Vermintide 2

Fatshark has literally just spent the last 4-5 months making a steaming pile of shit, this game is completely fucked and calling Winds of Magic an expansion is laughable.

Weaves are straight garbage, they're uninspired and feel like something that were made by modders. Cata is too easy and you need to buy the expansion to get access to cata and the beastmen.

fuck these retards

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but what about versus?

I want to fuck kerrilian's feet.

I'm mostly mad about the lack of new maps. the modifiers are cool, but to be honest they're what deeds should have been since the beginning, and to play them on maps I've already played through a hundred times doesn't make me hyped. give me some beastmen maps or something.

Vermintide 1 is better imo.

it won't release with winds, it'll be free after it.

there's literally no way they'd be retarded enough to try and charge for vs mode.

the modifiers are neat for a little while, but they get old fast and some of them just feel incredibly basic. Aqshy for example is so simple it might as well not exist.

FartShart is stupid. More news at 11.

>People hate unnecessary grind
>DLC adds an obscenely time consuming grind
That company is beyond retarded. Their brains can't grasp the fact that people don't like this shit. And in their mind it's as simple as grind = fun and people keep playing forever.
It's bogushafen all over again.

>Making new difficulties when Legend was the perfect way to play in pubs.
>Making new content that isn't the perfect A to B 40 minute mission design.
>Splitting up the rather smallish playerbase with new difficulties, game modes and Versus standalone product.

They're going to absolutely murder their creation and I have no fucking idea how they're so blind to this shit. The people who want higher difficulty are a vocal minority of retards who can never be satisfied no matter how much difficulty or challenge you throw at them. Pleasing a tiny fucking crowd and destroying the pug scene in the process. Absolutely fucking mental.

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Are warhammer fags the stupidest retards or what?
>get dunk'd on by GW with idiotic retcons
>get shit on by cash grab games
>still mindlessly consume product, get excited for next product, leave positive review lol spess merines xD

VT2 is better than KF2 but thats not really saying much is it?

>how dare people enjoy things!
that's all you'll get out of me

At least they're finally gonna release dedicated servers, right guys?

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Imagine making a game in which mods are required to start the game and read the HUD.

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I don't get the new difficult mode, literally why? just to make the game even more meta?

I would post lewds but here's a cute rat instead

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>new difficulties
wait so there is a new tier of weapons or some bullshit too?
why the fuck put anything beyond legend

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Legend is braindead easy and any retard can do it. People want something interesting to play that also rewards them with hats they can show off, that's supposed to be cata.

Legend is piss fucking easy because V2's design philosophy has shifted towards piling bodies on you but any with skill can kill exponentially more enemies albeit with a lot of tedium.
Cata is more bodies + more enemy damage so it has a chance of being challenging.

Half the team fucked off as soon as the game was released, including one turboautist that did like 60-70% of the environment art, and they couldn't find a replacement. What did you expect?

>endgame content
>lol actually just level up the exact same shit again from scratch
>oh and you need to do it for each class, nothing shares so it lasts bit longer this time around

Legend is already instant down if you are hit by the magic teleporting 180 no scope heavy swing. Just use twitch mode if you enjoy getting RNG bullshitted on every 60 seconds

I'd take another blightreaper at this point desu.

the new update changes combat to be more in line with V1's, in that swings are heavier, hordes are smaller, but enemies are tougher. they also tweaked dodge timing per difficulty to be more accurate. the beta had all this for testing.
cata and legend were definitely more fun with these changes, and the beastmen were also great. weaves are retarded but it's safe to say that the game will definitely less braindead easy on legend and cataclysm, when i played it, was fucking insane

Friendly reminder only 4.9% players have finished skittergate on legend as of now. Feels good already being in like 0.1% who will have it on cata since i got it in beta.

>every 60 seconds

>He doesn't play hypertwitch.

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>Legend is already instant down if you are hit by the magic teleporting 180 no scope heavy swing.

No it's not. Legend is forgiving as fuck and going down in Legend is a sign that you are missing basic mechanical skill. I'm by no means the best Vermintide 2 player, I suck shit at deathwish, onslaught, and will never try them again probably, but legend in comparison is retard easy.

>blightreaper is built up to be this terrible cursed weapon that needs to be destroyed or else shit is going to go down
>they just put a few locks on it and leave it next to the other cursed items they have

What was the point of that story then?

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>t. champ shitter surprised that enemies are attacking him back

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Why not do both?

