Why does Bethesdoom insist on calling him Doom Slayer?
Why does Bethesdoom insist on calling him Doom Slayer?
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That's his name
because it would have been silly to hear demon's recounting the tale of Doom Guy the dude who fucked their shit
Why do you insist on being called a faggot?
Doom's Layer
Doom Slayer?
Because they take the game too seriously.
>doom guy
>More like doom gay lol
They referred to him as the Doom Marine in some of the text files. Why not just go with that?
They really don't
I suppose it would have sounded silly for the demon narrating the story about Doom Slayer and call him Doom guy.
The game still refers to the collectibles as Doom Guys. The game also refers to the Doom Slayer as Hell Walker and the Doom Marine.
Doomguy was a name given to him by the fanbase, but not his given name lorewise ingame.
Doom slayer? I hardly know 'er!
Doomguy has been a fan name since the 90s. His real title is The Marine, but Bethesda forgot that he was a UAC soldier who saved Earth.
But they still felt the need to give him a tryhard name like Doom Slayer. Huh.
Why would demons know what a marine is?
Either way I don't think it matters.
In Doom 2016 the UAC called him Doom Marine, the demons called him Doom Slayer. We the player called him Doom guy.
Bethesda/id seem to have latched onto the whole “slayer” thing though.
Have you actually played the video game?
Wouldn't it mean he slays the doom? Like he's the one that prevents doom? That's the opposite of what he does
Because it's a name that references his popular name but you can actually use it in canon.
>demonic voice
>"In the first age, in the first battle, when the shadows first lengthened, one stood. Burned by the embers of Armageddon, his soul blistered by the fires of Hell and tainted beyond ascension, he chose the path of perpetual torment. In his ravenous hatred he found no peace; and with boiling blood he scoured the Umbral Plains seeking vengeance against the dark lords who had wronged him. He wore the crown of the Night Sentinels, and those that tasted the bite of his sword named him... the Doomguy."
As if the game isn't silly to begin with?
>Why would demons know what a marine is?
Considering that Marines have been popping into hell whenever they feel like it for the past 25 years I think they should have figured it out by now. Their boss is literally a brain with legs, he must have developed the ability of conscious thought at some point.
It works both ways. He prevents humanities doom, brings the demons doom
I'd have been good with this if other stuff called him Doomguy, yeah, but Bethesda wants to push Slayer because they don't actually get Doom.
But its Id
And they're pushing Doomslayer because that's what ye medieval-y techy demons call him
Angry Joe
Beligerent Bandito
>dude fires himself using the bfg10000 and smashes into the next level like a canonball
>muh taking themselves seriously
Are you fuckers retarded
>Heavy metal demon slaying BFG chainsaw Hell murder
Yes this is the most serious game ever made, The Talos Principle is like a looney tunes cartoon next to it
It sounds cool
It's all relative, and considering the first game was about an angry dude punching hell until he ran out of hell to punch, yeah, nu-doom is pretty serious in comparison.
That’s literally Doom Slayers backstory.
Also only the demons call him that, the UAC called him the Doom Marine.
>angry dude punching hell until he ran out of hell to punch
he's literally doing that in nu-doom as well. That's the entire joke. He's killing everything in sight while people keep telling him that this bigger story is happening and is important but he just doesn't give a fuck and continues his murder spree
Stick to VNs and moeshit faggot
He'll always be the marine to me.
please stop fighting
Doom fags have been fighting ever since Quake was announced.
Hahaha this mutt actually thinks they should call him a marine instead of a slater
What are you dribbling about?
because they are faggots and probably think doomguy is too silly, it would be great hearing people seriously call him doomguy in game
if they wouldn't care they would not include hour of shitty story monologues you forced to listen without skip option
Yeah but they'd probably call a particular marine that murdered them all a Slayer. It sounds a lot more demon-y.
Again I don't really think it matters.
Because it's a game for retards i.e. 13 year olds
Ooga booga alley oop mofukken three pointer maga
You're too young to be here.
The game has collectable fucking bobble heads, they didn't take it that seriously.
>Chastity is one of the demons
Wait, what?
as in the fags who lock themselves in cages
There are plenty of monologues that you can literally either punch or just walk away from
Because "guy" is gendered and you go to jail if you use gendered language in 2019
When can you do this? The worst one from memory was when that robot dude took you to his house for ages
Doom's Layer, the protagonist of Doomy Ternal.
>Doomsl Ayer
Also how is 'Cute and Funny' a Demon?
Honestly, Toys and Pregnancy are just about as vanilla as you can get. Same with Feet and Armpits, provided you don't get too fucking weird about it. Literally just body parts, and they're included on of tomboys by default.
wouldn't surprise me if it was for copyright reasons, but who knows
>These pictures
>Doom is one of the only series that has demons, but none of them are sexy
Feels bad.
>Sexy demons
You need to check out Shin Megami Tensei
"I don't understand this stimulus so let me revert to what I know: haha black people."
