So they team that was responsible for that trite that were the last few Assasins Creed games is now making a proper...

So they team that was responsible for that trite that were the last few Assasins Creed games is now making a proper fantasy game right?
Does this mean they finally admitted their games were dogshit in terms of historical accuracy and the franchise was taken away as a result?
Either way, good riddance. I hope they give it to a competent studio, maybe the people that made Kingdom Come:Deliverance.

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Other urls found in this thread: inventors inventors couples

Forgot to mention, the new game is just a Zelda ripoff right?

>"what the hell why is he brown"
>actual socrates is an old ass painting
really makes me think

>that fucking picture
Yeah, a painting made 1000 years after Socrateses death depicts us how he really looked

>"actual Socrates"
>posts Renaissance painting made 2 millennia after Socrates lived

What did he mean by this?

>70 years old vs 40 years old

Hmm, it's like you get white hair when you get older.. interesting.

>painted by a french in the 18th century
do you want history accuracy when you have no idea what are you talking about

>no idea what are you talking about

He truly is Yea Forums incarnate.

>implying ubisoft's Socrates isn't white

Attached: 1560149940971.jpg (688x418, 441K)

Socrates was known to be ugly.

The biggest historical inaccuracy is Socrates talking to a woman.

he was Mediterranean

I missed OP being laughed at the last time he tried making this thread. I'm happy I can watch it happen again.

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He probably stays in his basement all day and doesn't realize that white people's skin darkens when exposed to sunlight.

Ancient Greeks were blonde and blue-eyed.
They are mutts now because of centuries of Turk rape.

Attached: cnn-breaking-news-logo2.png (472x346, 192K)

>expecting someone to put forth effort in their shitposting when low effort stuff like this gets easy (You)'s

That painting wasn't influenced by diversity quotas and sjw managers.
So Greeks turn into turks when they're 40?

t. nigger
Skin color, like IQ, is genetic.

Stop trying to appropiate Mediterranean culture, embarrassing wh*Toid.

It is known that Socrates did stand motionless in the field from sundawn to sunset to toughen up himself, so it's only logical he would have a sun tan.

They gotta make him Anglo to cope that Anglos were filthy, shit-stained, low IQ savages when Greece - who Anglos stole all their Enlightenment ideas from - was based. Like this faggot:
WNs are the biggest We Wuzzers After negroes. Everyone was blonde with blue eyes to these wiggers lmao.

>Now, ancient DNA suggests that living Greeks are indeed the descendants of Mycenaeans, with only a small proportion of DNA from later migrations to Greece.
>Not surprisingly, the Minoans and Mycenaeans looked alike, both carrying genes for brown hair and brown eyes. Artists in both cultures painted dark-haired, dark-eyed people on frescoes and pottery who resemble each other.

You're full of shit.

Ubisoft understand that Greeks are not white

They aren't now but they used to be, ancient Greeks have nothing to do with modern Greece.

Congrats, you have no idea what you're talking about.

It's kind of funny how they throw a bitchfit when blacks try to claim that they're the source of European civilization and then try to do the exact same thing with northern europeans. Both theories are equally valid from a scientific standpoint.

>We wuz ancient Greek and shit
Kys snownigger.

>actual socrates

Attached: african-relics-in-history-europe-bc-sl0115-12-638.jpg (638x479, 52K)


This shitty /pol/ thread again. Your tactic is to just lie and hope that the ones knowledgeable enough to BTFO you with sources aren't currently here.


Modern Greeks are genetically almost the same as ancient Greeks and the claim that ancient Greeks were blonde with blue eyes is as valid as the claim they were black.

Origins and Odyssey were made by different teams.
The next one, the viking one, is made by the team that made Origins.
The ones who made Odyssey have been dumped into their own fantasy franchise since everyone hated how full retard Odyssey went.

poltards are so incredibly tiring

You hear that guys? Tans don't exist!

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>game has monsters like the Minotaur of the Medusa as well as the ancient assassin/templar conspiracies
>g-guys I suspect that this game isn't historically accurate

Holy penis, what a scoop!

Imagine typing something so fucking retarded and thinking it's an argument. Renaissance painters also made jesus white you dumb, dumb fuck it's just what that did

>young Socrates doesn't have white hair


Seriously, fuck off snownigger.

black people and white people still bickering about race

mfw: xD

t. Asian person who thinks your history is funny and your ancestors were crazy

>That painting wasn't influenced by diversity quotas and sjw managers.

Yes it was but at that time the quota was making everyone white

Imagine being so incredibly unsuccessful in life that you obsess over and try to take credit for ancient people and their accomplishments based on skin shade. I mean holy shit user, the man was fucking greek, and if he were pale white it wouldn't make you less of a failure

Silence, insect.