Only 4.9 percent of the playerbase has finished skittergate because more than 90 percent of the community is FUCKING GONE. Fatshark fucked this game up real good.

They keep wanting to add diablo/poe style ARPG shit to the game, but they don't want to make the people who play it purely as a l4d clone angry, so they add half working half though out garbage shit to the game and leave it that way until everyone bitches about it. Talents have been boring trash since they were released, they're fucking shit and only one good talent combination existed for every career.

Fuck you fatshark, either make the game an ARPG or don't, adding these fucking elements to the game and not doing anything with them makes them feel worthless.

How does one even die on skitter gate? Hunger in the dark is the scrub remover, if you have DLC blightreaper is fucking hilarious as 9/10 people just kill themselves after the opening cinematic.

a lot of people think the bogdanoff dlc was supposed to have a third mission that brought the story to a climax.

I'm not sure if making the game feel slower is good decision though. But he game is harder so mission accomplished i guess. Going back to legend on live felt like going champion compared to cata.
Yup, could have at least fixed chaos spawn spawn there if nothing else. My point was, i just want new fucking map. Going old ones in reverse isn't cutting it.

rather the game take 5-10 minutes longer than get bored at how easily i can dust the levels

It certainly feels that way. They need to fix that shit.

Some new maps would be nice, hopefully soon after they can release some with new weaves and shit but Fatshark is dumb as fuck.

>Fatshark isn't sure if vs should be its own game, a dlc or just a different mode in VT2

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you fucking know that the whole weave system is going to be abandoned because adding maps to it is going to be too much work.

Well, there was some buzz that proper new map should be coming with winds. There was nothing in beta, but i'm hoping they just didn't wanted to spill all their cards. Fuck, surely they didn't do that fancy trailer with beastmen only to randomly put them into old maps and call it a day.

They probably will but they better support this shit for a while or else everyone is going to lose their shit at what a giant waste of time it is.

I heard that too. Maybe the private beta will show it off. Although I've heard faggots complaining about how the beastmen would be wasted if they were map exclusives.

I am assuming that either FatShark wanted the new maps to be a surprise (or at least make it so the whole community is learning the new maps at the same time), or the new maps were simply not ready in time for the beta.

Not wanting beta players to have figured out the new maps before they are even released to the general public is something I might even consider smart, a rarity from FatShark over the past year or so. Hopefully that is what the case actually is.

You are not getting new maps, just deal with it like you deal with no dedicated servers and no host kick.

there's 1 new map coming in the dlc and we know it's about beastmen and a herdstone.

>Although I've heard faggots complaining about how the beastmen would be wasted if they were map exclusives.

Not sure what you mean by that, but if you mean beastmen only being on maps without rats or chaos, it's not like that, if you mean beastmen being exclusive to DLC owners, yeah that's a thing. If you don't buy the DLC or someone in your lobby doesn't have the DLC beastmen won't spawn.

Are beastmen a full faction with units for every tier, or is it just a few special units?

It has lot of patrol and monster spawns that can ruin your day quite fast if you pub. Also the plague monks during boss, had bunch of near wipes there even though only Raksnit or how you spell it was alive.

There’s ungors(slave rat equivalent), gors(clan rat equivalent), standard bearer(special), bestigors(elites) and Minotaurs(boss).

Full faction minus specials, they have the banner guy instead. And i'm not sure if anyone got minotaur in the beta, but he should be in as their monster. Maybe they are hiding him too for now.

>retarded faggot defending axe hit boxes the size of a football field

this . They play like a support faction, which is neat, but when they're on their own they are super easy to kill. The only thing about them right now that's annoying is wargors, the sandard bearers, can plant their banners outside of vision and it knocks you back.

>Not sure what you mean by that

Some fags were talking about how they'd be upset if Beastmen were exclusive to a few maps. I wouldn't mind if they were exclusive or not but when I played I didn't see any hordes and they were just sort of sprinkled in. I didn't play too much of the beta though.

>getting hit by overheads
>before the dodge nerf too

mite b cool

The game is dead as fuck at the moment. All the other legend regulars are in the beta presumably so I can't find shit for lobbies.

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The beta ended hours ago.

there are beastmen hordes and patrols, the first few days of the beta their spawn numbers were fucked up.

Did the beta end already?

the beta ended but the internal testing is still going. If you got a special invite you can play until the end of the month.