Oh I know.
This is my main fetish, so just a hint of sexy demons is enough to get me doing research.
>Hayden was trying to bring us Consentacles, Futanari, and Monster Girls
So is Doom Slayer the REAL bad guy?
user, you spend a significant amount of time in hell in the last game.
There are no monster girls or futa.
In fact, the only confirmed female demon is the ugly old lady who turned into an even UGLIER demon.
>Cute and Funny
Oh boy.
That was basically the only one. He locks you in the room and gives you the lore spill or whatever. The rest are either done through comms or through monitors and holograms that you can just ignore or break.
Sounds like what happened to my ex now she's older
Huh. I thought they had a different name or something like that.
I'm going to regret asking aren't I?
This. Just the other day a halo kid wanted to prove that Masterchief was more popular because the name “Doomslayer” wasn’t searched as much before 2016
I think its often called "forced chastity" to denote the D/s aspect.
Would also fall under the broader category of "orgasm control".
Why is this the highest resolution image of the mural I can find
Pretty sure Doomslayer has been described to have some "divine" origin a la anime in the comics while Doomguy was just a marine who happens to be the protagonist of the first 2 game
The fuck it has to do with Doomslayer not being called Doomguy ?
Nah, you should make a thread to ask for cute and funny video games, I'm sure the people there can explain it far better than I could.
It works even better if you include a picture of a cute, funny little girl in the OP.
cute and funny?
It’s the same guy, it’s implied he got touched by an angel or something during his hell murder rampage and turned him divine or whatever.
oh shucks it seems the c word is censored
Is it cunny?
Is it cuz when you put the words together, it makes CUNNY.
>tryhard name
So combining the name of the game you're making and one of the most mainstream metal bands ever is supposed to be tryhard?
why do Vanilla cucks have the biggest persecution complex when they're the post pandered to of all porn categories?
>Happy Sex
should've put Dark skinned
That would be fine and not degenerate if Doomguy was also darksinned.
the demons and other in-game characters can call him Doom Slayer. in the real world, it should always be Doom Guy
dark skinned isn't anymore degenerate than "Tomboy" which btw they need to change cause Tomboy was the shotgun when that's the grappling hook.
You realize that the grappling hook is on the shotgun right?
you are retarded, not that I would expect anything else from a tripfag
damn i forget that
Could this be the birth of an epic new meme?
In the reboot though he isn't a Marine, he's an ancient alien or whatever.
I’d prefer doom marine honesty. Marine’s a pretty old military title anyways going back to the Greeks
Because that's what the kids think is cool these days Gramps, just go play Spider Solitaire like a good geriatric I think it's dumb too
I wore a hat that says ‘I HAVE AUTISM’, in public and filmed people.
Ohiods must die.
Tbh i prefer the interpretation of him being a reg marine who becomes a deamonslaying god, just seems more badass when from humble every man beginnings.
What would you have the demons call him?
You know there is a modest amount of doom porn you filthy degenerate.
You what, impregnation is pretty vanilla
I think that means fucking while the pregnancy is 8-9 months in.
Yes he is.
>doomguy is jewish
>not finding Doom Demons sexy
Normalfaggot detected, back to your shitty anime teenagers with horns and tails.
Because only literal demons are more evil than Jews, although one may argue they're one and the same.
>this level of furfag cope as monsterGIRLS will always be more popular than MONSTERgirls
Cause the Doom Slayer is not the Doom Guy fromm Domm 1&2 or the Doom Marine fromm Doom 3.
He's an ancient marine from another dimension.
>hot glue
Do what now
excuse me its Doomperson, thank you
MonsterGIRLS are actually for pussies and faggots. They are people interested in the idea of extra-human exoticism, but are to afraid that they might like more extreme shit, and to afraid to be called a furry by others.
Admit it, you are a closet furry who doesn’t even have the balls to admit it.
cum on a figurine
looks like hot glue
personally think it's really dumb
Literally every demon is by definition a hellwalker.
explain daisy
>y-you're just like m-me s-so defend my f-fetish a-and draw porn of it
How does it feel knowing that monsterGIRLs will always be more accepted and have exponentially more art than MONSTERgirls?
Fleeing wildlife.
Friendly fucking reminder.
Rather seethish response if you ask me. I JO to normal girls and MONSTERgirls fag, I don’t need an in between to protect my fragile sense of superiority. Anyways, most monsterGIRLS are made in the jap style and I’m not into same face anime bull.
>y-you're seething
>i-i masturbate to n-normal girls too
>i-i don't need it those grapes are shit
Straight out of Copenhagen lmao
Here's the original that I made the edit with
That little shit's dead, faggot
I know but it just sounds cool
after the Commander Keen reveal Doomguy should be "twincest", "leg lock" and "impregnation"
That's his sister. Or maybe it's just an easter egg
The only in-game name he's ever been given is You. Prove me wrong.
OTHER rabbit