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stop biting the bait

most historical sources agree that he was neither nordic nor med, Socrates was north african

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Games are not real life. The idealized Greek form is based off the white male, and ruining that by shoving in "muh facts" and "muh science" reeks of SJW desperation. Get the FUCK back to RetardEra

>actual Socrates

Attached: 1554039614770.jpg (1280x720, 102K)

Get the fuck out now before you get seriously hurt

He looks like a greasy fat American, what are you guys claiming he looks like?

We got a tough guy on the loose!

ayy, we wuz emperors n' shit

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>science and facts don't count! the world must conform to my fantasies!

Holy shit, you're pathetic.

>The idealized Greek form is based off the white male
if you meant slavic prostitutes, sure

greeks enslaved snow monkeys for decades and then the also swarthy romans did the same

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I have seen this shit bait thread so many times. Who are you trying to bait here? Nobody gives a shit. Also you can't spell, retard

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yet it got a bunch of (you)s, including yours
have sex

>caring about this sort of thing at all


Daddy please buy me my very own Snow Monkey for Christmas

It's all I ever wanted

/pol/lacks really are sub-89IQ.


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ah jeez it's these delusional anglos again


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>Ubisoft ever admitting their games were historically accurate
Yeah man, how could I forget the real life assassination of Pope Alexander VI

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ubi québec mad eyou turn invisible in syndicate, no piece of eden, just so skilled in stealth light went through you when you stop moving
they're retards and their new fantasy game will be shit, it's all they're capable of making

Yea bro, a painting 1000 years after his death shows him with blonde beard. I'm sure its true. Also jesus was a blondie with blue eyes because paintings said so. Ok.

>reee why he Greek instead of Italian
Your brain on /pol/

>muh /pol/
/pol/ doesn't give a fuck about this kind of shit

yeah but considering Jesus was white, I personally don't find it hard to believe that he might of been blonde with blue eyes. A considerable % of modernized white's are blonde these days so on the contrary i'd say it's almost likely that he (Jesus Christ) was blonde in practice

how come?

>Actual Socrates

Attached: 1555741119709.jpg (640x640, 49K)

That isn't true though. Mutiple genetic studies have shown that modern Greeks are entirely congruous with their ancient ancestors.


>blonde in practice

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brown eyes
That's a helmet, dumb fuck.

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I’m not claiming they were blond they were certainly white m8

If these guys were walking around with trump hats on they would be called white incels by most of you

Fact don’t cope

yes, /pol/ does, that's why they've had so many threads recently claiming all Ancient Egyptians wuz wh*Toids because of one mummy with light hair.

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God I love hairy men

Not even turk rape. The roman empire conquered greece and flooded it with laborers from the middle east long before the turks. Most modern greeks have no relation to ancient hellenic greeks. IM NOT CALLING THEM FUCKING NORDICS EITHER, THEY JUST WERE NOT ARABIC SEMITIC NIGGERS LIKE THE MODERN ONES.

>I’m not claiming they were blond they were certainly white m8
Oh well then we're in agreement

White skin

>Most modern greeks have no relation to ancient hellenic greeks.

>That painting wasn't influenced
You stupid fucking faggot

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doesnt this kind of implicitily admit that your ethnic group got destroyed and thus proven inferior ?


why is that nordicist wh*Toids can never actually prove these allegations of mass rape and miscegenation? Why is that all genetic evidence coming out nowadays completely contradicts nordicist views and yet cumskins continue to appropriate MED BVLL culture?

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Byzantine art was so fucking good for it's time.

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>middle eastern Jew was blond with blue eyes

Sure thing my man. Why not claim that he was Chinese? It would make about as much sense.

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>I’m not claiming they were blond they were certainly white m8
If Greeks are White, Ashkenazi Jews are White. Pic related.

Attached: fufiyfuifyv.jpg (624x351, 34K)

Cope. The average greek is darker than a turk.

They were still white objectively
T. Non d&c white

Jesus was an alien shapeshifter though.

I'm gonna turn this franchise around

>Hey now, we used to be philosophers and various other things

Attached: socrates.jpg (471x523, 182K)

nah ashekenazi jews are dirty demon spawn

Technically they are despite what they claim

As well none of the statues I posted are of Jews but here’s one

Attached: 1304F237-BFE1-40B0-95C6-7AA58764865E.jpg (630x630, 94K)

Pure cope. One of the many reasons their bullshit larping never lasts long. Eventually, it gets exposed as purely emotional. There's always an excuse. Just like every other horseshit fairytale.

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>18th century painting by a w*ite dude

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there were no present-day romans at that time. sure, there were people who lived in rome, but ethnically, romans died out over a thousand years beforehand

And yet all evidence points to the fact that they're the same as the ancients. What evidence do you have?

Why are you all so obsessed if Socrates is white or not? Fuck does that change in your life?

>Hold on a moment, are you saying we used to be kings and other influential roles?

