Videogames just aren't doing the trick anymore bros. Any games for this feel?

Videogames just aren't doing the trick anymore bros. Any games for this feel?

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town of salem

I legitimately had a good time playing Detroid for the first time this week. That thing is barely a videogame.

There's no filling that void. I'd say get a gf, but there's only one girl on this planet worth chasing and she's literally unobtainable

try playing good games instead

get into trading crypto .. and get new addiction


Give Insurgency a try. Immersion and one hit kills will make you feel like really dying. It might give you a new perspective.

Play Alpha Centauri
or any Civ

Need some context. If your burnt out on multiplayer, play something single player. If you burnt out on story. Play something with no ending.

Go for a walk, spend a few days hiking, go spend some time with friends and family, then come back with joyous occasion to your old friend

This. I too recently discovered that it's not that I've grown out of playing vidya, the problem is that boomers were right and most modern games unironically suck dick.

Time for those cyanide pills

or you can fuck off

Complete a permadeath run on the highest difficulty for each one of them.

just take a break from videogames. the world is full of things to do.

time to move on to another hobby. or at least take a break from vidya for a while

stop playing f2p online games

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Stay the fuck a way from CM if you want to keep your sanity


Replay the game among your favorites that you've gone the longest without playing. I picked up FFVII for the first time in almost 20 years and I haven't been more into a game in a very long time. It's reminding me why I gave a fuck about this medium in the first place.

Look into new hobbies. I want to give camping a try

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