Thoughts on Yea Forumsideogamedunkey?

Thoughts on Yea Forumsideogamedunkey?

Dude says some pretty retarded shit sometimes, like he gave KH3 a 1/5 but a game like Destiny gets a higher score. But his videos are funny.

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Other urls found in this thread:

fuck off faggot

this is now a low tier god thread
get that ass banned dunkeyfag

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>haha le funneh cuck man

He likes Nintendo and he's a cuck so he's retarded but I'm not really surprised.

>unironic cuck manchild that can't understand basic things in rpg thinks his opinions are valid

keep saying it


Continue uttering it

Yea Forums hates a lot of Youtubers because they don't understand that you can disgree with some of their shitty opinions while still enjoying their content. Kind of like how I keep on coming to this board despite the fact none of you ever talk about actual video games.

And here is this cuck

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I saw his gf take the BBC.

I honestly don’t think he’s read a book

>Repeatedly verbally communicate the certain phrase I desire to hear from your orifice

why does his gf put on a fake child voice? Is she trying to cater to Dunkey's pedophilic side or something? It's creepy as shit

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He WAS funny. Sounds like his fiance is writing for him or influencing him to be more serious.

Love made him weak

His stuff just feels like the same punchlines over and over again
It doesn't help that any one-man gameplay channel that has any self-awareness does the same jokes too
Top 100 Games is still his best though

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>He likes Nintendo
why do people keep saying this
he's one of the only people that shits on splatoon 2
most of his top 10 games are steam indie titles

but sky is gay

Not seeing the problem here?

What’s the deep lore on dunkey being a cuck?

He's is amusing, but his obnoxious hate for anime is annoying.

Funny dude, but I wouldn't take any of his opinions seriously on anything besides maybe platformers and League of Legends. Anything he doesn't like usually comes as a result of something he thinks is "fucking stupid" and he rarely actually cites examples of why the things he doesn't like don't work for him.

apparently there is a video of his gf being fucked by a black man and dunkey is filming it. emphasis on apparently because that's what i've read

The cuck shit got debunked it seems


Original post of the video:

>Dabs on weebs
>Dabs on RPGs
>Dabs on people who hate cuckery
>Dabs on stories that take more than two brain cells to understand
>Has good taste in video games
>Never ran a joke into the ground once

Yeah, I'm thinking he's based.

he was one of those idiots who praise banjo kazooie claiming to be hardcore fans of all time but complained about yooka laylee for being just like banjo kazooie

anime is annoying
it is physically painful to talk to jojofags and I’m sad that we didn’t nuke japan off the face of the planet when we could’ve

ITT people upset at someone pointing out the stagnate, linear lake that is JRPGs

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>top games of the year are boring western shit, platformers nobody has ever played, bing bing wahoo crap and HAHA KNACK 2 GUIZEEEEEEE!!!

The idea that people think his words have weight disgust me.


How did it get debunked? The guy in the video sounds exactly like Dunkey, and his GF has the same exact hair.

What the fuck?

His comedy videos are good, but his critical analysis on ANYTHING is pure garbage.

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Sigue diciéndolo

I think he has some of the worst taste imaginable. He honestly considers mario of all games to be the best of the best. That's the entry level shit you're supposed to evolve from.


keep saying it


>Spiderman's whole gimmick is fun web swinging in a big city
>Red Dead, while having a on rails mission structure, had the best open world to date.

Get that Nintendo cock out of your mouth Jason.

people are really dumb, heck i bet they even follow that puppet who non stop praises nintendo, of all consoles.

he tries way too hard to be funny

>His comedy videos are good
Hah, no.

>hes not a nintendo fag because he dislikes one nintendo game

god damn so you can only be a nintendo fan if you literally love all nintendo games? are you faggots for real? iam a kingdom hearts fan and theres some games in the series i dislike mainly the side titles doesnt make me less of a fan

>Claims Yakuza 0 has a weak story
>Buy it and love it
>Claims that RDR 2's story turns to shit after Guarma
>I play it and it's fucking kino.

He tries and he fails to be a serious critical reviewer because his brain isn't hardwired for that. It's hardwired for shitty jokes 10 year olds find funny.

