Welp, looks like that forum is dead. The moderators wanted to have sex with kids.
Press F
Other urls found in this thread:
Not vidya
>be a sexual fetisist freak
>let a fetish overtake your personality and life
>become more and more deviant over time because you need to delve deeper into degeneracy to satisfy your urges
>turn into a kiddie fiddler
Soccer moms from the late 90s were right. Faggots and faggot enablers need to be hanged on a lampost.
More vidya than the neogaf sticky we had. We also had a thread about facepunch forum shutting down just 2 days ago and that was allowed. Why are you only crying now tranny?
>extremist leftoids are actual kiddy diddlers
Every time.
Press S to spit on grave
based and genocidepilled
all my bump right here
>degenerate leftist fags want to have sex with kids
what a surprise
You think they'd learn by now that they have the same reputation as catholic priests and move on to some other field to hide their predatory ways.
Why do left wing journalists and sites keep getting arrested or exposed for this kinda stuff?
What the next website they will flock to gonna be called Yea Forums?
>Insult THQ
>Get shut down
because incels will do anything to fabricate controversy?
>>become more and more deviant over time because you need to delve deeper into degeneracy to satisfy your urges
This is one of the biggest problems with gender non conforming people and trannies. Part of why they're constantly whining about people not accepting them is that they revel in it. They want their entire existence to be taboo.
If trannies were 100% accepted, they would move on to being some other retarded shit like otherkin fox wolves
Yes it is Jannie. That forum specifically attacked and wrote articles about how THQ is a pedophile enabler and then a month later got found out as Pedos. That is why we are discussing it. It is fucking vidya related you stupid faggot.
>neogaf sticky
>thread about facepunch forum
Not familiar with either of those, I must have been off playing video games
>Why are you only crying now tranny?
Because you literally won't shut up about it
Have fun
4channel dot org slash v slash
It's not dead.
They purged everything and pretending it never happened.
The rats will just jump to another ship again
there is nothing but fake ''evidence''
Didn't the old Resetgaf (Neogaf?) shut down because of pedoshit too?
>trannies getting mad
>they might shoot up a preschool and fuck the dead bodies now that they're busted
>Purged stuff that was already archived and capped
Post proof faggot.
It's a general reaction to a website that had a reaction to a cheap as campaign by a video game company. It's nowhere near video games not are we getting any closer to it.
why do you think there have been so many resetera threads that bawl about how anybody who doesn't care is a tranny, monkey see monkey do
What video game does a pedo talking on a discord server relate to?
That's more an admission of guilt
>ResetGenders in flames
haha based and redpilled
>another exodus happens and they come here.
wait, oh no!
They are gonna jump alright. Jump all the way over...
Were fucked
None of them outright said that, though.
I read the thread expecting someone to end up admitting to finding someone underage sexually attractive.
Instead, there was just a bunch of arguing about lolis.
No the owner sexually abused one of the female posters.
Yea Forums blowing things out of proportions. No crime happened unless we live in a Minority Report world where thoughts are punishable by law.
can somebody give me a quick rundown?
Yes but they’re all pedophile sodomite dick chopping draft dodgers so nothing changed. It just goes to show why all trannies need to be hanged.
THQ you faggot.
This is more related than the facepunch and Neogaf threads. This is specifically about a group of people attacking THQ for enabling pedos going around and being pedos.
>resetera users discuss loli on discord
and that's about it
see starting at 18 mins
>Forum tries to get people from THQ fired because THQ went to 8ch, an image board that allows people to post drawn loli
>Turns out the mods had their own discord where they talk about how they are ok with fucking kids
ok but prove him wrong
False tranny. They were defending being a pedo for IRL kids.
inb4 404
Look for the archive of Jim's Dlive stream.
Were facepunch and neogaf at least talking about video games?
Who could have seen this coming when this was the reason their previous website had a giant trash fire?
These threads have consistently lied about the content of resetera threads because they know most anons aren't actually going to read them, and the ones that do will get spam "cringe and bluepill" tier responses. Just boring falseflag threads for a punching bag
This isn't about THQ, its about some pedos. Degrees of separation don't allow you to make everything vidya related because of tangible connections.
