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Other urls found in this thread:

it will be down to 600 in a month

Oh look it's the same game again with a different skin
I can't wait to play it!
There are 3 identical versions of this game so far
And it gets boring really fast
The balance is not good enough for it to be fun in the long run
It needs constant updates like fortnite to continue to be relevant


Why are valve so fucking shameless?

So who did it first? auto chess then riot then valve?

>Riot pays people to play their games
>Valve doesn't
>Surprised when one gets higher viewcount than the other

I'm a firm believer that if you need to pay someone to enjoy something then it's absolutely irredeemable garbage. Look at shit like Atlas, Anthem, Apex, that they paid streamers to play and were DOA or are dying. Good games don't need to pay people to say they're good

first the auto chess guy, jewben tried to buy him out, he fucked over to epic, riot then jumped on the auto chess wagon, jewben rushed a mobile gacha copy of auto chess, riot released their version and it looks litereally much better than this underlords bullshit, the epic version will get all the zoomer with fortnite lore and kill underlords for good

Apex died (is dying) because they have a retarded fucking roadmap.
>lmao lets only add one new character a season
>lmao lets only bugfix and balance once every few months
>lmao lets only add 2 new guns a season
>wtf why's our game dying?????

It's almost like even the Dota fanbase itself doesn't give two shits for spinoffs when they'd be happier with more frequent hero releases, going back to Diretide, non-ludicrously expensive Compendiums and fixing the fucking custom game arcade.
It's almost like they should can both this and Artifact and focus on making Dota itself better, as well as not treating their other games like shit.

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But they are just regular league streamers that play their new game

Just wait awhile and they will go down a bit, but TFT will always be higher viewers. League is just more popular than Dota.

jewben trying to buy jewchink who went to another jewchink money.

the lol version is actually the most chink version

Wait, league autochess is called teamfight tatics? Fucking really?


>rest and piss

can't wait to see what shitty take on autochess blizzard is gonna shit out for $60 in a year when all the hype is already gone

isn't the LoL one currently out for everyone? While the dota one doesn't release for a few more days lol?

op ur so silly


i don't know how or why chinese gamers enjoy this thing so much

the gaming culture there is 100% based around gambling and spending money on cosmetics

i don't really get it either, it's super pea-brained

TFT is in closed beta

You need a PBE account which requires Honor 3. So either way you have to buy access to get into either game. Regardless, its viewers. People want to watch the new thing instead of the old thing. TFT will always be more popular but not more popular than fucking Fortnite and actual League.

What the fuck is Teamfight Tactics?
What the fuck is Dota Underlords?

Yeah man this shit sucks, i tough lol was going to finally die but damn dota 2 is so good and thats the only reason they can get away with this garbage.

based cocky bro

I don't know what you expect from literal rats

Can someone update an old man that doesn't follow twitch meme games?

wanted to open a thread but i saw this one

have some betas fags


i'm pretty hype for tft too

Attached: underlords.jpg (1200x800, 256K)


Thanks, I'll never install it.

any game that needs to regularly add content to keep people playing is shit. Which means all BR games are shit.

This, fuck Valve, fuck Riot and fuck Epic.

It's a deck building game but instead of cards you use figurines that fight on a board all by themselves. The point is managing your team composition to get synergy between character abilities and make the team stronger. Eventually, through all players in a match fighting each other constantly, losing players are removed until only the strongest teams remain and the last one standing wins.


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>It needs constant updates like fortnite to continue to be relevant
Stupid fucking zoomer.

They fired all their old staff and switched to trying to generate cash instead of good games

Lmao called this shit. Dota's most prominent presence in twitch is esports while League has built up its brand of big dick streamers for years. Pair that up with League's playerbase and this is all but a foregone conclusion.

Though personally I do hope TFT doesn't completely win. Competition is always good at the end of the day.

Quality editing job

>streamers decide what game is best
Why are there so many fucking zoomers here all of a sudden?

This, the only dota "pro" (retired for years now) that plays dota chess is admiral bulldog, dota pros barely fucking stream.

A lot of them do stream, just not on twitch. Twitch is a leftist authoritarian shithole.

Like it or not a game getting more than a 100k views on twitch is big. And don't go to me and say BUT MUH APEX and all that shit. This is Riot. They can shit out updates to keep people interested for weeks if they want to. And they probably will.

Now you can see why Valve designed mobile version first. Because TFT is going to dominate PC.



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Please tell me how its fun to play when you know what units are strong and build around and it becomes repeat every game with little variety other than if you get the units or someone else does

I honestly don't understand why TFT is so popular. Underlords is clearly better. TFT looks like absolute ass you can't even tell heroes apart they all look the same. Combat looks and feels like shit too.

Fuck Dota, Valve needs to can Artifact, Underlords AND Dota in favor of Team Fortress 2.

>2 years later

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>wc3 came out, dota got popular and league of legends copied it
>some guy copies a wc3 pokemon map and turns it into auto chess, valve makes a stand alone, lol copies them again

lmao, dota can't catch a break. Constantly BTFO by based league.

It's a new game so it has interest on it's first publications no matter what. It also has sponsored streams making it even more of an artificial number and not representative of sincere interest.
Of course, you being a zoomer have absolutely no understand of marketing or the reason why people refer to streamers as """influencers""".

Almost 200k viewers it's still huge way more than anyone expected

It won't be another artifact, but it is releasing against stiff competition and Valve has a lot of other things on their plate as well (namely their 'flagship' VR game also intended to release this year).

>what is rng?
>what are balance changes?
>card games? those don't exist

Valve already said Underlords will have seasons and hero rotations to keep it fresh.

Underlords flopping is a good thing because that's one step closer to Valve officially deciding to cancel Dota 2 services. Valve needs to stop giving Dota 2 any development time at all.

What the fuck are you smoking Dota is bigger than ever

That's the problem. It don't deserve to live. It deserves to die and perish.

Just accept it my dear little valve drone.

Underlords is going to hide in mobile until TFT inevitably comes to mobile as well. But hey look on the brught side, Epic made a massive fuck up getting exclusivity rights from Drodo.

VaIvedrones are the worst, even worse than Snoys.

this autochess shit is super boring

>kripp is playing this shit

Valve should just cancel Underlords and make actual video games instead.