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jesus uncut cocks are gross

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Well it was descended from older greek panel painting.

Attached: fayum-portrait.jpg (600x1100, 894K)

The evidence is fucking bullshit. Most modern greek dna overlaps with semites. There are large arab mass migrations to southern italy and greece recorded by the ancient romans. Hellene Greeks are totally extinct.

The sculptures they made and painted sure show them lighter then they are today

>when you out-Hitler Hitler


>Technically they are
>nah ashekenazi jews are dirty demon spawn

Only one of you can be right. lmao have fun. Some Ashkenazi Jews are more Nordic looking than Greeks. If swarthy Greeks are White, so are Ashkenazi Jews. I've seen it countless times when so-called experts on Whiteness are all
>I didn't know __ was a Jew! Fuck!
If they weren't White, this wouldn't be a problem.

Except that hasn't happened in Greece, or parts of Southern Europe whatsoever. Mediterraneans are naturally swarthy; I don't see the problem here.


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>and the franchise was taken away as a result?
Literally nothing is saying historical accuracy is changed in any way. Creatures like Minotaur or Medusa was created by artifacts of precursor race. Those artifacts was is AC series from the very first game.

Oh yeah, people have definitely never tended towards dark hair, skin and eyes in these areas! No sir, not in MY Mediterranean!

Attached: ancient greece.jpg (1024x707, 125K)

>genetic evidence shows close link between ancient and modern Greeks
>it doesn't count! ancient Greeks were all aryans who went extinct! trust my unsourced shitposts!

It gives no hopers a chance to cope. "if Socrates was White...and I'm White...then I'm good!" lol.

Technically they are white based on genetic clustering

Yeah most modern greeks have fucking middle eastern semite DNA and a middle eastern mass migration was recorded by the Romans but modern Greeks are exactly the same! Kek get real nigger. Don't lump me in with nordicist shit either.

>n*rds and g*rmanics itt coping hard

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Frescoes literally with old paint seem to clash with literal statues of real people with paint restores using spectrograph technology m8

Take it how you will

Sure thing my man.

They were till white m8 check the statues

I’m so glad they left them behind so d&c faggots get put in their place

you fags will /pol/ about everything

>muh frescoes
>muh statues
thank g*d there's abundant genetic evidence that present greeks are the same as ancient greeks

What differences does it make though? Socrates was Greek, through and through. He, like the others discussed in this thread, are/were European and contributed to European culture overall.

That should be enough to please half the faggots itt

It should please all the faggots but these northern cuckolds are assmad that their aryan master race shit isn't exactly true.

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wow you 4channelers sure do cry a lot

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nice I cant wait until greeks are blacks they've already made them into arabs

>Greece is a mediterranean land with a mediterranean climate and lots of sun

>this is how Socrates really was!
>Proceeds to show a painting

You're retarded buddy


falseflagers falseflagging falseflagers falseflagging falseflagers falseflagging falseflagers falseflagging
falseflagers falseflagging falseflagers falseflagging
falseflagers falseflagging falseflagers falseflagging
falseflagers falseflagging falseflagers falseflagging falseflagers


You'd assume Scandinavians, Germans and other groups would have enough to be proud of, and not shamelessly claim the cultural achievements of the Mediterranean peoples. My favorite is claiming Northern Italians are Germanic, despite that group being far, far swarthier than their southern counterparts. Or, the claims of the ancient Chinese having blue eyes.

Keep shouting. Maybe people will forget that you're pulling this shit out of your ass.

>far swarthier than their southern counterparts
is this bait

southern italians are swarthier than most arabs and have huge middle eastern semite noses

the average iq in the south is like 90

Notice when people start posting the results of actual pigmentation analysis all of these dishonest leftists vacate the thread?

It's funny because even fucking Hitler admitted that the Germanic peoples were braindead idiots at the time Mediterraneans were having actual civilization.

one of the first things you learn in an introductory art history class is that classical sculptures were highly idealized and weren't meant to be representations of reality. So again, what arguments do Nordicsts have that aren't contradicted by modern genetic evidence and that educated people would actually accept?

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yeah too bad the meds mostly mongrelized themselves out of existence

Attached: actual socrates.jpg (1300x898, 53K)

Ashkenazis were Greek rape-babies :^)

>Greeks not only built civilization as we know it but they are also part of the chosen people of G-D

Are there any genuinely significant blue eyed blond haired figures? I honestly can't name a single one.


I can't believe you people are arguing over the color of Greeks' skins. They were not white. Period.

