Vermintide 2

Fatshark has literally just spent the last 4-5 months making a steaming pile of shit, this game is completely fucked and calling Winds of Magic an expansion is laughable.

Weaves are straight garbage, they're uninspired and feel like something that were made by modders. Cata is too easy and you need to buy the expansion to get access to cata and the beastmen.

fuck these retards

Attached: Vt2_WoM_logo-art[1].png (1920x1080, 2.59M)


Attached: 1519269036276.jpg (600x600, 154K)

but what about versus?

I want to fuck kerrilian's feet.

I'm mostly mad about the lack of new maps. the modifiers are cool, but to be honest they're what deeds should have been since the beginning, and to play them on maps I've already played through a hundred times doesn't make me hyped. give me some beastmen maps or something.

Vermintide 1 is better imo.

it won't release with winds, it'll be free after it.

there's literally no way they'd be retarded enough to try and charge for vs mode.

the modifiers are neat for a little while, but they get old fast and some of them just feel incredibly basic. Aqshy for example is so simple it might as well not exist.

FartShart is stupid. More news at 11.

>People hate unnecessary grind
>DLC adds an obscenely time consuming grind
That company is beyond retarded. Their brains can't grasp the fact that people don't like this shit. And in their mind it's as simple as grind = fun and people keep playing forever.
It's bogushafen all over again.