>the company that discussed with the creators of the game and tried to hire them but were declined but given permission to make their own take on it is shameless
>the company that just independently ripped it all off after having founded their entire company on ripping off dota to begin with isn't shameless
LoLbabby riotdrone detected

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without playing league since season 2 and still playing dota 2 to this day TT is so much better simply because the UI in underlords fucking blow ass
you have no idea what's going on and you can hardly tell, also you get a fucking headache if you play for a few hours because of the perspective. Despite me not knowing any of the abilities I can easily tell what's going on in TT fights.
With that being said though I'm not gonna play the more popular one since I'll only play it for an hour or so when I wait for something else, i'll just stick to underlord and hope the servers stay up
Valve needs to stop trying to make games or hire new people, wtf are they doing

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he's obviously getting paid that fucker doesn't move a finger without a paycheck

Riot Games are just being fierce and powerful chad competitors. Meanwhile, Valve are just worthless virgin bitches who gets raped by a thousand dicks up the ass on a daily basis.

>hi guys introducing our brand new revolutionary auto chess except no item lol they are lame

>well there is rng
yea so it is just a slot machine for millenials.

Tell me, lolbabs, why does one of the ugliest motherfuckers on earth call himself "I'm a qt pie"?

Valve is always a day late and a dollar short.

Valve's came first you retard

Reckful asked which game chat likes better and TFT is winning by like 90%

Valve is fucked

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So what, doesn't excuse Valve's laziness.

>they made the board smaller so you can see the buy options at all times
Wow, such innovation.

I'd rather TFT win than Epic Games' Autochess.

Both the announcement and release for valve's auto chess came before it riot's did

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Valve came first by the same logic that LoL came before Dota 2.
Eat shit.

Valves attempt looks like a shitty mobile game, what lol devs did looks like a proper PC game.
Valve is fucking dead as a game developer.

>nooo its paid reply

>twitch chat for anything

how long until blizzard comes up with their own shitty autochess ripoff?

Valve are virgins. Riot are chads.


Isnt the original Dota Auto Chess still the largest one?
Doesnt it mean Valve still has the advantage?

Someone playing PBE pm me your cuck Underlords key thx


But you'll never understand. Its 2019 and you're still fucking valve drones.

TFT are actually made by soulful professionals. Underlords, on the other hand, are made by soulless troglodytes.

>Valve makes so much money with steam that they could make as many games as they wanted virtually risk-free
>instead they decide to not make jackshit and watch their brand-value go down the drain instead

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I see my name! POGGY

Yeah and ask people if they prefer fortnite on a fortnite stream,or if they prefer pubg on a pubg stream ...oh i wonder what will chat answer

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Why the fuck is this the only thread about it? I fucking swear Yea Forums it's like you're all hipsters that all actively go against the grain.

Almost 200k people watching on twitvh yet only one thread not even talking about the game. God damn cucks talking about Bloodstained instead.

Just look at this shit, what the fuck is this.

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Valve doesn't give a shit game revenue is such a small part of their business now.

he was playing dota underlords on stream for a while before TFT came out

fuck off, nikolapetrov

It's a brand new fucking game not like there are TFT fanboys. People are just picking what they like best.

this is like a Dota streamer asking whether League or Dota is better.

Steam's brand value is also at risk. It will be associated with losers and failures like Valve. There's a reason why Steam is dying and is proejcted to be dead in two years.

>Valve releases their auto chess clone, removes courier from the formula
>Riot releases their auto chess clone, adds couriers which LOL has never had

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Reckful isn't a League streamer. He actually streamed Underlords for the last few days and before that he just played the Dota mod.

Most people agree on League being better because it's made by chads while Dota is made by virgins.

Steam literally never stops growing

Valve is a communistic company and like any communistic shithole it will fail eventually.

Yeah regular League streamers like DisguisedToast, Recktful and Kripp.
May 21st
June 10th

Fuck off retard

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Why is there no color in TFT in the environment, the UI, or the unit's models? Everything is just a bland blur of blahness. It's soulless.

Riot > Valve

but if you look at twitch chat user it is way more likely that they play lol than dota no?

We dont talk about twitch here

>Announcements are release dates now

the absolute state of the valve drone


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based retard

>Stream a game.
>Ask if people currently watching like the current game or it's competition better.
>Surprise it's the game they are currently streaming.

Doesn't matter, it's a LoL stream right now
If you ask people watching the LoL minigame if they prefer the LoL minigame, most of them are gonna say yes

Say goodbye to your steam library Ming.

Why would I talk about Underlords? I haven't even played it or seen footage of it. I am just here to shit on it because Valve is still refusing to focus completely on Team Fortress 2.


A. We're not talking about just release dates, we're talking about who's the shameless cloner here and it's Riot
B. TFT just went playable today and Underlords has been available for almost a week you absolute fucking retard

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because it's based off the modern League design which looks exactly the same.

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Auto chess is just speed up gacha for casuals.

>shameless cloner
>underlords is just a clone of dotachess

how redundant

you're just mad that valve's the fucking loser again


game is deader than ever lmao.

God why is this garbage replacing BR?

What timeline did I hop into that a fucking slot machine pvp auto battler is the next big thing?

funny how some of you diehard contrarians try your damnedest to reject twitch and its cultural influence on this board. It's inevitable, better start embracing it right now

I know you're obviously trolling but it's just because there is literally nothing to fucking discuss about these games. once you've played it once all you really have left to do is look up optimal builds. games that fall into this category literally go on

League has always been the Chad to Dota 2's Virgin. We've been shitting on Dotafags for almost a decade now. It's only right we'd do the same for a whole new genre too.

it's summer and Dota is still dying
valve is fucked as a company

VaIvefags are nothing but insecure little creatures who will always live in the shadows of their betters. Good thing they will never get to procreate.

/vg/ was a mistake.

Three of them combined wouldn't give underlords more viewers than teamfight tactics

Dota is literally dead right now, are you retarded.

>moving the goal posts THIS fucking hard
A clone of a clone is more shameless than a clone user
You might actually have brain damage

I've never played League of Legends (~7k registed hours in Dota 2, more with streaming, alts etc) but the Riot game looks miles ahead of Valve's. Valve has no talent left, it was clear as water when they were hiring Campo Santo's shitters while the old writers left the company.

