>Female party member
>Power is based around charm/sexuality
Female party member
>stun and tire out the enemies with sex rather than fight them
>Female party member
>power is based on nothing at all
>game over if she is killed
Give three examples
Except that's not a trope, it's literally life.
Female power fantasies are beauty.
Male power fantasy is usually strength/control.
That's the thing advertisers and shit don't get. Women don't give a fuck about strong, independent women. They just want a sexy woman that can manipulate others, so they can project themselves on them.
Ask 99% of female gamers what female characters they like. It's always femme fatales, never the smart, strong, or timid ones.
wew lad
>Female power fantasies are beauty
Not all womyn think alike just like how not all wh*te males think alike
Wow you really understand women. How did you figure it out?
yes they do actually, humans have a default way of thinking/acting hardcoded into us and no amount of jewish propaganda will change that