>only 4.9% players have finished skittergate on legend
How? I'm just a month in and got legend colors with all the classes for 4 characters except Sienna because I'm too fucking lazy to level her up to level 30, why the fuck this game loves so much grinding

you can be behind them and get hit you subhuman nigger kill yourself i won today

Oh I guess the game's just dead lol.

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You niggas think if there will be open beta before launch or something they will use the cbt client or it's safe to delete that shit?

I can't imagine them doing another open beta. Otherwise, they can't trick enough people into buying their DLC.

of course you get hit user lmao
I don't

Anyone buying into this to get their progress deleted and have to grind yet again in a separate mode?
Can't imagine what their next addon is supposed to look like in 2020, but I'm sure we will get everything reset again, lmao.

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no you do you just projecting and a failure post again and you will get hit with a brick in your front lawn i won you lost

nah, i have 400 hours maining slayer and that's just bs, the only gay thing the cws can do is the punch, if you get hit by anything else you just can't dodge / circlestrafe / block

as it stands? No fucking way in hell. If you get 10 hours with the DLC you'll probably make up your mind on it, and I think the vast majority of players won't believe it'll be worth the price tag. Fatshark is treating this like an Expansion, so expect a price tag of about 10-20 dollars.

>this post

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If you really want to play a Warhammer game, then play Total Warhammer 2. It’s the only game that does the series justice.

Don't buy the xpack and keep playing the decent base game.

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CA is only slightly less incompetent that fatshark, and that's only because they have lots of money to compensate their awfulness

total warhammer models are shit. At least fatshark has an idea of what skaven and beastmen are supposed to look like.

>no mode combining twitch drops, legend difficulty, weekly modifiers and deeds

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How are they bad? They’ve literally done every faction right and seeing armies clash is entertaining as fuck.

I can’t wait for Chaos Daemons in Total Warhammer 3.

Are there some new specials ?
I'd love to see a cygor or some shit

Is this bad bait? The models in Vermintide 2 are fucking shit and bland as fuck. None of the enemies have any details to their models. Also, a bunch of made up shit like those chaos warrior zombie mooks.

Total Warhammer blows it out of the fucking water.

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Devs are lazy as fuck. They have the base for great game and they do littleraly nothing.

lol good filename

For comparison, here’s the plague monk in vermintide 2.

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>awful lightning
>abhorrent animations
>braindead campaign
>even more braindead combat AI
>cancerous sieges
>even more cancerous multiplayer
You must really fucking HATE Warhammer.

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>Also, a bunch of made up shit like those chaos warrior zombie mooks.

you might be retarded, for one the whole idea of a norscan nurgle chaos faction is made up, and if there were a norscan nurgle chaos faction, one would assume that the lowest echelons of their army would probably look like starving, sickly, half dead cultist freaks.

Call me back when they add greenskins, tomb kings, lizardmen, vampire counts, chaos daemons, dark elves, ogre kingdoms, and chaos dwarves enemy factions. And a playable high elf and bretonnian hero.


VT2 is certainly not better than KF2. KF2 has come a long way and is a genuinely good game now, VT2 is steadily getting worse and it wasn’t even good when it came out.

the decent base game has been played to death, I'm done with it. The game has so much potential but the devs are fucking retarded and they proved as much with V1. Just adding maps and weapons to the game isn't a great form of DLC, it's just, whatever, it's fine, but fatshark literally doesn't know how to expand the game in any other meaningful way, it's fucking hilarious.

this is your meta for the beta
say something nice about it!

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I don't know what sieges you are talking about, but otherwise you were spot on about Vermintide 2.

I don’t care. They shouldn’t put non-canon bullshit in their games.

>abhorrent animations
They’re great for this type of game though.
>bad lighting
Upgrade your graphics card and stop playing in low settings you fucking poorfag.

you forgot to leave your contact details

They literally have to ask GW if it's okay to include something in their game, GW okayed their creations.

>they've literally done every faction right
The empire, greenskins, chaos warriors, dwarfs, lizardmen, wood elves, and beastmen all have absolutely shit campaigns. It's not even a holdover from game 1 because the vampire counts were fellated to hell and back with constant additions and reworks.

>seeing armies clash is entertaining as fuck
If its your first time playing the game or you're a child. Anyone who's played the game for more than a single update cycle has seen every piece of content remotely interesting or powerful nerfed into milquetoast mediocrity to soothe the analchafe of multiplayer faggots.