There's only 2 ways Valve can salvage itself at this point: 1) they fire the people who keep cockblocking games on Steam and let it actually host h-games and whatnot, force themselves into creating decent filtering tools and whatnot, private playing mode etc. Or 2) they fire the people who don't want to work on games, hire people who do and start making games again. They keep half assing shit and they're losing their foothold every day. They already damaged their reputation a lot over the years (I remember in 2013, if you said anything even remotely negative about Valve, there'd be 20 replies trying to counter it).

Steambux is easy money, and lots of it, but they're digging their own grave. That flat management shit is driving the company in the ground and Gabe Newell is too old/rich to care. He should sell it to someone else or at least hire someone else to lead the company.

Isnt Underlords still in "paid beta" for people with battle passes, while Teamfight Tactics is completely free for all already?

>moving the goal posts

whatever helps you and your valve stockholm syndrome

valve is never going to get better, they're always going to be a joke


>no argument
Thanks for admitting you were wrong!

Good, we need more and more of these zoomer containment games.
Keep'em coming.

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So i think its a bit unfair comparing number just yet
Newsflash: Both suck


We need Gayben eliminated. He's pretty much the underlying reason why Valve only has mobile-tier developers right now. We also need Valve Index destroyed. There's hoping that a lightning strike hits Valve's servers and all of their VR data is wiped out of existence with no way to recover it all, giving them no choice but to completely abandon VR forever.

It's technically in league's PBE server. But yes, considering how big league's playerbase is that's still a fuckton.

How does that matter at all, when the Riot game looks so much better?

Also, your argument sort of implies the opposite, which is, people should be more willing to watch a game in "closed" beta because they can't play it. Yet the League game has 5x the viewers Underlords has.

Valve has lost it, they just haven't realized it yet because of all the rent-seeking they get with Steam.


You pretty much just play economy every time and you'll land in top 4. Gotten pretty bored at this point

When will they realise that no one gives a fuck about Dota?

you still have to have a lv 30 league account i think

Even if their VR garbage was destroyed (I own the HTC Vive, the best game was a futa japanese game I bought on dlsite), it wouldn't matter. The problem is that Valve is a badly managed company, who also no longer has all the special talent they had in the early 00s. They need to fire people (Campo Santo rejects etc) and improve their management. If their VR stuff went to shit tomorrow, they'd just produce MORE SHIT.

anyone got a beta key?

No they don't?
most pros could give 0 fucks about streaming nowadays since theyre either sick of the game because of constant qualifiers/majors/scrims or busy with said reasons, the only pro who streams constantly nowadays is eternalenvy whos a bitch and mason who while based he's boring if he's not raging.



I've never heard of either of these games. What are they even about? Battle Royale?

there aren't keys you dumpass

underlords copied autochess but had none of the soul
>only one comp viable still after the nerfs
>no courier
>mobile is the priority
>no voice lines
>downgraded graphics
>ui is awful
i think tft looks like ass, but that's because league is an incredibly ugly game, so anything based off of that is gonna be gross, but their game already has more soul than underlords, and this is coming from a dota fag

>making people pay for the beta
god Valve is so fucking scummy

Second key worked, thanks.
Suck my dick, fag.

The amount of streamers playing a game honestly matters more than the amount of viewers if we're going to use this as a model to gauge game success.

Hey ex-LoL Dotard here. This discussion about autobattlers is nice and all but what the fuck have they done to /ourguy/ Mordekaiser? He looks like generic edgy OC #1341 whilst his old model was a sort cool heavy metal spell caster.

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Why does a different gamemode on the same client get it's own twitch category? it's because riot paid them, so riot could pay the streamers so they could take this picture

We need to pray for laws that force Valve to be bought up by companies like EA or Activision who will force them to work. A slave driver who will take away Valve's precious snack bar and whip them into working day and night on video games, and nothing but video games. No development on Steam shit allowed, no development on Dota shit allowed, no development on VR shit allowed. Only video games. Valve should not enjoy shit, they should understand that they're there to make video games, and if they don't, they can kiss their job and salary goodbye forever. That's the ideal timeline.

It's funny. Dota got popular because of the gameplay, which has been progressively ruined by Valve and Reddit, with the last 6month or so numbers only ticking up because of AutoChess.

Dota has no iconic character designs (outside of Tidehunter and Skeleton King, RIP). No waifus, nothing. The esports side of it is also a mess because Valve doesn't want to write guidelines that can be used against them, doesn't want to invest massively into it (hire people to work on it, despite the game making them billions over a decade), yet they still want retain veto power and bend over to the chinese to fuck over the community.

It's like their flat management garbage, the people in charge have no commitment but have the power to fuck people over. That never ends well.

After slowly ruining the interesting aspects of Wacraft 3/Dota (clans, custom maps etc), and then the gameplay, Valve is now letting the esports side of the game die.

Also only one fucking item per heroe. Wtf were they thinking. Everything they changed from DAC is shit.

They just need to restructure their company. That long stagnation and failures kind of shows that current model of operations doesn't produce any moving results.

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Valve also released before Riot.
Dumb retard.

>betas are official releases

if anyone has an extra underlords key I would appreciate it
[email protected]

EA and Activision are both garbage. Fuck off.

basically all they needed to do was 100% copy autochess except add in the better unit movement of underlords and they would have been the undisputed best autochess out there
what a fucking incompetent company

holy fuck this thread

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>That long stagnation and failures kind of shows that current model of operations doesn't produce any moving results.
This is ironic considering we're in a thread about Riot Games, a company that has only made one game in their 10+ years of existence.

At least these games seem a somewhat more interesting than the average zoomer fad, not interesting enough that i would actually try them but still. It's basically a card game right?

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Fortnite has lore?

Holy fuck this thread is hilarious. So many SEETHING TF2fags and Riotfags.
I don't know or care how this whole auto chess thing will turn out but Dota's perfectly fine, especially compared to League which is still a complete fucking joke nearly a decade later.

And yet not only do they regularly produce video games, they're also better people than Valve. It seems clear that Gabe Newell is a cancerous cunt who needs to be removed.

not even slavs play that game anymore

>Dota's perfectly fine
Not really, it's dying.

>this whole thread

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Fuck off retard.
No more (You)s for you.

Chess war aside, i think it's saying something about a company if after 8 years and having 2500 employees all you can add is insignificant modifications to your main game mode, and when chinese people release a custom game mode in dota 2 you now are capable of making a functioning knockoff in less than 6 months.
How fucking creatively bankrupt can Riot Games be.



I would argue that their model works really well though and that their"new games" The odyssey mode was great while it lasted. Why fix whats not broken.

