Prime 4

now's your chance, user

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what the fuck have these clowns been doing for the past 5 years

My time to shine.

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I was gonna say Tripocal Freeze but then remembered, yeah, it has been half a decade since that hame came out.

it's because nintendo were idiots and handed Prime 4 to an incompetent studio before Retro, which wasted years of development

art director is different from a character designer, rarely does the AD actually do the art, they're only in charge of making sure other artists are staying consistent

Whoever they hire should make sure we get environments like this. Metroid isn't bland, it should be weird.

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Reminder nintendo tricked people into buying a switch for the game by showing a logo in 2017.

Cancelled project.

art directors don't actually do art, they're required to understand how to do art, but they don't actually do art, only check on the actual artists to make sure the art is quality and consistent across the board.

feels like retro can only deliver when nintendo keeps a tight leash on them. Everything they worked on besides metroid and dk ended up cancelled

they just got it recently

Who determines what that consistency would look like? The art direction for the project, one could say?

That doesn't mean they weren't good/didn't have potential, to be fair. This is Nintendo we're talking about. Retro could have struck video game gold for all we know but it seems like their projects always get thrown away.

You’re probably right.

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thank you so much for posting this image. I have it set as my psp wallpaper but couldn't find it again. is there a higher Rez version somewhere?

Probably the lead artist(s). Then under them are the people who actually do the character and environmental designs. Game development has gotten so complex these days. We joke about movie games but it really is like making a movie. These specialized teams are huge, often times having more on board than films actually.

eh idk about that. Nintendo has been pretty open about trying new IPs like splatoon or arms. Hell they even funded that dumpster fire action game from itagaki. Whatever retro was working on was probably godawful to end up shelved

A question for game development experts: shouldn't an art director work on a project right since the very start of it (concept arts/drafts etc.)? Is this a sign that they still have to begin development of this game?

>art directors don't actually do art

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the lead artists and the game's general director, the game director has the vision of the game so they'd know what they imagine the game looks like, the art director is in charge of making sure everything lines up with the main director's vision and that the required art is coming out at a good rate.

when you're EXCLUSIVELY the art director, some people wear many hats, but if you're literally JUST the art director, you don't. Soejima is the Persona art director, but he's also the character designer so he still has to draw the characters.
This artist has done lots of other great work too.

They're not fully staffed yet? I don't often say this, but yikes...

lol they dont even have an art director yet
Prime 4 is 4 years away

how the fuck do you go from a top tier game like tropical freeze to something "godawful"

I don't buy it

Retro without Japanese supervision has never been able to do SHIT

Remember the metroid 2 remake?
Thats the only good game those spic devs will ever make.

why wouldn't they have japanese supervision for their new project, it doesn't make sense

>Tripocal freeze
Lmao that would be the perfect title for Tropical Freeze 3

No nintendo IP means way less interference from Japan, if at all.
Metroid and DK though you bet those nips were breathing down their necks daily

if their new project was a brand new IP they probably weren't being supervised nearly as closely

God imagine trekking through an environment like that, scanning everything while a track like this plays in the background.

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We've never even seen an attempt. I feel like Nintendo's racism is keeping Retro down.

We know retro spend their money on hookers for years when they were first bought and never produced anything worth showing by themselves

That's the dream

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At least 2 cancelled projects given how development works, maybe more, Nintendo and Retro probably have one of the most fucked relations between developer studio and owner company of the entire industry.

Yeah but those guys back then are different from the guys we have now, the ones who make Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze.

something worth covering up here

If that's the case, how come we've never heard or seen what they were working on. You'd think someone who have leaked it out. Also, why did they give Metroid Prime 4 to them if they had to can their last project. Wished retarded journos asked about this instead of crunch over and over after Reggie already gave them an answer.

Nintendo gave the first Metroid Prime to them even though they had a bunch of cancelled projects.

Man, I just want to SEE it

Amazing professionals can produce shit all the time. They need good direction to get them to actually make gold. Think about Sony Pictures, they went from Emoji Movie to Spiderverse because they got good people in charge.

>Studio doesn't even have an art director
this game won't launch until 2022 fucking KEK

>Think about Sony Pictures, they went from Emoji Movie to Spiderverse because they got good people in charge.
That's not equivalent. Sony Pictures is just the publisher. It's more like getting a good coach for a football team.

It's ded user. If they did show it during E3 then never ever

>why did they give Metroid Prime 4 to them if they had to can their last project
nintendo explained that actually, don't remember if it was tanabe or someone else. It was retro who approached them with a prototype for prime 4 which they approved, so the project was given to them

i think it will show up in the next direct

That's just fucking hilarious. This game probably won't see a release until 2022. I'd be impress if they can get it by 2021.
I'll laugh even more if Sylux's "story" is dropped altogether.

the secrecy behind the happenings at retro are one of the most interesting things in video games to me. they seem to be a very good development studio but they're trapped into only working on nintendo ips for some reason.

what does this have to do with retro/nintendo?

there were like 2 ex-retro studios members working on that game, so microsoft advertised it "from the makers of metroid prime", idiots fell for it

>I'll laugh even more if Sylux's "story" is dropped altogether
I hope they drop that stupid shit, sylux is trash but for whatever reason tanabe has a hardon for him

a couple of the ex janitors of retro's hq worked on recore

>they're trapped into only working on nintendo ips for some reason.
Could it be that... they're actually owned... by Nintendo...? :o

established nintendo IPs. there, is that better for you, peanut?

samus doesn't look like that i allways hated the way is portrayed in this guy's style and people were like "now thats how samus looks like" no you stupid idiots

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every time they tried to make their own shit they failed

Okay. Just because it's Retro, and I'm about as hyped as you are. Still better be fucking crazy for 5 whole years of dev time

I just want to know more about why things are going so terribly wrong

I'm pretty sure their problem is that they keep cycling out good employees and Nintendo hates that about them. Or maybe they're just not as competent as people make them out to be.