Are you still mad Yea Forums?
Are you still mad Yea Forums?
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i will never forget that
it's disappointing
>junji ito was suppsoed to work on it
I will always be furious
Why were people this mad though?
The Death of Konami.
>silent hill in the shitter for decades
>demo was actually terrifying
>talented people behind it
>lol nope
>also have a silent hill 2 pachinko
>because it had to be silent hill 2
I wonder hmmm
demo wasn't that scary but yeah, i'm still seething
Kojima has revealed himself to be a hack since then, so no.
I will never not be mad.
Why did it get cancelled again?
I'm incredibly relieved actually. Konami is dead. Team Silent is gone. The last thing Silent Hill ever needed would have been Kojima's 3d-scan of a hallway being universally praised as the best horror game ever and his crowning achievement ever since he personally invented Silent Hill. Let Kojima ever only ruin the trash he creates. Don't let him near anything anyone else has made.
Why would I be, it's coming out in november.
Kojima spent too much money on MGSV
I probably wouldn't have bought it because I'm a massive coward when it comes to horror games but Junji Ito AND Del Toro good fucking god the creatures those two could have come up with this game could have been GENUINELY fucking kino but nope cancelled and now all we have is a fucking pachinko machine
This sounded interesting so of course it got canned. Yeah, I'm a little annoyed.
I love the franchise but I haven't really enjoyed anything past The Room. Also Kojima is a hack and del Toro would have probably added stupid shit.
>Kojima spent too much money bribing Joosten to pretend enjoy his company
you sound like a very secure person
No. Kojima is an overrated hack who would have raped the series even further. Team Silent or gtfo.
not really, Kojima is a complete hack, Del Toro made the worst Best Picture of all time and Norman Reedus is a terrible actor
I will always be mad
>mfw tutorial on the internet allows you to still download PT onto the PS4
Why couldn't Konami at least let them finish that game before fucking everyone over?
It was going to flop
Because it will suck out a lot of money they didnt had?
Kojima mismanaged MGSV's budget and kept pushing the release date further back. CEO realized the company could save money by firing him and focusing all efforts on gambling.
Yes. I remember the demo and it was so fucking great, I still have it on my PS4 and play it with some friends that never hear of it from time to time. Though I lost my mic and I can't trigger the phone to ring to leave the house anymore.
because they're a for profit company and employing Kojima was making them lose money
am i the only one coping about that by thinking that Death Stranding might be good?
And your ad hominem upon reading the slightest bit of criticism of your god doesn't make you sound like a sycophant at all
No Silent Hill or Parasite Eve this gen. "Best gen ever" my fucking asshole.
As a mater of a fact I am, but then again after death stranding sony might pump enough money into kojima prod so he will make it eventually
It was too good
Can someone attempt to explain how exactly it was any good at all? Imagine of the demo of Silent Hill 2 was just the truck stop bathroom in the beginning, and outside the bathroom there's just the same bathroom except random shit is different in some retarded gimmicky way? That's not fucking Silent Hill.
>at the end of death stranding you just end up delivering the baby to silent hill
>whole game is just a lead-in for a new silent hill
What's stopping Kojima from assembling the same team again with Junji Ito and making a Silent Hills type game, but not calling it that?
mad about a walking simulator demo with no substance?
why would anyone be mad.
Pretty sure MSGV made them money. He could've even finished the game.
Now DS. That might actually lose money even with the huge hype train behind it. Once people "play" the game and discover it has no gameplay, it'll plummet after the first week.
let's be honest here PT'st atmosphere was great but the sound cycle system was crap Imagine playing 30 hours of that, the "puzzles" made no sense, and the gameplay in general felt like an obsessive compulsive disturb simulator that made you repeat pointless actions until you got them the way the game wanted.
Did anyone really even care about parasite eve even when it first came out?
Mad? No. I'm ultra mad.
Is this captivating, mysterious, weird, slightly unnerving? If so, you've figured out why P.T. was a hit
Let's also be honest here, the convoluted gimmicky repetition of nonsense is precisely what the drones hyped that shit for. Kojima is completely incapable of producing anything of quality so he substitutes it with something that is as unorthodox as possible even if it's harmful to the gameplay. And because the sycophants have the worst taste in the universe they mistake that contrived strangeness for quality and the necessity to make it that way out of creative bankruptcy for talent.
Friendly reminder that it's not Konami's fault that $80 million and 5 years of development time weren't enough for Kojima to finish his fucking game
That's just edgy shit.
That's not the reason. If some literally who walking simulator developer had made P.T it would have been dismissed as being yet another pointless first person indie horror zero effort non-game. Except that those don't have the audacity of passing off a single hallway and one bathroom as level design. They'd be called out on that blatant lack of effort and quality because their praise is not built entirely on top of a cult of personality.
I'm really not sure if Kojima's style was ever a good fit for the Silent Hill franchise, but I'm still sad that we'll never see how it would have turned out.
I don't believe it would have been worth the sacrifice. See, if Kojima ever produced a Silent Hill related thing the entire rest of the franchise would be overshadowed by the oveblown hype and praise of his cult, and the series would be irl-retconned to having been initiated by him. There are Pyramid Head cosplay photots with upvoted comments underneath saying "Kojima would be proud" -no joke. He ruins everything he touches and the only reason why Metal Gear has been relatively safe is that there was nothing left to make worse to begin with in my opinion.
Didn't Sony put out some console update that made it impossible to play the demo if you still had it downloaded? The whole thing was just a shitshow once it got cancelled.
So what happened with MN9 and the """"""creator""""" of Megaman?
You know when you explain it like that it almost makes sense onto why they fired him and went full pachinko.
I have no idea how whatever it is you're talking about is related.
>he doesn't know
The guy who made Mighty Number Nine was billed as the guy who made Megaman despite this not being the case. You're saying Kojima would've done essentially the same thing with Silent Hills and have the franchise credited to him.
Sorry, I'm European so the NES was never big here and the only Mega- that was popular here was the Sega Megadrive. So Megaman never interested me and I entirely ignored MN9.
It's cool.