Wait winds of magic add no new maps? So the beastmen will just appear alongside the other bastards in old maps?

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Seems about right, flame staff is broken against the new hordes. No idea what was the dorf doing, he was with us from the start. I'm glad my repent boy is still good.

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the maps are backwards now with effects and some stuff
beastmen will just be there sometimes now lol

Jesus H almighty fucking Christ.....all these months of waiting just for some developer made mods? Yea, I'm digging the grave now its going to die soon.

Probably just holding block 90% of the time like every other retarded Ironbreaker.

>no idea what dorf was doing
he was playing ironbrapper, that's what he was doing

>They’re great for this type of game though
The way every single skaven just uncontrollably twitches instead of having a proper idle animation is not okay let alone fucking great. Compared to V2 it's night and day and type of game is not a fucking excuse, especially if you compare the number of people that worked on it.
go ahead and share a screenshot that you believe looks great without the use of outside shaders, mr. top end pee see

>shit campaigns

You’re not playing them right.

you haven't played them at all

You’re a fucking fag.

Did they increased the power level with the difficulties? cause I hope they don't turn the current red stuff useless.

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Conflag, actually
Conflag with infinite burn/150% stronger burns on Battle Wizard is even better than drakefire/flamestorm

Dude you could've just stopped replying instead of basically admitting that he's right, jesus christ, stop embarrassing yourself, I don't want to be associated with drooling morons such as yourself whenever someone brings up TWWH2

Total Warhammer 2 is a great game though. I don’t understand why you’re so against it.

all of these have shit campaign except dwarfs. Greenskins, Empire, Chaos and Beastmens are uttergarbage

What's so bad about them?

I stop playing after 80 hours when they kept slapping Kruber with nerfs. Just annoys the fuck out of me that every other class does what he can do but better. Maybe the footsoilder is different but its whatever

I understand that you have trouble processing words on your screen but I'm not the guy that you just argued with

it fucking hurts i love it so much the characters are great and the soundtrack is amazing but its stuck with shit devs

Haven't played in probably an year, did they ever release the dedicated servers?

Also vermintide 1 > 2


Beastmen look like chaos with head model swaps. Boring

huh, there is no reason to pay for WoM if vs is free then

>I don't know what sieges you are talking about
Castle brexitbruke is a shit map

To be honest Legend has been a cakewalk with almost every QP group so they had to do something. I don't agree with the pointless grinding and cosmetic item shitshow though, Bögenhafen had enough of that.

Do you played them? any of these have any mechanics, greenskins and empire being the biggest joke, Chaos is insulting because you only can do sieges thanks to AI running from you so your basically cursed to play all the times the worst part of the game, Sieges.
Beastmens are lacking various units like Ghorgon, Jabberlythe, breadhead shamans generals, etc.
If they don't fix Chaos warriors in Warhammer 3 doing a entire rework and change the piece of shit that are sieges then there's no fucking reason to buy it because Warhammer 2 didn't add anything important to what Warhammer 1 did

Nobody trusts GW with their own IPs anymore and with good reason.

Rather, you live at the end of the globe.
In Central Europe you will always find a game instantly.

Vermintide gives good combat and a better representation and atmosphere of the world with the maps filled with details from the RPG books and the character interactions that speak about themselves and the world.
TWWH simply can't compete with that imo.

You stupid nigger those aren't Zombies but sick Cultist.
They wanted to add a Nurgle Zombie exploder type but GW said no.
And their representation or Skaven is way better than from CA.

1 map.
Which is where the comet crashed down.

Huntsman received deserving Nerfs.
Each time they changed something he was able to kill anything at range without ease, even bosses.
"Gutting" him was necessary.


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im more interested in the versus option.

Time to move.
Shit and won't come out until next year at least.

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I went back to play and even with his ability and a bow + consistantly headshot (which is hard to do on shit like the rat ogre and chaos spawn) You could barely chunk a boss. You also cant even one shot headshot chaos warriors with his ability activated on fucking veteran. Hes a glorified periodic sterminvermin killer now.

Are you high? Longbow stun locks every enemy, they can't move during the head shot animation so you just fire again and it repeats. 3-4 hits for a legend chaos warrior. 1-2 for storm.

Do you play with a dedicated group or something, yeah sure you can pump 3 or 4 arrows into a chaos warrior if the people around you are competent to keep other things occurring around you away, but god fucking help you if there are patrols around or you're fucking with a boss.