: sea_fren.webm (718x404, 2.74M)

I used to have a shit ton of vidya plushies until one day the box they were in got lost in a move I made, probably lost 30 or more

feels bad man

Attached: DlxoSvdV4AEipoV.jpg (768x1024, 65K)

Cephs are dum as hell so you'd have to take extra care to steer them right.

Attached: veemoflowercrown.png (1500x1668, 847K)

daughterfags are creepier than waifufags

no pepsi


I wanna woomy their woomby

>ywn have a ceph daughter
>ywn see that happy look on her face when you get her something new from Sheldon's for her birthday
>ywn cheer for her during her games
>ywn pick her up after the game and take her out for snacks at Sean's

Attached: little woomer.jpg (2200x2700, 329K)

Then she shall have pepsi

Attached: bepis.jpg (1392x2048, 2.06M)

It's definitely fun to mess around with them. I can't wait to get the Pearl and Marina plushies.

Damn, sorry to hear that.

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What's Marie plotting

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Attached: nibbl the muffin.png (700x530, 162K)

Nibbles are fine

Attached: veemonibble.png (800x800, 366K)

nice to see a good splat thread after the nightmare that took place last time

Attached: Callie 3.0.webm (510x520, 2.93M)

nee bol

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Attached: 1541929303165.gif (128x128, 29K)

god thats some good stuff there, all ive got is all the splatoon amiibos minus the splat 2 inklings. seeing that makes me want more

Attached: 1551070262153.jpg (1146x1268, 95K)

Our one baiting friend was back for that one it seemed

Attached: dissatisfaction.jpg (250x214, 8K)

i dont get why people actually give them the time of day, unless it's them replying to themselves which makes it even more sad, but i wouldn't put it past the 'tism that goes on here

Attached: 1550727588321.jpg (819x926, 75K)

How would you spice up splatoon's core formula?
i was thinking something along the lines or omni-directional swimming: you can ink anywhere, including ceilings, and can swim there, but can only stand if it's your ink. The second you hit enemy ink or your ink's boundary, you fall like a rock

Attached: goglbeeb.jpg (1024x885, 200K)

Allow Ninja Squid to work when climbing walls.

This should come in handy

Attached: break glass in case of autistic nutcase.jpg (1324x757, 380K)

Part of me thinks walls and verticality in level design would be fun, but then I think of Moray and it gives me pause.

But it would ensure chargers and backliners don't get a free get out of jail card when they have everyone on the ground in their sight. Moray's just a mess that ensures that no one without range goes unpunished. This would add a caveat to any ranged advantage, and it won't give front liners a get out of jail free card either, because now they can be flanked from above.

>almost to X rank for the first time

God I'm so close I can almost taste it

Attached: dirty barnicles.png (360x271, 58K)

What mode?

I want more, it's never enough for me. But importing and scalpers are a bitch, so that's the only thing that makes me reconsider getting everything available.

Attached: Im_trying_to_buy_Sheldon_out.jpg (4608x2724, 1.46M)

Tower control. Helps that the game jumped me up from s+1 to 6 for some reason.

Attached: vhvghv.png (1052x744, 1.34M)

You can get all four user! We believe in you!

Attached: pompoms.jpg (2894x4093, 903K)

>A special jump out of ink in squid form that goes higher and farther than a regular jump.
>When you jump in squidform onto an inked wall you can immediately jump off the wall for a ton of speed and distance.
>Have a second special ink container that shoots ink that gives you a bonus when you stand/swim on it.

There's always someone new around here. Always someone who hasn't learned better.

My name is Lou Ciffere Andy I personally support chaos

thanks for saving that. when that user replied to me with that i meant to save a screenshot of it but never got around to it

Attached: 1551087289153.png (629x684, 179K)

Not too shabby for someone who just got this about 2 months ago.way easier than splatoon 1 s+ I don't want to deal with clam blitz?

I really hope we don't get brown ink again for the Splatfest. You can't see that shit on a good portion of the maps.

Attached: eysUYY9.png (953x568, 456K)

Looks like it might be a gold vs silver color split

Attached: 75169336_p0.png (1622x2427, 2.8M)

its either black/white or gold/silver probably

God I'm still upset over everything they cut from that fucking game.

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Attached: PEARL.jpg (1920x1080, 147K)

I sure hope so, even the mocha color with the time travel / teleportation splatfest didn't have enough contrast.
Unrelated, does anybody have the sauce for this image?

Attached: 1557811851379.png (779x1200, 1.33M)

Normally, I would go order because ''good guy'' , but think about it, Splatoon lore is very dark, it fits much more to have it, plus more sexier clothes.

It's also worth mentioning that Marina sucks while Pearl in the other hand has a lot of SOUL


>Marina sucks

You'll upset Pearl with that kind of talk

Attached: marinasnuggle.jpg (901x849, 118K)

Octo daughter best daughter, bitches.

Order, for my baby. Everything for her.

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Hey Octo daughter poster. Haven't seen you in a bit.

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It's been like 3 days, bro.

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cute daughter

you didnt miss much

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I know, that's why I said a bit.