>Blizzdrone shit feat. Assmangay
>This uninspired boring auto chess shit from riot
>Let's Play tier GTA V gameplay
Don't understand what you shitposters see in this site, or attempt to gage popularity with by making these threads, all those games to play and it's usually flavor of the month boring shit or the same 5 games for 5 years straight, cannot believe faggots legitimately find this shit to be entertaining.

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dont really want to reinstall lol

anyone got anymore dota autochess keys

Can someone please explain what the fuck autochess is? Whats the difference between the League of Legends autochess and the Dota autochess and the Epic Games autochess?

Good for you that you enjoy whatever EA and activision shit out, but as far as I'm concerned they only produce garbage and either of those companies buying Valve will only end up killing Steam. Valve is trash, the Campo Santo shitters keep cockblocking games with anime, but at least the games I already own are safe. Fuck EA, Activision, Ubisoft and pretty much any other western developer who isn't CD Projekt as far as having the custody of my games.

i haven't played league in 7 years but i was pissed when i saw this. they even raped his ult, the coolest and most unique thing about him.


>handing out premium (You)s

>unbased chang doesn't even take one minute to look it up

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Nothing, it's all the same shit except for some superficial changes in Riot's game because they are trying to be snowflakes.

It's all they and their discord friends know. Give them some slack.

then neither game is "out" and your argument has zero meaning to begin with in either direction
good job retard

Wow, the 300 dotard whales are being whales. Big fucking deal. More money =/= growth. Dota is still dying, we have facts to prove that shit.

This destroys the lolbab.

chink bux

honestly im glad they had a TI in china, if were lucky we'll get another shanghai shitshow AND if they ever have a TI outside of china it'll have a smaller pool for sure

Only because the TI is held in China and because they're selling this game's beta with the goypendium.


This narrative is oscillating pretty rapidly.

It was like that before Underlords but keep coping.


Why does Valve keep putting out games that fucking nobody wants? Artifact doesn't even go much higher than 100 players daily on average, why not actually put out something people want? Like a new HL, TF, L4D or Portal game, instead of something that just ends up wasting development time and money.


>the corporation that keeps giving paychecks to Pendragon
>chat anything
Haha, oh wow. I bet Guinsoo also seethes every day that they took his name off Scythe of Vyse.

All 3 in their current state are carbon copies of the Dota mod with different characters, except for underlord which gets to use the same characters because valve owns them.
You buy heroes and place them on a board, where they battle against a random opponent's heros every round. Winning or losing streaks grant you more gold, you lose health based on how many enemy units are left on the board when you lose. Gameplay is unit management in the ~40 second period between rounds, trying to build up your team so it can beat the other teams.

>Valve needs to restructure, they haven't done anything but coast because of their success with Steam
>But it's okay for Riot to coast because they made a couple cool custom modes in League

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I can't believe people are still buying this shit. The last time it was good was in 2014 when you didn't have to spend 200 bucks to earn all the cool shit. Then 2015 came and you had to dish out like 75 dollars to get some shitty Enigma cuffs, and now that kind of a reward is just the tip of the iceberg in 2019.

>t. brainlet
people spending money on battle pass is not relevant to player count

whatever helps you cope valve drone

Valvefags I can understand, they had a pedigree once.

But how the fuck are there people shilling for Riot in here? Literally all they've ever done is made a Chinese knockoff of a superior game. 8 years and they have nothing else to show for it.
Yea Forums truly is strange. Or maybe Riot just hired some people to shill for them.

>wasting development time and money.
its literally using dota assets in an already made engine, the fuck are you on about this probably took a couple months to make tops

>twitch chat

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>Teamfight Tactics

What kind of name is that? It sounds like the newest genre buzzword trying to gain traction.

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for any key people just go on plebbit and spam refresh key threads, youll get on eventually
yes I know, reddit is shit blah blah blah, just steal their keys and leave without replying shit

>we have facts to prove that shit
Post them.


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Is it time to revive /dafg/?

The difference is that Riot is expected to be lazy. Valve, on the other hand, is expected to focus solely on and make triple AAA quality video games, and nothing else. Same reason why you expect nothing from an amateur chef, and why you expect the chef with 60 years of experience is expected to only be able to serve world class quality food.

The TI was still being held in China. You cope, dotard.

That didn't answer my question.

So someone explain to me this game. I've watched a few streams and I still don't get it.

You buy pieces, put them on a board, and just watch them fight on their own? No RTS shenanigans? What's the appeal? Why did it blow up?

can't call it autochess or people will jump to the better autochess games

I'm just waiting for the Fate version so it'll be the biggest game in the world.

I fucking hate the league champion designs so much. They're all either anime lanklets or monstrosities with terrible proportions.

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>prize pool = total players
u brainlet valve cuck

Because it's easy to chalk up any victories as you being a master tactician, and any losses as just a poor roll of the dice. Fun to win and not stressful to lose.

Cry harder VaIvedrone.

Moron much?

Attached: but_but_muh_declining_LOL.png (711x171, 15K)

nice paranoid delusion incel. sexlesness getting to your head?

Still waiting for those "facts", chang.

They all look like and are shitty mobile games, don't kid yourself.

That's the autochess effect mate. Now that the mod is done dota is going to die even harder.

There's synergies with unique units, but same "type" that give buffs. and 3 of the same unit level up to a stronger one. etc, There's some strategy.

Literally the only reason Dota haven't declined to 10,000 or less is solely because of Autochess. Now it's gonna die for good since they've all moved on to TFT.

Lol, try harder

It's just pseudo-tower defense where the upgrades are randomized.

>declined to 10k
Is this what lolbabs masturbate to at night?

Unironically cope. That's the cold hard truth.

We don't even give a fuck about Dota. Meanwhile, VaIvedrones are completely obsessed with League since they're all insecure.

Don't sign your posts.

dota auto chess had one too so eh....

Its weird that the Riot version seems way more buggy, and the loading seems extremely long.

Gemtd but pvp?

It's tied to their client so that's to be expected. The only upside underlords has is that it's a stand alone game so it's easier to build up and develop.

Still waiting for that proof you have, bab.

And Valve still completely fails at something so simple.

it's more like a drafting card game where u get to watch ur deck fight theirs.

He have streamed league before but never dota. His girlfriend ONLY plays league.

Hm but riot is literally tencent you fucking subhuman

Riot going really out on this. This is extremely unusual that a beta test has 200k views. Holy shit!