Feel free to talk about it on Yea Forums along with e-celebs
These resetera kiddie diddlers come here, shitpost and hide. ONE meta thread is allowed, cockfag.
Not surprising at all
Unless it’s the actual creator of the site, like with what happened to Neogaf, it won’t matter much
So a crime happened on their standards
Almost like a lolicon.
JUST a coincidece.
How was the Neogaf and facepunch threads about vidya? Because they were about vidya forums. This is more related to vidya because this is related to THQ and the hypocritical pedos that tried to get them fired.
Let this be a lesson to all SJW cucks on this board: we know you're disgusting child-fucking FAGGOTS and we WILL murder you if you continue to post your stupid fucking bullshit here. "UHHH...UHHHH H-HAVE SEX" how about you stop "having sex" with kids you sick FUCKS?
some people on a resetera discord talked about how they thought sexualizing fictional characters wasn't the same as sexualizing real people
that's about it
There's nothing wrong about lynching faggots and dumping them into mass graves
fuck off, you tubby cunt, and take your shitty blog with you
Pedophiles always play the victim card at the end of their ropes don’t they.
Fuck off. Proof was posted, you are clearly trying to defend your shit site.
You niggers keep posting this, here is the real story from what I gather.
>some woman gets banned from reset
>gets pissed and threatens revenge
>gets loli discussion capped from discord shit
>goes to neogaf to say the place is pedos
>media and retards like oneangrycuck go with it
>now reset admin wants to sue the woman for lies
Proof? Yep, there's none.
cut my dick into piece this is my last resort
dilation much bleeding cant give a fuck cause it just keeps healing
A long time ago there was a website called Neogaf that nobody liked filled with SJW’s and safe space faggots who will ban you for wrong think.
One day their website creator got too horny and caused trouble, then a bunch of mods are getting attention. This causes the admins and users to cause a giant shitstorm that eventually destroyed the website
The survivors were hated everywhere and no website wanted them, so they created Resetera which is the same shit but even worse.
The same situation is starting to happen again
>Videos and caps of 32 year olds wanting to fuck 16 year olds
>T-This is ok
so this is practically gamergate 2.0
Every fucking time
>duhhh this is vidya guys hiro said so
women don't lie, tranny. You made your bed setting up these retarded rules now get fucked in it.
>16 year olds
Well it's okay in the first world.
What are you talking about? Check twatter and shit from people. One of them admitted to dicking a
Big if true
>i need more superchats guys
also S
More so than the Facepunch or Neogaf threads tranny.
The premise is correct but don't pretend most of these threads are actually talking about that beyond anti-pedo virtue signaling, most are a screencap of a random Resetera post that offended them and LMAO DAB ON RESETERA'S GRAVE
>wait, this was supposed to make anime incel alt right anime fans look bad because it implies they are pedos, but now we are the ones that look bad because it implies we think that nothing is wrong with being pedo??
funny how that backfires
>Dr. Pizza
it's like he wanted us to find out
when you're exposed as a nonce, you don't have much else to do but show your true colours and be scumbag. What's new?
See the Jim video or the neogaf thread posted
They already made one called MetaCouncil
You're just calling anyone a SJW and a tranny now you retarded nigger? I'm telling the story for what it is so you faggots stop trying to use Yea Forums as some accomplice in this gay as fuck "happening"
lamo way to out yourself pedo enabler.
>nu-Yea Forums posters now defend not video game threads
Fuck this place
I never said the neogaf and facepunch threads were vidya. That should also go to Yea Forums.
Don’t bother replying, the mods here are in bed with resetera, that’s why all threads that are even slightly meta are purged instantly.
I have to laugh at retards in this thread every forum has pedos on it resetera is no exception
>Forgets the part where they say they want to have sex with real girls
Does this mean we'll have even more of it's delusional sjw-riddled community coming over here? Because fuck that.
I hate Discord so god damn much
Do you have to submit full frontal w/ face pics and take hormones to join?
>Yea Forums - Video Games
wait does this mean we get more or less tranny and incel posting now
Fucking this. Don't you retards realize how important containment is? It's like /pol/ getting deleted back in 2014
>Tranny allows threads about other forums but not MINE
It's always the most vocal retards that turn morality police who are then revealed to be massive pedos or groping people.