Yeah, we had one thread yesterday, but it wasn't very good.

it was shit tier. unicorn vs narwhal bad

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I honestly do think we ought to take a three or four day break after this one.

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i'd have to agree HNNNNGH

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>What are these squids running from?
>They're not!
>They're running to the world's toughest competition in town!

Good point, I read that in my mind as "while".

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fuck that show was so good

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I take an inordinate amount of pleasure in eating something I cooked myself, I gotta say

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theres always this special sense of satisfaction in actually cooking something beyond mac n cheese or burnt toast

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Order for sexy black octo and Marie

>This week, worlds collide as chaotic buffoons take on orderly goons!
>It's the classic battle of discord and disarray, versus all work and no play!
>And now here's a pair that always compares and constrasts, Callie and Marie!

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i need to expand my repertoire. still been mostly basic foods so far but I'm learning bit by bit.

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so callie is kenny blankenship and marie is vic romano right? who would the other agents be? the people who sit around them? or the people who go against the contestants in tug of war and such

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The right side of history

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Do you think they'll keep having the old Agents cameo in the campaigns?

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Probably. Especially since next game will certainly be a power struggle between the two sides.

Oh fuck I might have to choose Order now

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I'd like to think they can be some of the regular minor characters like Danny Glands, or some of the sumo wrestlers like Purple Package, Green Teabagger, or Golden Shower Boy.

I hope so, I want to see what my little girl gets up to in the future.

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it's sold out and all, right? I didnt really know about it until a few weeks ago and wish I knew from the moment preorders went up

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Back to that all too familiar problem of needing to go to bed for work but not being tired in the slightest

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that makes sense

i certainly hope so

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Imagining seeing agent 3 and 8 just fighting side by side on little side missions

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havent tried meds yet?

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Not yet no, I really need to. Thankfully my work day starts a couple of hours later today than it has been so it won't be quite as rough as it could have been.

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There will be an update after the final splatfest.

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I had that problem last night. Good luck, user.

>you're adventuring in your own in levels
>you can see 3 and 8 having buddy combat in the far distance
No fair.

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get on it when you can, it really helps. im gonna head off myself, see ya frens. heres a nogami for the road

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I love this goofball. Sleep well.

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>look at them long enough and they start waving at you like the idols will do.

I wouldn't survive such an event. It'd be tantamount to attempted murder.

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I'll power through it like I always do either way so I'm not stressing too hard.

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Chaos because I want to fight some fucking Salmonids for real
Fuck this egg collecting nonsense I want to go to war

are you still here, user? where do you usually go to buy your stuff? I want that orange woomy girl figure

The cutest.

I wish I had your confidence. Last night I was trying my damndest to fall asleep despite zero disturbance and a supremely comfy bed.

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I mean I[m not confident in my ability to fall asleep but I am confident in my ability to power through the following day of work. Also I just realized I need to wash my clothes for work so I'm stuck being awake another hour or so regardless

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We definitely have that in common. I've always managed, even if it isn't easy. Going through a whole work day on 1-2 hours of sleep is hell.

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It's not healthy but it's my life, more or less.

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Precious little octopus

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Those are some titanic floppers woom

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thank you for the webm as always

You work with what you've got. At least we try to enjoy it with squids and octos.

The most precious little thing.

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tranny aco thread, go back to aco


It is indeed what it is. Making the best of it for whatever future might come is more productive than sitting around lamenting what might have been or dreading what bad thing might happen next, I've learned. Even if that becomes difficult at times.

niggerling faggerling butterling nutterling suckerling fuckerling chuckerling buckerling islam is the light vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

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You okay user? We need to call an ambulance?

Joke's on you, I can do all 3 at once!

>islam is the ligh
user, I trusted you!

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Are you alright?

Post funny webms of people getting their shit pushed in.

Attached: RODA ROLLA DA.webm (1280x720, 1.21M)

presently sneederling's

user just had an epiphany and needs some paper towels

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The time for the end of all things shall soon be upon us

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I think the squid kids got to him
Thanks Doc

Absolute Order

Excuse you, this is dog town.

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I want to see what a squid mother looks like


Cat vs Dog is the only Splatfest they did twice if memory serves

Love vs Money


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There's been multiple repeats, and I'm sure cats and dogs wasn't one of them.

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>all babysitting their one egg
Fuck me, this hurts to look at.

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Was half right, they did it in NA first them the other regions later

What the fuck, Europe

>love won both times

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I would lament for humanity if money had won either one, fuck greedfags

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It's strong and it's sudden and it's cruel sometimes. But it might just save your life.

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Glad to have been on the winning side both times.

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Shut up gremlin

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Love conquers all

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Should I have a Woomy daughterwife or a Veemo daughterwife?

Technically I wasn't there the first time since I didn't have a jap Wii U, but I was with them in spirit.

Octo is for daughter only.

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Yes. Daughter.



Attached: Dp3kqSsUUAAVGy3.png (800x867, 737K)

Does not compute. Woomy is for daughter
Callie is for wife

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I want so many squid spinoffs. Rythmn game, full 3D platformer challenge game, hell I'd even play a Splatoon VN.

You're not getting this.