BTW, these are the three best animes ever. Especially Escaflowne is godlike.

Attached: 12313234556.jpg (977x2001, 742K)

>We don't even give a fuck about Dota
>meanwhile Penda and Tryndamere can't stop talking about IF and dota
>even years after all the shit they pulled since they just can't let it rest

Attached: 1.png (1080x1920, 242K)

I'm happy that there are couriers in this one.
I don't know why Valve decided to remove the only thing that gave the game some personality.
Giorno = Riot Games and Epic Games.
Cioccolata = Valve getting exactly what they deserve for being useless pieces of shit.

No, it's more like Plants vs Zombies.

Hey imagine being this guy who likely owns 100s of games on steam unironically saying this.

he played once with polina offstream
but i think he streamed her coaching rin once.

it's the same for the original game which is done on purpose to make abilities more visible and pop out more.

I can't believe this faggot still has a job but I guess that's the power of brokering the china sell-out deal for Riot.
That or he's the world's best cock sleeve but we would need to ask Guinsoo for that.

Fucking based


>took the fall based on falsehood
Jesus christ, these faggots are playing the victims after what they did to dota-allstars.

desu underlords doesn't look that bad considering that the release was rushed and only about 20 people work on it

Attached: Federal-Bureau-of-Investigation.jpg (1000x679, 64K)

Seething Valve shill. Riot is paying nobody to stream it

The jew cries out as he strikes you

because its a phone game

You ever have a friend who only plays World of Warcraft who constantly complains about what Blizzard's doing to the game but keeps playing anyway because WoW is all they know?
It's the same thing but with League players and Riot.

Old school MTV days were the best

I'll bet you that it's max 5 people because almost all the assets are already taken from Dota 2

desu Riot should have made it stand alone with mobile in mind as well.

It looks like a Wii shovelware

89L4E-GQ3ZI-**8TL ** = First Two Letters of Sand Scorpion's Ultimate
89L4I-ERJXJ-**79Z ** = First Letter of Twin Headed Dragon's Name, First Letter of Outhouse Destroyer's Name
89L52-QXHHY-5**2F ** = Stealth Cat

Here's to all my Dota bros out there. Fuck Riot.

Attached: 1555947218400.jpg (1600x1000, 343K)

Are you unfamiliar with irony?

It doesn't look like that. Nice try.



>release was rushed
Same as Teamfight Tactics and Auto Chess

thanks m8

>Honor 3

Attached: 1515568451925.png (967x954, 554K)

underlords looks worse than autochess for some reason. Makes the low detail dota models even more washed out.

reckful also left jenna so we know he's good at decision making

Cool took the second one

how can you not be honor 3 you are not toxic arent you user?

Got the first key, thanks m8

Attached: Capture.png (544x446, 25K)

>Teamfight Tactics

What an awful name

All taken now agh

Honestly the one this actually hits the hardest isn't valve but epic. They shot the gun too early in regards to getting the drodo devs on the egs.


Why the fuck name it this. Its awful. Why not Runewars or soemtil liek this.

>cs battle royale failed
>tcg failed
>auto chess failed

Attached: 1558209198527.png (225x225, 6K)

I mean... yeah... but "autochess"?

new Morde is Chad

Attached: 1560413254509.png (745x500, 357K)

Riot has never been able to make something that's good without something else to rip off

Who gives a shit, Valve are the ones who deserves to be mocked, humiliated and shat on. Valve are abhorrent scumbags after all.

>Steam is dying
Yeah, no. China and Zoomers may be trying to force Epic down everyone's throat but we've seen time and time again it's not working.
Just look how Metro Exodus was being hyped and how it flopped as soon as it was annouced as a epic exclusive.
Steam Dying is like saying petrol became free.

Every time I read TFT so far I first thought of frozen throne.

>zoomers saying calling Teamfight tactics "TFT"
Bullshit, that acronym belongs to The Frozen Throne

>steam is losing to epic launcher

Attached: download.jpg (252x200, 11K)

Swiney, pls.

Auto Chess is instantly recognizable. Team Fight Tactics is just MOBA all over again, except this time you can't rely on the acronym to carry you because if you say TFT everyone just immediately thinks of The Frozen Throne.

>it's not even released yet
what the fuck

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You'd think for all the trash they parrot about how valve employees make work on what they want that there would be original projects but instead they just pump out half assed shit targeted at audiences that don't care about anything asides from the one game they play

It doesn't make sense because the creators are Chinese. Just read the game description for the mobile game, it's clear they won't even hire a native english speaker

I don't think a lot of people realize that LoL is still fucking massive.

that's what you get when you ask creatively impaired code monkeys to come up with a title

by the way, check out my new game. i call it "Buffdude Alienshoot"

Attached: duke.jpg (650x890, 170K)

yea the first time someone said TFT in an Autochess thread, I thought they might be referring to similar mods back in WCIII

How is this different then literally any video game out now? There are no original ideas, just stolen ones.

People forget that LoL was literally Fortnite before Fortnite was a thing.

Does the courier do anything right now?
I liked the couriers in the original Autochess, they should give you a reason to move them during the battle.

1 year ago everyone was complaining that valve hasnt released anything in like forever, now theyve released 3 games. in 1 more year theyll probably release more and one of those is bound to be big. you guys just dont understand that greatness can only be achieved through failure

I'd prefer if Valve simply stopped existing.

Katamari Damacy, you fucking retard
KYS zoomer


What a disgusting opinion

>first it was babbies first MOBA
>than a childrens card game
>now childrens chess

Attached: 1560626870396.gif (413x243, 51K)

I never complained about them not releasing games because I had no hopes for a studio that hadn't actually developed anything for the public in ages, I like their service, I like some of the shit they've made like steamworks, proton and their interest in VR but fuck me I doubt there's anyone left in that company that actually has a passion for developing a real game, at least in a management position

I like it

I think the reason Valve's releasing these small side games, is they're warming up their devs to go back into full game production

unironically true

Attached: salve.png (579x459, 176K)

How about releasing games people want instead of trying to juice another couple million out of whatever braindead monkeys got addicted to a Warcraft 3 mod 20 years ago

>first it was babbies first MOBA
okay that's league so riot
>than a childrens card game
uhh... HS so blizzard... where are you going with this
>now childrens chess
what the fuck even do you mean at this point retard

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Valve used to be trend setters, now they are following trends.
Obviously those ripoffs wont be big
Hell, even dota2 only became as big as it is because HoN shot itself on the feet, otherwise they would have just a small part of the market

more likely they are just throwing shit at the wall until something sticks
then they will pump it with micro-transactions

Imagining stomping Valve's worthless face into piss-stained dirt fills me with happiness. It's what these assholes deserve for not giving us Half-Life 3.

