For me it's ketamine

For me it's ketamine.

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winers don't use drugs, fucking loser

Fuck off go to /b or something

>t. betas

For me it's marijuana. Fuck videogames!

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that's msg

For me, it's alcohol while gaming.

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Have sex and grow up.

For me, it's getting gud instead of making myself addicted on a drug just to hold up with this disgusting competition-based society, let alone for a fucking video game

Have sex and smoke weed.

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God tier drugs: DMT, LSD
High tier drugs: Ketamine, THC, Caffeine, Shrooms
Shit tier drugs: Literally everything else.

Snort it until you fuck up your brain, Degenerate.

For me it's water

Drinking while gaming sucks. I would usually just get tired of the vidya and move on to something else. Stay sober!


Ketamine is significantly less harmful and addictive than alcohol.

imagine being triggered over the internet because someone you've never seen before enjoys a vice that you do not

fuck dude I wish I could find ketamine
I'm too paranoid to use the dark web

my gf used to do lots of ketamine and she turned out pretty fucked up

is MedMen good? i need to get my ID updated before i can go in

Ket makes my stomach feel awful for days. Is that normal?

I prefer 2cb or a little bit of meth.

Fuck water. That shit is way too hardcore for me. Once I drank a whole gallon of water and I felt like shit the entire day.

>high tier: thc

Do you even know what ketamine does you retard? Forget getting good at vidya you don't even wanna lift your arm. It's literally horse tranquilizer.

It's feels fucking amazing tho if you take enough. Kino drug

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>stay sober
Hah no. Drinking one night a week is what keeps wagies going.

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>hates weed
>caffeine isnt a drug
boomer please kys

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>posting drugs when all americucks are brainwashed about this

>Ket makes my stomach feel awful for days. Is that normal?
No. How much do you do?

>performance enhancing is the only purpose of drugs
based retard

For me its hallucinogens and depressants and mild stimulants. Fuck niggers and fuck anti-psychotics.

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for me its benis :DDDDDDD

>peyote not present
looks like someone doesnt wanna go on a 1-3 day spiritual journey with no sleep

is it just me or are gen-Xers dumber than boomers?
sure boomers are greedy fucks but holy shit Xers are literally retarded

if it isn't, why even fucking bother? retard.

Why the fuck is nobody checking my trips? That is a 1/10,000 chance. Moot really castrated this place of all soul before he ditched.

>for me it's having cystodistension at the hospital for my urinary incontinence due to ketamine use

lsd trippii fuck sit tuck throbbing but ketamine blood on sniffas tommost horseshoe teaspoon ketamine cyphiffas satan it Överit fuck k-hole so the guy's fuck guy on the roof to this you what's up today asking me to this so the jaw bends to the ground chick venyu chin veny to the ground is not like sun chin veny just a ton of floor fuck my senses fucking fucking racing i started to explain to the frend you don't fucking psychosis mother's chin veny slippery floor fuck i started laughing i was looking frendii finger fingered jaw's jaw stretches to the floor pretty fucking sick thing right ketamine blood guy was pulling a pipe pipetil tss lsd-patch under my tongue sit it brought me some of your mushrooms sponge teaspoon sniffas fuck sucker chemical mushrooms sit it with pipette me fuck under satan tongue some lsd and then this is this good do not know this is from here ketamine so fuck pullin ketamine blood pulled deer powders silky ketamine soast horse riding medication satan catechin horse instinct sniffas fuck ketamine sieraimee so fuck lady's jaw levis floor vouu suddenly jaw goes to the floor you try here to keep some hell you weren't just a good dude resin chin just turpos tonne floor you had to jump your head edel frend's couch i took a terrible running steps jumping head up there to satan's mattress dyke somebody satan's swimmer jumped head to the mattress left fucking alley fuck i jumped to the head up there to its fucking couch please leave me a pretty fucking alley fuck frend chin veny fuck ground fuck i missed you have a pretty bending jaw fuck a lady's jaw doesn't have any trouble and chin stretches fuck half a meter it doesn't go any worry and sit chin stretches fuck two yards tonight fuck i was so fuck i'm never so messed with satan i jumped head above its fucking fuckin couch

literally just go smoke some weed and play an atmospheric, graphically focused game
until then, fuck off little ronny reagan

Coke is based but it makes me feel shitty for like 3 days so its only kind of based

>dude drugs lmao

>lazy narc plays walking sims
like pottery

>coke is based
coke is the 2nd most addictive substance that we know of, aside heroin

Around 100mg. My dealer always delivers quality stuff, so I doubt its bad. I snorted it, felt good for half a night. Next morning I woke up with glass shards in my stomach. Never again

Because dude weed

>lazy narc
i dont think you know what that word means, retard-kun

>every graphically fo

Same shit happens to me with all the uppers. That's why i stopped doing mdma and speed. Downers and lsd once in a while is a pretty good combo to get through this shitty life.


Yeah i said its based

Playing video games on acid is pretty buck wild.
Fuck all drugs besides LSD and MDMA but only 2 times a year for that sweet ecstasy.

I was tripping balls playing nex machina once. Gave me crazy nostalgia feels as if I were back at my grandparents for a summer and just enjoying vidya again. What a day

>cussed game is a walking sim

I love coke so I had to hard quit it years ago. It’s an expensive habit and will fuck you up long term.
Weed makes me paranoid.
Alcohol give me bad hangovers.
I prefer the sober life now.

For me it's 2D waifus.

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Last summer I was on ayahuasca for more or less a whole weekend. Felt like an eternity. I made friends with beings on another plane of existence and it's like I told them "hold on you guys, I just gotta finish my existence as a human real quick, it's only gonna take me like 70 years or so brb". Lost all fear of death, without losing appreciation for life.

weed is the only drug that doesn't make me feel hungover after.

any alcoholics here
tfw its not even 1pm and already drank 3 natty ices

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there is a difference with being an occasional and frequent user

weed is all i need!

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Don't use any drugs except only in life threatening situations so they actually have an effect. Caffeine is also a drug.

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Coca Cola or Cocaine

psychedelics suck ass if you get a bad trip, can barely even function for 12 hours, happened to me twice, wouldn't recommend.

with coke, hardly
everyone i know that did coke in highschool is either fucked, or brown and a millionaire

Did you grind it up properly? You know you can't just chop it up with a credit card like coke, right?

For me it is smoking.

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it's summer so i'm already drunk

for me it's (you)'s

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Me too man