>his comedy videos are good

yes sure they were the most hilarious shit ever when i was 15 but come on now iam 22 now this shit aint funny just a stupid voice

I think he's pretty funny, though I do think his shtick has become a bit tired, and some of his opinions on games are just shit.

>thank you

but the RDR 2 story starts to get really good after guarma part what the fuck is wrong with this guy

the video being from 2009 and also the girls face being shown if you scroll a bit

Sorry but he's 100% correct about that

>Ywn cuck Dunkey while his wife squals like a retard

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This, kinda. Personally I feel like he comes across as trying too hard, but his comedy videos at least get a chuckle out of me. Almost all of his serious reviews just make him come across as shit at vidya, or someone with hilariously bad taste

>hates anime
>but loves nintendo games for kids

sorry but he simply isnt allowed to hate anime by that margin alone


No, he said the gameplay went to shit after Guarma.

But the guy recording didn't talk

>He gave Watashi wa Sexy Gyaru III: End of the Dimensional Tide v7 a bad score because it has an uninspired art style and panders to the lowest common denominator
>Guys why won't he take my weeb games seriously? He just hates anime


Okay, but it's hard to believe that this is not Dunkey's voice.

Is there any vidya youtuber Yea Forums agrees is good (other than Ross)?

but its literally the same gameplay even if you hate RDR2 gameplay how is it any different after guarma?

>Hitler was a cross dressing faggot who ruined Europe forever so his ideas about smoking being wrong cannot be taken seriously!
You sound like a literal child. Quite fitting, for a stunted weeb.

The end of RDR 2, at least arthurs ending, was disappointing to be because shit just wasn't adding up. Yeah Dutch was clearly going mad, but for some reason he completely trusted Micah and was willing to let you die. Especially when it's painfully obvious the one constantly leading the witch hunt about traitors ends up being the traitor.

I know, but that's what he said.
Check the second video in the spoiler tag. He says, "Keep saying it"

>is on a weebsite
>complains about weebs

i will never understand this

>ITT: Octopath Kiddies still bootyburned that someone called their shitty game shit.

kingdom hearts IS shit tho.


he's way too kneejerky and just spits up what he heard elsewhere. look at his yooka-laylee review

I hold an immediate distrust for anyone openly saying they hate anime. Thought that's just because here on Yea Forums, that's a telltale sign of a shitposter.

dutch is already going mad by that part and if you didnt noticed yet dutch never gave a shit about the group and just used it for his own gains he probably knew micah was the traitor and maybe even struck up a deal with him to get the rest of the gang killed for his own freedom

retarded guy mostly following the trending opinion

I like him simply because he dabs on weebs with their shit JRPG trash that's been the same shit for decades. At some point you have to get tired of flicking in between menus and calling that gameplay.

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The "Keep saying it" was edited in your retarded nigger
The actual original videos were posted above

>like he gave KH3 a 1/5
Good. KH3 is a fucking mess.

What part of 2009 do you not understand? I'm pretty sure Dunkey was still a teenager and hadn't even met Leah at the time.

if you have bad taste or are a seriously fucked up individual yes sure

Nobody mentioned Yea Forums here, brainlet, I will admit though, I do think your existence is a boil on humanity.

>It's another kiwifarms tries to defame someone they don't like episode using fake videos
Fuck every single degenerate that goes to that place

He's actually pretty goddamn funny.

I don't think he's a reputable source for good reviews, but his content is definitely entertaining.

One of the most based/redpilled game youtubers. And he actually play the fucking games. He enjoyed God of War and got RDR2 fucking TOLD.

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For me, it's funhaus

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Yea Forums can't find enough reasons to shit on him because he's actually based, so they have to fall back on a fake cuck video. In reality, Yea Forums just wants to watch and talk about cucks

well your existance isnt doing humanity any good either considering how you spend your time pissing on people online for no gains

god of war was shit and way worse than rdr2

say this as someone who owns a ps4 and 30+ platinum trophies

>god damn so you can only be a nintendo fan if you literally love all nintendo games?
That's literally one of the main complains Yea Forums has about nintentoddlers.
This. He also shit on Octopath.