Can you actually sue for someone whistleblowing your child trafficking ring? Also, sorry for the phonepost but pic related is last thread that was pruned at the perfect moment.
>The same situation is starting to happen again
But faster. I wonder how long the next one will last.
Pretty much this. Except the "loli" talk is just cleverly cropped contextless quotes about finding fictional anime 16 year olds hot. AKA fucking nothing.
You gotta be real deluded to think shit will stop anytime at all
>Trannies care this much about /r9k/
Why would anyone waste this much time on a shithole like that? It'd be like trying to convert the retards on /x/, pointless.
Really the only explanation why facepunch and Neogaf threads were allowed but not this when this is even more vidya related.
If SJW central goes down in flames, what do you think these fuckers will migrate to?
how can it be genocide if they're never going to breed anyway?
more lmao Yea Forums better hope resetera users don't migrate here lmao because you will find some new QUALITY threads set up
>haha trap threads are fine, its vidya culture
Reminder that Hiro sanctioned this, but mods are pissed so they autosage instead of outright deletion
>Tranny telling lies to defend himself from jail
Show proof of threads
Smh, I didn't even upload the cropped one
Where do you think we are?
I hate discord so goddamn much...
I love Marie Rose.
The thing I hate about groups like this is how they view other human beings. As if they're just puppets to be brainwashed and controlled. It's fucked up and I hate people like that.
lol chans want lolis. Resetera tries to shame them.
Resetera wants gaolbaits. Chans try to shame them.
I swear to fucking God, you cunts better not turn this into another Gamergate. This site can't handle it.
Can someone give me the quick rundown?
reddit of course
>damage control etc
Kys already
See the caps in the Neogaf thread or jim video at around 18 minutes
Watch as this thread gets deleted too. Stop shitting up this board with your shitty inter-forum drama. Nobody fucking cares.
bunch of mods on resetera got caught arguing that sexualizing minors is ok
they can try but a good lawyer will counter with obstruction of justice because the admins.mods were harboring admitted pedo that they just banned after months of his post(s)being up how he fucked an under aged retarded girl.
the FBI needs to be informed, for sure
Just because you type nigger anonymously doesn't mean we see through your desperation for silence on the subject Tranny. Must feel real good for a real racist tranny like you to type whatever racial epithets away from ban hammer happy mods in your cult forum
I'm talking about the Yea Forums threads you moron
coincidentally the people who hate anime children the most all turn out to be pedophiles.
hello mr. resetera poster.
>Forum tries to get THQ shut down for going to 8ch for AMA because 8ch is a PEDO WEBSITE
>Turns out they have a discord where they talk about wanting to have sex with kids
What? I'm just someone who read the original "evidence" post and found nothing. I have no love for RE. If there's anything actually in there that's serious please link me to it so I can help bring them down too.
He didn't. He's busy drinking wine and talk about Japanese missile on his youtube stream from French every night, he doesn't gave a single fuck to Yea Forums other than adding more malicious ads to this site.
They're delusional and mentally ill
a whole heaping load of over-dramatized nothing
What's an AOC thread?
Shh let them larp and get it out of there system this way, lest they go stab their families or something
I don't recall anybody posting this in the facepunch or YTMND threads. But one Resetera thread and suddenly your faggot ass is all over it
>Being so much of a newfag you don't know about the neogaf sticky
>tfw mods will never force all twitter screenshot and eceleb threads to /trash/ where they belong
pretty sure it's law that that shit must be reported.
Okay, cunt.
More, it's summer and the migration will end somewhere.
Yet you were seething in those threads, only this one.
just google AOC. its basically /pol/ bait.
It didn't happen when neoFAG went down in flames, it won't happen now that neoFAG 2.0 is following suit.
See the vid faggot. They are saying it's ok for people to fuck 12 to 17
Imagine using a forum about vidya to instead talk about other forums.
And you can't find it because ?
All according to plan, huh, Pedoera?
>leftist cuck turns to be a pedophile/real cuck
Happens every 6 months