Monster Hunter
Other urls found in this thread:
>that handler
literally no one asked for this movie
Goes to show how ugly in-game Handler is when she's outdone by 3DPD.
>real actors
>D tier actors on top of that
Dead on arrival
>original trailer was based on 4Ultimate
>final movie is World shit
>all these years having to remember this shit will exist
At least it's the final nail in the coffin that is MHW.
MHW is the farthest a MH has been to be "the final nail in the coffin"
That first trailer isn't looking so bad anymore, is it?
>final nail in the coffin that is MHW
11 million and counting
seething Swidget
the funny part is this will still be more faithful than most video-game movies because the monsters actually look like the ones from the games
>first trailer
i just wanna say thank you for not formating your post like that shitty twitter meme
The one with Rathalos fighting Gore in the shopping mall.
That wasn't a trailer iirc, just a tech demo/concept thing of some kind
I don't think it was actually ever released to the public too
Those CGI effects look horrible
i think the handler is super cute pls dont bully her
>westernized the handler in the game
>asianized her in the movie
Did the monster´s render looked real cheap and out of place or is it just me?
>that Diablos roar
Can't Hollywood do anything right
>milla jovovich
Is this being made by the same resident evil guys?
Tony Jaa Might make this okay
The director is her husband again.
This guarantees the movie will be a piece of shit that has nothing to do with source material other than some cosplayers walking around being secondary characters that die after doing nothing or between movies
rent free
Under premise Capcom operates. Do they seriously think normalfags will go see this shit. Resident Evil made money because zombies, who the fuck will go on some random dragons, old Milla and Tony Jaa with wacky weapons.
China might like it, which means it's gonna make a hell of a profit.
Honestly I'd be surprised if it even got a theatrical release in NA.
That CG didn't look good, the one from a couple years back looked better.
Calling it now, the last fight will have Milla doing that DB move that spins down the length of a large monster, and end in a slow-mo shot where she looks straight at the camera.
Friendly reminder that it's made by the same people who did this
I've seen lepers cuter than her
Whats the story on the source material?
Only good story was mh3 where the water dragon monster killed your brother
Doesn´t even have to be about a complex story or even retell one of the games plots. Just the generic "oh shit our village of hunters in at risk thanks to this new monster that showed up and is fucking shit up, better send our newest hunter at him". The dimensional travel leading to real world is retarded and unecessary. Mila being there almost guarantees the hunters will all be incompetent fucks and by the end she will use her powers of being a badass to show then how to hunt properly. Guess this last bit does sounds like a regular monster hunter plot, since your MC is the only one that can hunt anything larger than a velociraptor
Anti-Kino Cancer
I'm still gonna watch it just for some HD monster action desu
Maybe pirate
>who the fuck will go on some random dragons
The seething danyfags looking for their dragon fix
thanks for the free yous losers
You've posted this 5 times in the past 10 hours
Dany who?
i dont care, i still think she's cute and would gladly marry her and love her forever
>Isekai shit with the American military
>Mila Can'tactbutisfuckingthedirector-ovich
>said director is the RE movies guy
hard pass
I love Milla!
>only gets into movies because she’s hot
>accepts this fact and rolls with being the cookie cutter action chick, even working to be semi competent at said action scenes
>marries the guy who makes all of these shitty movies that still prints money
I would almost say Jovovich is based, instead of being a whiny bitch about how she deserves all of those A-list roles. But of course, like all Hollywood kikes, she’s a loony leftist. A shame.
The gal who they cast as Jill in the first was the best thing about the movie
Daily reminder that this movie was rumored during the PSP era
Announced during the 3DS era
And is now coming out in a time where World is old news
Is it wrong that I feel nostalgic over a movie that's yet to be released? I still remember before we even had /vg/, catching a rare MH thread on Yea Forums and discussing this movie.