> is they're warming up their devs to go back into full game production
If the rumors are true then they're working on a "flagship" VR game for their hardware, I really doubt these gimmick games to milk the dota crowd is a good warm up for a VR experience

it's Underlords dude

valve is gay
i really hate them for their lack of communication, i just want my fucking tf2 heavy update

>you're doing 1v1 rounds

Yeah it flopped so hard that deep silver went all in with shenmue
They are waiting for the right moment

Valve actually buying someone came out of fucking nowhere. They usually hire just some small mod team who did something in one of their games

>any game that needs to regularly add content to keep people playing is shit
this, a game that is good doesn't need additional content to keep players
although addition content is appreciated

>And now to introduce our flagship game, the one we been working for four years:
>Artifact VR

I still don't understand that acquisition.

All answers point to nepotism.

>They usually hire just some small mod team who did something in one of their games
well, they can't to that now since they have no games for people to mod

have you ever heard the term "entitled?"

>They are waiting for the right moment
right now is the moment where the online game people will spam all summer is being decided

can we bring back more interesting genres? tired of this ant colony game bullshit for gooks

>Riot's whole commercial history is based on cucking Dota

Attached: 1535270401964.jpg (480x640, 12K)

Deep Silver saw the 3 containers of dollars Epic brought them to get an exclusive. Just like every single one of the companies that decided to go to the epic store.

lol you still think reddit invasion was a joke?

Pick one, summer is a dead sentences for games

only faggots play autochess
a real man play chess

The interesting genres are in H-games

Attached: 1549747809125[1].png (1020x791, 72K)

You can NOT be this fucking retarded.

>steam os flopped
>steam machines flopped
>steam controller flopped
>their vr garbage is about to be trashed as well
valve has been nothing but a massive fucking failure this decade

Am I going fucking insane/blind or is this thread actually, unironically filled with paid shills?

Every fucking stream I've watched Underlords looks better, ESPECIALLY the fucking UI.


dam. you just reminded me how absolutely fucking awful cs battle royale is. i go into new games with an open mind but there is really nothing good to say about that shit

i have to admit im a little sad that underlords is dead on arrival since i like its art so much and tft looks so lifeless and gray :(

>ESPECIALLY the fucking UI.
no. you can say the noddle is good the color is better but not that mobile UI

Got the second one. Thanks.

Does Valve even know what they're doing anymore?


t. retard.

valve has 0 talent left

>vr garbage
>out of stock in 5 mins

Models look too cartoony and its pretty obvious it was made for mobile first, pc later

Wtf she looked 3x better before

Attached: 1553818456244.jpg (900x1600, 220K)

I'm pretty sure one of the cosmetics will be changing the type of environment for your board


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Riot viewerbots the FUCK out of LoL, would not be surprised at all if they're doing the same shit with this game.


whole 5 of them wow

I wouldn't be surprised if they just reused the HOTS assets to make an autochess. All of these games look like they've been developed in a month and with most of the HOTS team moved onto new projects I wouldn't be surprised if a autochess clone is one of those

>Every single lol streamer is playing this new shitty game
why are you like this faggot


Attached: 1557704376141.jpg (680x907, 76K)

nobody IRL watches twitch

Reminder that Valve literally spent billions on Underlords and expected it to be the next big game.

cope, poorfag.
everyone in the industry is praising the new valve index.

One is literally playable right now by anyone who plays lol, one is playable only if you pay money. Also one only was made playable today, whilst one has been playable for like a week.
I'm not sure if you're stupid or what user.

The best part is the auto chess mod is by far and away still the best one to play anyway.

Still shitting out dota sewage huh? When will you learn Gabe? Is all that neck fat restricting blood flow from your puny brain?

Attached: fartifact.png (2180x564, 603K)

Exactly the same. I couldn't care less about LoL now, except when I saw the new Mord I was actually angry.

How do you like my shilling?

>League of Legends will die and their fanbase will move on to a literal auto-battler
>Dota will continue to thrive

LMFAO. Perfect timeline

Attached: 1554787085146.jpg (500x433, 105K)


>There will never be something as good as Half Life, Portal or Team Fortress ever again

You know how long it takes Twitter to "detect" if a user is using bots to inflate their presence?

Twitch staff is too much in bed with people at Riot to even do that

From what I hear underlords was made in like three months or something on and off.
TFT for around half a year.
Both with really small teams.

Autochess is such a simple concept that fucking anyone can shit out their own version of it as long as they had the roster to supplement it.

Why in Underlords you can only have one item on each hero?
One of the funniest thing about Autochess was that you could make insanely overpowered heroes.

Video games are for FAGGOTS.

Attached: ailephoedeapo.png (809x534, 330K)


because you can move items between characters, which is pretty fucking strong too

yeah all 300 of you worldwide
vr is a meme

>2 months in development game
>spent billions

What? that doesn't make any sense, dota fags really are dummys

Attached: 1550153587088.png (1200x1168, 524K)

A large chunk of the top anything on video game and tech media sites are backed by bots. It used to far more prolific but now is only about a quarter of total views and subs where as before the norm was half of your audience being bots. The companies will never come out and admit this shit so they just use random policy changes based on social media metrics as an excuse to clean house.

Attached: ammicoos.jpg (1003x1313, 221K)

In 2 years when Nintendo/Game Freak realizes what fad passed them by

Absolutely this

>1 million vr headset users on steam

God I wish dota had shortstacks and pseudo-lolis lolbros.

Already exists in Warcraft 3, that's what Autochess ripped off.

Post moar dota underlords beta keys

Attached: file.png (640x695, 1.08M)

im the biggest dota fag out there but you cant seriously think the big blocky mobile ui for underlords looks better
even the "pc" ui option looks like shit
auto chess had the best ui

I'm generally aware of that, which is why the Casino "game" on Twitch is always right up there on the first "page" of games but whenever I check the audience list, it's always a ton of -obvious- bot accounts like they're not even trying to hide it

Why do you wish that? a more diverse roster?