Cease not to verbally communicate it

No that’s when eating gets a cool down so of course he hates that part

I love anime games, love mangas but dont really like anime. Theres good mangakas that arent creatively bankrupt but I cant say the same for anime

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Kingdom hearts 3 is the only game that was in development for 12 years and feels rushed.

>wtf it's not a nintendo game? it sucks

>nintendo games for kids
But they're not censoring games like SNOY, tho.

>At some point you have to get tired of flicking in between menus and calling that gameplay.
True, but Yea Forums loves MGS3 so your logic will never reach them

MehI, I guess you're right about that but at least I'm not a weeb.

>he dabs on weebs with their shit JRPG trash
What, with clips he takes out of context and plays badly in intentionally?

it wasnt in development for 12 years though they only started development 4 years ago
fucking retards atleast check on the info before spouting bullshit

also i dont know what feels rushed about kh3 it plays like any other title but with more to do

>Claims Yakuza 0 has a weak story
Absolutely correct.
>Buy it and love it
Story is still weak.
>Claims that RDR 2's story turns to shit after Guarma
It's true
>I play it and it's fucking kino.
Gee. Nice opinion.

this was 2011
in 2009 he was 18
find it hard to believe this guy is finding black bulls to fuck his gf at the age of 18

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snoy just censors shitty vn games
if they actually start to censor real games i switch to another console

KH3 deserves 1,5/5, not much more, it's a fucking disaster

His opinions tend to be pretty shit but his videos are entertaining at least

Tryhard zoomer.
>god of war was shit
God bless your opinions means shit.

He could just play all of FFXV and it would fulfill the same purpose


this donkey fucking faggot doesn't rep Yea Forums

no one fucking does. not even me, a 2004 vet.

jesus christ, you can be a nintendo fan and still dislike a game of theirs here and there. How much of a fucking sycophant are you?

Also that definitely doesn't look like an 18 year old Leah. If anything the girl in the vid looks a little older than Leah is right now.

There's a lot of cut stuff. The Mysterious Tower world that was seen in early trailers but you can't actually access it in the final game, for example.

And Scala Ad Caelem probably suffered the most from these cuts.

Dunkey didn't seem to realize that Bill, Javier, and many others at the camp were never more than side characters and was surprised that the sixth chapter actually continued the plot.


From the shit i watched from him? Had some fun jokes, ran em into the ground. Bad at videogames, but that's the appeal watching a retard sperg out about silly shit in a tard voice.

Basically a TheBestGamers clone without the charm or as fun jokes.

He commits every single practice he accuses critics of doing in that video though
>*reviews games without finishing them but tries to cover it up by not mentioning that fact*

Oh right, and fuck his Octopath video because that made the threads absolutely unbearable.

well i didnt buy it i just lend it off a friend and beat it so i didnt even pay for it
feels good because if i paid 60 bucks for such a shitty game i would have felt bad for myself

this retard thought Zero Mission is a platformer lol

wait for final mix you retard nigger
we already got critical mode iam just waiting for final mix before i replay a third time
if you hate kh 3 you are legit no fan of the series and just a nostalgia fag over 2
because i can tell you right now 3 is alot better than any game that came after 2
on that reason alone i like it

he unironically has down syndrome. He isn't funny, he's genuinely retarded.

The worst thing is amerifat gaymers try to copy his down syndrome behaviours to try and be funny.

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wow I guess I don't need to browse the rest of this thread now

>he's one of the only people that shits on splatoon 2
Which proves his shit taste, as it's one of the best Switch titles and one of the best online shooters currently going.

Actually, all games have terrible stories.

His take on Splatoon2 was shit, but only retarded incel shut-ins on Yea Forums believe that he's an actual reviewer.

His completely dismissive attitude towards anime outs him as a failed normie rather than a successful incel, I don't even like anime barring a few atypical exceptions so I'm not saying it because he insulted dear to me.

oof how embarrassing for you

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It's tiresome.

so alot of people but that makes sense considering that the usual age range for this board is 13-17

This guy is the definition of a fanboy, he worships nintendo stuff like no one else

It's the slav version of Eugene.

kh3 crit lvl 1 keyblade graveyard weedies

He makes weeb seething and that alone makes him pretty based

He's a comedian first and should stay in his wheel house

I disagree a lot. KH3 wasn't balanced for Critical mode, and definitely not balanced for the new "disable attractions" ability you can equip.

