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Other urls found in this thread:'s_Crusade

Awesome soundtrack, excellent pain babies

This shit was beyond weird, but in a good way.

I forget, what was the ending? He was actually his twin brother the whole time or some shit?

2 deep

I would love to see the saturn/ps1 version someday, the ps2/wii version just isn't the same.

There's plenty of gameplay footage on Youtube. The soundtrack for the PS1 version's pretty good as well

What's the difference

The original versions were in first person. Different soundtrack, much harder overall

Basically a different game. The atmosphere and music blow tbe remake out of the water.

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What's with that watermark in the lower right

I guess the image was used in promotional material. I just grabbed a random image off google.

You fucking nigger
Post the OP of the game so people can see how weird this gem is

saturn version is really eerie

Does the Saturn version differ from the Ps1 version in any way?

Got the saturn version on my last trip to japan and real cheap too!

>scrolling boring /v full of cumstained threads
>suddenly based baroque thread

Fucking based op! I played the hell of a ps2 version. The enemies design and music is a pure god-tier!

I played it a bit but the gameplay was so godawful clunky that I couldn't get into it.

does every angelic being have wacky waving inflatable tube guy arms

Has anyone ever attempted a translation of Baroque Syndrome? It's a PS1 VN that fills in the background of the game (showing you how The Burn occured) and tells you more about the characters

Shit son, this game is rad. Played the Wii version. Remember back in the day searching for every little bit of backstory and lore for this game. Tried the manga but could only find the first few chapters. Wish it got a spiritual sucessor as another remake is unlikely and a sequel is both unlikely and would have high chances of being a dissapointment. Also, DON´T GO CRAZY DON´T GO CRAZY DON´T GO CRAZY DON´T GO CRAZY

The worst roguelike I've ever played.

No one has even attempted translating the original game. Sadly Baroque just isn't popular enough.

Only Baroque thing that was translated other than the ps2 release is that Baroque shmup

>Those fucking extra dungeons


What is this?
Looks interesting and the artstyle sorta reminds me of Brigandine (dead PS1 SRPG)

Hell. I'm not wanting a full playable patch or anything, even just summaries would do

just say niggers

>steals your weapon right out of your hands

Nothing speshul, bro.

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I just saw some screenshots of this game as well as a couple of minutes of this and this seems like it's right up my alley. Thank you OP for actually delivering some good shit.

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It's a dark and weird tower dungeon crawler

The Baroquemonger had some of the best dialogue.

op was alright for once
what are some other good obscure JRPGs from the PS1/PS2/saturn era?

>To progress the game you have to make some NPCs kill themselves

This game is bonkers.

Does it play similar to Vagrant Story? I liked that one

I have the same question, but about dark and obscure JRPG's of all times. Just finished Seraphic Blue and I want more.

You didn't slap the best waifu, right?

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Nah, the gameplay is pretty shallow compared to Vangrant Story.

Reminder that Sting still release every year a Baroque wallpaper.

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I read the manga and it just made me want to play the game more, I heard that it has a different ending.
Do you have to do some obscure shit to get to the ending?

It's because Baroque is literally an endless source of godly arts and inspiration.

Is that Tsutomu Nihei? Any chance you have any of the others?

Didn´t know that. Wonder if they would be interested in making another game. Also, did they make anything noteworthy ever since?

Brigandine is a pretty cool SRPG
>Each country (six total) has a leader and a couple of commanders with plot relevance and side quest
>Each leader/commander has a # of recruitable soldiers to deploy during conflicts
>Gameplay consist of fortifying castles and seizing enemy territory and ends when you control the entire continent
It's a shame it flew under the radar in comparison to the more popular FFT at the time.

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There was this early PS1 tactics game where you use toys as unit
the graphics were early 3D style
I've forgotton the name

Baroque's designs were so good.

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Sting? Pretty sure they made Knights in the Nightmare. It was weird, and hard.

I played the fuck out of this on the Wii. I wouldn't mind another remake with le Dark Souls gameplay

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Baroque Obama

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Eternal Eyes?

oh shit I remember that. Didn´t go too far, I sucked at it, but the games was great

Don't know the artist. You can see them at Sting's Baroque page.

They made that visual novel I see sometimes posted on Yea Forums for the PS4 also mobile ports of their old games.

Attached: baroque2014.jpg (1920x1200, 2.47M)

Sadly, no
the units were in 3D
like how old toys look
if I'm not misremembering

It's a interesting game, sadly the original is Japanese only. The remake is effectively the same plot but the overall gameplay and atmosphere are different.

This is like a creepypasta made into a game. Shame there are no translations for this.

Baroque on Wii was my first import game ever. Bothered my poor Gamestop clerk for weeks about the release until caving in and importing from the UK.
Clunky as hell, but a lot of fun and my first foray into the weirder side of gaming. I should give the original a try once.

Well, if Baroque passes for good for you, you can try Eternal Poison or Rhapsody.

You do know you can play it in first person, right?

Shadow Hearts 1 and 2 are the best obscure PS2 JRPGs.

How to beat this (hard) game.
Find a Vampire Sword. Find a ME brand. Brand the Vampire Sword with the ME brand.
You win the game.

Never heard of this game before. That atmosphere / art design is top notch. Maybe I look into an emulator or something some day, I'd like to play this.

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In hard mode i would just put the camara in first person so i could move and attack at the same time.

Do you guys think there's an english patch for the ps1 version out there?

fuck this shit is spooky dude god damn

>play this first when it came out on the ps2
>yeah this is a pretty cool setting
>some years later try saturn emulator with a full romset
>oh this came out for this let me check it ou-

i don't need to understand moonrunes to see how fucking spooky that shit is. like shit fuck damn, the hub world seems more hostile than the most creepiest place in a horror game.

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the remake has better gameplay and the voice acting is nice but the Saturn version is literally pure soul imo

If you're a grade schooler, yeah.

>Wachenroder (Gritty steampunk srpg, Japanese only Saturn exclusive)
>Koudelka (ps1) and Shadow Hearts (ps2) (horror themed jrpgs)
>Stella Deus (sci fi srpg by Atlus, art by Soejima)

Ah shit, I found the game. It wasn't a tactics game after all. Misremembered that because of the art style and how they did the maps. You find living toys throughout your journey to help you in battle's_Crusade

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I love this game, but is there actually a translation? I played it in Japanese.

>that synth choir at the end

Holy shit I need this OST.

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PS2 and Wii got an official release in the States and (bizarrely) Europe.

Yeah but only the remake, which is a different game with a different artstyle and ending.

>synth ambient industrial OST
So fucking good.

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That's...Kind of spooky actually.


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