Attached: 1551455463417.png (1600x1574, 589K)

Better porn.

Our loli Pugna memes are good but not good enough.

based ESL retard

Fellow dotachad

Wow user that's...

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It literally just came out bro. Riots also paying streamers to play it

I secretly hope that Blizzard puts a spin on autochess and manages to salvage HOTS by making a decent adaptation. I fucking hate when two games release at similar times with identical gameplay because I don't want to invest my time in either because I fear that the other one will overtake it in popularity.

>There are no original ideas, just stolen ones.
Your own words faghead. There's nothing to misunderstand.

Now Autochess


They aren't paying anyone, its just that most Twitch streamers prefer League over Dota in general. Dota was always more niche once League blew up in 2009-2010. Will go down after a few days, no way it stays more popular than Fortnite and actual LoL.

I also don't like their approach to units upgrade. Minor size increases and sometimes hard to notice silver/gold armor for lvl2/3 units seems just WAY worse than using skins for units. Its because they want STAR GUARDIANS to be an Origin or Class down the line rather than let people be Base - Cheap Skin - Super Expensive skin like DAC and likely Underlords in the future.

how long until the Valvecuks start blaming the chinks???

lmao rtsfags just keep seething
stick to reforged

I find it hilarious that people are willing to side with Riot Fucking Games of all developers just because it gives them an excuse to shit on Valve.

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Wow, it's almost as if Valve deserves it for being despicable assholes.

oh no your shitty walking simulator didnt make it big on steam? maybe next time you should realize that you dont have fucking talent you fucking cunt

how does valve keep fucking up? it's over now, any new players are going to see TFT with 200k viewers and start playing that. they have no idea what the fuck dota underlords is and won't bother trying it once they're invested in TFT

It's one thing to give a developer shit that deserves it, but when you're siding with one of the shittiest developers on the planet who spends more on marketing than actually improving and fixing their ONE game they've had for a whole decade then you need to get your priorities straight.

>claims there are no more original video games and that everything's stolen
>gets slapped in the face with completely original video game by someone who actually plays video games
>has nervous breakdown at his PC and recovers just enough to spout random unrelated insult 30 minutes later

Attached: pepe-transparent-laugh-1[1].png (600x580, 360K)

oh wow you sure showed him by naming a 20 years old game.

>Valve deserves it
Then why don't you just shit on Valve instead of going to another shitty company for the sake of shitting on Valve?

yea he sure did, you big dumb liar

Post another code bros, will give this a try

TFT will lose viewers but still always be over Dota Undelords. Its less about TFT vs Underlords and more about League vs Dota. People just naturally prefer League over Dota, so they will just cling to League IP rather than swap.

Riot praise makes Valve butthurt, hence why we're praising Riot for BTFOing Valve. Anything that makes Valve upset is worth it.

TFT is literally in the League client

>makes Valve butthurt
Valve literally couldn't care less

>Its because they want STAR GUARDIANS to be an Origin or Class down the line
Wouldn't that mean there would be like 1000 different characters? Wouldn't it be hard to make any meaningful synergy then?

Why are Dota 2 characters so ugly and generic?

Attached: 4E32A03C-C8D5-4A1A-8980-967549B21137.jpg (590x332, 40K)

Because Valve are all worthless incompetent idiots.

I miss bone chad.

must be getting paid a fortune to shill on a croatian carpet commerce congregation.

The problem of Underlords is that they went for a cartoony graphic style but the characters are still in the shitty Dota 2 style. They should have made all of them from scratch but I guess that it would cost too much and they actually don't want to spend money on this.

>muh paid shills
we're just here to laugh at dotards

Attached: 1533993888624.png (274x296, 69K)

>this, a game that is good doesn't need additional content to keep players
Name a couple of multiplayer games that didn't get additional content and had a strong fanbase for years
Oh and player content does count.

Valve needs to just let Dota be Dota, the artstyle isn't good and the lore isn't interesting. I'm not saying all the designs are bad but there's no cohesion stop trying to make a "universe" out of it nobody cares.

Yeah there would well over 1000 characters. These games are going for Seasonal rotations, so every season some synergies would go away and new ones would be added. There might be only 50-60 characters active at any time, and every 3 months maybe rotate stuff out/in.

Considering how you don't need to worry about balance, a bunch of skills/passives, skin lines, tons of animations and voice lines etc they should just make brand new TFT-only characters instead. I guarantee that is what Valve will do.

> bone chad
Killed by Valve to please chinks.

You need some frame of reference for your pieces though. You need to have a feel of what are tanks and what are damage dealers without necessarily reading the stats. Using the established Dota 2 hero pool accomplishes this.

No that would be Pokemon version

How is it bad? Dota 2 has really neat design and the background lore is pretty cool.

More like Blizz.

>the artstyle isn't good and the lore isn't interesting
That goes for League though too. There are so many different races and random shit from the lore it makes no sense and the idea of cohesion wasn't on the design table.

Both games just tend to shit out what might sell/gain an audience.

I've never played auto chess but why couldn't you just have unit info on mouseover and just make a new IP or something?

TFT is American made, paid by Chinese mobile bucks. Autochess is chinese made, paid by fortnite bucks.

Dota has the most hideous and soulless art style ever. Completely, utterly soulless with no uniqueness or interesting aspects about it whatsoever. There's a reason why Dota is dying and will never grow.

All this talking about Chinese ripoffs is making me want something genuine like Sly back.

Apex died because it has ugly skins and no waifus.

anyone got a key for a boomer that hates moba and just want to try the new trend of the month ?

give code

League's lore isn't amazing but I can at least remember enough elements of it to know it's there like city names, Yordles, etc. I can't really tell you much about Dota's world beyond the stories of the heroes themselves.

No it doesn’t. All of the characters are really memorable.

No they're not. I can't even recognize one of them. There's no way in hell they're memorable in any way whatsoever.

That’s because you have shit taste. Juggernaut, viper, axe, Lina, drew ranger, sand king, undying, etc all have great designs.

So literal whos. If none of them are recognizable to people who hate Dota 2 (such as me), then they're not memorable at all. People who hate Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo still recognizes Kratos, Master Chief and Mario after all.

They are pretty distinct from one another
Its because Riot attempts to create a world years later, and after completely replacing all the old lore. Every character gets a big lore dump, randomly we get even more lore dumps. Its just extra writers inflating that insane employee count Riot has. Valve really doesn't care because the world is a minor flavor backdrop that is now being repurposed in a few ways.