There's a lot of parts in the game that feel outright cheap and obnoxious because the retard Tai Yasue thinks that if you die a lot then that means the game is hard.

And no, I don't have nostalgia for KH2, the first time I played was in the 2.5 collection a couple of years ago.

I enjoyed KH3 a lot, but it's very to ignore its shortcomings, especially when it comes to the lackluster combat.

>like no one else

theres still that faggot puppet on youtube though

I never understood the criticism of "It makes you feel like ___" Dunkey acts like it's some kinda sin to use that line, but it seems perfectly logical to start off a review of a game about an established character. Then you get into details of why or why not.

i dont watch cucks, ever since that got surfaced i stopped. I gave up on youtubers they are all mentally ill, except ThorHighHeels.

Cool zoom zoom thread but thoughts on cunny?

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>feel outright cheap and obnoxious
if you suck at the game sure i never had any real trouble was too easy in fact felt like critical in 2 was harder

they already give you a shitton of op spells at the start that stupid mogry cupon and a bunch of other shit HELLO the fucking keyblade that you get from olymp heals you

what the heck do you want more? if you suck at the game and die alot thats entirely your fault

>"where's pikmin 4?"
>"where's pikmin 4?"
>"where's pikmin 4?"
>"where's pikmin 4?"

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goddamn he looked average compared to what he looks like now

Retard pretending to be retarded for his retarded fans

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All entertainers are mentally ill. Mentally stable people aren't funny.

is just one of those "too fat they can't score", therefore all they have left is to try and be funny even if it means acting like a retard

this is a cute and funny post!!!

He's a king, fuck all the haters

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Pretty much this.
Dunkey was just a guy making goofy oddball videos in-between getting cucked by a Korean bitch.
Now he's making fucking pretentious reviews of The Shining where he gets out a dictionary to pad out his thoughts and puts on a serious voice, it's ridiculous.

His goofy videos are still gold, even if Golden Age Dunkey was a long while ago, but everything critical besides Microsoft and Game Critics has been half-baked and not well thought-out.

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>zoom zoom
You, out.


Because for some reason, stating a basic fact about the objective a game is going for is bad. You can find a thousand clips of the bamham devs saying the game is made to make you feel like Batman, yet he takes issue with people noticing the effect in-game. He's just pretentious and thinks himself above professional journalists for arbitrary bullshit like language, meanwhile he's much worse than them at the actual substantive part of reviewing a game.

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not vidya
sage and report this retard

honestly thank you cunny poster for devolving eceleb threads

i wish you the best

How about posting a link to a site that actually loads?

These threads are fucking AIDS.

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Breath of the wild has a better open world. It's larger, more interactive and has more content such as side quests and extras. This is fact. RDR2 has 33 side quests while Botw has 75, botw's world is 30km2 larger then RDR2 and you can interact with every part of it

It doesn't feel like a world.

Plz to think of the advertisers.

And post moar

Fun thing actually, Arlo actually pisses off "Nintendofags" because he spouts shit about Nintendo games he doesn't play and offers shit "Solutions" to non-existent issues. To call him a fan is a stretch. Even when he likes games he tends to piss people off by liking them for the "wrong reasons".

just throwing numbers out doesn't actually argue much. I'd say that both games generally have roughly the same amount of content although BOTW needs to sacrifice a lot of depth comparatively in its design.

Fuck e-celebs and fuck OP

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nintendofans seem to piss off eachother alot

The point of the joke was that he was calling out reviewers for being samey by falling back on that line


Based fpbp-er


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He's a diehard nintendo fanboy and his only good videos were his league videos.



wtf bro

That's it. Henderson, if you're still on here we're pulling the account. Somebody get Hiro on the line...

He became a parody of himself over time. Happens to a lot of gaming youtubers

holy shit the jackpot

Remember Yea Forums, the only reason he focuses on "critical analysis" now is because you sucked his dick for shitting on Xenoblade 2.

Imagine sucking a cuckold eceleb's cock. Yea Forumseddit is such a shithole

All of those ideas are too funny and original for nu-dunkey. Now he just spams the same catchphrases over and over like the bog standard gaming youtuber he is.