The lack of a rhythm game is a huge mystery to me. One of the series' biggest selling points is the soundtrack.

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That does sound nice, but I'm a one-woomy or one-veemo man.

>I'd even play a Splatoon VN.
No, bad user
[rolled up newspaper.]
No seriously, gacha is the absolute last thing we need, and a VN will open the floodgates fast.

Attached: I will ensure that none know peace.png (500x700, 178K)

Rhythm game that develops the various in game bands and their backstories. Win win.

Splatoon gacha would be the end of me, I would never be able to resist.

I hate to break it to you user, but a Splatoon gacha is far more likely to happen than a VN anyway.

user just think about the .pngs you could have a chance to get
Christmas Woomy
Beach Woomy
Fancy Dress Woomy
even Pajama Woomy
that's not even mentioning the possibility of crossover woomies

Please don't say things like this. it hurts me inside. I feel like I'm being told jokes about my loved ones dying in horrible ways.

>each band gets their own story route
>different variations on getting their big break in the business
>see the various relationships form while playing along to those bodacious tunes
>the very last and most difficult stage is Squid Sisters
Fund it.

>I would never be able to resist.
I would never spend money, but I would probably download it day one.

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I didn't say I wanted it user, I really don't. I just know I'm a weak willed bitch when it comes to squids.

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octoling alt skins pls

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Well I'm gonna try and turn in for the night, later folks

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You must fortify yourself.
Go to /vg/, read the fate threads and granblue threads. You will know just how deep the rabbithole goes, and the neetbux these game prey on.

>fighter pack is all brand new franchises
>no plans for fighter pack 2
>zero word on possible echo freebies
It's not happening, no matter how bad we want it.

Good night, user.

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Team Order. Just feels right given Octolings seem to be mechanically inclined and machines tend to be associated with order. Octo hair when?

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naughty squid

Chocolate squid cunny!

Never said echo. A skin is far easier to make.

No more updates after July. The dream is dead, we gotta wait until Splatoon 3.

That probably has even lower priority.

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Would more than likely be an Echo since it'd play just like an Inkling while abusing the "Weapon" types with an Octo Shoot and Octo Brush instead of the roller and Splattershot.
Hopefully, when i saw the concept art for it I instantly knew my Octoling had to have it.

>Want to vote for pearl
>also want team chaos to loose so Marina wil get pwned in the next game
What to do?

Only edgy 14 y/o go for Chaos. Silly revolutionaries wannabe who think they're being hardcore and making a change. Order is the true way to go, society can only thrive under laws and regulations, disregarding feelings or whatever petty reasons one may have to try and go against them.

I didn't realize I had entered a time vortex and got sent 10 years into the past.

Why was an Anklet added into the game?

Attached: anklet_octo.png (1280x720, 1.1M)

Agent 3, I love RBF and the cool/reserved archetype in general.
My gf has a RBF but she's the sweetest thing ever, that's why I love it so much

Because feetsies, user

Confess your splat-sins, child

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I have only and will forever only play with Dualies. Any non-dualies use come from Salmon Run, the base game and Octo Expansion. My Octo is forever bound to Dualies. Why can't I convince myself to use any other weapon?

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Use ballpoint
You'll be considered somewhat less of a scrub while still being effective.


this shit got me to S+9 in rainmaker and tower control holy shit

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One last try before sleep. Good night, Yea Forums.

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Euro time now
post dem' favorite kits

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Tfw your broke-ass only gets to join this game once it's finally ending

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>Last Splatfest just in the next month
This cannot be the end of Splatoon 2!
There'll be Splatoon 3, r-right?

Considering the last one you still have a while to go before it dies.

someone post that sad veemo picture doing fun things with her old sanitized friend.

That picture is bad because it makes me sad.

The team working on Splatoon is also working on the new Animal Crossing. It's a possibility they might resume updates once that's released. (I completely doubt it). Although considering this game sold about 9 million copies worldwide, also all the merchandise, I could totally see Nintendo wanting to release a sequel sometime in the future.

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Guh huh

it'll stay active for a good while. Splatoon 1 was still fairly active even after 2 came out


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>Agent 8 is looking again at 3
what's her deal? she's the roomate of 4, not 3.

It's called love.

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it's only one sided.


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Woudn't she get infected if she kiss him?


Why is there so many LGBT shit in splat2?i don't remember that in splat 1, i hope the kids are affected by it...

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making the plaza posts linked to twitter was a bad idea

>linked to twitter
what? aren't those post just made with the touchscreen of the switch?


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All Splatoon fans are pedos. Prove me wrong.

What's your point?

How are you fucks still talking about WOOMIES?

Those are usually sold as a box of 8 pieces, (4 figurines, 4 alternative clothing sets) but you can buy them individually. The first ones I got were at a con and I bought a few. To compete the set though, I had to scour ebay. I'm able to buy complete sets on Japanese toy sites, I use amiami.
Be prepared to spend a lot if you only want to buy just 1, scalpers tend to really over value them.

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squids are cool

At least the thread lasted till morning

I'm surprised there's no Splatoon mobile game yet since Japan loves them so much

Because I like the designs and the game