>having anything to do with league of legends in 2019
triple neck yourself

Your reasoning is completely fucked up and retarded. I’m sorry to say this but you might actually be retarded. I don’t think you should post here anymore.

TFT has the little critters that you move around the field, but where the fuck can Valve stick these guys? On the side lines with actual voice lines and stuff?

Attached: underlords.jpg (1200x800, 88K)

I will take your autistic outburst as an admission of defeat, and bow out as the victor.


Valve are pathetic really.

>he thinks he is matched against real players
>a company that is run by the chinese


As a dotard it feels pretty good knowing you live in league niggers heads rent free.

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Attached: valve.png (559x213, 122K)

When will they learn that no one gives a flying fuck about the dota """"""universe""""""?


>he thinks he's being matched against real humans when all he's playing against are subhuman russians

Attached: Untitled.jpg (411x351, 102K)

If Valve wants to redeem themselves, they need to fire literally everyone who ever worked on Artifact and Underlords and replace them all with fresh blood.

why fire those guys, when they were just paid contractors following directions from the lead guys

The lead guys need to be fired too.

you should just shut up and think before you talk next time

Oh look, more games for my Twitch filter list. Thanks OP, now I don't have to bother with them beforehand.

And you need to stop making excuses for irredeemable creatures who're responsible for the creation of Artifact and Underlords.

>muh russians in dota
>doesn't deny the fact he is playing with literal word wide tier sub humans from BR to any country on top of chinks
learn the difference and origin of dota. You play league of chinks run by Tencent, a copy cat rip off from the mod autochess. Dota and Russian mods from the WC3 community existed before you was even born you stupid degenerate.

Why can't Dotards just accept they're forever second place and only 3rd world shitholes play their game?

>better gameplay
>better graphics
>better UI
>better support
>more players
>more twitch viewers
Is there anything Riot Games can't do?

I'm not playing against br russians or chinks because there's a region lock

Attached: 1557723212334.gif (294x233, 942K)

Fuck Dota 2, and fuck all of these "people" (they're more like insects fit for being crushed underneath my boots. I refuse to consider them humans) who play Dota 2.

Attached: 85361367.jpg (1280x720, 46K)

Edge cringe.

>this make me save from the chinese bots and other third worlders
>muh save heaven on eu west
kill yourself

>we have facts to prove that shit.
>doesn't post them in the same post
nice try, riot.

Attached: 1467711888645.jpg (640x359, 38K)

the art-style of TFT is just much more appealing than Underlords

Rito and epic (who have hired the original dev) are just tencent companies. Basically just competing with itself

>any game that needs to regularly add content to keep people playing is shit.
>a game that is good doesn't need additional content to keep players

wrong. people burn through content faster than they used to and thanks to unlocks and XP bars, playing a game that has neither feels like a waste of time. No one wants to play the same game for thousands of hours like they used to and hell, older games were usually kept fresh with mods, which may as well be a substitute for official content.

t. soulless chink

How did valve fuck this up so bad, the original one was good enough to just copy

Remember when Dota used to be /ourgame/?
Now Yea Forums is filled with too many zoomers and redditors.
I'll admit Valve made some shitty changes but it's still a million times better that League shit

Attached: 6436436346.jpg (1274x954, 109K)

How many hours do you have in dota2? I guess maybe 1? Probably was too complicated for your LoL mind. The design in LoL is truly generic. So much weeb shit with thin girls wearing revealing outfits makes it look silly af.

Attached: 1546532638897.png (467x256, 293K)

They realise how bad it is, the Riot staff were making fun of it on r*ddit earlier.

Dota 2 is still based as fuck and the best video game out there along with Rainbow six siege.

Probably the stupidest thing I've read on Yea Forums.

I don't like League, but even their characters are recognizable because they're actually memorable unlike Dota's. Dotard characters are simply nobodies.

I remember when moot asked in one of the threads for a key, and he was a dirty Clinkz player

Go fap to anime girls. You probably also forgot to take your meds.

the only good character designs in dota are tidehunter and skeleton king (rip). juggernaut, axe, drow ranger and windrunner are ok. the rest are all garbage

t. never played lol, ~7k hours in main account not counting others, streams watched etc

>chinese bots
The only botters you'll find are in coop vs ai
>other third worlders
I would rather play with "other third worlders" from western europe that can actually communicate than russian subhumans who can't write a single letter from the latin alphabet

It's fucking over for us Steambros... It's not fair...

>generic anime titties #2905
Fuck off retard

Attached: 23293-morphling-dota-2-1920x1080-game-wallpaper.jpg (1920x1080, 195K)

The reason why artifact and underlords failed is because the game is fucking ugly and so are the characters. The UI is dark and edgy. Kids like bright colors now, not brown and gray Doom and gloom.

>game greets you with a literal mobile menu

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 2.82M)

>generic blob monster


>Epic Games is destrying Valve and Now Riot Games is destroying Valve
They just take turns on fucking Gaben's dead body.

Not true, you'll get stomped in higher level games.

>Yea Forums still mad about HL3
I bet half of you never even played the original

Attached: 4635235.png (700x2693, 453K)

Valvecucks had to rush because they feel pressured to RiotCHADS and had to release their mobile version o PC


Skeletons with sword and crown cannot be trademarked.

This thread smells like chinks


imagine hating chinks but defending a game that's literally aimed at the chink mobile market

Attached: 400.png (240x240, 55K)

>The only botters you'll find are in coop vs ai
wrong and new, all eu/us based accounts sold be the chinks on masse botted up
>I would rather play with "other third worlders" from western europe that can actually communicate than russian subhumans who can't write a single letter from the latin alphabet
I don't give a fuck what you rather play against or with. The fact that you are playing and defending some chinese based company game reeks autism. You probably some shit skin yourself hiding on us/eu servers trying to fit in le MOBA universe.

Valve are worthless virgins who can't even be bothered to take the time to make a presentable menu.



aren't dota characters literally from warcraft 3

>select PC interface
>its still a mobile interface
oh no no no

Attached: file.png (338x179, 9K)

Delicious really. I can just imagine Epic and Riot tearing Gaben apart alive, his screams of agonizing pain celebrated by the gaming industry as a cancerous blight on gaming is destroyed.

Fair point, I'd recognize Axe and maybe Rikki