His comedy unironically went to shit when he stopped being depressed. He's too normie now to ever make anything as out-there as the stienfield saga again.

he roasted both games but KH3 really did deserve that 1/5

he was always shit
if you seriously think his old or new videos dont have the same shitty comedy to it than i dont know who shit in your brain but it must have been a fat dude

honestly did everybody from Yea Forums play kh3 or why is that game getting so much negative attention here? reminds me of the kh2 days

or is it just that ff15 guy? because all these posts are saying the same thing

Fuck OP and fuck e-celebs

try waiting over a decade for the next installment and get THAT. it deserved it

>he's never seen this masterpiece

the game they teased after 2 wasnt 3 but bbs

you would probably know this if you ever played a kh game barry

KH is a shitty game for 8th grade furry girls

Bull fucking shit retard. I've typed out paragraphs about why the game is shit and I've never gotten a good counter argument. You can't fucking defend it but you can close your ears and pretend not to hear the criticism.

but i did
and its just him doing the same joke like in all his vids there is nothing that stands out about this vid
could have also send me downright darius or whatever all his LoL vids are the same

Where did that voice sample come from then? Surely it could be from one of his videos right?

well try it on me? i can try to defend it but i need some points on why you hate it
and please no subjective shit like "its too ez" "its too hard"

Yeah, but that's just an introduction to draw the reader in for more details.

>I've trotted out my highly sensitive opinion and got butthurt when others disagreed from time to time

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KH has worse gameplay, worse plot, worse voice acting, worse acting in general.
The only thing you could argue KH does better in, is artstyle. But what is good artstyle, when your acting is all shit? And Destiny's graphics are pretty damn good too. So it's only a matter of preference really.

Well, I thought it was a retarded video, so don't blame me.

>kh worse gameplay than shitty destiny
what the fuck am i reading here

he's been making videos for a long time so yeah it could be, that post went up 2017 and it looks like a really old video so someone could have definitely edited it.

He's okay when he's not trying to give serious opinions.

His Shenmue review made me grumpy.

The Dumpy One really is the best one

>Basically a TheBestGamers clone
Get off of Yea Forums, rockcock. You have a train to catch.

I have been watching dunk for a long fucking time and I can't think of a moment where he goes "say it again" like that or whatever

As soon as I hear the voice of his friends or girlfriend I close the video immediately because they're top cringe

"D-Dunkey said bad things about my favorite game buuhhuhuh guys he is retarded"-op who is a huge faggot

it's his opinion faggot kys

Funny but for some reason his retarded fans think his "reviews" of games hold any merit

I really don't feel that's subjective in this games case unless you're 3 years old. It's a very literal press x to win simulator with flashy colors and lights. See: Disney attraction "combos". On that note, that's a good example of the blatant soulless advertising that occurs in every frame of this game. It's always been about Disney but you can tell they've lost all motivation to creatively tie it in to the world they created. Why can sora use these attacks? What are these attacks? What the fuck is a Disney ride to sora?
And why the fuck does sora have a cell phone? Why is taking selfies part of the gameplay?
Speaking of creativity why are some world's just scene for scene replays of the movie? They actually took the time to reanimate the highly funded Disney computer animation with ps4 graphics, instead of just making it creatively tie in with their world. Embarrassing!

I wonder if he ever thought to play the arcade games to pass the time. Also all those Yakuzashitters in the comment section that dont understand Shenmue are very annoying.

KH's gameplay is trash. No wonder the series is so popular with women.

and a shitty loot shooter is better? the whole genre is a fucking joke

my thoughts are that youtuber threads don't belong on Yea Forums

I hate platformers but dunkey thinks all games should be platformers.

It amazes me his low effort content gets the views it does, I thought it would burn out and become irrelevant in a year.

>kingdom hearts

Sounds based to me, that series is incoherent bullshit.