Whatever you say Ahmed

Again I’m not a nordic faggot I am simply stating they are white nordics and faggots that deny this are d&c shills

They sure just of worshiped white skin then to despite themselves that way in literal statues

>blatantly flat nosed west africans

They were white, just not nordcucks

MED BVLLS have never and will never be white. We are our own proud race who don't need to bow down to wh*Toids. Sorry, cumskin, but you wuzn't Romans and Greeks

Attached: come at me filthy germans.png (640x584, 896K)

>They gotta make him Anglo to cope that Anglos were filthy, shit-stained, low IQ savages
That's something people like to say, but when you look at the actual data, the technological differences between the Greco-Romans and the rest of Europe are entirely a result of trade. The Mediterranean civilizations, and to a lesser extent India and China, were entirely separate civilizations that could easily trade with each other, sharing their ideas and technology, while Northwestern Europe was walled off from this by the Greco-Romans and, something everyone likes to ignore, their homes being covered in snow half the year. The Romans would describe their northern neighbors as savages one sentence, but then in the next talk about their teachers and astronomers. Slaves that were taken from Northwestern Europe by Greco-Romans would engage in practices like those, unlike, say, African slaves who were only good for manual labor.
>when Greece - who Anglos stole all their Enlightenment ideas from - was based.
Greece and Rome had just as much access to Greek and Roman ideas as anyone else, if not more access. Yet, the sad truth is that Greece and Rome never created anything like modern civilization. They were able to create a more sophisticated civilization than their northern neighbors, yes, by being 50% more technologically advanced than them, but this is saying almost nothing since they were part of a multicontinental trade network. They didn't invent all of those things. When you look at a graph of technological inventions throughout human history, something really leaps out at you, and that's that not a lot really happened before the 1500s. The Greeks and the Romans liked to talk a lot and write a lot, and there were a lot of wars, but civilization progressed almost not at all.

And there are far better explanations for the Enlightenment than books and paintings causing Northwestern Europeans to evolve. Greeks had, Romans had it, Arabs had it -- what did they do?

B-but the master race couldn't have been living in caves when other people were creating advanced civilizations! Clearly every civilization that ever existed was created by Aryans who conveniently disappeared immediately afterward!

Will whites ever get tired of this shit? Asians would riot.

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I'm sensing some serious coping from this post.

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Socrates dint even exist faggot
he is probably a proxy master from Plato


I love how southern italy is cut off because they're all semitic desert dweller low IQ mutts.

Why do northrons keep trying to appropriate med civilization.
Why can't they be proud of their own ancient civilization?
Don't they want to talk about squatting in mudhuts while the world was built?

Attached: 1533847160823.jpg (1024x1001, 115K)

W-why are the proud Nordic people who Hitler idolized not included here?

This is actually photoshopped. I played this scene yesterday with Kleon at the amphitheatre. I would have noticed that shit if it were there

or they just have better things to do than sit there and argue with some stranger about pigmentation

Hitler didn't idolize nords. His subordinate Himmler did. Hitler idolized many ancient Civilizations. Take your nigger stutter speak to reddit.

I didn't photoshop anything inventors
Count the Nords lmao

it's not even clear if socrates was a real person my dude

>ancient Greeks were aryans who got replaced by Turks! Trust me!

Amazing. I like how you keep repeating that retarded claim and completely ignore actual science:

>Renaissance painting
Greeks are not blonde and pale.

Reminder no matter what these commie cunts say modern greeks are not ancient greeks.

How many times has this thread been made and how many times do people keep falling for it?

I cant stand this shit, people are seriously bitching that Socrates isnt white enough now?
When will GookMoot cut to the chase and just delete /pol/?

>post a painting
>the """""""actual Socrates""""""

>trusting (((google))) inventors couples

Well whoever made that image certainly did. There are 2 or 3 named black characters actually in the game, but I have NEVER seen a generic civilian NPC with the frizzy hair, brown skin, and flat nose


Socrates was a egotistical nigger


I did the screenshot you retard

>no counterargument

The Nazis believed in some mystical nonsense about a special kind of white person who came from a magical island or something. They didn't care about actual science. It's funny, because the left likes to label any race realist as a Nazi for their race realist views, but the Nazis didn't have race realist views, the Allies did. The things race realists say today, they're the things America and Great Britain believed, not Germany, up until the 50s. Even U.S. President Harry S. Truman said he strongly believed that America and Europe was for white people, and blacks belonged in Africa, and Asians in Asia. But that kind of thinking has been slapped onto Nazis by historical revisionists. These people, the academic left, are not on the side of the West. Their beliefs are more like what the Soviets believed. In fact, the word "racism," nobody likes to admit, was first used by Lenin. Lenin and the communists in Russia believed in an environmental determinism and a universal man; they didn't want people to divide themselves into Russians and Georgians and Tartars, anyone who did that was a "racist." And they used that kind of propaganda to criticize the U.S. for having segregation and ethnic quotas on immigration. Of course, things changed after Stalin took over and really the Soviet Union just became a pro-Russian tyranny, but I think we can all see by looking at the West today that, clearly, the communists won.