I don't get what's obnoxious about it. Hasn't he only brought it up in a single video?


only retards hate kingdom hearts games

Better than stilted key sword swinging, in between activating "get out of danger, free" cinematic moves.

his voice is annoying


Wow, it's almost like you have different tastes and opinions.

t. somebody who has never played a single kingdom hearts game on critical

destiny is just shoot at the enemy to win with no change at all boring as fuck like the entire genre
i bet you are a boring ass person if you enjoy mindless grinding over a fun singleplayer game

His video of Game Critics, Kingdom Hearts 3,
and Xenoblade Chronicles. Maybe Octopath Traveller as well if you want to count that.

Top 100 is his magnum opus.

Leah is insanely adorable and would kill to have a wife like her.

yeah let's report this faggot

e-celebs are not vidya, fuck off.

people who have different opinions and taste as me are simply retards and shouldnt be allowed to exist

Post people that you can’t hate. For me it’s the scout.

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More like how can two people watch the same thing and come up with two very different answers. Perhaps we will never understand each other. Not truly.

not funny

for me its irate gamer

I used to enjoy watching him shortly after he got permabanned from LoL but he keeps making the same fucking jokes over and over again. Got old real quick.

Go to sleep, Dunkey

I too wish I had a wife so I can see her take BBC.

Yeah, no shit. Why would I play a game's hard mode, when the normal mode it garbage. I barely played the first Kingdom Hearts. Terribly stilted movement and basic tap-tap-tap combos. Why would I then come back to play more?

At least shooting is engaging on its own, and the controls are smoother.

>i bet you are a boring ass person if you enjoy mindless grinding over a fun singleplayer game
I bet you are a boring ass weeb, with a spikey haired OC wearing headphones.

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You're a fucking retard and I GUARANTEE you only played 3 and watched a recap story on Youtube to "catch up" with the series. Fuck you, you stupid faggot. Your opinions are worthless.

>never ran a joke into the ground.
Knack jokes are tired as fuck

He looked cute af. No homo

I fucking hate his fanbase though and I hope all of them bashing his height does not get to him. I know he tries to play it off but I can just hear that twinge in his voice anytime he has to acknowledge it.

No, he's just a victim of the Midwest. It breeds retards like no tomorrow.

The second video is fake and has audios put on top of it, the first video which only lasts seconds is the real one, dunkey lost his cellphone and someone found it and uploaded the video to make money, that person didn't know it was dunkey... I am sure dunkey is the one promoting the second video to make it seem as fake, BUT THE GIRL OF THE FIRST VIDEO AND THE SECOND ARE DIFFERENT THE ONLY THING THAT IS THE SAME IS THE NEGRO WHICH HAPPENS TO BE A PROFESSIONAL MAN WHORE

>basic tap-tap-tap combos.
You just described literally every Action game with combos. Just because something is button mashy doesn't mean it's bad. This is like saying racing games are bad because you're always holding down the trigger to accelerate.

oh my fucking god you already outed yourself as a faggot who never played the games why should i care about your opinion at all?

i got platinum in 1.5 all games and 2.5 all games
got kh 1 and 2 on ps2 played them as a teenager
played all the side games on their respective consoles aswell and beat them there too
i probably know more about kingdom hearts than you ever could faggot


How short is he I always thought he was average atleast.

There's a tell for someone who never played KH.

Holy fucking kek. True based

Keep saying it
>inb4 someone says iam just lying

yes kh2 final mix is still the best but iam waiting for kh3 final mix content to truly judge the game
kh 2 base was also barebones compared to final mix with only 1 secret boss and all

He claims he is 5'7 ("5'8 on a good day") but I want to say he is probably shorter than that like 5'6 at most. One thing I realized about guys is that almost all of them lie about their height like women lying about their age it's insane. And Jerma is definitely the kind of person to lie about his height.

Not detecting sarcasm is a sign of autism.

>You just described literally every Action game with combos
No, only the bad ones. Maybe you only play bad games? KH is just the dollar store version of Ninja Gaiden.

I played the beginning of the first game, and it was so bad, it couldn't keep me engaged long enough. I also watched my friend play a chunk of the second game, and it looked more or less the same to me. I bought the GBA game, and that was pure garbage too. I heard that one is important for the story too. How can you KH fans tolerate such trash?

It wasn't just him saying he hated anime that got to me, it was him saying he hated anime and following it up with "unless it's Miyazaki" like a fucking chode. As if there's anything inherently different from Miyazaki movies and the rest of anime.